Releases: icosa-foundation/open-brush
ad0c123 Merge pull request #150 from n1ckfg/latk
815a868 address notes
b42b451 test deactivate usd
6d1ce0a Clean up comments
3e77fed additional m_MemoryList access method
85ea683 minimize changes to SketchMemoryScript.cs
a0625f1 Update ExportLatk.cs
b72bd97 remove unused dependencies
06f84f0 export works
af14689 add define
e0534dd latk export compiles
090a87e begin strokememorysketch to latk
a61edd9 Update ExportLatk.cs
31fc71f Merge branch 'icosa-gallery:main' into latk
867aa02 begin export latk
ee14a3a Modify guide snap distance via guide panel slider (#151)
bd0af4c General README tidyup (#157)
b7ceac5 Add Plane Guide (#149)
cad1d39 Feature: Color Jitter (#156)
2321770 Update (#153)
57cbc3b Add FBX SDK (#147)
24e0a90 Delete OculusMRCCameraUpdate.cs.meta (#146)
bdc8aeb Fix an error importing some gltf files (#145)
58d8765 Delete OculusMRCCameraUpdate.cs (#144)
29784f3 Add an OVRCameraRig to the VrSystem object for MRC on Quest (#142)
a4a9d1c Disable Poly (#139)
5f3c53d Documentation cleanup (#137)
5eb6e40 Remove / in build identifier (messes with directory names) (#133)
af5c890 A couple of small editor menu item tools I use to get my bearings. (#116)
b9f80b9 fix empty m_WidgetRenderers on cloned StencilWidget (#97)
baee462 Merge pull request #128 from mikeage/reformat_conditional_code
ca8c890 Ignore reformating commit
2b1f4a2 Fix indentation for conditionally compiled code.
1236d81 Cleanup some extra space before starting the build (#127)
29d3198 Fix dead link for Tilt Shift effect source (#125)
6d5bbd3 Update README & BuildTiltBrush.cs for beginners (#124)
3514081 Upload builds to Oculus automatically (#122)
b51664e Update to Unity 2019.4.25f1 (#115)
ff214b3 Name builds based on the source (#117)
f98f560 Apply 'build' action to pushes on branches with embedded slashes (#110)
cdbd722 Fix version detection in python on Unity Hub installations (#109)
8bf5d79 Document pre-commit & code style (#106)
db1a649 Release regular and experimental builds for Oculus Rift (#107)
a98ef90 Update to Unity 2019.4.24f1 and associated package updates (#102)
dcaced2 Add Rift build (#104)
eba58b2 Use black autoformatter for pre-commit of python files (#84)
fbe9985 Run dotnet format on the entire codebase (and enforce, going forward) (#81)
06dd942 Document new Oculus Unity package version (followup to #103) (#105)
3456863 Update Oculus Unity package from 23.1 -> 27.0 (#103)
5556875 Several fixes for monoscopic mode (#89)
16f1c4c Fix changelog when creating a formal release (#101)