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This repository was archived by the owner on Feb 15, 2025. It is now read-only.

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2095 lines (1497 loc) · 133 KB

File metadata and controls

2095 lines (1497 loc) · 133 KB

Newer changelogs are available in the main CHANGES file.

0.23.0 / 2018-08-03

Breaking Changes

  • Updated Inferno config for Inferno 5 - inferno-* packages (such as inferno-compat) work again with Webpack 4 [#440]


  • Added prepublishOnly to react-component and web-module project package.json scripts, which invokes npm run build prior to publishing [#436] [hanford]
  • Added npm.umd.entry config to specify a different entry point for the UMD build in npm module projects. Currently, the UMD build requires an entry point which must have a default export [#411]


  • Always add CopyPlugin when webpack.copy config is provided [#431]
  • Remove use of object destructuring from render shims - fixes output of quick build commands in IE11 [#453]


  • autoprefixer: v8.1.0 → v9.0.2
  • babel-core: v6.26.0 → v6.26.3
  • babel-loader: v7.1.4 → v7.1.5
  • babel-plugin-inferno: v4.0.0 → v5.0.1
  • babel-plugin-istanbul: v4.1.5 → v4.1.6
  • babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy: v1.3.4 → v1.3.5
  • chalk: v2.3.2 → v2.4.1
  • copy-template-dir: v1.3.0 → v1.4.0
  • copy-webpack-plugin: v4.5.1 → v4.5.2
  • css-loader: v0.28.10 → v1.0.0
  • detect-port: v1.2.2 → v1.2.3
  • filesize: v3.6.0 → v3.6.1
  • fs-extra: v6.0.0 → v7.0.0
  • gzip-size: v4.1.0 → v5.0.0 - dropped Node.js 4 support
  • html-webpack-plugin: v3.0.6 → v3.2.0
  • inquirer: v5.1.0 → v6.0.0
  • karma: v2.0.0 → v2.0.5
  • karma-coverage: v1.1.1 → v1.1.2
  • karma-webpack: v2.0.13 → v3.0.0
  • mini-css-extract-plugin v0.2.0 → v0.4.1
  • mocha: v5.0.4 → v5.2.0
  • opn: v5.2.0 → v5.3.0
  • ora: v2.0.0 → v3.0.0
  • postcss-loader: v2.1.1 → v2.1.6
  • resolve: v1.5.0 → v1.8.1
  • run-series: v1.1.6 → v1.1.8
  • style-loader: v0.20.2 → v0.21.0
  • uglifyjs-webpack-plugin: v1.2.3 → v1.2.7
  • webpack: v4.1.1 → v4.16.4
  • webpack-dev-middleware: v3.0.1 → v3.1.3
  • webpack-dev-server: v3.1.1 → v3.1.5
  • webpack-hot-middleware: v2.21.2 → v2.22.3
  • webpack-merge: v4.1.2 → v4.1.4
  • whatwg-fetch: v2.0.3 → v2.0.4


0.22.0 / 2018-03-13

Breaking Changes

  • Node.js 4 is no longer supported; Node.js 6.11.5 is now the minimum required version, as per Webpack 4 [#400]
  • Updated to Webpack 4 - if you were customising your build with nwb.config.js, some of the nwb config you depended on may have changed, and the options Webpack accepts may have changed [#409]
    • Webpack's new mode option is now set to activate Webpack 4's new defaults, which removes the need for a bunch of manual configuration nwb was doing:
      • ModuleConcatenationPlugin is now automatically enabled in production mode instead of being explicitly configured, so nwb's webpack.hoisting config has been removed.
      • NamedModulesPlugin is now automatically used in development mode instead of being explicitly configured.
      • Development UMD builds for modules now use production mode with minimization disabled, as the new development mode defaults are unsuitable for code which will be published to npm.
    • Webpack's optimization options are now used for certain pieces of configuration:
      • optimization.noEmitOnErrors is used instead of NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin to prevent emission of assets when using Hot Module Replacement.
      • UglifyJS is now configured via optimization.minimize/optimization.minimizer instead of just adding UglifyJsPlugin directly to plugins.
      • CommonsChunkPlugin has been removed in Webpack 4 - optimization.runtimeChunk is now configured to create a runtime chunk (which replaces the old manifest chunk) and optimization.splitChunks is configured to create a vendor bundle.
    • Replaced used of ExtractTextPlugin with MiniCssExtractPlugin:
      • Separate CSS files are now created and loaded on-demand for code splits.
      • Replaced webpack.extractText config with webpack.extractCSS config - this is not backwards-compatible, as plugin options differ.
    • Webpack's default performance option size warnings have been disabled (for now).
  • Updated Inferno config for Inferno 4 - see the Inferno v4 migration guide for breaking changes [#429]
    • nwb new inferno-app now asks if you want to install inferno-compat as it's no longer a single dependency, defaulting to not installing it.
  • nwb new preact-app now asks if you want to install preact-compat, defaulting to not installing it.
  • Updated to Mocha 5, which dropped support for IE9 and IE10 and fixed some false positives.
  • Removed support for deprecated webpack.compat.enzyme, webpack.compat.sinon and = 'old' config.

Known Issues


  • Added an -f/--force flag to nwb new to accept defaults and skip questions.


  • The dev server's fallback index.html serving can now be configured with dot arguments - e.g. pass --fallback.disableDotRule if you need to use dots in your path when using the HTML5 History API.
  • --no-polyfill can now be used to disable default polyfills for app projects as well as quick commands.


  • autoprefixer: v7.2.5 → v8.1.0
  • babel-loader: v7.1.2 → v7.1.4
  • babel-plugin-inferno: v3.3.1 → v4.0.0
  • case-sensitive-paths-webpack-plugin: v2.1.1 → v2.1.2
  • chalk: v2.3.0 → v2.3.2
  • copy-webpack-plugin: v4.3.1 → v4.5.1
  • cross-spawn: v6.0.4 → v6.0.5
  • css-loader: v0.28.9 → v0.28.10
  • extract-text-webpack-plugin v3.0.0 → mini-css-extract-plugin v0.2.0
  • file-loader: v1.1.6 → v1.1.11
  • filesize: v3.5.11 → v3.6.0
  • html-webpack-plugin: v2.30.1 → v3.0.6
  • inquirer: v3.3.0 → v5.1.0 - latest version requires Node.js 6
  • karma-webpack: v2.0.9 → v2.0.13
  • mocha: v4.1.0 → v5.0.4
  • npm-install-webpack-plugin v4.0.5 → @insin/npm-install-webpack-plugin v5.0.0 - Webpack 4 compatibility
  • ora: v1.3.0 → v2.0.0
  • postcss-loader: v2.0.10 → v2.1.1
  • style-loader: v0.20.1 → v0.20.2 - skip empty url()s
  • uglifyjs-webpack-plugin: v1.1.8 → v1.2.3
  • url-loader: v0.6.2 → v1.0.1
  • webpack: v3.10.0 → v4.1.1
  • webpack-dev-middleware: v1.12.2 → v3.0.1
  • webpack-dev-server: v2.9.7 → v3.1.1
  • webpack-hot-middleware: v2.21.0 → v2.21.2
  • webpack-merge: v4.1.1 → v4.1.2


  • Updated StatusPlugin and InlineRuntimePlugin to use the Use the new Webpack 4 .hooks plugin API.


0.21.5 / 2018-02-02


  • cross-spawn: v6.0.3 → v6.0.4

0.21.4 / 2018-01-30


  • Fixed validation of webpack.compat locale properties [#425]
  • Fixed false negative when checking if the port is available when devServer.port is specified as a String [#423]


  • uglifyjs-webpack-plugin: v1.1.6 → v1.1.8 - reduce memory consumption

0.21.3 / 2018-01-28



0.21.2 / 2018-01-17


  • Fixed validation of babel.env config [#420] [ngyikp]


0.21.1 / 2018-01-12


  • Fixed validation of webpack.extractText = false config, which disables extraction of imported stylesheets into .css files [#418]


  • postcss-loader: v2.0.9 → v2.0.10
  • uglifyjs-webpack-plugin: v1.1.5 → v1.1.6

0.21.0 / 2018-01-03

Breaking Changes

  • Validation of the configuration object provided by nwb.config.js files has been expanded, so previously valid config files may now be invalid [#136]
    • Unexpected properties in top-level configuration or in babel, karma, npm and webpack configuration (i.e. anything that's not documented in the Configuration docs) are now treated as errors [#193]
    • Basic type checking is now performed for all documented configuration properties.
    • After upgrading, run nwb check-config to check your configuration file.
  • Updated to UglifyJSPlugin 1.x, which supports ES2015 syntax and adds options to enable filesystem caching and use multiple processes to improve build speed, which nwb enables by default [#412]
    • Review any custom webpack.uglify config you have against the new version's options documentation - options for UglifyJS itself must now be passed as an uglifyOptions object and some of UglifyJS' default options have changed.
  • Node.js 4.8.0 is now the minimum required version, based on the engines config of nwb's dependencies.

nwb.config.js Config Changes

  • Deprecated the webpack.compat.sinon flag for Sinon 1.x compatibility settings, as subsequent major versions since July 2017 support Webpack out of the box.


  • Fixed testing React component/library and web module projects when using export extensions - the Babel stage preset wasn't being defaulted to preset-stage-1, which includes the export extensions plugin [#364]


  • Added an --open flag to open the app in your default browser or in a named browser (e.g. --open="Google Chrome") after starting a Webpack dev server [#334]
  • You can now provide a babel.config() function which will be given the generated Babel config to do whatever it wants with.
  • You can now provide a karma.config() function which will be given the generated Karma config to do whatever it wants with [#408]



  • autoprefixer: v7.1.6 → v7.2.4
  • babel-plugin-inferno: v3.3.0 → v3.3.1
  • copy-webpack-plugin: v4.2.1 → v4.3.1
  • file-loader: v1.1.5 → v1.1.6
  • gzip-size: v4.0.0 → v4.1.0
  • karma: v1.7.1 → v2.0.0
  • karma-webpack: v2.0.6 → v2.0.9
  • mocha: v4.0.1 → v4.1.0
  • postcss-loader: v2.0.8 → v2.0.9
  • style-loader: v0.19.0 → v0.19.1
  • webpack: v3.8.1 → v3.10.0
  • webpack-dev-middleware: v1.12.0 → v1.12.2
  • webpack-dev-server: v2.9.4 → v2.9.7
  • webpack-hot-middleware: v2.20.0 → v2.21.0


  • Added missing docs for webpack.copy config
  • Added more headings to the Commands docs to make them easier to browse, and to make feature flags such as --copy-files for component builds more visible [#407]

0.20.0 / 2017-11-18

Breaking Changes

  • Updated UMD build config to export the default export of the entry point, rather than an ES modules interop object which looks something like {__esModule: true, default: Getter}, which was unintended behaviour. This will break any existing usage of UMD builds which depended on manually accessing the unintended default property [#402]
  • Updated to Mocha 4, which comes with a number of breaking changes. These are mostly related to dropping support for older versions of Node.js and non-ES5-compliant browsers.


  • Bump the default React peerDependency version for react-component projects to 16.x - fixes creating components with npm 2.


  • copy-webpack-plugin: v4.2.0 → v4.2.1
  • detect-port: v1.2.1 → v1.2.2
  • karma-webpack: v2.0.5 → v2.0.6
  • mocha: v3.4.2 → v4.0.1 - dropped support for old versions of Node.js and non-ES5-compliant browsers


  • Documented --unsafe-perm workaround for PhantomJS' postinstall step failing on some OSes when installing globally with npm 5 [#383]

0.19.2 / 2017-11-09


  • Backed out use of preact/debug in favour of preact/devtools, as the debug module tries to override the preact module's render export, which fails due to Webpack enforcing the read-only nature of ES module exports.

0.19.1 / 2017-11-04

nwb.config.js Config Changes

  • Deprecated the webpack.compat.enzyme flag for Enzyme v2 compatibility settings. Upgrade to Enzyme v3 when you can, which supports React all the way back to v0.13.


  • Added 'createClass' and 'createReactClass' to the factory function names React Transform looks for, so React component hot reloading will work for apps using create-react-class imported as one of those names.


  • nwb is now also tested against Node 8 now that it's the Long Term Support version.
  • Reverted the Webpack settings change for webpack.compat.enzyme config in v0.19.0, as it only applied while the version numbers of published React packages were out of sync. The compatibility settings assume Enzyme v2 and React >= v15.5.
  • style-loader's new hmr option is set to false when creating builds to prevent inclusion of its HMR code.


  • autoprefixer: v7.1.4 → v7.1.6
  • babel-plugin-inferno: v3.2.0 → v3.3.0
  • babel-plugin-transform-react-remove-prop-types: v0.4.8 → v0.4.10
  • babel-preset-env: v1.6.0 → v1.7.0
  • chalk: v2.1.0 → v2.3.0
  • copy-webpack-plugin: v4.1.0 → v4.2.0
  • extract-text-webpack-plugin: v3.0.0 → v3.0.2
  • file-loader: v1.1.4 → v1.1.5
  • filesize: v3.5.10 → v3.5.11
  • karma-mocha-reporter: v2.2.4 → v2.2.5
  • karma-webpack: v2.0.4 → v2.0.5
  • phantomjs-prebuilt: v2.1.15 → v2.1.16
  • postcss-loader: v2.0.6 → v2.0.8
  • resolve: v1.4.0 → v1.5.0
  • style-loader: v0.18.2 → v0.19.0
  • url-loader: v0.5.9 → v0.6.2
  • webpack: v3.6.0 → v3.8.1
  • webpack-dev-server: v2.9.1 → v2.9.4
  • webpack-hot-middleware: v2.19.1 → v2.20.0
  • webpack-merge: v4.1.0 → v4.1.1

0.19.0 / 2017-10-02

Breaking Changes

  • Removed hooking of React, Preact and Inferno render() functions in quick commands, as this won't work with ES modules builds (which are used by default in Webpack v3). This affected the current version of Preact at the time of writing.
    • If you're manually using render() with quick commands, you must now handle providing the target DOM node too - document.getElementById('app') is available in the default HTML template.



  • Now using babel-preset-env instead of deprecated babel-preset-es201X presets [#375]
  • Use beautify: true for webpack.debug output so code split bundles are readable.


  • autoprefixer: v7.1.2 → v7.1.4
  • babel-cli: v6.24.1 → v6.26.0
  • babel-core: v6.24.1 → v6.26.0
  • babel-loader: v7.1.1 → v7.1.2
  • babel-plugin-istanbul: v4.1.4 → v4.1.5
  • babel-plugin-react-transform: v2.0.2 → v3.0.0 - add React.PureComponent to the list of default super classes
  • babel-plugin-transform-react-remove-prop-types: v0.4.6 → v0.4.8
  • babel-polyfill: v6.23.0 → v6.26.0
  • babel-runtime: v6.25.0 → v6.26.0
  • chalk: v2.0.1 → v2.1.0
  • copy-webpack-plugin: v4.0.1 → v4.1.0
  • css-loader: v0.28.4 → v0.28.7
  • file-loader: v0.11.2 → v1.1.4
  • gzip-size: v3.0.0 → v4.0.0 - async interface now uses Promises
  • html-webpack-plugin: v2.29.0 → v2.30.1
  • inquirer: v3.2.1 → v3.3.0
  • karma-mocha-reporter: v2.2.3 → v2.2.4
  • karma: v1.7.0 → v1.7.1
  • mocha: v3.4.2 → v3.5.3
  • phantomjs-prebuilt: v2.1.14 → v2.1.15 - fix security issues with dependencies
  • webpack-dev-middleware: v1.11.0 → v1.12.0
  • webpack-dev-server: v2.6.1 → v2.9.1
  • webpack-hot-middleware: v2.18.2 → v2.19.0
  • webpack: v3.4.1 → v3.6.0

0.18.10 / 2017-07-27


  • Fix dev server HMR for people running on different hosts or a different localhost port [#356] [DethAriel]


  • babel-runtime: v6.23.0 → v6.25.0
  • resolve: v1.3.3 → v1.4.0
  • webpack: v3.4.0 → v3.4.1

0.18.9 / 2017-07-26


  • Now using preact/debug instead of preact/devtools in quick Preact commands and the Preact project skeleton - requires Preact >= 8.2.0


  • inquirer: v3.2.0 → v3.2.1
  • promise: v8.0.0 → v8.0.1
  • webpack: v3.2.0 → v3.4.0 - bug fixes; now watches for missing directories being added; perf improvements
  • webpack-dev-server: v2.5.1 → v2.6.1

0.18.8 / 2017-07-16


  • promise: v8.0.0 → v8.0.1
  • webpack: v3.2.0 → v3.3.0 - bug fixes; now watches for missing directories being added

0.18.7 / 2017-07-12



  • extract-text-webpack-plugin: v3.0.0-rc.2 → v3.0.0
  • webpack: v3.1.0 → v3.2.0 - bug fixes


0.18.6 / 2017-07-10


  • extract-text-webpack-plugin: v3.0.0-rc.1 → v3.0.0-rc.2 - fix module sorting type error
  • inquirer: v3.1.1 → v3.2.0

0.18.5 / 2017-07-09


  • extract-text-webpack-plugin: v3.0.0-beta.3 → v3.0.0-rc.1
  • karma-webpack: v2.0.3 → v2.0.4 - Webpack 3 support
  • webpack-dev-server: v2.5.0 → v2.5.1 - Webpack 3 support

0.18.4 / 2017-07-07


  • Fixed use of @import in CSS by adding ident back to postcss-loader config [#311]
  • Fixed config validation error being thrown when using webpack.styles config for custom preprocessor plugin rules [#342]
  • Fixed display of valid properties when an invalid property is used when configuring a custom webpack.styles rule.


  • Added webpack.debug config to trigger creation of a more debuggable production build [#336]

    The recommended way to use this is via a config argument:

    npm run build -- --webpack.debug
  • Added support for the following arguments when building a React component's demo:

    • --title - set the generated demo index.html's <title>
    • --vendor - enable creation of a vendor bundle for modules imported from node_modules/ [#335]


  • autoprefixer: v7.1.1 → v7.1.2
  • babel-loader: v7.1.0 → v7.1.1 - don't read .babelrc for cache identifier when babelrc=false (nwb uses this option)
  • chalk: v1.1.3 → v2.0.1
  • extract-text-webpack-plugin: v2.1.2 → v3.0.0-beta.3 - Webpack 3 support
  • html-webpack-plugin: v2.28.0 → v2.29.0 - Webpack 3 support
  • karma-chrome-launcher: v2.1.1 → v2.2.0
  • webpack: v3.0.0 → v3.1.0 - perf boost; fix ordering in ExtractTextPlugin
  • webpack-hot-middleware: v2.18.0 → v2.18.2

0.18.3 / 2017-06-22


  • Quick build command config was being created before the default NODE_ENV = production was applied, so output filenames didn't include a chunkhash by default.


  • webpack-dev-middleware: v1.10.2 → v1.11.0 - Webpack 3 support

0.18.2 / 2017-06-22


  • Fixed clearing the console by default when running the development server.


  • babel-loader: v7.0.0 → v7.1.0 - Webpack 3 support


0.18.1 / 2017-06-20


  • npm-install-webpack2-plugin: v5.0.0 → v5.0.1 - fix Webpack 3 support

0.18.0 / 2017-06-20

Breaking Changes


  • Fixed display of user config errors when running the dev server.




  • inquirer: v3.1.0 → v3.1.1
  • npm-install-webpack2-plugin: v4.1.1 → v5.0.0 - drop Webpack 1 and add Webpack 3 to peerDeps
  • promise: v7.3.0 → v8.0.0
  • webpack: v2.6.1 → v3.0.0
  • webpack-dev-server: v2.4.5 → v2.5.0

0.17.3 / 2017-07-07


Backported fixes from 0.18:

  • Fixed use of @import in CSS by adding ident back to postcss-loader config [#311]
  • Fixed display of valid properties when an invalid property is used when configuring a custom webpack.styles rule.

0.17.2 / 2017-07-04


Backported fixes from 0.18:

  • Fixed display of user config errors when running the development server.
  • Fixed clearing the console by default when running the development server.
  • Quick build command config was being created before the default NODE_ENV = production was applied, so output filenames didn't include a chunkhash by default.
  • Fixed config validation error when running the development server and using webpack.styles config for custom preprocessor plugin rules.

0.17.1 / 2017-06-19


  • Fixed using a custom port for the dev server - Webpack Dev Server's client didn't like the format we were specifying the URL for the Hot Module Reloading connection in [#328]
  • Use the correct protocol in the 'The app is running at...' successful compilation message when using HTTPS.

0.17.0 / 2017-06-17

Breaking Changes

  • Now using Webpack Dev Server (instead of running a basic Express development server).

    Webpack Dev Server has security features which you may need to configure your way around if you're using --host or if your development setup involves hitting the dev server from a different host.

    Please create an issue if you're affected by this change and there's something nwb can do to mitigate dev server problems without compromising security.

React components/libraries

  • A --[keep-]proptypes flag replaces --no[-wrap]-proptypes to disable wrapping of propTypes in React component project builds so they'll be stripped from a production build.


  • The process will now exit with a non-zero code when a Webpack build completes with errors [#290]
  • Fixed transpiling of ES2017 features when use of a stage-X preset is disabled with babel.stage = false config.
  • Fixed hmre = false Express middleware option for disabling use of React Transform to attempt to handle Hot Module Reloading for React components and render() error display [#263]


  • Fixed importing React components when serving a Preact app - this was missed when fixing preact-compat configuration issues from v0.16.0.




  • Added an nwb web (run|build) command for quick development with vanilla JavaScript (i.e. you're in charge of rendering).


  • Added devServer config to configure Webpack Dev Server options, which include:
    • devServer.historyApiFallback.disableDotRule can be enabled if you need to use dots in your path when using the HTML5 History API
    • devServer.https can be used to enable HTTPS
    • devServer.proxy can be used to proxy certain URLs to a separate API backend development server
  • Added a type option to nwb's Express middleware to set the project type (one of react, preact, inferno or web) manually, enabling use of the middleware without a config file.



npm modules

  • Default Babel config for react-component and web-module projects now uses babel-preset-stage-1, so you can use export extensions by default if you need to re-export a library's modules in src/index.js [#284]
  • Default Travis CI config for react-component and web-module projects now only uses Node 6 by default for quicker builds.


  • preact/devtools is now imported in development mode to enable use of React Developer Tools when using nwb preact run. This has also been added to the preact-app template.

    For existing Preact apps, add the following to its entry point to enable this:

    if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {

React components/libraries

  • prop-types imports are now also removed from React component UMD production builds.



  • babel-core: v6.24.1 → v6.25.0
  • babel-plugin-transform-react-remove-prop-types: v0.4.5 → v0.4.6 - fix use in Node 4
  • babel-preset-es2017: v6.24.1
  • detect-port: v1.1.3 → v1.2.1
  • extract-text-webpack-plugin: v2.1.0 → v2.1.2
  • file-loader: v0.11.1 → v0.11.2 - publicPath option changes
  • inquirer: v3.0.6 → v3.1.0
  • ora: v1.2.0 → v1.3.0
  • postcss-loader: v2.0.5 → v2.0.6
  • promise: v7.1.1 → v7.3.0
  • style-loader: v0.18.1 → v0.18.2
  • url-loader: v0.5.8 → v0.5.9
  • webpack-dev-server: v2.4.5

0.16.3 / 2017-05-31


  • case-sensitive-paths-webpack-plugin: v2.0.0 → v2.1.1 - don't intercept Webpack "File not found" error, resolve issue with not recognising when a new file is added

0.16.2 / 2017-05-31


  • Fixed validation of webpack.styles config to allow it to be set to false [#312] [seanofw]


  • css-loader: v0.28.3 → v0.28.4 - preserve leading underscore in class names

0.16.1 / 2017-05-31


  • Fixed bad render shim paths which were breaking the nwb react, nwb preact and nwb inferno quick development commands.
  • Fixed nwb preact commands and nwb react's --preact[-compat] when used with Preact 8 by removing a workaround for an old preact-compat distribution issue.



  • css-loader: v0.28.3 → v0.28.4 - preserve leading underscore in class names

0.16.0 / 2017-05-29

Breaking Changes:

  • Global react, preact, and inferno commands are no longer installed when nwb is installed globally [#308]

    These are now subcommands of the global nwb command, to avoid conflicting with global commands installed by official tools for these libraries, e.g. preact-cli is now available, which provides a global preact command.

  • Node.js 4.6.0 is now the minimum required version, based on the engines config of nwb's dependencies,

  • A separate Webpack rule for stylesheets imported from node_modules/ is no longer created by default.

    For backwards compatibility you can set config to 'old' to use the old default behaviour - this capability will be removed in a future release.

  • The Babel plugin for Inferno now requires Inferno >= 1.5 and is not backwards-compatible with 1.4.

  • Default Webpack config now sets module.strictExportPresence = true so a missing export is now a compile error.

  • Default ExtractTextPlugin now sets allChunks = true to extract stylesheets from all chunks and avoid including the style-loader runtime in builds by default.


  • You can now control how Webpack rules are created for stylesheets via webpack.styles config.

    This allows you to set up multiple rules for your own stylesheets (e.g. using CSS Modules only for stylesheets in a particular directory) and to provide rules for dependencies which need a specific Webpack rule for their stylesheets.

    You can also disable creation of stylesheet rules by setting webpack.styles to false.

  • Re-enabled the react-constant-elements transform for React production builds, due to significant bug fixes.

  • Added a --no-hmre flag for use when serving a React app, to disable use of React Transform to attempt to automatically handle Hot Module Replacement for React components and display an overlay with render() errors [#263]

  • Added support for intl and react-intl in webpack.compat config [#260] [grahamlyus]

  • You can now provide a webpack.config() function which will be given the generated Webpack config to do whatever it wants with [#256]

  • You can now provide use config with a list of loaders in webpack.rules to replace a rule's default loader with chained loaders [#256]

  • You can now disable a default Webpack config rule by setting it to false [#256]


  • Default options are no longer used if you provide a custom loader for a rule in webpack.rules [#256]
  • React project templates now use classes and React.Component instead of React.createClass(), which is deprecated as of React v15.5 [#216]


  • Fixed chunk hash not changing when imports in a split chunk are changed, by dropping use of the webpack-md5-hash plugin [#301] [grahamlyus]
  • Added missing config for CopyWebpackPlugin when serving a react-component project's demo app, so any static content in demo/public/ will be also served by the dev server [#307]
  • Removed node_modules/ caching from default Travis CI config in project skeletons, as it's been reported to cause build failures [#271]
  • An output directory specified with a trailing slash is now cleaned properly when creating a build.
  • A loader configured for a Webpack rule is no longer moved into the options object when an options object hasn't been explicitly configured [#256]
  • Fixed cleaning nested dirs, including a demo app's demo/dist/ dir.
  • Fixed cleaning output directories specified with a trailing slash.


  • autoprefixer: v6.7.0 → v7.1.1
  • babel-cli: v6.22.2 → v6.24.1
  • babel-core: v6.22.1 → v6.24.1
  • babel-loader: v6.2.10 → v7.0.0
  • babel-plugin-inferno: v1.7.0 → v3.2.0 - adds support for Inferno 1.5, not backwards-compatible with 1.4
  • babel-plugin-istanbul: v3.1.2 → v4.1.4 - drop support for Node.js 0.10 and v0.12
  • babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx: v6.22.0 → v6.24.1
  • babel-plugin-transform-react-remove-prop-types: v0.2.11 → v0.4.5 - dropped support for React.createClass() in favour of the new create-react-class package
  • babel-plugin-transform-runtime: v6.22.0 → v6.23.0
  • babel-polyfill: v6.22.0 → v6.23.0
  • babel-preset-es2015: v6.22.0 → v6.24.1
  • babel-preset-es2016: v6.22.0 → v6.24.1
  • babel-preset-react: v6.22.0 → v6.24.1
  • babel-preset-stage-0: v6.22.0 → v6.24.1
  • babel-preset-stage-1: v6.22.0 → v6.24.1
  • babel-preset-stage-2: v6.22.0 → v6.24.1
  • babel-preset-stage-3: v6.22.0 → v6.24.1
  • babel-runtime: v6.22.0 → v6.23.0
  • case-sensitive-paths-webpack-plugin: v1.1.4 → v2.0.0 - use the file system exposed by the compiler
  • css-loader: v0.26.1 → v0.28.3 - added an alias option
  • detect-port: v1.1.0 → v1.1.3
  • express: v4.14.0 → v4.15.3
  • file-loader: v0.9.0 → v0.11.1 - added useRelativePath option
  • filesize: v3.4.3 → v3.5.10
  • inquirer: v3.0.1 → v3.0.6
  • karma: v1.4.0 → v1.7.0
  • karma-chrome-launcher: v2.0.0 → v2.1.1 - add support for headless Chrome/ChromeCanary
  • karma-mocha-reporter: v2.2.2 → v2.2.3
  • karma-phantomjs-launcher: v1.0.2 → v1.0.4 - fixed more path issues
  • karma-webpack: v2.0.1 → v2.0.3 - don't swallow configuration errors
  • mocha: v3.2.0 → v3.4.2
  • ora: v1.1.0 → v1.2.0 - added warn() and info() utilities
  • postcss-loader: v1.2.2 → v2.0.5 - validate options
  • resolve: v1.2.0 → v1.3.3
  • style-loader: v0.13.1 → v0.18.1
  • url-loader: v0.5.7 → v0.5.8 - fix loader util deprecation warning
  • webpack: v2.2.1 → v2.6.1 - import() can now configure a chunk name, require.ensure() can now take an error callback, added module.strictExportPresence
  • webpack-dev-middleware: v1.9.0 → v1.10.2 - CORS security fix
  • webpack-hot-middleware: v2.15.0 → v2.18.0 - client overlay style can now be customised with CSS using #webpack-hot-middleware-clientOverlay
  • webpack-merge: v2.4.0 → v4.1.0
  • whatwg-fetch: v2.0.2 → v2.0.3


  • Use fs and fs-extra instead of glob and rimraf, which are now only devDependencies.

0.15.8 / 2017-05-11


  • extract-text-webpack-plugin: v2.1.0 - fix bad scoped version in nwb v0.15.7
  • html-webpack-plugin: v2.26.0 → v2.28.0 - revert relative loader resolving change from v2.25.0 back to a full path
  • webpack: v2.2.0 → v2.2.1 - ident is now automatic, fixes issue passing options to postcss-loader

0.15.7 / 2017-05-11




  • Fixed typo in clean command in react-component skeleton [#283] [totaldis]


0.15.6 / 2017-02-11


  • Explicitly call process.exit(0) from the nwb command when there are no errors running a command [#262]

0.15.5 / 2017-02-06


  • Fixed blank version being set for the React peerDependency in new react-component projects.
  • Use the transpiled ES5 version of preact-compat for compatibility builds using react build with the --preact flag, to prevent UglifyJS errors [#244]

0.15.4 / 2017-01-26


  • Support the Array version of deprecated webpack.postcss config.
  • Tell the user they're including redundant config if they've manually configured inferno-compat or preact-compat aliases for React modules [#247]

0.15.3 / 2017-01-25


  • Added a missing .default to the Preact project skeleton where CommonJS require() was being used to import an ES module [#245]

    .default must now be used to access the default export from an ES module when importing with CommonJS require() as Webpack 2 prevents module format mixing, which was previously used to provide CommonJS interop.

0.15.2 / 2017-01-25


  • Use the transpiled ES5 version of preact-compat, as UglifyJS can't handle the ES module build [#244]

0.15.1 / 2017-01-25


  • Remove hints about possibly not needing babel.cherryPick due to Webpack 2 tree shaking, as this doesn't currently appear to be true.

0.15.0 / 2017-01-25

Breaking Changes:

  • Upgraded from Webpack 1 to Webpack 2 [#110]

    Minimum Node.js version increased from 4.2 to 4.3 - this is Webpack 2's minimum supported Node.js version.

    Strict Webpack configuration - Webpack 2 is strict about what appears in its configuration object. If you're using webpack.extra config, it must conform to Webpack 2's configuration format or your build will fail with a validation error.

    Dropped CommonJS compatibility when importing ES modules - Webpack 2 no longer allows you to mix CommonJS modules with ECMAScript modules - if a module uses import or export syntax, exports will be undefined and module.exports will be read-only and undefined.

    As a result, we can no longer provide CommonJS interop by default for ES Modules - you will need to check your code for usage of CommonJS require() to import ES modules and tack a .default on the end if you need to use the module's export default.

    If you used nwb's Preact project skeleton, the init() function in index.js needs to have a .default tacked on when the App component is being imported.

    Custom top-level properties no longer allowed in Webpack configuration - Webpack 2 no longer allows custom top-level properties in its configuration. Loader configuration which can't be serialised, such as plugin objects, can now be provided directly as loader options instead using webpack.rules config instead.

    This includes postcss-loader, which is now configured via webpack.rules instead of having its own special webpack.postcss config.

nwb.config.js Config Format Changes:

For deprecations, nwb will continue to support the old format for the next couple of releases, displaying warning messages about the changes required and adapting deprecated config for use in the current version where possible.

If you have an nwb.config.js file, run nwb check-config after updating nwb to find out if there's anything you need to change.

  • Deprecated karma.testDirs, renaming this config to karma.excludeFromCoverage, as it can be configured to exclude any paths from code coverage, not just directories [#236]

    // < v0.15                         // v0.15
    module.exports = {                 module.exports = {
      karma: {                           karma: {
        testDirs: [                =>      excludeFromCoverage: [
          'test/',                           'test/',
          'path/to/ignorethis.js'            'path/to/ignorethis.js'
        ]                                  ]
      }                                  }
    }                                  }
  • Deprecated webpack.loaders, renaming this config to webpack.rules to match Webpack 2's new config format:

    // < v0.15              // v0.15
    module.exports = {      module.exports = {
      webpack: {              webpack: {
        loaders: {      =>      rules: {
          /* ... */               /* ... */
        }                       }
      }                       }
    }                       }
  • Deprecated use of a query property to configure Webpack rule options as a separate object - an options property should now be used as per Webpack 2's new config format:

    // < v0.15                        // v0.15
    module.exports = {                module.exports = {
      webpack: {                        webpack: {
        loaders: {                        rules: {
          css: {                            css: {
            query: {              =>          options: {
              modules: /* ... */                modules: /* ... */
            }                                 }
          }                                 }
        }                                 }
      }                                 }
    }                                 }

    You can also still configure loader options as a flat object to make this particular change irrelevant:

    module.exports = {
      webpack: {
        rules: {
          css: {
            modules: /* ... */
  • Deprecated configuring PostCSS plugins with special webpack.postcss config - postcss-loader can now be configured like any other loader using webpack.rules config:

    // < v0.15                           // v0.15
    module.exports = {                   module.exports = {
      webpack: {                           webpack: {
        postcss: [                   =>      rules: {
          require('precss')(),                 postcss: {
          require('autoprefixer')()              plugins: [
        ]                                          require('precss')(),
      }                                            require('autoprefixer')()
    }                                            ]


  • Removed support for configuration which was deprecated in nwb v0.12.
  • Removed support for json-schema in webpack.compat config, as this library has now been fixed [#227]


  • autoprefixer: v6.6.1 → v6.7.0
  • babel-cli: v6.18.0 → v6.22.2
  • babel-core: v6.21.0 → v6.22.1
  • babel-plugin-inferno: v1.5.0 → v1.7.0 - make plugin ES5-environment compatible; add option to import createVNode
  • babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx: v6.8.0 → v6.22.0
  • babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx-self: v6.11.0 → v6.22.0
  • babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx-source: v6.9.0 → v6.22.0
  • babel-plugin-transform-runtime: v6.15.0 → v6.22.0
  • babel-polyfill: v6.20.0 → v6.22.0
  • babel-preset-es2015: v6.18.0 → v6.22.0
  • babel-preset-es2016: v6.16.0 → v6.22.0
  • babel-preset-react : v6.16.0 → v6.22.0
  • babel-preset-stage-0: v6.16.0 → v6.22.0
  • babel-preset-stage-1: v6.16.0 → v6.22.0
  • babel-preset-stage-2: v6.18.0 → v6.22.0
  • babel-preset-stage-3: v6.17.0 → v6.22.0
  • babel-runtime: v6.20.0 → v6.22.0
  • detect-port: v1.0.7 → v1.1.0
  • filesize: v3.3.0 → v3.4.3
  • html-webpack-plugin: v2.24.1 → v2.26.0 - Webpack 2 RC support
  • inquirer: v2.0.0 → v3.0.1 - drop Node.js 0.12 support
  • karma: v1.3.0 → v1.4.0
  • karma-mocha-reporter: v2.2.1 → v2.2.2
  • karma-webpack: v1.8.0 → v2.0.1 - Webpack 2 RC support
  • object-assign: v4.1.0 → v4.1.1
  • ora: v0.4.1 → v1.1.0 - text can now be changed while stopping and persisting
  • postcss-loader: v1.2.1 → v1.2.2
  • webpack: v1.14.0 → v2.2.0 - \o/
  • webpack-merge: v2.3.1 → v2.4.0
  • whatwg-fetch: v2.0.1 → v2.0.2

Temporarily Scoped Dependencies:

These are being scoped to both make use of unreleased features and to test them out:

  • @insin/extract-text-webpack-plugin - scoped until this PR is merged and released
  • @insin/npm-install-webpack-plugin - scoped until new features are merged and released


  • Dropped unused fs-extra dependency.
  • Use babel-preset-env when transpiling to lib/, targeting Node.js 4 [#233]
  • Use ES2015 String methods available in Node.js 4 instead of String.prototype.indexOf comparisons [#222]

0.14.3 / 2017-01-21


0.14.2 / 2017-01-20


  • Fix using Express middleware with a config file which exports a function [#238]

0.14.1 / 2017-01-13


  • Fix running tests with base config only (web-app and web-module projects).


  • Downgrade html-webpack-plugin to v2.24.1 while issues later versions cause with npm-install-webpack-plugin are unresolved.

0.14.0 / 2017-01-13


  • To prevent version compatibility issues using project commands from a globally-installed nwb, it will now exit with a warning if the project specifies a different version of nwb in package.json [#167]
    • The ability to run project commands like build, serve etc. from a global nwb install is provided so you don't have to reinstall the entirety of nwb when creating new projects, but it's recommended that you switch to a locally-installed version later, as relying on globally-installed tool versions is brittle.
  • Fix clean commands in paths with spaces [#181]


  • Added an inferno command for quick Inferno prototyping and building. Use inferno run <entry.js> to serve a module and inferno build <entry.js> [dist/] to build it.
  • Added a preact command for quick Preact prototyping and building. Use preact run <entry.js> to serve a module and preact build <entry.js> [dist/] to build it.
  • The inferno and preact commands use a render shim module by default which hooks into Inferno.render() and Preact.render() to intercept the incoming VNode and re-render it from the top when accepting Hot Module Replacement, so if you're calling render() yourself you don't have to specify a DOM node, or a root when re-rendering in Preact.
    • If you want to take full control of rendering, use the --force flag and nwb will skip the render shim and use your entry module directly.
    • The react command's render shim doesn't hook into ReactDOM.render() and only handles rendering exported components or elements for convenient prototyping, as react-transform-hmr handles the details of accepting Hot Module Replacement and patching/re-rendering at the component/module level.
  • Added new features which are available in the inferno and preact commands to the existing react command:
    • Added a --plugins option to specify nwb plugins which should be installed and used without having to set up a package.json.
    • Added a --force option to force use of the provided entry module directly instead of the render shim module which is used by default to support quick prototyping.
    • Added a --no-polyfill option to disable inclusion of nwb's default polyfills for Promise, fetch() and Object.assign() if you're not using them or don't need them polyfilled.
    • Inferno compat and Preact compat dependencies are now automatically installed if missing.
    • react build can now build a module which exports a React component or element, for quick sharing of prototypes.
  • Inferno and Preact apps are now configured to use their respective React compatibility modules by default if react or react-dom are imported, allowing use of existing React code out of the box.


  • The Webpack manifest module is now generated when building an app (as well as being inlined into the generated index.html) - you will need to include this first if manually handling HTML generation after building.
  • Express middleware now supports Inferno, Preact and plain JavaScript apps, not just React.
  • When building a React app using the --inferno or --preact flags, the required compatibility dependencies are now installed automatically if they can't be resolved from your project directory.
  • When creating new projects, the latest version of dependencies will be installed, rather than using a a version range hardcoded in nwb.
  • Skip initialising a Git repo if a .git/ directory already exists, e.g. you may want to use nwb init in an existing repo.
  • The default build for a React component demo app now supports use of a demo/public/ directory for static content.
  • An args property is now included in the object passed to user configs which export a function - this contains parsed arguments, e.g. args.preact will be true if you passed --preact when calling nwb.


  • Removed support for using --set-env-VAR_NAME arguments to set environment variables.
  • jsnext:main is no longer included package.json for new react-component and web-module projects - only the "more standard" module property is used to point to an ES2015 modules build [#215]


  • autoprefixer: v6.5.3 → v6.6.1
  • babel-core: v6.20.1 → v6.21.0
  • babel-loader: v6.2.9 → v6.2.10 - Webpack 2 RC support
  • babel-plugin-inferno: v1.4.0 → v1.5.0 - use import instead of global Inferno reference
  • babel-plugin-istanbul: v3.0.0 → v3.1.2
  • babel-plugin-lodash: v3.2.10 → v3.2.11
  • detect-port: v1.0.6 → v1.0.7
  • html-webpack-plugin: v2.24.1 → v2.26.0 - Webpack 2 RC support
  • karma-webpack: v1.8.0 → v1.8.1 - Webpack 2 RC support
  • ora: v0.3.0 → v0.4.1
  • phantomjs-prebuilt: v2.1.13 → v2.1.14
  • postcss-loader: v1.2.0 → v1.2.1
  • resolve: v1.1.7 → v1.2.0
  • webpack-dev-middleware: v1.8.4 → v1.9.0 - Webpack 2 RC support
  • webpack-hot-middleware: v2.13.2 → v2.15.0 - add cache for warnings
  • webpack-merge: v1.0.2 → v2.3.1 - providing an empty array/object no longer overrides when merging

0.13.8 / 2016-12-31


  • Inferno apps now use Inferno 1.x by default.


  • babel-plugin-inferno: v1.3.0-beta17 → v1.4.0

0.13.7 / 2016-12-25


  • Updated Inferno Babel plugin to fix whitespace trimming issue.


  • Updated default Inferno version for new apps to 1.0.0-beta42.


  • babel-plugin-inferno: v1.2.0-beta13 → v1.3.0-beta17 - fixes whitespace trimming around newlines

0.13.6 / 2016-12-13


0.13.5 / 2016-12-13


0.13.4 / 2016-12-11


  • Fix default test in the preact-app skeleton [#206 by ntwcklng]

0.13.3 / 2016-12-10


  • Fix npm scripts in the inferno-app skeleton.

0.13.2 / 2016-12-10


  • Initialise a Git repo for a new project after installing dependencies, so package.json includes dependencies saved by npm in the initial commit.

0.13.1 / 2016-12-10


  • Added a --copy-files flag for React component builds to copy files which will not be transpiled over to the build directories [#58]

0.13.0 / 2016-12-09


  • Added new project types: inferno-app and preact-app - use these with nwb new or nwb init to develop Inferno and Preact apps [#194]
  • Added an --inferno flag to React app builds to create an inferno-compat build [#194]
  • react-jsx-source and react-jsx-self Babel transforms are now enabled for React apps in development mode for improved debugging.
  • A Git repo with an initial commit is now created by default when creating a new project. Pass a --no-git flag to disable this.
  • Added project-specific variants of nwb test: nwb test-react, nwb-test-inferno and nwb-test-preact.
  • Added an audio loader and an svg loader.


  • Removed hardcoded React preset from default Babel config when running tests - instead, nwb test will run the new nwb test-react command if you have a react-app or react-component project type in nwb.config.js.
  • Dependencies are no longer bundled. As a result, Babel 6 dependencies will no longer be deduplicated for npm2 users, so an nwb install will be slower and larger - consider upgrading to npm3 or yarn if you can.
  • Removed support for deprecated webpack.plugins config in nwb.config.js - this config must now be moved up into webpack instead.


  • Handling of.svg files has been moved from the graphics loader to the new svg loader so inlining can be configured separately. This matters if you're using a sprite system, as base64 inlining SVGs breaks fragment identifiers.
  • Changed babel-plugin-transform-runtime configuration to make use of new moduleName config; Webpack module resolution no longer uses a blanket fallback to nwb's node_modules/ for serving and builds.
  • webpack.uglify config can now be set to false to disable use of UglifyJSPlugin in production builds for debugging [#160]


  • autoprefixer: v6.4.0 → v6.5.3
  • babel-cli: v6.11.4 → v6.18.0
  • babel-core: v6.13.2 → v6.20.0
  • babel-loader: v6.2.4 → v6.2.9 - better syntax error messages
  • babel-plugin-istanbul: v2.0.0 → v3.0.0
  • babel-plugin-lodash: v3.2.8 → v3.2.10
  • babel-plugin-transform-react-remove-prop-types: v0.2.9 → v0.2.11
  • babel-plugin-transform-runtime: v6.12.0 → v6.15.0 - add moduleName config to specify runtime path
  • babel-polyfill: v6.13.0 → v6.20.0
  • babel-preset-es2015: v6.14.0 → v6.18.0
  • babel-preset-es2016: v6.11.3 → v6.16.0
  • babel-preset-react: v6.11.1 → v6.16.0
  • babel-preset-stage-0: v6.5.0 → v6.16.0
  • babel-preset-stage-1: v6.13.0 → v6.16.0
  • babel-preset-stage-2: v6.13.0 → v6.18.0
  • babel-preset-stage-3: v6.11.0 → v6.17.0
  • babel-runtime: v6.11.6 → v6.20.0
  • case-sensitive-paths-webpack-plugin: v1.1.3 → v1.1.4 - handle cwd being incorrect case
  • copy-webpack-plugin: v3.0.1 → v4.0.1
  • css-loader: v0.23.1 → v0.26.1 - cssnano's use of autoprefixer is now disabled by default
  • detect-port: v1.0.0 → v1.0.6
  • figures: v1.7.0 → v2.0.0
  • html-webpack-plugin: v2.22.0 → v2.24.1
  • inquirer: v1.1.2 → v2.0.0
  • glob: v7.0.5 → v7.1.1
  • karma: v1.2.0 → v1.3.0
  • karma-chrome-launcher: v1.0.1 → v2.0.0 - chromium support
  • karma-mocha: v1.1.1 → v1.3.0
  • karma-mocha-reporter: v2.1.0 → v2.2.1
  • karma-phantomjs-launcher: v1.0.1 → v1.0.2 - fix phantomjs path calculation
  • mocha: v3.0.2 → v3.2.0
  • phantomjs-prebuilt: v2.1.12 → v2.1.13
  • postcss-loader: v0.10.0 → v1.2.0
  • qs: v6.2.1 → v6.3.0
  • webpack: v1.13.1 → v1.14.0 - updated node-libs-browser and uglifyjs versions - screw_ie8 is now enabled by default; fix for Babel sourcemap issue
  • webpack-merge: v0.14.1 → v1.0.2
  • webpack-dev-middleware: v1.6.1 → v1.8.4
  • webpack-hot-middleware: v2.12.2 → v2.13.2
  • whatwg-fetch: v1.0.0 → v2.0.1 - changes behaviour of Headers to be spec-compliant

0.12.2 / 2016-09-29


  • Dropped the production react-constant-elements transform for now due to bugs.

0.12.1 / 2016-09-15


  • react run can now run modules which export a React component or element.


  • Added a reload option to Express middleware to enable reloading the page if Hot Module Reloading is unsuccessful [#168]

0.12.0 / 2016-08-16

Breaking Changes:

  • Dropped Node.js 0.12 support

    Based on the engines config of nwb's dependencies, Node.js 4.2.0 is now the minimum required version.

  • Upgraded from Babel 5 to Babel 6 [#12] [#31] [@geowarin]

    Babel 6 introduced a number of breaking changes which you may need to account for in your codebase if you're using nwb or were otherwise using Babel 5.

    babel config in nwb.config.js is no longer directly equivalent to what you would put in a .babelrc file.

  • Added support for long-term caching [#73]

    A deterministic hash is now included in the filenames of generated .js and .css files.

    The Webpack manifest (required for module loading) is now extracted and automatically injected prior to the </body> tag, so your HTML template must have a </body> tag.

    If you do any post-build processing on generated files it might need to be updated, as production app builds will now generate files as [name].[hash].[ext] instead of [name].[ext].

  • Dropped support for the .jsx extension

    It's dead, Jim.

    You can use webpack.loaders config to set /\.jsx?$/ as babel-loader's test config and webpack.extra config to add .jsx back to the resolve.extensions list if you're using .jsx files and can't reasonably migrate away.

  • Dropped build-module and build-umd/clean-umdcommands

    These were a confusing middle layer which split the implementation of building a React component or browser-focused npm module in two. They both required a config file to provide a project type for nwb to figure out what to do.

    They've been replaced with build-react-component and build-web-module commands, which are now used in package.json scripts in the corresponding project skeletons.

    As a result having a config file is now optional for all project types. If you don't need configuration, you can delete the nwb.config.js file created as a convenience by project skeletons.

    A config file is now only required if you want to use the generic build, clean and serve commands.

  • Changed ES6 module build directory from es6/ to es/

    Upgrade steps:

    • Replace "es6/index.js" with "es/index.js" in package.json "jsnext:main" config
    • Also add "module": "es/index.js", as this is part of a proposal for native module support which is being supported by multiple bundlers.
    • Replace "es6" with "es" in package.json files config
  • Dropped webpack.vendorBundle config in favour of a --no-vendor flag

    Making this feature toggle a command line argument makes it easier to try, and to combine with other feature toggles like --preact.

    Tweak your package.json "build" script instead if you were using webpack.vendorBundle: false config:

      "scripts": {
        "build": "nwb build-react-app --no-vendor"

nwb.config.js Config Format Changes:

  • build config is deprecated in favour of new npm config, which is a slightly different format.

    nwb will adapt any build config it finds for the current build and log out the equivalent npm config.

    // < v0.12                             // v0.12
    module.exports = {                     module.exports = {
      build: {                         =>    npm: {
        jsNext: true,                          esModules: true,
        umd: true,                     =>      umd: {
        global: 'MyComponent',                   global: 'MyComponent',
        externals: {'react': 'React'}            externals: {'react': 'React'}
      }                                        }
    }                                        }
    // < v0.12               // v0.12 - simple UMD config without externals
    module.exports = {       module.exports = {
      build: {           =>    npm: {
        jsNext: true,            esModules: true,
        umd: true,       =>      umd: 'myLib'
        global: 'MyLib'        }
      }                      }
  • The Babel runtime transform is now configured using new babel.runtime config instead of Babel 5's optional config.

    The runtime transform is now partially-enabled by default to support use of async/await and generators, so update your configuration accordingly. nwb will adapt ['runtime'] config for the current build by converting it to true.

    // < v0.12                     // v0.12 - enabled by default for regenerator
    module.exports = {
      babel: {
        optional: ['runtime']  =>  // You can remove your config if you were
      }                            // using it for async/await or generators
    // < v0.12                     // v0.12 - also import helpers from
    module.exports = {             module.exports = {
      babel: {                       babel: {
        optional: ['runtime']  =>      runtime: 'helpers'
      }                              }
    }                              }
  • babel.loose config is now Boolean instead of Babel 5's string config.

Loose mode is now enabled by default, so loose config is only used if you need to disable loose mode.

// < v0.12              // v0.12 - enabled by default
module.exports = {
  babel: {
    loose: 'all'    =>  (none)
// < v0.12 - loose mode not used      // v0.12 - disabling loose mode
                                      module.exports = {
                                        babel: {
(none)                            =>      loose: false
  • karma.tests config is deprecated in favour of new karma.testContext and karma.testFiles config, depending on which was being specified. If karma.tests is present, nwb will attempt to detect the appropriate new config to use it for, or will otherwise fall back to the new default config.

    // < v0.12                         // v0.12 - using a Webpack context module
    module.exports = {                 module.exports = {
      karma: {                           karma: {
        tests: 'tests.webpack.js'  =>      testContext: 'tests.webpack.js'
      }                                  }
    }                                  }
    // < v0.12                         // v0.12 - custom test file glob
    module.exports = {                 module.exports = {
      karma: {                           karma: {
        tests: 'test/**.test.js'   =>      testFiles: 'test/**.test.js'
      }                                  }
    }                                  }

Developer Experience Improvements:

  • Added a check-config command which checks your nwb configuration file for errors and deprecated usage, and provides some usage hints (e.g. where more convenient config is available).

    Run this after upgrading your nwb version and it will tell you what needs to be changed.

  • New user-friendly output for Webpack builds based on create-react-app's.

    This provides friendlier error and warning reporting, reports the gzipped size of generated files and uses a persistent console for development server logging.

    Windows Note: running a development server will clear the current screen in your console - in Windows the escape codes used to do this have the unfortunate effect of clearing all the scrollback history in your current console.

    To avoid this use the start command to spawn a new command window when running the development server in Windows, e.g.:

    start npm start
    start react run app.js
  • Apps can now use fetch, async/await and generators out of the box without any configuration.

    Promise, fetch, Object.assign polyfills and the regenerator runtime are now provided by default.

  • You can now transform destructured imports to cherry-picked imports for specified modules using new babel.cherryPick config [#141]

  • Case-sensitivity of require/import paths is now enforced by CaseSensitivePathsPlugin, avoiding an easy-to-overlook cause of CI build failure if you don't develop on Linux.

  • If the intended dev server port is not available, you will now be prompted to continue with a different, free port.

React App Optimisations:

  • Production React builds now remove propTypes from ES6 class and stateless functional components (but not from your dependencies) using react-remove-prop-types [#97]

  • Added a --preact flag to React app builds to create a preact-compat build.

    This is an easy way to try Preact with your React apps, resulting in a much smaller bundle if your app is compatible [#124]


  • nwb implements its own support for a Babel 6 equivalent of Babel 5's stage configuration to choose which experimental features are enabled, including defaulting to Stage 2.

    For stage 2 and below, decorators can be use by default, as nwb will include the Babel Legacy Decorator transform plugin. See the plugin's Best Effort documentation for differences you will need to take into account if you were using Babel 5 decorators.

  • nwb preserves CommonJS interop for apps and component ES5 builds using the add-module-exports plugin.

    This means a .defaultdoesn't need to be tagged on when you're using require() with Webpack's code-splitting, or when people import your npm modules using require() directly.

    Babel 6 removed interop with CommonJS exports, as it allowed you to write broken ES6 code. Kent C. Dodds has a post about this which is well worth reading to understand what not to do.

  • Loose mode is now enabled by default.

  • Changed babel.loose config to Boolean.

    This is now only needed if you want to disable loose mode (e.g. in non-production environments to check for ES6 compliance errors in normal mode).

  • Added babel.runtime config to configure the Babel runtime transform, replacing Babel 5's optional config.

    This is turned on by default, configured to import the regenerator runtime when async/await or generators are used.

  • Removed the inline element transform optimisation for React app production builds, as the Babel 6 version of it currently depends on polyfilling Symbol.


  • Changed default testing configuration to support co-location of tests and a wider range of test file names and locations. This should be backwards-compatible with the previous defaults.

    • Test files included by default are now -test.js, .test.js or .spec.js files anywhere underneath a src/, test/ or tests/ directory.
    • Code coverage also ignores all code underneath test/, tests/ or any __tests__/ directory inside src/ by default, as well as test files.
  • Added karma.browsers config to customise which browsers tests are run in.

    The plugin to support use of 'Chrome' in this config is also available by default.

  • Added karma.testDirs config to control which directories are excluded from code coverage reporting.

  • babel-plugin-istanbul is now used to instrument code for test coverage instead of isparta-loader.


Default Loader Config

  • Disabled css-loader's use of Autoprefixer - nwb's PostCSS configuration is now the only source of prefix addition and removal [#132]
  • All static file loaders now use url-loader (which falls back to file-loader) to allow you to configure inlining for any group of static files if needed.
  • Changed default limit config for all static file loaders to 1, effectively disabling inlining by default - if you want resources smaller than a given size to be inlined, configure limit using webpack.loaders config.
  • Moved handling of .svg files from the fonts loader to the graphics loader.
  • Moved handling of .eot files to the fonts loader and removed the eot loader.
  • Added a video loader for .mp4', .ogg and .webm.
  • Added .webp to the graphics loader.

Default Plugin Config

  • Updated default UglifyJsPlugin options to strip comments from output and use the screw_ie8 setting in every minification step.


  • Added webpack.aliases config to set up module resolving aliases, as a convenient alternative to using webpack.extra.resolve.alias [#125]
  • Added webpack.autoprefixer config to configure Autoprefixer in nwb's default PostCSS configuration [#132]
  • Added webpack.publicPath config to set up or clear the path/URL used for static resources, as a convenient alternative to using webpack.extra.output.publicPath.
  • Added webpack.uglify config to allow customisation of Webpack UglifyJsPlugin options.
  • webpack.compat config now supports 'json-schema': true to prevent a transitive json-schema dependency breaking Webpack builds. This usually manifests itself as an Uncaught Error: define cannot be used indirect error.
  • Generated module.noParse config is now an Array, so any user-provided config for it in webpack.extra (which should also be specified as an Array) can now be merged into it.

npm Build:

  • When creating a project with an ES6 modules build enabled, a "module" property will be added to the project's package.json as well as "jsnext:main" [#137]

    This is the default property Webpack 2 uses to look for an ES6 modules build.

  • build config is deprecated in favour of new npm config.

  • React component builds now wrap propTypes for ES6 class and stateless functional components with an environment check - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') - so they'll automatically be stripped from the production build in apps which use them. [#145]

    propTypes will be stripped from the minified UMD build.

    This can be disabled by passing a --no-proptypes flag.

  • Building a React demo app during a React component build can now be skipped by passing a --no-demo flag [#155]

Other Configuration:

  • Fallback index serving for HTML5 History apps is now enabled by default in the development server. This can be disabled by passing a --no-fallback flag.
  • Added polyfill config to disable default polyfilling of Promise and fetch for apps if you don't need it and want to shave a few KB off your build.
  • The dev server port can now be specified via a PORT environment variable. The CLI --port takes precedence if both are provided.


  • Added a nwb check-config command.
  • CLI now uses spinners for build commands, with gzipped filesize logging.
  • Reworked build commands for React components and npm modules to remove a needless middle layer and add specific build commands for these project types.
  • Removed the -g, --global argument for enabling a UMD build when creating a React component or web module project, in favour of passing a name to the --umd argument instead.
  • Removed the --info flag for showing webpack output, as this is now handled in a more developer-friendly manner.

Starter Projects:

  • The react-app project skeleton now includes examples of importing CSS and images.
  • Required <meta> tags in HTML templates are now all first thing in <head>.
  • Added shrink-to-fit=no to the viewport <meta> tag in HTML templates for Safari.


0.11.1 / 2016-07-16


  • PostCSS config was not being created for the vendor/node_modules/ loader for CSS preprocessor plugins [#129]

0.11.0 / 2016-06-08

Breaking Changes:

  • Replaced the deprecated autoprefixer-loader with postcss-loader in default style pipelines - it's configured to do the same autoprefixing by default [#57]
    • If you were configuring vendor prefixing using webpack.loaders.autoprefixer, you will now need to manage an autprefixer dependency yourself and use webpack.postcss to perform this configuration.

nwb.config.js Config Format Changes:

  • webpack.plugins is deprecated - config under webpack.plugins should be moved up into webpack instead. Having certain config under a plugins prop was an implementation detail which wasn't relevant to end-users [#113]

    // < v0.11
    module.exports = {
      webpack: {
        plugins: {
          define: {...},
          html: {...}
    // v0.11
    module.exports = {
      webpack: {
        define: {...},
        html: {...}
  • Support for flatter Webpack loader configuration was added. Having a query object is now optional - loader query configuration can now be placed directly under the loader's id [#113]

    // < v0.11
    module.exports = {
      webpack: {
        loaders: {
          css: {
            query: {
              modules: true
    // v0.11
    module.exports = {
      webpack: {
        loaders: {
          css: {
            modules: true


  • Installing globally now adds a react command for quick React development starting from a single file.
    • react run entry.js runs a development server.
    • react build entry.js creates a static build.
    • For these commands, Babel is preconfigured to allow you to use all of its Stage 0 features out of the box, including async/await.
    • These are implemented by (the previously undocumented) serve-react and (new) build-react nwb commands.
  • The entry point for apps and npm module UMD builds can now be specified as an argument to build and serve commands. The default is still src/index.js. [#115]
  • The directory web apps are built into can now be specified as an argument to build, clean and serve commands. The default is still dist/.
  • Added webpack.compat config to enable compatibility tweaks for modules which are known to be problematic with Webpack - initially this includes support for Enzyme, Moment.js and Sinon.js 1.x [#108]
  • Added webpack.postcss config to customise the PostCSS plugins applied to each style pipeline [#57]
  • Added webpack.vendorBundle config to disable automatically extracting anything imported from node_modules/ out into a separate vendor chunk [#106]
  • Added documentation for creating and using a test context module if there's code you need to run prior to tests running, such as configuring your assertion library with additional assertions.
  • Added a --config option to allow you to specify your own config file instead of nwb.config.js.


  • Apps are no longer required to provide their own HTML template. The default template path of src/index.html will continue to be used if a file exists there. If an alternative template is not provided via webpack.html config, nwb will now fall back to using a basic template.
  • Restored default use of the Babel polyfill in Karma config so tests (and their dependencies) can assume a modern environment.
  • Default babel-loader config now uses cacheDirectory: true for a speedup.
  • Improved debug output (activated with a DEBUG=nwb environment variable) to print config objects in full - if you're configuring plugin objects (e.g. PostCSS plugins), it's recommended to create instances of them if you want to use debug output.
  • webpack.optimize.DedupePlugin is now only used for production builds, as recommended in the Webpack docs.


0.10.0 / 2016-05-16

Breaking Changes:

  • React v15 is now installed into React app/component skeletons by default.


  • Default Karma config now includes showDiff: true config for the default Mocha reporter.
  • The dev server now logs an initial webpack building... message so you know you're waiting for the initial build.
  • npm scripts in the skeletons generated for react-app and web-app projects now use project type-specific commands, so the nwb.config.js included with them can be deleted if you don't need any config tweaks.
  • nwb now passes the --save option to npm when installing React dependencies, to honour any npm save-exact (recommended!) or save-prefix config you have set.


  • Extra Karma config can now be configured via a karma.extra Object.
  • Added a --react option to allow you to set the version of React which will be installed when creating apps or components. This defaults to whatever the stable version of React was when the version of nwb you're using was released.


  • chalk: v1.1.1 → v1.1.3 - update deps
  • cross-spawn: v2.1.5 → v2.2.3 - update deps
  • detect-port: v1.0.0
  • expect: v1.16.0 → v1.20.1
  • html-webpack-plugin: v2.14.0 → v2.17.0
  • inquirer: v0.12.0 → v1.0.2 - switch to Promise-based API
  • karma-coverage: v0.5.5 → v1.0.0
  • karma-mocha: v0.2.2 → v1.0.1
  • karma-mocha-reporter: v2.0.0 → v2.0.3
  • npm-install-webpack-plugin: v3.0.0 → v3.1.2 [#77]
  • phantomjs-prebuilt: v2.1.6 → v2.1.7
  • qs: v6.1.0 → v6.2.0
  • webpack: v1.12.14 → v1.13.0
  • webpack-merge: v0.8.4 → v0.12.0

0.9.2 / 2016-03-27


  • webpack-dev-middleware: v1.6.0 → v1.6.1 - fixes request path issue introduced in 1.6.0

0.9.1 / 2016-03-26


  • style-loader was not being specified to apply styles from additional chunks when extracting CSS.

0.9.0 / 2016-03-26

Breaking Changes:

  • Changes to how React and plain JS web apps are built:
    • Builds are now generated in dist/ instead of public/build/

    • index.html for builds is now generated based on a template in src/index.html, instead of using a static public/index.html [#34]

      Upgrading existing projects:

      • move your public/index.html to src/index.html and delete the <link> and <script> tags for vendor and app resources. These will now be injected at build time.
      • replace /public/build in your .gitignore with /dist/
    • public/ is now only for public files - any contents in this directory will now be copied to dist/ at the start of a build. The development server will also serve static content from public/.


  • Backwards compatibility for nwb.config.js format changes made in 0.8 has been removed.


  • Added a --host option when running the dev server [#50]
  • ExtractTextPlugin (used to extract CSS when building) can now be configured using webpack.plugins.extractText config - this allows you to configure the allChunks setting if you want all CSS to be extracted when using code splitting.
  • HtmlWebpackPlugin (used to generate an index.html when building) can now be configured using webpack.plugins.html config.


  • breakConfig: true has been added to default babel-loader config to avoid .babelrc files being resolved by Babel - all Babel configuration is expected to be in nwb.config.js [#63]
  • Static resources handled by Webpack's file-loader now include a hash in their filenames for cachebusting when they change [#38]


  • babel: v5.8.34 → v5.8.38 - left-pad transitive dependency drama
  • babel-core: v5.8.34 → v5.8.38 - left-pad transitive dependency drama
  • connect-history-api-fallback: v1.1.0 → v1.2.0 - support custom Accept headers
  • copy-template-dir: v1.2.0 → v1.2.1 - support large template folders
  • expect: v1.14.0 → v1.16.0 - mostly packaging changes?
  • glob: v7.0.0 → v7.0.3 - misc fixes
  • html-webpack-plugin: v2.9.0 → v2.14.0
  • karma: v0.13.21 → v0.13.22 - removed a large test file from npm package
  • karma-coverage: v0.5.3 → v0.5.5 - bug fixes
  • karma-mocha-reporter: v1.2.3 → v2.0.0 - add karma to peerDeps; wait for all browsers to run
  • npm-install-webpack-plugin: v2.0.2 → v3.0.0 - resolve.alias and resolve.root support [#83]
  • phantomjs-prebuilt: v2.1.4 → v2.1.6 - minor fixes to custom CA handling
  • react-transform-hmr: v1.0.2 → v1.0.4 - update react-proxy to fix a few correctness issues
  • style-loader: v0.13.0 → v0.13.1 - add query to style/useable
  • webpack-dev-middleware: v1.5.1 → v1.6.0
  • webpack-hot-middleware: v2.7.1 → v2.10.0 - improved error overlay styling
  • webpack-merge: v0.7.3 → v0.8.4 - change merging behavior so only loaders get prepended

0.8.1 / 2016-03-03


  • karma-mocha-reporter: v1.2.2 → v1.2.3 - don't fail test suites containing skipped tests

0.8.0 / 2016-02-26

Breaking Changes:

  • npm-install-webpack-plugin is now used instead of npm-install-loader to implement nwb serve --auto-install.

    If you were configuring automatic npm installation using a loaders.install.query.cli config object, this should be moved to webpack.plugins.install instead.

nwb.config.js Config Format Changes:

  • React component and vanilla JS module npm build configuration must now be specificed as a build object:

    // < v0.9
    module.exports = {
      type: 'react-component',
      externals: {react: 'React'},
      global: 'MyComponent',
      jsNext: true,
      umd: true
    // v0.9
    module.exports = {
      type: 'react-component',
      build: {
        externals: {react: 'React'},
        global: 'MyComponent',
        jsNext: true,
        umd: true
  • Webpack configuration must now be specified as a webpack object:

    // < v0.9
    module.exports = {
      type: 'react-app',
      loaders: {
        css: {
          query: {
            modules: true
    // v0.9
    module.exports = {
      type: 'react-app',
      webpack: {
        loaders: {
          css: {
            query: {
              modules: true
  • Webpack define config must now be specified in a plugins object:

    // < v0.9
    module.exports = {
      type: 'react-app',
      define: {
        __VERSION__: JSON.stringify(require('./package.json').version)
    // v0.9
    module.exports = {
      type: 'react-app',
      webpack: {
        plugins: {
          define: {
            __VERSION__: JSON.stringify(require('./package.json').version)
  • All "extra" Webpack config must be specified in a an extra object, including extra loaders. The new object must correspond with Webpack's config file layout.

    // < v0.9
    module.exports = {
      type: 'react-app',
      loaders: {
        extra: [/* ... */]
    // v0.9
    module.exports = {
      type: 'react-app',
      webpack: {
        extra: {
          module: {
            loaders: [/* ... */]


  • nwb.config.js is now only required when running generic build commands: build, clean, serve, test
    • type config is only required when running a generic build command, but if provided it must be valid.
  • Karma tests now always run just once in a CI environment regardless of the --server flag - this allows you to use --server in your default npm test command if you want to, without needing a separate run script for CI.
  • Development instructions in project skeletons were moved from to a file, and are now documented using npm and npm run commands instead of global nwb commands.
  • All commands are now run in the current working directory - you no longer need to require.resolve() full paths to extra Babel plugins configured in nwb.config.js, just use their names as normal and Babel will now be able to import them.
  • Upgraded to PhantomJS v2 for Karma tests.
    • Babel polyfills are no longer included in Webpack config for Karma, as PhantomJS v2 uses a more recent version of WebKit.


  • Extra webpack config can now be configured via a webpack.extra Object.
    • To support adding other webpack built-in plugins via extra, if a function is exported from nwb.config.js, it will now be called with an object containing the following properties:
      • command - the nwb command being executed
      • webpack - the webpack module (for configuring extra plugins using nwb's version of webpack)
  • Project type-specific versions of the build, clean and serve commands are now officially documented for direct use.
  • A test:watch npm script was added to project template package.json.


  • autoprefixer-loader: v3.1.0 → v3.2.0
  • cross-spawn: v2.1.4 → v2.1.5 - update which dependency (minor)
  • expect: v1.13.4 → v1.14.0 - new features
  • express: v4.13.3 → v4.13.4 - deps
  • extract-text-webpack-plugin: v0.9.1 → v1.0.1 - use webpack-sources
  • glob: v6.0.3 → v7.0.0 - throw if cwd is not a directory
  • html-webpack-plugin: v1.7.0 → v2.9.0
  • inquirer: v0.11.2 → v0.12.0
  • karma: v0.13.18 → v0.13.21 - 1.4.5 seems to have fixed the post-test hanging issue, bug fixes and new features
  • karma-mocha: v0.2.1 → v0.2.2
  • karma-mocha-reporter: v1.1.5 → v1.2.2 - add diff output for failed tests
  • karma-phantomjs-launcher: v0.2.3 → v1.0.0 - use phantomjs-prebuild
  • mocha: v2.3.4 → v2.4.5
  • phantomjs v1.9.19 → phantomjs-prebuilt v2.1.4 - update installer to PhantomJS 2.x, renamed package
  • qs: v5.2.0 → v6.1.0 - revert ES6 requirement, new allowDots option and some fixes
  • react-transform-catch-errors: v1.0.1 → v1.0.2 - remove some files from the npm package
  • react-transform-hmr: v1.0.1 → v1.0.2 - remove some files from the npm package
  • resolve: v1.1.6 → v1.1.7 - fix node_modules paths on Windows
  • rimraf: v2.5.0 → v2.5.2
  • webpack: v1.12.11 → v1.12.14 - fix Windows filename backslash incompatibility
  • webpack-dev-middleware: v1.4.0 → v1.5.1 - platform-agnostic path joining, use res.send when available
  • webpack-hot-middleware: v2.6.0 → v2.7.1 - improve hint when hot reloads aren't accepted, update strip-ansi dependency (major), update stats handling

0.7.2 / 2016-01-15


  • react-app and web-app Webpack build config didn't have output.publicPath set, so images required from JavaScript weren't being found [#55]
  • Test runs no longer hang for up to a minute after completion [#49]


  • inquirer: v0.11.1 → v0.11.2 - display fixes
  • karma: v0.13.19 → v0.13.18 - downgraded due to the test hanging issue being introduced
  • karma-sourcemap-loader: v0.3.6 → v0.3.7 - avoid EMFILE errors; fix charset bug; fix RangeError exception
  • v1.3.7 - temporarily pinned in nwb's dependencies until the Karma test hang issue is resolved
  • webpack: v1.12.10 → v1.12.11
  • webpack-merge: v0.7.2 → v0.7.3 - bugfix

0.7.1 / 2016-01-10


  • Express middleware had a broken import.


  • Added an autoInstall option to Express middleware.


  • glob: v6.0.3 → v6.0.4 - remove util._extend to avoid deprecation warnings
  • karma: v0.13.18 → v0.13.19 - handle new internal format
  • webpack: v1.12.9 → v1.12.10
  • webpack-merge: v0.7.1 → v0.7.2 - fix inclusion of removed changelog dependency

0.7.0 / 2016-01-05


  • Fall back to nwb's dependencies in Webpack config instead of using an alias so babel-runtime can be picked up when optional: ['runtime'] is used [hopefully fixing the weird /node_modules/node_modules/ issue seen in [#37]


  • Added an --auto-install flag to nwb serve which automatically installs npm dependencies and saves them to your package.json while developing.


  • jsNext config no longer defaults to true if not present.


  • Use .x for dependencies when generating skeleton project package.json instead of range sigils.


  • babel-runtime: v5.8.34 → v5.8.29 - downgraded due to a regression in typeof-react-element.js when used in conjunction with optional: ['runtime']
  • karma: v0.13.16 → v0.13.18
  • karma-phantomjs-launcher: v0.2.2 → v0.2.3 - correct cli argument order
  • webpack-merge: v0.7.0 → v0.7.1 - performance improvements

0.6.4 / 2016-01-02


  • nwb build-umd no longer errors if there is no externals config.


  • nwb clean now deletes the coverage/ directory.


  • inquirer: v0.11.0 → v0.11.1 - fix list overflow bug

0.6.3 / 2015-12-31


  • Exit the process correctly with a non-zero exit code when an async command fails, such as nwb test [#36] [jihchi]


  • karma-mocha-reporter: v1.1.4 → v1.1.5 - show error message when karma runner ends with error
  • webpack-merge: v0.5.1 → v0.7.0 - bug fix for merging arrays within nested structures

0.6.2 / 2015-12-30


  • argv-set-env: v1.0.0 → v1.0.1 - docs
  • glob: v6.0.1 → v6.0.3 - v6.0.2 was reverted
  • karma: v0.13.15 → v0.13.16
  • karma-mocha-reporter: v1.1.3 → v1.1.4 - handle duplicate descriptions
  • karma-phantomjs-launcher: v0.2.1 → v0.2.2
  • react-transform-catch-errors: v1.0.0 → v1.0.1 - display the offending call stack more prominently
  • rimraf: v2.4.5 → v2.5.0 - add glob option
  • webpack-merge: v0.3.2 → v0.5.1 - fix recursive merging

0.6.1 / 2015-12-30


  • The es6/ directory wasn't included in the default .gitignore for npm module project skeletons.

0.6.0 / 2015-12-23


  • Added an nwb init command - same as nwb new but creates a project in the current directory and uses the directory name by default [#25]
  • Added a new web-app project type - this is for anyone who wants to use nwb's build/serve/test setup but isn't using React [#24]
  • Added a --reload option to auto-reload the page when webpack hot module replacement gets stuck. This is primarily intended for use with the new web-app project type.
  • Command-line arguments can now be used to configure settings for nwb new.


  • Production optimisations weren't being applied to React app builds.
  • Demo apps weren't generating sourcemaps when bundling.
  • Use a non-zero exit code when displaying usage or otherwise exiting due to missing arguments [#23]


  • Reorganised and coloured nwb help output.
  • Commands which create files now log details of what they've created [#26]
  • The ES6 modules build for npm modules is now optional, controlled by a jsNext setting in nwb.config.js, defaulting to true [#27]
    • nwb 0.6 will default jsNext to true and log a warning when it's missing from a config file - this behaviour will be removed in nwb v0.7.


  • copy-template-dir: v1.1.0 → v1.2.0 - provide created file paths in callback
  • css-loader: v0.23.0 → v0.23.1
  • expect: v1.13.3 → v1.13.4 - comparing arrays of nested objects fix
  • rimraf: v2.4.4 → v2.4.5

0.5.0 / 2015-12-15


  • Top-level Webpack config can now be provided for loaders which support it, as a config object in their nwb.config.js loaders configuration. This is intended for loaders which can't use serialisable query config due to plugins, such as some CSS preprocessors [#18]


  • files config from template package.json was being used when packing nwb for publishing. Renamed them to _package.json to avoid this [#22]


  • Downgraded qs dependency so nwb can be used with Node.js 0.12.x [#19]


  • copy-template-dir: v1.0.5 → v1.1.0 - rename all files beginning with _
  • expect: v1.13.0 → v1.13.3 - Map, Set and circular comparison fixes
  • qs: v6.0.0 → v5.2.0 - downgrade to lose Node.js >= 4.0.0 requirement

0.4.1 / 2015-12-13


  • Bad npm package for 0.4.0 - npm was reading the new files config from package.json in templates for React component/web module skeletons and applying it when packing nwb itself for publishing [#21]

0.4.0 / 2015-12-11


  • Added --fallback option to nwb serve, for serving the index page from any path when developing React apps which use the HTML5 History API [#16]
  • Added "engines": {"node": ">=4.0.0"} to package.json - nwb accidentally depends on this because it uses qs v6 [#19]
  • Added files config to React component/web module skeleton package.json.
    • The files config for the React component skeleton assumes that components published to npm with require() calls for CSS which ships with it will use a css/ dir.
  • Added a default ES6 build with untranspiled ES6 module usage [#15]
    • This is pointed to by "jsnext:main" in project skeleton package.json for use by tree-shaking ES6 bundlers.


  • Added missing main config to React component/web module skeleton package.json, pointing at the ES5 build in lib/.
  • Express middleware wasn't included in npm package.


  • 1.0.0 is now the default version for project skeletons.

0.3.1 / 2015-12-09


  • Generic nwb build was broken for React components/web modules in 0.3.0.

0.3.0 / 2015-12-07


  • Support for CSS preprocessor plugin packages [#6]
    • Loading of configuration objects exported by 'nwb-*' dependencies found in package.json.
    • Creation of style loading pipelines for plugins which provide cssPreprocessors configuration.


  • Babel config is now passed to Babel when transpiling modules [#13]

0.2.0 / 2015-12-05


  • Express middleware for running a React app on your own development server using nwb's Webpack config generation [#8]


  • Webpack loader config objects are now merged with webpack-merge; query objects will now be deep merged, with lists occurring at the same position in build and user config being concatenated instead of overwritten.


  • babel-runtime can now be resolved from nwb's dependencies when using optional: ['runtime'] Babel config [#10]
  • Paths to resources required from CSS in React app builds [#9]

0.1.0 / 2015-12-02

First 0.x release.