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Releases: icsharpcode/ILSpy

ILSpy 3.0

18 Dec 05:54
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Release notes are available in the Wiki.

If you want the "good old" ILSpy, please download - this is the tried-and-true Windows WPF UI.


Visual Studio addin:

Console info:

PowerShell cmdlets info:

3.0 Beta 4

04 Dec 14:53
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3.0 Beta 4 Pre-release

This release is currently without VSIX (broken).

Changes since Beta 3:

  • NewtonSoft JSON replaced by LightJson (traded NuGet for code inclusion)
  • Cecil is referenced via NuGet (instead of submodule which is kept, see #1001)
  • ICSharpCode.Decompiler targets net46 instead of net461 (netstandard2.0 targetting unchanged)
  • Fix --type option in ICSharpCode.Decompiler.Console
  • Fix x-plat bugs in DotNetCore/DotNetCorePathFinder

3.0 Beta 3

27 Nov 18:22
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3.0 Beta 3 Pre-release

Final Beta, feature complete!

  • Expression tree support (last language feature)
  • Nupkg drag & drop (contributed, thanks!)
  • Support for retargetable assemblies
  • Correctness improvements, bug fixes
  • UI optimizations (loading speed)

3.0 Beta 2

06 Nov 10:56
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3.0 Beta 2 Pre-release

The following are major changes that happenend in this release cycle:

3.0 Beta 1

23 Oct 05:01
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3.0 Beta 1 Pre-release

What is new compared to Preview 2?

  • switch statement decompilation
  • "IL with C#" view
  • Fixes to object initializers, catch, await and more

Nuget package -beta1 is corresponding to this release

3.0 Preview 2

03 Oct 11:46
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3.0 Preview 2 Pre-release

What's new compared to Preview 1?

  • (Partial) support for nullables, foreach, using
  • New: Open assembly from Nuget package
  • A lot of small-ish fixes
  • The VSIX is here! And it supports output from netstandard and netcore projects.
  • The -alpha4 Nuget package corresponds to this release.

3.0 Preview 1

19 Sep 09:00
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3.0 Preview 1 Pre-release

This is a preview release! Framework requirements: .NET 4.6.1 or higher.

Language support status can be found in issue #829, please note that this is a live issue and might have changed after this preview has been published. Notable missing feature compared to older versions: nullables. (only fully implemented features have a checkmark in the status issue). Before opening an issue ("X doesn't decompile correctly") please go check with issue #829!

New: support for .NET Standard and .NET Core assemblies.

Missing: decompile to VB. Contributions welcome because we concentrate solely on C#.

Architectural changes are documented in the wiki (Note: roadmap not up to date as of this release). Important points to note (design goals): the decompiler should always create semantically correct and compilable code.

ILSpy 2.4

05 Jun 16:01
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Fixes, Changes and Features are listed in the milestone 2.4 issues

ILSpy 2.3.2

09 Apr 14:36
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  • Bug fixes

ILSpy 2.3.1

13 Jul 04:12
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  • Bug fixes
  • Decompiler NuGet package