diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 26dba3f89..c09395d60 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# RSCG - 175 Examples of Roslyn Source Code Generators / 14 created by Microsoft /
+# RSCG - 176 Examples of Roslyn Source Code Generators / 14 created by Microsoft /
-## Latest Update : 2024-12-03 => 03 December 2024
+## Latest Update : 2024-12-04 => 04 December 2024
If you want to see examples with code, please click ***[List V2](https://ignatandrei.github.io/RSCG_Examples/v2/docs/List-of-RSCG)***
@@ -20,8 +20,30 @@ If you want to be notified each time I add a new RSCG example , please click htt
## Content
-Those are the 175 Roslyn Source Code Generators that I have tested you can see and download source code example.
+Those are the 176 Roslyn Source Code Generators that I have tested you can see and download source code example.
( including 14 from Microsoft )
+### 176. [Darp.BinaryObjects](https://ignatandrei.github.io/RSCG_Examples/v2/docs/Darp.BinaryObjects) , in the [Bitwise](https://ignatandrei.github.io/RSCG_Examples/v2/docs/rscg-examples#bitwise) category
+Generated on : 2024-12-04 => 04 December 2024
+ Expand
+Author: Ross Light GmbH
+A source generator to generate TryRead/Write Little/BigEndian methods for struct/class definitions for binary serialization.
+Nuget: [https://www.nuget.org/packages/Darp.BinaryObjects/](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Darp.BinaryObjects/)
+Link: [https://ignatandrei.github.io/RSCG_Examples/v2/docs/Darp.BinaryObjects](https://ignatandrei.github.io/RSCG_Examples/v2/docs/Darp.BinaryObjects)
+Source: [https://github.com/rosslight/Darp.BinaryObjects](https://github.com/rosslight/Darp.BinaryObjects)
### 175. [Dolly](https://ignatandrei.github.io/RSCG_Examples/v2/docs/Dolly) , in the [Clone](https://ignatandrei.github.io/RSCG_Examples/v2/docs/rscg-examples#clone) category
Generated on : 2024-12-03 => 03 December 2024
@@ -4202,231 +4224,224 @@ Why I have not tested : issue opened
-25) [https://github.com/rosslight/Darp.BinaryObjects]( https://github.com/rosslight/Darp.BinaryObjects) , https://github.com/rosslight/Darp.BinaryObjects
-Why I have not tested : later
-26) [https://github.com/Stepami/visitor-net]( https://github.com/Stepami/visitor-net) , https://github.com/Stepami/visitor-net
+25) [https://github.com/Stepami/visitor-net]( https://github.com/Stepami/visitor-net) , https://github.com/Stepami/visitor-net
Why I have not tested : later
-27) [https://github.com/SzymonHalucha/Minerals.AutoCommands]( https://github.com/SzymonHalucha/Minerals.AutoCommands) , https://github.com/SzymonHalucha/Minerals.AutoCommands
+26) [https://github.com/SzymonHalucha/Minerals.AutoCommands]( https://github.com/SzymonHalucha/Minerals.AutoCommands) , https://github.com/SzymonHalucha/Minerals.AutoCommands
Why I have not tested : later
-28) [Intellenum]( https://github.com/SteveDunn/Intellenum) , https://github.com/SteveDunn/Intellenum
+27) [Intellenum]( https://github.com/SteveDunn/Intellenum) , https://github.com/SteveDunn/Intellenum
Why I have not tested : not understand how to use
-29) [Jos.Enumeration,]( https://github.com/joseftw/jos.enumeration) , https://github.com/joseftw/jos.enumeration
+28) [Jos.Enumeration,]( https://github.com/joseftw/jos.enumeration) , https://github.com/joseftw/jos.enumeration
Why I have not tested : too complicated for me, need help
-30) [laker]( https://github.com/Lakerfield/Lakerfield.Rpc) , https://github.com/Lakerfield/Lakerfield.Rpc
+29) [laker]( https://github.com/Lakerfield/Lakerfield.Rpc) , https://github.com/Lakerfield/Lakerfield.Rpc
Why I have not tested : later
-31) [LoggingDecoratorGenerator]( https://github.com/DavidFineboym/LoggingDecoratorGenerator) , https://github.com/DavidFineboym/LoggingDecoratorGenerator
+30) [LoggingDecoratorGenerator]( https://github.com/DavidFineboym/LoggingDecoratorGenerator) , https://github.com/DavidFineboym/LoggingDecoratorGenerator
Why I have not tested : Microsoft have done same feature
-32) [lucide-blazor]( https://github.com/brecht-vde/lucide-blazor/) , https://github.com/brecht-vde/lucide-blazor/
+31) [lucide-blazor]( https://github.com/brecht-vde/lucide-blazor/) , https://github.com/brecht-vde/lucide-blazor/
Why I have not tested : issue opened
-33) [ManagedDotnetProfiler]( https://github.com/kevingosse/ManagedDotnetProfiler) , https://github.com/kevingosse/ManagedDotnetProfiler
+32) [ManagedDotnetProfiler]( https://github.com/kevingosse/ManagedDotnetProfiler) , https://github.com/kevingosse/ManagedDotnetProfiler
Why I have not tested : too complicated for me, need help
-34) [Maui.BindableProperty.Generator]( https://github.com/rrmanzano/maui-bindableproperty-generator) , https://github.com/rrmanzano/maui-bindableproperty-generator
+33) [Maui.BindableProperty.Generator]( https://github.com/rrmanzano/maui-bindableproperty-generator) , https://github.com/rrmanzano/maui-bindableproperty-generator
Why I have not tested : too complicated for me, need help
-35) [Minerals.AutoCQRS]( https://github.com/SzymonHalucha/Minerals.AutoCQRS) , https://github.com/SzymonHalucha/Minerals.AutoCQRS
+34) [Minerals.AutoCQRS]( https://github.com/SzymonHalucha/Minerals.AutoCQRS) , https://github.com/SzymonHalucha/Minerals.AutoCQRS
Why I have not tested : later
-36) [Minerals.AutoDomain]( https://github.com/SzymonHalucha/Minerals.AutoDomain) , https://github.com/SzymonHalucha/Minerals.AutoDomain
+35) [Minerals.AutoDomain]( https://github.com/SzymonHalucha/Minerals.AutoDomain) , https://github.com/SzymonHalucha/Minerals.AutoDomain
Why I have not tested : later
-37) [MvvmGen]( https://github.com/thomasclaudiushuber/mvvmgen) , https://github.com/thomasclaudiushuber/mvvmgen
+36) [MvvmGen]( https://github.com/thomasclaudiushuber/mvvmgen) , https://github.com/thomasclaudiushuber/mvvmgen
Why I have not tested : too complicated for me, need help
-38) [observable]( https://github.com/notanaverageman/Bindables) , https://github.com/notanaverageman/Bindables
+37) [observable]( https://github.com/notanaverageman/Bindables) , https://github.com/notanaverageman/Bindables
Why I have not tested : later
-39) [Overloader]( https://github.com/emptycoder/Overloader) , https://github.com/emptycoder/Overloader
+38) [Overloader]( https://github.com/emptycoder/Overloader) , https://github.com/emptycoder/Overloader
Why I have not tested : too complicated for me, need help
-40) [PolySharp]( https://github.com/Sergio0694/PolySharp) , https://github.com/Sergio0694/PolySharp
+39) [PolySharp]( https://github.com/Sergio0694/PolySharp) , https://github.com/Sergio0694/PolySharp
Why I have not tested : too complicated for me, need help
-41) [Pure.DI]( https://github.com/DevTeam/Pure.DI) , https://github.com/DevTeam/Pure.DI
+40) [Pure.DI]( https://github.com/DevTeam/Pure.DI) , https://github.com/DevTeam/Pure.DI
Why I have not tested : too complicated for me, need help
-42) [schema]( https://github.com/MeltyPlayer/Schema) , https://github.com/MeltyPlayer/Schema
+41) [schema]( https://github.com/MeltyPlayer/Schema) , https://github.com/MeltyPlayer/Schema
Why I have not tested : too complicated for me, need help
-43) [SerdeDn]( https://github.com/serdedotnet/serde) , https://github.com/serdedotnet/serde
+42) [SerdeDn]( https://github.com/serdedotnet/serde) , https://github.com/serdedotnet/serde
Why I have not tested : serializer. Done by MSFT with System.Text.Json
-44) [SogePoco]( https://github.com/d-p-y/SogePoco) , https://github.com/d-p-y/SogePoco
+43) [SogePoco]( https://github.com/d-p-y/SogePoco) , https://github.com/d-p-y/SogePoco
Why I have not tested : too complicated for me, need help
-45) [SourceCrafter.HttpServiceClientGenerator]( https://github.com/pedro-gilmora/SourceCrafter.HttpServiceClientGenerator/) , https://github.com/pedro-gilmora/SourceCrafter.HttpServiceClientGenerator/
+44) [SourceCrafter.HttpServiceClientGenerator]( https://github.com/pedro-gilmora/SourceCrafter.HttpServiceClientGenerator/) , https://github.com/pedro-gilmora/SourceCrafter.HttpServiceClientGenerator/
Why I have not tested : later
-46) [ST.NSwag.ServerSourceGenerator]( https://github.com/s-tarasov/ST.NSwag.ServerSourceGenerator) , https://github.com/s-tarasov/ST.NSwag.ServerSourceGenerator
+45) [ST.NSwag.ServerSourceGenerator]( https://github.com/s-tarasov/ST.NSwag.ServerSourceGenerator) , https://github.com/s-tarasov/ST.NSwag.ServerSourceGenerator
Why I have not tested : swagger,need help
-47) [StrongInject]( https://github.com/YairHalberstadt/stronginject/) , https://github.com/YairHalberstadt/stronginject/
+46) [StrongInject]( https://github.com/YairHalberstadt/stronginject/) , https://github.com/YairHalberstadt/stronginject/
Why I have not tested : too complicated for me, need help
-48) [TeuJson]( https://github.com/Terria-K/TeuJson) , https://github.com/Terria-K/TeuJson
+47) [TeuJson]( https://github.com/Terria-K/TeuJson) , https://github.com/Terria-K/TeuJson
Why I have not tested : json a class, was done in System.Text.Json
-49) [Tinyhand]( https://github.com/archi-Doc/Tinyhand) , https://github.com/archi-Doc/Tinyhand
+48) [Tinyhand]( https://github.com/archi-Doc/Tinyhand) , https://github.com/archi-Doc/Tinyhand
Why I have not tested : tried, need documentation
-50) [Tortuga.Shipwright]( https://github.com/TortugaResearch/Tortuga.Shipwright) , https://github.com/TortugaResearch/Tortuga.Shipwright
+49) [Tortuga.Shipwright]( https://github.com/TortugaResearch/Tortuga.Shipwright) , https://github.com/TortugaResearch/Tortuga.Shipwright
Why I have not tested : too complicated for me, need help
-51) [TupleOverloadGenerator]( https://github.com/ProphetLamb/TupleOverloadGenerator) , https://github.com/ProphetLamb/TupleOverloadGenerator
+50) [TupleOverloadGenerator]( https://github.com/ProphetLamb/TupleOverloadGenerator) , https://github.com/ProphetLamb/TupleOverloadGenerator
Why I have not tested : too complicated for me, need help
-52) [TypealizR]( https://github.com/earloc/TypealizR) , https://github.com/earloc/TypealizR
+51) [TypealizR]( https://github.com/earloc/TypealizR) , https://github.com/earloc/TypealizR
Why I have not tested : depends on Microsoft.Extensions.Localization
-53) [UnitTestBlazor]( https://github.com/bUnit-dev/bUnit) , https://github.com/bUnit-dev/bUnit
+52) [UnitTestBlazor]( https://github.com/bUnit-dev/bUnit) , https://github.com/bUnit-dev/bUnit
Why I have not tested : issue opened
-54) [ValueLink]( https://github.com/archi-Doc/ValueLink) , https://github.com/archi-Doc/ValueLink
+53) [ValueLink]( https://github.com/archi-Doc/ValueLink) , https://github.com/archi-Doc/ValueLink
Why I have not tested : too complicated for me, need help
-55) [VisitorPatternGenerator]( https://github.com/hikarin522/VisitorPatternGenerator/) , https://github.com/hikarin522/VisitorPatternGenerator/
+54) [VisitorPatternGenerator]( https://github.com/hikarin522/VisitorPatternGenerator/) , https://github.com/hikarin522/VisitorPatternGenerator/
Why I have not tested : issue opened
-56) [Visor]( https://github.com/Tinkoff/Visor) , https://github.com/Tinkoff/Visor
+55) [Visor]( https://github.com/Tinkoff/Visor) , https://github.com/Tinkoff/Visor
Why I have not tested : too complicated for me, need help
-57) [WrapperValueObject]( https://github.com/martinothamar/WrapperValueObject) , https://github.com/martinothamar/WrapperValueObject
+56) [WrapperValueObject]( https://github.com/martinothamar/WrapperValueObject) , https://github.com/martinothamar/WrapperValueObject
Why I have not tested : not maintained as in readme
diff --git a/v2/Generator/all.csv b/v2/Generator/all.csv
index 3ee5e1cea..ab14bf01d 100644
--- a/v2/Generator/all.csv
+++ b/v2/Generator/all.csv
@@ -174,3 +174,4 @@ Nr,Key,Source,Category
173,Microsoft.Windows.CsWin32, https://github.com/microsoft/CsWin32,WinAPI
174,Dapper.AOT, https://github.com/DapperLib/DapperAOT,Database
175,Dolly, https://github.com/AnderssonPeter/Dolly,Clone
+176,Darp.BinaryObjects, https://github.com/rosslight/Darp.BinaryObjects,Bitwise
diff --git a/v2/RSCGExamplesData/GeneratorDataRec.json b/v2/RSCGExamplesData/GeneratorDataRec.json
index 98eaf2ecd..22cbddeb4 100644
--- a/v2/RSCGExamplesData/GeneratorDataRec.json
+++ b/v2/RSCGExamplesData/GeneratorDataRec.json
@@ -1053,5 +1053,11 @@
"Category": 29,
"dtStart": "2024-12-03T00:00:00",
"show": true
+ },
+ {
+ "ID":"Darp.BinaryObjects",
+ "Category": 24,
+ "dtStart": "2024-12-04T00:00:00",
+ "show": true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/v2/RSCGExamplesData/NoExample.json b/v2/RSCGExamplesData/NoExample.json
index b9dae2f30..93718a513 100644
--- a/v2/RSCGExamplesData/NoExample.json
+++ b/v2/RSCGExamplesData/NoExample.json
@@ -835,11 +835,6 @@
- {
- "ID":181,
- "name":"https://github.com/rosslight/Darp.BinaryObjects",
- "why":"later"
- },
diff --git a/v2/book/examples/Darp.BinaryObjects.html b/v2/book/examples/Darp.BinaryObjects.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..71689bfa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v2/book/examples/Darp.BinaryObjects.html
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
RSCG nr 176 : Darp.BinaryObjects
+Nuget : https://www.nuget.org/packages/Darp.BinaryObjects/
+You can find more details at : https://github.com/rosslight/Darp.BinaryObjects
+Author :Ross Light GmbH
+Source : https://github.com/rosslight/Darp.BinaryObjects
+Serialize bits of data
+ How to use
+ Add reference to the Darp.BinaryObjects in the csproj
+This was for me the starting code
+ I have coded the file Program.cs
+ I have coded the file BitStruct.cs
+ And here are the generated files
+ The file generated is BinaryObjectsGenerator.g.cs
+ You can download the code and this page as pdf from
+ https://ignatandrei.github.io/RSCG_Examples/v2/docs/Darp.BinaryObjects
+ You can see the whole list at
+ https://ignatandrei.github.io/RSCG_Examples/v2/docs/List-of-RSCG
diff --git a/v2/book/list.html b/v2/book/list.html
index b8744556f..2e51c7298 100644
--- a/v2/book/list.html
+++ b/v2/book/list.html
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
-This is the list of 175 RSCG with examples =>
+This is the list of 176 RSCG with examples =>
diff --git a/v2/book/pandocHTML.yaml b/v2/book/pandocHTML.yaml
index 4539c725a..80170ac34 100644
--- a/v2/book/pandocHTML.yaml
+++ b/v2/book/pandocHTML.yaml
@@ -189,6 +189,7 @@ input-files:
- examples/Microsoft.Windows.CsWin32.html
- examples/Dapper.AOT.html
- examples/Dolly.html
+- examples/Darp.BinaryObjects.html
# or you may use input-file: with a single value
# defaults:
diff --git a/v2/rscg_examples/Darp.BinaryObjects/description.json b/v2/rscg_examples/Darp.BinaryObjects/description.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..242cc6460
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v2/rscg_examples/Darp.BinaryObjects/description.json
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ "generator":{
+ "name":"Darp.BinaryObjects",
+ "nuget":[
+ "https://www.nuget.org/packages/Darp.BinaryObjects/"
+ ],
+ "link":"https://github.com/rosslight/Darp.BinaryObjects",
+ "author":"Ross Light GmbH",
+ "source":"https://github.com/rosslight/Darp.BinaryObjects"
+ },
+ "data":{
+ "goodFor":["Serialize bits of data"],
+ "csprojDemo":"BitsDemo.csproj",
+ "csFiles":["Program.cs","BitStruct.cs"],
+ "excludeDirectoryGenerated":[""],
+ "includeAdditionalFiles":[""]
+ },
+ "links":{
+ "blog":"",
+ "video":""
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/v2/rscg_examples/Darp.BinaryObjects/nuget.txt b/v2/rscg_examples/Darp.BinaryObjects/nuget.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ff2ec094
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v2/rscg_examples/Darp.BinaryObjects/nuget.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+A source generator to generate TryRead/Write Little/BigEndian methods for struct/class definitions for binary serialization.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/v2/rscg_examples/Darp.BinaryObjects/readme.txt b/v2/rscg_examples/Darp.BinaryObjects/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a364a74fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v2/rscg_examples/Darp.BinaryObjects/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+# Darp.BinaryObjects
+![Dotnet Version](https://img.shields.io/badge/dotnet-net8.0%20%7C%20net9.0-blue)
+![Language Version](https://img.shields.io/badge/c%23-11-blue)
+### A source generator to generate TryRead/Write Little/BigEndian methods for struct/class definitions.
+> This package is under heavy development. Anything is subject to change.
+You should use the source generation when you want:
+- Serialization to a buffer of bytes
+- Deserialization from a buffer already completely received
+- Endianness during serialization
+- Common interfaces for serialization are required which allow to implement more complex scenarios by hand without the generator
+- Usage of something like BinaryPrimitives but for more complex types
+- Can work with a minimum c# LanguageVersion of 11 and net8.0 / net9.0
+If these requirements do not meet your expectations, check out those other wonderful projects
+- Several binary serializers. e.g. [MemoryPack](https://github.com/Cysharp/MemoryPack), [BinaryPack](https://github.com/Sergio0694/BinaryPack), ...
+ which are great if direct binary serialization is not needed
+- Serialization libraries relying on reflection. e.g. [HyperSerializer](https://github.com/adam-dot-cohen/HyperSerializer)
+- [StructPacker](https://github.com/RudolfKurkaMs/StructPacker) - not supporting allocation less packing/unpacking
+- [BinarySerializer](https://github.com/jefffhaynes/BinarySerializer?tab=readme-ov-file) - Allows for binary serialization with a way larger feature set but more difficult to understand and relying on reflection
+## Supported properties
+Here is a list of the property types currently supported by the library:
+- [x] Unmanaged types: `bool`, `sbyte`, `byte`, `short`, `ushort`, `int`, `uint`, `long`, `ulong`, `char`, `float`, `double`
+- [x] BinaryObjects implementing `IWritable` or `IReadable`
+- [ ] Blittable types
+- [x] Enums
+- [ ] Other .NET types: `BitArray`
+For all of these types, it should be possible to define as array types:
+- [x] Memory abstractions: `ReadOnlyMemory`
+- [x] Arrays: `T[]`
+- [x] Lists: `List`
+- [x] Collections: `IEnumerable`, `IReadOnlyCollection`, `ICollection`, `IReadOnlyList`, `IList`
+To control these types there are attributes
+- [x] `BinaryIgnore`: Ignore some members
+- [x] `BinaryElementCount`: Sets the number of elements in an array
+- [ ] `BinaryReadRemaining`: Reads the remaining into an array
+- [ ] `BinaryLength`: Sets the length of a member
+- Unmanaged types have no clearly defined length / endianness: ~~`nint`~~, ~~`nuint`~~, ~~`decimal`~~
+- Multidimensional arrays (e.g. `T[,]`, `T[,,]`, etc.)
+- Jagged arrays (e.g. `T[][]`, etc.)
+- Dictionaries: `Dictionary`, `IDictionary` and `IReadOnlyDictionary`
+- Nullable value types: `Nullable` or `T?`
+## What is serialized?
+- Any `real`, user-defined member in a `class` or `struct` declaration
+- Any `field` or `auto property` which is settable or has a parameter with matching type and name in the constructor
+- If there are multiple constructors defined the one with a `BinaryConstructorAttribute` is being used
+There are warnings if:
+- The constructor cannot be resolved
+- There are multiple constructors but none with a `BinaryConstructorAttribute`
+- A member is readonly and does not have a matching constructor argument or is explicitly ignored
+## How it's supposed to work
+Let's pretend we have a series of bytes:
+A: 01
+B: 0200
+Data: 03040506
+We now want to read an object from these bytes similar to how we would do with `BinaryPrimitives`:
+public readonly record struct SomeTestStruct(byte A, ushort B, ReadOnlyMemory Data);
+Normally, you would have to write serialization methods for yourself. By adding the `BinaryObjectAttribute`, this is done automatically by the source generator.
+## Usage
+// Define your object
+partial record struct YourStruct(ushort A, byte B);
+// Read the struct from the buffer using either little or big endian format
+var buffer = Convert.FromHexString("AABBCC");
+var success = YourStruct.TryReadLittleEndian(source: buffer, out var value);
+var success2 = YourStruct.TryReadBigEndian(source: buffer, out var value2, out int bytesRead);
+// Get the actual size of the struct
+var size = value.GetByteCount();
+// Write the values back to a buffer
+var writeBuffer = new byte[size];
+var success3 = value.TryWriteLittleEndian(destination: writeBuffer);
+var success4 = value2.TryWriteLittleEndian(destination: writeBuffer, out int bytesWritten);
+The code generated by the struct will attempt to maximize readability by still maintaining performance and as little allocations as possible.
+ Generated code
+#nullable enable
+using BinaryHelpers = global::Darp.BinaryObjects.BinaryHelpers;
+using NotNullWhenAttribute = global::System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.NotNullWhenAttribute;
+namespace Your.Namespace;
+/// - Field Byte Length
+/// - 2
+/// - 1
+/// - --- 3
+public partial record struct YourStruct : global::Darp.BinaryObjects.IWritable, global::Darp.BinaryObjects.ISpanReadable
+ ///
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImpl(global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
+ public int GetByteCount() => 3;
+ ///
+ public bool TryWriteLittleEndian(global::System.Span destination) => TryWriteLittleEndian(destination, out _);
+ ///
+ public bool TryWriteLittleEndian(global::System.Span destination, out int bytesWritten)
+ {
+ bytesWritten = 0;
+ if (destination.Length < 3)
+ return false;
+ BinaryHelpers.WriteUInt16LittleEndian(destination[0..], this.A);
+ BinaryHelpers.WriteUInt8(destination[2..], this.B);
+ bytesWritten += 3;
+ return true;
+ }
+ ///
+ public bool TryWriteBigEndian(global::System.Span destination) => TryWriteBigEndian(destination, out _);
+ ///
+ public bool TryWriteBigEndian(global::System.Span destination, out int bytesWritten)
+ {
+ bytesWritten = 0;
+ if (destination.Length < 3)
+ return false;
+ BinaryHelpers.WriteUInt16BigEndian(destination[0..], this.A);
+ BinaryHelpers.WriteUInt8(destination[2..], this.B);
+ bytesWritten += 3;
+ return true;
+ }
+ ///
+ public static bool TryReadLittleEndian(global::System.ReadOnlySpan source, out YourStruct value) => TryReadLittleEndian(source, out value, out _);
+ ///
+ public static bool TryReadLittleEndian(global::System.ReadOnlySpan source, out YourStruct value, out int bytesRead)
+ {
+ bytesRead = 0;
+ value = default;
+ if (source.Length < 3)
+ return false;
+ var ___readA = BinaryHelpers.ReadUInt16LittleEndian(source[0..]);
+ var ___readB = BinaryHelpers.ReadUInt8(source[2..]);
+ bytesRead += 3;
+ value = new YourStruct(___readA, ___readB);
+ return true;
+ }
+ ///
+ public static bool TryReadBigEndian(global::System.ReadOnlySpan source, out YourStruct value) => TryReadBigEndian(source, out value, out _);
+ ///
+ public static bool TryReadBigEndian(global::System.ReadOnlySpan source, out YourStruct value, out int bytesRead)
+ {
+ bytesRead = 0;
+ value = default;
+ if (source.Length < 3)
+ return false;
+ var ___readA = BinaryHelpers.ReadUInt16BigEndian(source[0..]);
+ var ___readB = BinaryHelpers.ReadUInt8(source[2..]);
+ bytesRead += 3;
+ value = new YourStruct(___readA, ___readB);
+ return true;
+ }
+## Development
+After cloning the repository, you will find the following project structure:
+- `src/Darp.BinaryObjects` contains public APIs and Attributes
+- `src/Darp.BinaryObjects.Generator` contains the actual source generator
+- `test/Darp.BinaryObjects.Tests` contains unit tests ensuring the generated files actually build and read/write as expected
+- `test/Darp.BInaryObjects.Generator.Tests` contains snapshot tests to ensure the source generator generates valid files
+### Code formatting
+This repository uses [CSharpier](https://csharpier.com/) (inspired by prettier) for code formatting.
+CSharpier should be installed automatically when building the solution as a local dotnet tool.
+To run it, execute
+dotnet csharpier .
+If you want to format you code on save, check out available [Editor integration](https://csharpier.com/docs/Editors) for your IDE.
+### Testing
+Snapshot tests are done using [Verify](https://github.com/VerifyTests/Verify/). If you want to optimize running these tests in your local IDE, you might adjust some settings.
+Please, check your local configuration in the [VerifyDocs](https://github.com/VerifyTests/Verify/blob/main/docs/wiz/readme.md)
diff --git a/v2/rscg_examples/Darp.BinaryObjects/src/.tours/Darp.BinaryObjects.tour b/v2/rscg_examples/Darp.BinaryObjects/src/.tours/Darp.BinaryObjects.tour
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6f8ce3950
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v2/rscg_examples/Darp.BinaryObjects/src/.tours/Darp.BinaryObjects.tour
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ "$schema": "https://aka.ms/codetour-schema",
+ "title": "Darp.BinaryObjects",
+ "steps":
+ [
+ {
+ "file": "BitsDemo/BitsDemo.csproj",
+ "description": "First, we add Nuget [Darp.BinaryObjects](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Darp.BinaryObjects/) in csproj ",
+ "pattern": "Darp.BinaryObjects"
+ }
+ ,{
+ "file": "BitsDemo/BitStruct.cs",
+ "description": "File BitStruct.cs ",
+ "pattern": "this is the code"
+ }
+ ,{
+ "file": "BitsDemo/Program.cs",
+ "description": "File Program.cs \r\n>> dotnet run --project BitsDemo/BitsDemo.csproj ",
+ "pattern": "this is the code"
+ }
+ ,{
+ "file": "BitsDemo/obj/GX/Darp.BinaryObjects.Generator/Darp.BinaryObjects.Generator.BinaryObjectsGenerator/BinaryObjectsGenerator.g.cs",
+ "description": "Generated File 1 from 1 : BinaryObjectsGenerator.g.cs ",
+ "line": 1
+ }
+ ],
+ "ref": "main"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/v2/rscg_examples/Darp.BinaryObjects/src/BitsDemo.sln b/v2/rscg_examples/Darp.BinaryObjects/src/BitsDemo.sln
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..684b96637
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v2/rscg_examples/Darp.BinaryObjects/src/BitsDemo.sln
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
+# Visual Studio Version 17
+VisualStudioVersion = 17.9.34728.123
+MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
+Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "BitsDemo", "BitsDemo\BitsDemo.csproj", "{0B307030-7104-490A-A57E-215067A88251}"
+ GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
+ Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
+ Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
+ {0B307030-7104-490A-A57E-215067A88251}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {0B307030-7104-490A-A57E-215067A88251}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
+ {0B307030-7104-490A-A57E-215067A88251}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {0B307030-7104-490A-A57E-215067A88251}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
+ HideSolutionNode = FALSE
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(ExtensibilityGlobals) = postSolution
+ SolutionGuid = {EDBF43BE-D199-4BC3-8A48-F270ACD097D9}
+ EndGlobalSection
diff --git a/v2/rscg_examples/Darp.BinaryObjects/src/BitsDemo/BitStruct.cs b/v2/rscg_examples/Darp.BinaryObjects/src/BitsDemo/BitStruct.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a7e168974
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v2/rscg_examples/Darp.BinaryObjects/src/BitsDemo/BitStruct.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+using Darp.BinaryObjects;
+using System.IO.Compression;
+namespace BitsDemo;
+partial record zlib_header(byte cmf, byte flg)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/v2/rscg_examples/Darp.BinaryObjects/src/BitsDemo/BitsDemo.csproj b/v2/rscg_examples/Darp.BinaryObjects/src/BitsDemo/BitsDemo.csproj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eab5691c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v2/rscg_examples/Darp.BinaryObjects/src/BitsDemo/BitsDemo.csproj
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ Exe
+ net8.0
+ enable
+ enable
+ true
+ $(BaseIntermediateOutputPath)\GX
diff --git a/v2/rscg_examples/Darp.BinaryObjects/src/BitsDemo/Program.cs b/v2/rscg_examples/Darp.BinaryObjects/src/BitsDemo/Program.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..242aab6a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v2/rscg_examples/Darp.BinaryObjects/src/BitsDemo/Program.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+using BitsDemo;
+using Darp.BinaryObjects;
+var z = new zlib_header(0x78, 0x9C);
+var size = z.GetByteCount();
+// Write the values back to a buffer
+var writeBuffer = new byte[size];
+ Console.WriteLine("writing to buffer" );
+ foreach (var item in writeBuffer)
+ {
+ Console.Write(item+" ");
+ }
diff --git a/v2/rscg_examples/Darp.BinaryObjects/video.json b/v2/rscg_examples/Darp.BinaryObjects/video.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8aca6d57a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v2/rscg_examples/Darp.BinaryObjects/video.json
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ "scriptName": "Darp.BinaryObjects",
+ "steps":
+ {"typeStep":"exec","arg":"clipchamp.exe launch"},
+ {"typeStep":"text","arg": "Welcome to Roslyn Examples"},
+ {"typeStep":"text","arg":"If you want to see more examples , see List Of RSCG"},
+ {"typeStep":"browser","arg":"https://ignatandrei.github.io/RSCG_Examples/v2/docs/List-of-RSCG"},
+ {"typeStep":"text","arg": "My name is Andrei Ignat and I am deeply fond of Roslyn Source Code Generator. "},
+{"typeStep":"text","arg": "Today I will present Darp.BinaryObjects . Serialize bits of data ."},
+{"typeStep":"text","arg": "The whole example is here"},
+{"typeStep":"text","arg": "You can download the code from here"},
+{"typeStep":"text","arg":"Here is the code downloaded "},
+{"typeStep":"exec","arg":"explorer.exe /select,D:\\gth\\RSCG_Examples\\v2\\rscg_examples\\Darp.BinaryObjects\\src\\BitsDemo.sln"},
+{"typeStep":"text","arg": "So , let's start the project with Visual Studio Code "},
+{"typeStep":"stepvscode","arg": "-n D:\\gth\\RSCG_Examples\\v2\\rscg_examples\\Darp.BinaryObjects\\src"},
+{"typeStep":"text","arg": "To use it ,you will put the Nuget Darp.BinaryObjects into the csproj "},
+{"typeStep":"stepvscode","arg": "-r -g D:\\gth\\RSCG_Examples\\v2\\rscg_examples\\Darp.BinaryObjects\\src\\BitsDemo\\BitsDemo.csproj"},
+{"typeStep":"text","arg": "And now I will show you an example of using Darp.BinaryObjects"},
+{"typeStep":"hide","arg": "now execute the tour in VSCode"},
+{"typeStep":"tour", "arg": "src/.tours/"},
+{"typeStep":"text","arg":" And I will execute the project"},
+{"typeStep":"showproj", "arg":"BitsDemo.csproj"},
+{"typeStep":"text","arg":" This concludes the project"},
+{"typeStep":"text","arg": "Remember, you can download the code from here"},
+SpeakTest=" "},
diff --git a/v2/rscg_examples_site/docs/Categories/Bitwise.md b/v2/rscg_examples_site/docs/Categories/Bitwise.md
index 33cfecee5..0a35f813c 100644
--- a/v2/rscg_examples_site/docs/Categories/Bitwise.md
+++ b/v2/rscg_examples_site/docs/Categories/Bitwise.md
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
-Number RSCG: 1
+Number RSCG: 2
1 [BitsKit](/docs/BitsKit)
+ 2 [Darp.BinaryObjects](/docs/Darp.BinaryObjects)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/v2/rscg_examples_site/docs/NoExamples.md b/v2/rscg_examples_site/docs/NoExamples.md
index d5bf193f0..67d09a38a 100644
--- a/v2/rscg_examples_site/docs/NoExamples.md
+++ b/v2/rscg_examples_site/docs/NoExamples.md
@@ -298,387 +298,383 @@ Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
Why I have not put example: issue opened
-74)https://github.com/rosslight/Darp.BinaryObjects https://github.com/rosslight/Darp.BinaryObjects
+74)https://github.com/Stepami/visitor-net https://github.com/Stepami/visitor-net
Why I have not put example: later
-75)https://github.com/Stepami/visitor-net https://github.com/Stepami/visitor-net
+75)https://github.com/SzymonHalucha/Minerals.AutoCommands https://github.com/SzymonHalucha/Minerals.AutoCommands
Why I have not put example: later
-76)https://github.com/SzymonHalucha/Minerals.AutoCommands https://github.com/SzymonHalucha/Minerals.AutoCommands
-Why I have not put example: later
-77)HubClientProxyGenerator https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Client.SourceGenerator
+76)HubClientProxyGenerator https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Client.SourceGenerator
Why I have not put example: not having nuget, but having IIncrementalGenerator
-78)Imp.NET https://github.com/DouglasDwyer/Imp.NET
+77)Imp.NET https://github.com/DouglasDwyer/Imp.NET
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-79)Intellenum https://github.com/SteveDunn/Intellenum
+78)Intellenum https://github.com/SteveDunn/Intellenum
Why I have not put example: not understand how to use
-80)InterfaceGenerator https://github.com/daver32/InterfaceGenerator
+79)InterfaceGenerator https://github.com/daver32/InterfaceGenerator
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-81)IoTHubClientGenerator https://github.com/alonf/IoTHubClientGenerator
+80)IoTHubClientGenerator https://github.com/alonf/IoTHubClientGenerator
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-82)Jos.Enumeration, https://github.com/joseftw/jos.enumeration
+81)Jos.Enumeration, https://github.com/joseftw/jos.enumeration
Why I have not put example: too complicated for me, need help
-83)JsonByExampleGenerator https://github.com/hermanussen/JsonByExampleGenerator
+82)JsonByExampleGenerator https://github.com/hermanussen/JsonByExampleGenerator
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-84)JsonDeserializeResourceSourceGenerator https://github.com/musictopia2/JsonDeserializeResourceSourceGenerator
+83)JsonDeserializeResourceSourceGenerator https://github.com/musictopia2/JsonDeserializeResourceSourceGenerator
Why I have not put example: no readme
-85)JsonMergePatch https://github.com/ladeak/JsonMergePatch
+84)JsonMergePatch https://github.com/ladeak/JsonMergePatch
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-86)JsonSerializerContextGenerator https://github.com/musictopia2/JsonSerializerContextGenerator
+85)JsonSerializerContextGenerator https://github.com/musictopia2/JsonSerializerContextGenerator
Why I have not put example: no readme
-87)JsonSourceGenerator https://github.com/Pilchie/JsonSourceGenerator
+86)JsonSourceGenerator https://github.com/Pilchie/JsonSourceGenerator
Why I have not put example: not having nuget, but having IIncrementalGenerator
-88)JsonSrcGen https://github.com/trampster/JsonSrcGen
+87)JsonSrcGen https://github.com/trampster/JsonSrcGen
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-89)kli.Localize https://github.com/kl1mm/localize
+88)kli.Localize https://github.com/kl1mm/localize
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-90)laker https://github.com/Lakerfield/Lakerfield.Rpc
+89)laker https://github.com/Lakerfield/Lakerfield.Rpc
Why I have not put example: later
-91)lambdajection https://github.com/cythral/lambdajection
+90)lambdajection https://github.com/cythral/lambdajection
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-92)Lazysh https://github.com/B1Z0N/LazyshGen
+91)Lazysh https://github.com/B1Z0N/LazyshGen
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-93)LoggingDecoratorGenerator https://github.com/DavidFineboym/LoggingDecoratorGenerator
+92)LoggingDecoratorGenerator https://github.com/DavidFineboym/LoggingDecoratorGenerator
Why I have not put example: Microsoft have done same feature
-94)lucide-blazor https://github.com/brecht-vde/lucide-blazor/
+93)lucide-blazor https://github.com/brecht-vde/lucide-blazor/
Why I have not put example: issue opened
-95)ManagedDotnetProfiler https://github.com/kevingosse/ManagedDotnetProfiler
+94)ManagedDotnetProfiler https://github.com/kevingosse/ManagedDotnetProfiler
Why I have not put example: too complicated for me, need help
-96)MapDataReader https://github.com/jitbit/MapDataReader
+95)MapDataReader https://github.com/jitbit/MapDataReader
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-97)MappingCloningExtensions https://github.com/musictopia2/MappingCloningExtensions
+96)MappingCloningExtensions https://github.com/musictopia2/MappingCloningExtensions
Why I have not put example: no readme
-98)Maui.BindableProperty.Generator https://github.com/rrmanzano/maui-bindableproperty-generator
+97)Maui.BindableProperty.Generator https://github.com/rrmanzano/maui-bindableproperty-generator
Why I have not put example: too complicated for me, need help
-99)MediatR https://github.com/Burgyn/MMLib.MediatR.Generators
+98)MediatR https://github.com/Burgyn/MMLib.MediatR.Generators
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-100)MemberAccessGenerator https://github.com/ufcpp/MemberAccessGenerator
+99)MemberAccessGenerator https://github.com/ufcpp/MemberAccessGenerator
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-101)MemoizeSourceGenerator https://github.com/Zoxive/MemoizeSourceGenerator
+100)MemoizeSourceGenerator https://github.com/Zoxive/MemoizeSourceGenerator
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-102)Minerals.AutoCQRS https://github.com/SzymonHalucha/Minerals.AutoCQRS
+101)Minerals.AutoCQRS https://github.com/SzymonHalucha/Minerals.AutoCQRS
Why I have not put example: later
-103)Minerals.AutoDomain https://github.com/SzymonHalucha/Minerals.AutoDomain
+102)Minerals.AutoDomain https://github.com/SzymonHalucha/Minerals.AutoDomain
Why I have not put example: later
-104)MiniRazor https://github.com/Tyrrrz/MiniRazor/
+103)MiniRazor https://github.com/Tyrrrz/MiniRazor/
Why I have not put example: archived
-105)MockableStaticGenerator https://github.com/HamedFathi/MockableStaticGenerator
+104)MockableStaticGenerator https://github.com/HamedFathi/MockableStaticGenerator
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-106)MockGen https://github.com/thomas-girotto/MockGen
+105)MockGen https://github.com/thomas-girotto/MockGen
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-107)MockSourceGenerator https://github.com/hermanussen/MockSourceGenerator
+106)MockSourceGenerator https://github.com/hermanussen/MockSourceGenerator
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-108)MrMeeseeks.DIE https://github.com/Yeah69/MrMeeseeks.DIE
+107)MrMeeseeks.DIE https://github.com/Yeah69/MrMeeseeks.DIE
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-109)MrMeeseeks.ResXToViewModelGenerator https://github.com/Yeah69/MrMeeseeks.ResXToViewModelGenerator
+108)MrMeeseeks.ResXToViewModelGenerator https://github.com/Yeah69/MrMeeseeks.ResXToViewModelGenerator
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-110)MrMeeseeks.StaticDelegateGenerator https://github.com/Yeah69/MrMeeseeks.StaticDelegateGenerator
+109)MrMeeseeks.StaticDelegateGenerator https://github.com/Yeah69/MrMeeseeks.StaticDelegateGenerator
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-111)MrMeeseeks.Visitor https://github.com/Yeah69/MrMeeseeks.Visitor
+110)MrMeeseeks.Visitor https://github.com/Yeah69/MrMeeseeks.Visitor
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-112)MvvmGen https://github.com/thomasclaudiushuber/mvvmgen
+111)MvvmGen https://github.com/thomasclaudiushuber/mvvmgen
Why I have not put example: too complicated for me, need help
-113)Neon.Roslyn https://www.nuget.org/packages/Neon.Roslyn
+112)Neon.Roslyn https://www.nuget.org/packages/Neon.Roslyn
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-114)net_automatic_interface https://github.com/codecentric/net_automatic_interface
+113)net_automatic_interface https://github.com/codecentric/net_automatic_interface
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-115)NSourceGenerators https://github.com/NeVeSpl/NSourceGenerators/
+114)NSourceGenerators https://github.com/NeVeSpl/NSourceGenerators/
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-116)observable https://github.com/notanaverageman/Bindables
+115)observable https://github.com/notanaverageman/Bindables
Why I have not put example: later
-117)Overloader https://github.com/emptycoder/Overloader
+116)Overloader https://github.com/emptycoder/Overloader
Why I have not put example: too complicated for me, need help
-118)Pipelines https://github.com/DumplingsDevs/Pipelines/
+117)Pipelines https://github.com/DumplingsDevs/Pipelines/
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-119)Plastic https://github.com/sang-hyeon/Plastic
+118)Plastic https://github.com/sang-hyeon/Plastic
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-120)PolySharp https://github.com/Sergio0694/PolySharp
+119)PolySharp https://github.com/Sergio0694/PolySharp
Why I have not put example: too complicated for me, need help
-121)PrimaryConstructor https://github.com/chaowlert/PrimaryConstructor
+120)PrimaryConstructor https://github.com/chaowlert/PrimaryConstructor
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-122)PrimitiveStaticDataGenerator https://github.com/iiweis/PrimitiveStaticDataGenerator
+121)PrimitiveStaticDataGenerator https://github.com/iiweis/PrimitiveStaticDataGenerator
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-123)PrintMembersGenerator https://github.com/Youssef1313/PrintMembersGenerator
+122)PrintMembersGenerator https://github.com/Youssef1313/PrintMembersGenerator
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-124)ProxyInterfaceGenerator https://github.com/StefH/ProxyInterfaceSourceGenerator
+123)ProxyInterfaceGenerator https://github.com/StefH/ProxyInterfaceSourceGenerator
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-125)Pure.DI https://github.com/DevTeam/Pure.DI
+124)Pure.DI https://github.com/DevTeam/Pure.DI
Why I have not put example: too complicated for me, need help
-126)PureHDF https://github.com/Apollo3zehn/PureHDF
+125)PureHDF https://github.com/Apollo3zehn/PureHDF
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-127)RazorPageRouteGenerator https://github.com/surgicalcoder/RazorPageRouteGenerator
+126)RazorPageRouteGenerator https://github.com/surgicalcoder/RazorPageRouteGenerator
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-128)ReForge.Union https://github.com/nalcorso/ReForge.Union
+127)ReForge.Union https://github.com/nalcorso/ReForge.Union
Why I have not put example: not having nuget, but having IIncrementalGenerator
-129)RoslynWeave https://github.com/Jishun/RoslynWeave
+128)RoslynWeave https://github.com/Jishun/RoslynWeave
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-130)ScenarioTests https://github.com/koenbeuk/ScenarioTests
+129)ScenarioTests https://github.com/koenbeuk/ScenarioTests
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-131)schema https://github.com/MeltyPlayer/Schema
+130)schema https://github.com/MeltyPlayer/Schema
Why I have not put example: too complicated for me, need help
-132)SerdeDn https://github.com/serdedotnet/serde
+131)SerdeDn https://github.com/serdedotnet/serde
Why I have not put example: serializer. Done by MSFT with System.Text.Json
-133)SmallSharp https://github.com/devlooped/SmallSharp
+132)SmallSharp https://github.com/devlooped/SmallSharp
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-134)SmartAnnotations https://github.com/fiseni/SmartAnnotations
+133)SmartAnnotations https://github.com/fiseni/SmartAnnotations
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-135)SogePoco https://github.com/d-p-y/SogePoco
+134)SogePoco https://github.com/d-p-y/SogePoco
Why I have not put example: too complicated for me, need help
-136)SourceApi https://github.com/alekshura/SourceApi
+135)SourceApi https://github.com/alekshura/SourceApi
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-137)SourceConfig https://github.com/alekshura/SourceConfig
+136)SourceConfig https://github.com/alekshura/SourceConfig
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-138)SourceCrafter.HttpServiceClientGenerator https://github.com/pedro-gilmora/SourceCrafter.HttpServiceClientGenerator/
+137)SourceCrafter.HttpServiceClientGenerator https://github.com/pedro-gilmora/SourceCrafter.HttpServiceClientGenerator/
Why I have not put example: later
-139)SourceGeneratorQuery https://github.com/roeibajayo/SourceGeneratorQuery
+138)SourceGeneratorQuery https://github.com/roeibajayo/SourceGeneratorQuery
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-140)SourceInject https://github.com/giggio/sourceinject/
+139)SourceInject https://github.com/giggio/sourceinject/
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-141)SourceMapper https://github.com/alekshura/SourceMapper
+140)SourceMapper https://github.com/alekshura/SourceMapper
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-142)SourceMapper https://github.com/paiden/SourceMapper/
+141)SourceMapper https://github.com/paiden/SourceMapper/
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-143)SqlMarshal https://github.com/kant2002/SqlMarshal
+142)SqlMarshal https://github.com/kant2002/SqlMarshal
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-144)ST.NSwag.ServerSourceGenerator https://github.com/s-tarasov/ST.NSwag.ServerSourceGenerator
+143)ST.NSwag.ServerSourceGenerator https://github.com/s-tarasov/ST.NSwag.ServerSourceGenerator
Why I have not put example: swagger,need help
-145)StackXML https://github.com/ZingBallyhoo/StackXML
+144)StackXML https://github.com/ZingBallyhoo/StackXML
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-146)StaticProxyGenerator https://github.com/robertturner/StaticProxyGenerator
+145)StaticProxyGenerator https://github.com/robertturner/StaticProxyGenerator
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-147)Strings.ResourceGenerator https://github.com/biggik/Strings.ResourceGenerator
+146)Strings.ResourceGenerator https://github.com/biggik/Strings.ResourceGenerator
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-148)StrongInject https://github.com/YairHalberstadt/stronginject/
+147)StrongInject https://github.com/YairHalberstadt/stronginject/
Why I have not put example: too complicated for me, need help
-149)StronglyTypedEmbeddedResources https://github.com/surgicalcoder/StronglyTypedEmbeddedResources
+148)StronglyTypedEmbeddedResources https://github.com/surgicalcoder/StronglyTypedEmbeddedResources
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-150)StructPacker https://github.com/RudolfKurka/StructPacker
+149)StructPacker https://github.com/RudolfKurka/StructPacker
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-151)Svg https://github.com/wieslawsoltes/Svg.Skia
+150)Svg https://github.com/wieslawsoltes/Svg.Skia
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-152)tecli https://github.com/tyevco/TeCLI
+151)tecli https://github.com/tyevco/TeCLI
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-153)TeuJson https://github.com/Terria-K/TeuJson
+152)TeuJson https://github.com/Terria-K/TeuJson
Why I have not put example: json a class, was done in System.Text.Json
-154)Thunderboltloc https://github.com/AlyElhaddad/ThunderboltIoc
+153)Thunderboltloc https://github.com/AlyElhaddad/ThunderboltIoc
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-155)Tinyhand https://github.com/archi-Doc/Tinyhand
+154)Tinyhand https://github.com/archi-Doc/Tinyhand
Why I have not put example: tried, need documentation
-156)Tortuga.Shipwright https://github.com/TortugaResearch/Tortuga.Shipwright
+155)Tortuga.Shipwright https://github.com/TortugaResearch/Tortuga.Shipwright
Why I have not put example: too complicated for me, need help
-157)ToString https://github.com/Burgyn/MMLib.ToString
+156)ToString https://github.com/Burgyn/MMLib.ToString
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-158)Transplator https://github.com/atifaziz/Transplator
+157)Transplator https://github.com/atifaziz/Transplator
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-159)TupleOverloadGenerator https://github.com/ProphetLamb/TupleOverloadGenerator
+158)TupleOverloadGenerator https://github.com/ProphetLamb/TupleOverloadGenerator
Why I have not put example: too complicated for me, need help
-160)TxtToListGenerator https://github.com/musictopia2/TxtToListGenerator
+159)TxtToListGenerator https://github.com/musictopia2/TxtToListGenerator
Why I have not put example: no readme
-161)TypealizR https://github.com/earloc/TypealizR
+160)TypealizR https://github.com/earloc/TypealizR
Why I have not put example: depends on Microsoft.Extensions.Localization
-162)UnitTestBlazor https://github.com/bUnit-dev/bUnit
+161)UnitTestBlazor https://github.com/bUnit-dev/bUnit
Why I have not put example: issue opened
-163)ValueChangedGenerator https://github.com/ufcpp/ValueChangedGenerator
+162)ValueChangedGenerator https://github.com/ufcpp/ValueChangedGenerator
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-164)ValueLink https://github.com/archi-Doc/ValueLink
+163)ValueLink https://github.com/archi-Doc/ValueLink
Why I have not put example: too complicated for me, need help
-165)ValueObjectGenerator https://github.com/RyotaMurohoshi/ValueObjectGenerator
+164)ValueObjectGenerator https://github.com/RyotaMurohoshi/ValueObjectGenerator
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
-166)VisitorPatternGenerator https://github.com/hikarin522/VisitorPatternGenerator/
+165)VisitorPatternGenerator https://github.com/hikarin522/VisitorPatternGenerator/
Why I have not put example: issue opened
-167)Visor https://github.com/Tinkoff/Visor
+166)Visor https://github.com/Tinkoff/Visor
Why I have not put example: too complicated for me, need help
-168)WrapperValueObject https://github.com/martinothamar/WrapperValueObject
+167)WrapperValueObject https://github.com/martinothamar/WrapperValueObject
Why I have not put example: not maintained as in readme
-169)Xtz.StronglyTyped https://github.com/dev-experience/Xtz.StronglyTyped
+168)Xtz.StronglyTyped https://github.com/dev-experience/Xtz.StronglyTyped
Why I have not put example: old ISourceGenerator
diff --git a/v2/rscg_examples_site/docs/RSCG-Examples/BitsKit.md b/v2/rscg_examples_site/docs/RSCG-Examples/BitsKit.md
index 4951df3d2..ecc904c5f 100644
--- a/v2/rscg_examples_site/docs/RSCG-Examples/BitsKit.md
+++ b/v2/rscg_examples_site/docs/RSCG-Examples/BitsKit.md
@@ -472,5 +472,8 @@ namespace BitsDemo
-### In the same category (Bitwise) - 0 other generators
+### In the same category (Bitwise) - 1 other generators
+#### [Darp.BinaryObjects](/docs/Darp.BinaryObjects)
diff --git a/v2/rscg_examples_site/docs/RSCG-Examples/Darp.BinaryObjects.md b/v2/rscg_examples_site/docs/RSCG-Examples/Darp.BinaryObjects.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ea5f312c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v2/rscg_examples_site/docs/RSCG-Examples/Darp.BinaryObjects.md
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
+sidebar_position: 1760
+title: 176 - Darp.BinaryObjects
+description: Serialize bits of data
+slug: /Darp.BinaryObjects
+import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
+import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
+import TOCInline from '@theme/TOCInline';
+# Darp.BinaryObjects by Ross Light GmbH
+## Nuget / site data
+[![GitHub last commit](https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/rosslight/Darp.BinaryObjects?label=updated)](https://github.com/rosslight/Darp.BinaryObjects)
+![GitHub Repo stars](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/rosslight/Darp.BinaryObjects?style=social)
+## Details
+### Info
+Name: **Darp.BinaryObjects**
+A source generator to generate TryRead/Write Little/BigEndian methods for struct/class definitions for binary serialization.
+Author: Ross Light GmbH
+You can find more details at https://github.com/rosslight/Darp.BinaryObjects
+Source : https://github.com/rosslight/Darp.BinaryObjects
+### Original Readme
+# Darp.BinaryObjects
+![Dotnet Version](https://img.shields.io/badge/dotnet-net8.0%20%7C%20net9.0-blue)
+![Language Version](https://img.shields.io/badge/c%23-11-blue)
+### A source generator to generate TryRead/Write Little/BigEndian methods for struct/class definitions.
+> This package is under heavy development. Anything is subject to change.
+You should use the source generation when you want:
+- Serialization to a buffer of bytes
+- Deserialization from a buffer already completely received
+- Endianness during serialization
+- Common interfaces for serialization are required which allow to implement more complex scenarios by hand without the generator
+- Usage of something like BinaryPrimitives but for more complex types
+- Can work with a minimum c# LanguageVersion of 11 and net8.0 / net9.0
+If these requirements do not meet your expectations, check out those other wonderful projects
+- Several binary serializers. e.g. [MemoryPack](https://github.com/Cysharp/MemoryPack), [BinaryPack](https://github.com/Sergio0694/BinaryPack), ...
+ which are great if direct binary serialization is not needed
+- Serialization libraries relying on reflection. e.g. [HyperSerializer](https://github.com/adam-dot-cohen/HyperSerializer)
+- [StructPacker](https://github.com/RudolfKurkaMs/StructPacker) - not supporting allocation less packing/unpacking
+- [BinarySerializer](https://github.com/jefffhaynes/BinarySerializer?tab=readme-ov-file) - Allows for binary serialization with a way larger feature set but more difficult to understand and relying on reflection
+## Supported properties
+Here is a list of the property types currently supported by the library:
+- [x] Unmanaged types: `bool`, `sbyte`, `byte`, `short`, `ushort`, `int`, `uint`, `long`, `ulong`, `char`, `float`, `double`
+- [x] BinaryObjects implementing `IWritable` or `IReadable`
+- [ ] Blittable types
+- [x] Enums
+- [ ] Other .NET types: `BitArray`
+For all of these types, it should be possible to define as array types:
+- [x] Memory abstractions: `ReadOnlyMemory`
+- [x] Arrays: `T[]`
+- [x] Lists: `List`
+- [x] Collections: `IEnumerable`, `IReadOnlyCollection`, `ICollection`, `IReadOnlyList`, `IList`
+To control these types there are attributes
+- [x] `BinaryIgnore`: Ignore some members
+- [x] `BinaryElementCount`: Sets the number of elements in an array
+- [ ] `BinaryReadRemaining`: Reads the remaining into an array
+- [ ] `BinaryLength`: Sets the length of a member
+- Unmanaged types have no clearly defined length / endianness: ~~`nint`~~, ~~`nuint`~~, ~~`decimal`~~
+- Multidimensional arrays (e.g. `T[,]`, `T[,,]`, etc.)
+- Jagged arrays (e.g. `T[][]`, etc.)
+- Dictionaries: `Dictionary`, `IDictionary` and `IReadOnlyDictionary`
+- Nullable value types: `Nullable` or `T?`
+## What is serialized?
+- Any `real`, user-defined member in a `class` or `struct` declaration
+- Any `field` or `auto property` which is settable or has a parameter with matching type and name in the constructor
+- If there are multiple constructors defined the one with a `BinaryConstructorAttribute` is being used
+There are warnings if:
+- The constructor cannot be resolved
+- There are multiple constructors but none with a `BinaryConstructorAttribute`
+- A member is readonly and does not have a matching constructor argument or is explicitly ignored
+## How it's supposed to work
+Let's pretend we have a series of bytes:
+A: 01
+B: 0200
+Data: 03040506
+We now want to read an object from these bytes similar to how we would do with `BinaryPrimitives`:
+public readonly record struct SomeTestStruct(byte A, ushort B, ReadOnlyMemory Data);
+Normally, you would have to write serialization methods for yourself. By adding the `BinaryObjectAttribute`, this is done automatically by the source generator.
+## Usage
+// Define your object
+partial record struct YourStruct(ushort A, byte B);
+// Read the struct from the buffer using either little or big endian format
+var buffer = Convert.FromHexString("AABBCC");
+var success = YourStruct.TryReadLittleEndian(source: buffer, out var value);
+var success2 = YourStruct.TryReadBigEndian(source: buffer, out var value2, out int bytesRead);
+// Get the actual size of the struct
+var size = value.GetByteCount();
+// Write the values back to a buffer
+var writeBuffer = new byte[size];
+var success3 = value.TryWriteLittleEndian(destination: writeBuffer);
+var success4 = value2.TryWriteLittleEndian(destination: writeBuffer, out int bytesWritten);
+The code generated by the struct will attempt to maximize readability by still maintaining performance and as little allocations as possible.
+ Generated code
+#nullable enable
+using BinaryHelpers = global::Darp.BinaryObjects.BinaryHelpers;
+using NotNullWhenAttribute = global::System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.NotNullWhenAttribute;
+namespace Your.Namespace;
+/// - Field Byte Length
+/// - 2
+/// - 1
+/// - --- 3
+public partial record struct YourStruct : global::Darp.BinaryObjects.IWritable, global::Darp.BinaryObjects.ISpanReadable
+ ///
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImpl(global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
+ public int GetByteCount() => 3;
+ ///
+ public bool TryWriteLittleEndian(global::System.Span destination) => TryWriteLittleEndian(destination, out _);
+ ///
+ public bool TryWriteLittleEndian(global::System.Span destination, out int bytesWritten)
+ {
+ bytesWritten = 0;
+ if (destination.Length < 3)
+ return false;
+ BinaryHelpers.WriteUInt16LittleEndian(destination[0..], this.A);
+ BinaryHelpers.WriteUInt8(destination[2..], this.B);
+ bytesWritten += 3;
+ return true;
+ }
+ ///
+ public bool TryWriteBigEndian(global::System.Span destination) => TryWriteBigEndian(destination, out _);
+ ///
+ public bool TryWriteBigEndian(global::System.Span destination, out int bytesWritten)
+ {
+ bytesWritten = 0;
+ if (destination.Length < 3)
+ return false;
+ BinaryHelpers.WriteUInt16BigEndian(destination[0..], this.A);
+ BinaryHelpers.WriteUInt8(destination[2..], this.B);
+ bytesWritten += 3;
+ return true;
+ }
+ ///
+ public static bool TryReadLittleEndian(global::System.ReadOnlySpan source, out YourStruct value) => TryReadLittleEndian(source, out value, out _);
+ ///
+ public static bool TryReadLittleEndian(global::System.ReadOnlySpan source, out YourStruct value, out int bytesRead)
+ {
+ bytesRead = 0;
+ value = default;
+ if (source.Length < 3)
+ return false;
+ var ___readA = BinaryHelpers.ReadUInt16LittleEndian(source[0..]);
+ var ___readB = BinaryHelpers.ReadUInt8(source[2..]);
+ bytesRead += 3;
+ value = new YourStruct(___readA, ___readB);
+ return true;
+ }
+ ///
+ public static bool TryReadBigEndian(global::System.ReadOnlySpan source, out YourStruct value) => TryReadBigEndian(source, out value, out _);
+ ///
+ public static bool TryReadBigEndian(global::System.ReadOnlySpan source, out YourStruct value, out int bytesRead)
+ {
+ bytesRead = 0;
+ value = default;
+ if (source.Length < 3)
+ return false;
+ var ___readA = BinaryHelpers.ReadUInt16BigEndian(source[0..]);
+ var ___readB = BinaryHelpers.ReadUInt8(source[2..]);
+ bytesRead += 3;
+ value = new YourStruct(___readA, ___readB);
+ return true;
+ }
+## Development
+After cloning the repository, you will find the following project structure:
+- `src/Darp.BinaryObjects` contains public APIs and Attributes
+- `src/Darp.BinaryObjects.Generator` contains the actual source generator
+- `test/Darp.BinaryObjects.Tests` contains unit tests ensuring the generated files actually build and read/write as expected
+- `test/Darp.BInaryObjects.Generator.Tests` contains snapshot tests to ensure the source generator generates valid files
+### Code formatting
+This repository uses [CSharpier](https://csharpier.com/) (inspired by prettier) for code formatting.
+CSharpier should be installed automatically when building the solution as a local dotnet tool.
+To run it, execute
+dotnet csharpier .
+If you want to format you code on save, check out available [Editor integration](https://csharpier.com/docs/Editors) for your IDE.
+### Testing
+Snapshot tests are done using [Verify](https://github.com/VerifyTests/Verify/). If you want to optimize running these tests in your local IDE, you might adjust some settings.
+Please, check your local configuration in the [VerifyDocs](https://github.com/VerifyTests/Verify/blob/main/docs/wiz/readme.md)
+### About
+Serialize bits of data
+## How to use
+### Example ( source csproj, source files )
+This is the CSharp Project that references **Darp.BinaryObjects**
+```xml showLineNumbers {18}
+ Exe
+ net8.0
+ enable
+ enable
+ true
+ $(BaseIntermediateOutputPath)\GX
+ This is the use of **Darp.BinaryObjects** in *Program.cs*
+```csharp showLineNumbers
+using BitsDemo;
+using Darp.BinaryObjects;
+var z = new zlib_header(0x78, 0x9C);
+var size = z.GetByteCount();
+// Write the values back to a buffer
+var writeBuffer = new byte[size];
+ Console.WriteLine("writing to buffer" );
+ foreach (var item in writeBuffer)
+ {
+ Console.Write(item+" ");
+ }
+ This is the use of **Darp.BinaryObjects** in *BitStruct.cs*
+```csharp showLineNumbers
+using Darp.BinaryObjects;
+using System.IO.Compression;
+namespace BitsDemo;
+partial record zlib_header(byte cmf, byte flg)
+### Generated Files
+Those are taken from $(BaseIntermediateOutputPath)\GX
+```csharp showLineNumbers
+#nullable enable
+namespace BitsDemo
+ ///
+ /// - Field Byte Length
+ /// - 1
+ /// - 1
+ /// - --- 2
+ ///
+ partial record zlib_header : global::Darp.BinaryObjects.IWritable, global::Darp.BinaryObjects.ISpanReadable
+ {
+ ///
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Pure]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImpl(global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("Darp.BinaryObjects.Generator", "")]
+ public int GetByteCount() => 2;
+ ///
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("Darp.BinaryObjects.Generator", "")]
+ public bool TryWriteLittleEndian(global::System.Span destination) => TryWriteLittleEndian(destination, out _);
+ ///
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("Darp.BinaryObjects.Generator", "")]
+ public bool TryWriteLittleEndian(global::System.Span destination, out int bytesWritten)
+ {
+ bytesWritten = 0;
+ if (destination.Length < 2)
+ return false;
+ global::Darp.BinaryObjects.Generated.Utilities.WriteUInt8(destination[0..], this.cmf);
+ global::Darp.BinaryObjects.Generated.Utilities.WriteUInt8(destination[1..], this.flg);
+ bytesWritten += 2;
+ return true;
+ }
+ ///
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("Darp.BinaryObjects.Generator", "")]
+ public bool TryWriteBigEndian(global::System.Span destination) => TryWriteBigEndian(destination, out _);
+ ///
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("Darp.BinaryObjects.Generator", "")]
+ public bool TryWriteBigEndian(global::System.Span destination, out int bytesWritten)
+ {
+ bytesWritten = 0;
+ if (destination.Length < 2)
+ return false;
+ global::Darp.BinaryObjects.Generated.Utilities.WriteUInt8(destination[0..], this.cmf);
+ global::Darp.BinaryObjects.Generated.Utilities.WriteUInt8(destination[1..], this.flg);
+ bytesWritten += 2;
+ return true;
+ }
+ ///
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("Darp.BinaryObjects.Generator", "")]
+ public static bool TryReadLittleEndian(global::System.ReadOnlySpan source, [global::System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.NotNullWhen(true)] out zlib_header? value) => TryReadLittleEndian(source, out value, out _);
+ ///
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("Darp.BinaryObjects.Generator", "")]
+ public static bool TryReadLittleEndian(global::System.ReadOnlySpan source, [global::System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.NotNullWhen(true)] out zlib_header? value, out int bytesRead)
+ {
+ bytesRead = 0;
+ value = default;
+ if (source.Length < 2)
+ return false;
+ var ___readcmf = global::Darp.BinaryObjects.Generated.Utilities.ReadUInt8(source[0..1]);
+ var ___readflg = global::Darp.BinaryObjects.Generated.Utilities.ReadUInt8(source[1..2]);
+ bytesRead += 2;
+ value = new zlib_header(___readcmf, ___readflg);
+ return true;
+ }
+ ///
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("Darp.BinaryObjects.Generator", "")]
+ public static bool TryReadBigEndian(global::System.ReadOnlySpan source, [global::System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.NotNullWhen(true)] out zlib_header? value) => TryReadBigEndian(source, out value, out _);
+ ///
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("Darp.BinaryObjects.Generator", "")]
+ public static bool TryReadBigEndian(global::System.ReadOnlySpan source, [global::System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.NotNullWhen(true)] out zlib_header? value, out int bytesRead)
+ {
+ bytesRead = 0;
+ value = default;
+ if (source.Length < 2)
+ return false;
+ var ___readcmf = global::Darp.BinaryObjects.Generated.Utilities.ReadUInt8(source[0..1]);
+ var ___readflg = global::Darp.BinaryObjects.Generated.Utilities.ReadUInt8(source[1..2]);
+ bytesRead += 2;
+ value = new zlib_header(___readcmf, ___readflg);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+namespace Darp.BinaryObjects.Generated
+ using Darp.BinaryObjects;
+ using System;
+ using System.Buffers.Binary;
+ using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
+ using System.Collections.Generic;
+ using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
+ using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+ /// Helper methods used by generated BinaryObjects.
+ [GeneratedCodeAttribute("Darp.BinaryObjects.Generator", "")]
+ file static class Utilities
+ {
+ /// Writes a byte to the destination
+ [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
+ public static void WriteUInt8(Span destination, byte value)
+ {
+ destination[0] = value;
+ }
+ /// Reads a byte from the given source
+ [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
+ public static byte ReadUInt8(ReadOnlySpan source)
+ {
+ return source[0];
+ }
+ }
+## Usefull
+### Download Example (.NET C# )
+[Download Example project Darp.BinaryObjects ](/sources/Darp.BinaryObjects.zip)
+### Share Darp.BinaryObjects
+### In the same category (Bitwise) - 1 other generators
+#### [BitsKit](/docs/BitsKit)
diff --git a/v2/rscg_examples_site/docs/RSCG-Examples/index.md b/v2/rscg_examples_site/docs/RSCG-Examples/index.md
index b623525e5..63422e25f 100644
--- a/v2/rscg_examples_site/docs/RSCG-Examples/index.md
+++ b/v2/rscg_examples_site/docs/RSCG-Examples/index.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
sidebar_position: 30
-title: 175 RSCG list by category
-description: 175 RSCG list by category
+title: 176 RSCG list by category
+description: 176 RSCG list by category
slug: /rscg-examples
@@ -89,12 +89,17 @@ import DocCardList from '@theme/DocCardList';
## Bitwise
- Expand Bitwise =>examples:1
+ Expand Bitwise =>examples:2
@@ -1117,6 +1122,8 @@ flowchart LR;
Bitwise--> BitsKit((BitsKit))
+ Bitwise--> Darp.BinaryObjects((Darp.BinaryObjects))
Blazor--> Blazorators((Blazorators))
Blazor--> GoLive.Generator.BlazorInterop((GoLive.Generator.BlazorInterop))
diff --git a/v2/rscg_examples_site/docs/about.md b/v2/rscg_examples_site/docs/about.md
index 7bb96975b..8642696a3 100644
--- a/v2/rscg_examples_site/docs/about.md
+++ b/v2/rscg_examples_site/docs/about.md
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ title: About
## Content
You will find here code examples
-of 175 Roslyn Source Code Generator (RSCG)
+of 176 Roslyn Source Code Generator (RSCG)
that can be useful for you. That means, you will write more elegant and concise code - even if the generators code is not always nice to look.
## Are those examples ready for production?
diff --git a/v2/rscg_examples_site/docs/indexRSCG.md b/v2/rscg_examples_site/docs/indexRSCG.md
index fd99cccb6..532dbf56d 100644
--- a/v2/rscg_examples_site/docs/indexRSCG.md
+++ b/v2/rscg_examples_site/docs/indexRSCG.md
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ import useBaseUrl from '@docusaurus/useBaseUrl';
-## 175 RSCG with examples in descending chronological order
+## 176 RSCG with examples in descending chronological order
-This is the list of 175 ( 14 from Microsoft) RSCG with examples
+This is the list of 176 ( 14 from Microsoft) RSCG with examples
[See by category](/docs/rscg-examples) [See as json](/exports/RSCG.json) [See as Excel](/exports/RSCG.xlsx)
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ This is the list of 175 ( 14 from Microsoft) RSCG with examples
| No | Name | Date | Category |
| --------- | ----- | ---- | -------- |
+|176| [Darp.BinaryObjects by Ross Light GmbH ](/docs/Darp.BinaryObjects)|2024-12-04 => 04 December 2024 | Bitwise |
|175| [Dolly by Peter Andersson ](/docs/Dolly)|2024-12-03 => 03 December 2024 | Clone |
|174| [Dapper.AOT by Marc Gravell ](/docs/Dapper.AOT)|2024-12-02 => 02 December 2024 | Database |
|173| [Microsoft.Windows.CsWin32 by Microsoft ](/docs/Microsoft.Windows.CsWin32)|2024-12-01 => 01 December 2024 | WinAPI |
diff --git a/v2/rscg_examples_site/src/components/HomepageFeatures/index.tsx b/v2/rscg_examples_site/src/components/HomepageFeatures/index.tsx
index fde0bf037..dfe51a769 100644
--- a/v2/rscg_examples_site/src/components/HomepageFeatures/index.tsx
+++ b/v2/rscg_examples_site/src/components/HomepageFeatures/index.tsx
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ type FeatureItem = {
const FeatureList: FeatureItem[] = [
-title: '175 Examples (14 from MSFT)',
+title: '176 Examples (14 from MSFT)',
Svg: require('@site/static/img/undraw_docusaurus_mountain.svg').default,
description: (
diff --git a/v2/rscg_examples_site/static/exports/RSCG.json b/v2/rscg_examples_site/static/exports/RSCG.json
index dfe783ff2..fff41e6dd 100644
--- a/v2/rscg_examples_site/static/exports/RSCG.json
+++ b/v2/rscg_examples_site/static/exports/RSCG.json
@@ -1401,6 +1401,14 @@
"Source": "https://github.com/AnderssonPeter/Dolly",
"Category": "Clone",
"AddedOn": "2024-12-03T00:00:00"
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Darp.BinaryObjects",
+ "Link": "https://ignatandrei.github.io/RSCG_Examples/v2/docs/Darp.BinaryObjects",
+ "NuGet": "https://www.nuget.org/packages/Darp.BinaryObjects/",
+ "Source": "https://github.com/rosslight/Darp.BinaryObjects",
+ "Category": "Bitwise",
+ "AddedOn": "2024-12-04T00:00:00"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/v2/rscg_examples_site/static/exports/RSCG.xlsx b/v2/rscg_examples_site/static/exports/RSCG.xlsx
index b4e364641..b3b09e5a1 100644
Binary files a/v2/rscg_examples_site/static/exports/RSCG.xlsx and b/v2/rscg_examples_site/static/exports/RSCG.xlsx differ
diff --git a/v2/rscg_examples_site/static/sources/Darp.BinaryObjects.zip b/v2/rscg_examples_site/static/sources/Darp.BinaryObjects.zip
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c299b9c22
Binary files /dev/null and b/v2/rscg_examples_site/static/sources/Darp.BinaryObjects.zip differ