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Jérémie N'gadi edited this page Aug 5, 2018 · 3 revisions

Represents a wrapper for a binary file in an RPFv7 archive.

namespace: RageLib.GTA5.ArchiveWrappers

Inheritance Hierarchy


public class RageArchiveBinaryFileWrapper7 : IArchiveBinaryFile


prototype description


name description
property CompressedSize Gets the compressed size of the file.
property IsCompressed Gets or sets a value indicating whether the file is compressed.
property IsEncrypted Gets or sets a value indicating whether the file is encrypted.
property Name Gets or sets the name of the file.
property Size __
property UncompressedSize Gets or sets a value indicating the uncompressed size of the file. This property can only be set if the file is compressed.


prototype description
/images/method.jpg void Export(string fileName) Exports a binary file.
/images/method.jpg void Export(Stream stream) Exports a binary file.
/images/method.jpg Stream GetStream() Gets the stream that respresents the possibly compressed content of the file.
/images/method.jpg void Import(string fileName) Imports a binary file.
/images/method.jpg void Import(Stream stream) Imports a binary file.


name description
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