A real-time voting system that uses Apache Kafka, PostgreSQL, Apache Spark, Apache Zookeeper and Streamlit.
- Docker and Docker Compose installed on your machine (Preferably through Docker Desktop).
- Make sure that the following ports are free:
- 8501
- 2181
- 9092
- 9101
- 5432
- 8080
- 7077
- Clone the Github repo on your machine:
git clone https://github.com/ilyasben26/Realtime-Voting-Pipeline
- Run docker compose
docker-compose -up -d
- Wait for for docker to pull the images and run the containers.
- Generate voters and candidates data:
docker exec -d pyspark python generate_data.py
- Inititate the voting procedure:
docker exec -d pyspark python simulate_voting.py
- Run Spark to aggregrate the voting data in real-time:
docker exec -d pyspark python spark_streaming.py
- Visit
to see the Streamlit dashboard get updated in real-time with the results of the election.
- Using Docker and Docker Compose to containerize data pipelines.
- Basics of Apache Spark.
- Working with Kafka topics, consumers and producers.
- Using Streamlit to create interactive data dashboards.