- Upgrade R version in renv.lock
- Upgrade R package version
- Fix bad request in page 1
- Upgrade R version in renv.lock
- Fix missing dependencies
- Use
to avoid blocking the app on simulations
- Add simulations in table 4
- Add userguide as a vignette (#90)
- Update instructions for the translation of the application
- Update Dockerfile for new R version
- Give instructions on how to use the package out of Shiny
- Add dbversion and package version in the footer (#112)
- Add title over leaflet in page 3 (#83)
- Rename files for easier maintenance (#44)
- Remove year zero in tab 3 (#92)
- Add uncertainty ribbon around predictions (#87)
- Add gtag (#88)
Put the 4 main pages of the Shiny Application into production
Combine server and UI to show real data
Use Database connexion to get translated datasets
Use Cache for images for a quicker presentation
Use JavaScript when possible to accelerate pages view
Use JS for translation
Prepare deliverables for documentation and unit tests report
Prepare deliverables for production using Docker
Update instructions for translation
Vignette for each future page
- First UI proposition using {w3css}
- Added a
file to track changes to the package.