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Generator templates are written in ejs, which is a templating language using JavaScript.
You write the template however you want, and use <%= foo %>
to run and output JavaScript.
You can also use control statements like "if" with <% if (condition) { %>Stuff here<% } %>
Templates are located in your app's ./ignite/templates
folder, and the name of the folder should match the name of the generator.
For example, if you want to run npx ignite-cli generate header Pizza
, you'd put the header templates in the ./ignite/templates/header/
Any files in that folder will be copied over & run through the generator with the Pizza
name applied.
If you use all upper-case NAME
in your template filenames, that will be replaced by a pascal-case version of the name provided by the person running the generator.
It's best to just look at an example:
Let's say you have a file called NAMEScreen.ts
If they run npx ignite-cli generate screen Pizza
, it'll name the file PizzaScreen.ts
If you'd like to customize the filename you can provide a filename option in the front matter of the template like so:
filename: <%= props.camelCaseName %>.tsx
There's a provided props
object that contains the following properties:
props.skipIndexFile // boolean, if --skip-index-file is passed it's `true`
props.filename // string, the name of the file being generated (e.g. "UserModel.tsx")
props.pascalCaseName // string, PascalCase version of the name that is passed in (e.g. "UserModel")
props.camelCaseName // string, camelCase version of the name (e.g. "userModel")
props.kebabCaseName // string, kebab-case version of the name (e.g. "user-model")
props.subdirectory // string, the subdirectory path to the file being generated (e.g. "my/sub/path/")
Example of using these in a template:
type <%= props.pascalCaseName %>Props = { some: string }
export function <%= props.pascalCaseName %>(props: <%= props.pascalCaseName %>Props) {
return <Text>{props.some} in a <%= props.pascalCaseName %> component!</Text>
"Front matter" is a way to specify meta-data about a template in the template itself. It's stripped out of the generated file. You delineate front matter by three dashes (---
) above and below, and it has to be the very first thing in the template. The following front matter options are available:
We use this in Ignite to customize the destination of a given template. For example, in ./ignite/templates/navigator/*
we could have:
destinationDir: app/navigation
import { StackNavigator } from "react-navigation"
// ...
This would copy files to ./app/navigation/*
instead of the default ./app/navigators/*
This lets you patch another file, such as an index file. Example:
path: "app/screens/index.ts"
append: "export * from \"./<%= props.kebabCaseName %>/<%= props.kebabCaseName %>-screen\"\n"
skip: <%= props.skipIndexFile %>
You can patch multiple files with patches
. It works just the same as patch
, but allows for multiple.
- path: "app/models/RootStore.ts"
after: "from \"mobx-state-tree\"\n"
insert: "import { <%= props.pascalCaseName %>Model } from \"../<%= props.kebabCaseName %>/<%= props.kebabCaseName %>\"\n"
skip: <%= !props.kebabCaseName.endsWith('store') %>
- path: "app/models/RootStore.ts"
after: "types.model(\"RootStore\").props({\n"
insert: " <%= props.camelCaseName %>: types.optional(<%= props.pascalCaseName %>Model, {} as any),\n"
skip: <%= !props.kebabCaseName.endsWith('store') %>
- path: "app/models/index.ts"
append: "export * from \"./<%= props.kebabCaseName %>/<%= props.kebabCaseName %>\"\n"
skip: <%= props.skipIndexFile %>
Front matter is very powerful, but not necessarily super intuitive. If you have questions about it, ask in the Ignite Slack community or post a Discussion.