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246 lines (179 loc) · 5.93 KB


July 20th, 2022

Make call rejection 401 checks working out of the box with library like axios.

Istead of checks only:

error.status === 401

Checks also on response:

error.response.status === 401

Internally also moved the checks as an helper so in future releases can will be able to be passed as configuration option.


April 04th, 2022

Support React 18 strict effects with reusable state for more info see

⚡ New features

useAuthCallObservable() and useAuthCallPromise()

These hooks make less cumberstone the integration with other fetching library. These hooks take a curried token effect fuction and return the same function with a less order.

Here's the typings:

type CurryAuthApiFnPromise<A = any, O = any, FA extends any[] = any[]> = (
  accessToken: A
) => (...args: FA) => Promise<O>

type CurryAuthApiFn<A = any, O = any, FA extends any[] = any[]> = (
  accessToken: A
) => (...args: FA) => Observable<O> | Promise<O>

function useAuthCallObservable<A, O, FA extends any[]>(
  fn: CurryAuthApiFn<A, O, FA>
): (...args: FA) => Observable<O>

function useAuthCallPromise<A, O, FA extends any[]>(
  fn: CurryAuthApiFnPromise<A, O, FA>
): (...args: FA) => Promise<O>

An example:

function getProducts(token: string) {
  return (category: string) => fetch(`https://myapi/prodcuts/${category}`, {
    headers: {
      'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`
  }).then(r => r.ok ? Promise.reject(r) : r.json() as Promise<Product[]>)

// (category: string) => Promise<Product[]>
const wrappedGetProducts = useAuthCallPromise(getProducts)

The integration with fething libraries is less cumberstone and more funnny:

import { useQuery } from 'react-query'
import { useAuthCallPromise } from 'use-eazy-auth'

function useProducts() {
  return useQuery(
      (token) => () =>
        fetch('https://myapi/prodcuts', {
          headers: {
            Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,


November 02th, 2021

Call onLogout with last user access token.


March 10th, 2021

Added optional onAuthenticate callback to <Auth />, inoked when is authenticated by use-eazy-auth.


(user: U, accessToken: A, fromLogin: boolean) => void


February 1th, 2021

Added optional onLogout callback to <Auth />, inoked when user explicit logout (calling logout action) or is kicked out from 401 rejection in call api functions.


January 20th, 2021

Add initialData prop to <Auth />. Useful in SSR scenario when you need to init auth state and avoid running initial side effects.

The initialData typing:

interface InitialAuthData<A = any, R = any, U = any>  {
  accessToken: A | null
  refreshToken?: R | null
  expires?: number | null
  user: U | null


January 1th, 2021

Types for use-eazy-auth 🎉 ! Now use-eazy-auth is 100% typescript!

‼️ Breaking changes

All Routes use-eazy-auth/routes now has two different props to configure spinners. The spinner prop a ReactNode and a spinnerComponent prop a ComponentType.

<AuthRoute path='/' exact spinner={<Spinner />}>
  <Dashboard />
<GuestRoute path='/login' exact spinnerComponent={Spinner}>
  <Login />

⚡ New features

The updateUser function from useAuthActions can now acept a callback to execute a functional update similar to React useState.

const { updateUser } = useAuthActions()

updateUser(user => ({ ...user, age: user.age + 1 }))

A new component AuthRoutesProvider is available from use-eazy-auth/routes, to configure common part of routes behaviours. All options can be overridden locally.

Props availables:

interface AuthRoutesConfig<U = any> {
  guestRedirectTo?: string | Location<Dictionary>
  authRedirectTo?: string | Location<Dictionary>
  authRedirectTest?: (user: U) => string | null | undefined | Location
  spinner?: ReactNode
  spinnerComponent?: ComponentType
  rememberReferrer?: boolean
  redirectToReferrer?: boolean
// All with the same spinner
<AuthRoutesProvider spinner={<Spinner />}>
  {/* ... */}
  {/* <CustomSpinner /> wins and so on... */}
  <AuthRoute path='/' exact spinner={<CustomSpinner />}>
    <Dashboard />


November 24th, 2020

Add setTokens action to explict set new tokens:

const { setTokens } = useAuthActions()
setTokens({ accessToken: 'NEW_TOKEN' })
// or (if you support refresh token in your use-eazy-auth conf)
setTokens({ accessToken: 'NEW_TOKEN', refreshToken: 'NEW_REFRESH' })


October 27th, 2020

Support React 17 in peerDependencies and bump some build packages, nothing changed.


September 18th, 2020

Fix bug that prevent retriggering login if previous login fail.


August 28th, 2020


This version is bugged fixed in 1.3.0, sorry.

Fix bugged redirectTest in <AuthRoute /> Component and document it.


August 27th, 2020


This version is bugged fixed in 1.3.0, sorry.

Rewrite the internal logic of effects in RxJS now loginCall, meCall and refreshTokenCall can return Rx Observable.

So you can use rjxs/ajax without .toPromise().

All routes components can be rendered with all methods supported by react-router.

Now you can do:

<AuthRoute path='/account'>
  <Account />


June 8th, 2020

The api still the same of 1.0.0-rc2 published on next tag.

The only breaking change is the remove of callApi() function from useAuthActions() hook, cause is less reliable of callAuthApiPromise() and callAuthApiObservable().