Produce deliverables with:
# Default OMERO profile
./gradlew clean dist
# Alternate OMERO profile
./gradlew clean dist -Pprofile=omero508-ice34
- One local OMERO.server per profile mainline
- One PostgreSQL database per profile mainline
- Flyway: database schema migration
- Unitils/DbUnit: database fixtures loading
- Gradle/TestNG: test configuration generation & tests execution/reporting
Integration testing relies Gradle resource generation to produce profile-specific test configurations at build time (see
Generated resources are located in <buildDir>/generated-resources/<sourceSetName>
: minimal OMERO.server configuration (ManagedRepository location and database connection settings)unitils-local.<projectName>.properties
: local Unitils/DbUnit database connection settings for fixtures
: basic command shorthand for integration environment initialization
Example "quick testing" steps for 5.1.0-m4
export OMERO_PREFIX=~/apps/OMERO.server-5.1.0-m4-ice35-b31
./gradlew clean generateTestResources -Pprofile=omero51m4-ice34
chmod u+x ./build/generated-resources/test/
Note: the OMERO configuration generated in omero-config.<projectName>.properties
is loaded
into the server using an OMERO.grid profile entitled <projectName>-<buildProfileName>
- Integration database initialized (both schema and tests fixtures)
- Integration OMERO.server configured + started
Both server and database schema versions are expected to match the build profile's baseline version number.
Run via TestNG plugin with either of:
- JVM argument:
- environment variable:
Note: this step is unnecessary in a Gradle environment, as the test
build target sets the ice.config.location
system property to the relevant file location within the build directory.
The JaCoCo coverage report is generated via the ./gradlew test jacocoTestReport
build targets.
Reports are produced with every integration tests run from ./build/generated-resources/test/
into ./build/reports/jacoco/
Upload and publish released deliverables with:
# Default OMERO profile, all artifacts
ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_bintray_user=user_name ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_bintray_key=api_key \
./gradlew -Pbintray_org=imagopole -Pbintray_dryRun=false -Pbintray_publish=true \
clean dist bintrayUpload --info
# Alternate OMERO profile, split artifacts
./gradlew clean dist -Pprofile=omero510-ice35
ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_bintray_user=user_name ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_bintray_key=api_key \
./gradlew -Pbintray_org=imagopole -Pbintray_dryRun=false -Pbintray_publish=true \
bintrayDocsUpload bintrayDistsUpload --info