This folder contains the annotated source code for the NES version of Elite.
Main source files:
elite-source-bank-0.asm contains the source for ROM bank 0 (main game loop, main flight loop, core game code)
elite-source-bank-1.asm contains the source for ROM bank 1 (ship blueprints, drawing ships, planets, suns and stardust)
elite-source-bank-2.asm contains the source for ROM bank 2 (game text in three languages, text routines)
elite-source-bank-3.asm contains the source for ROM bank 3 (icon bar images and routines, fonts, palettes, views, other images)
elite-source-bank-4.asm contains the source for ROM bank 4 (commander images and associated routines, other images)
elite-source-bank-5.asm contains the source for ROM bank 5 (system images and associated routines)
elite-source-bank-6.asm contains the source for ROM bank 6 (sound, music, scroll text, save and load)
elite-source-bank-7.asm contains the source for ROM bank 7 (NMI handler, PPU routines, drawing lines and pixels, bank 7 switchyard, core maths routines)
elite-source-common.asm contains common source code that is shared across all eight banks (variables, workspaces and macros)
Other source files:
- elite-source-header.asm contains the iNES header for the game
Files that are generated during the build process:
elite-bank-options.asm stores the current bank number during the build
elite-build-options.asm stores the make options in BeebAsm format so they can be included in the assembly process
Right on, Commanders!
Mark Moxon