diff --git a/Packages/icosa-api-client-unity/Editor/AssetBrowser/AssetBrowserWindow.cs b/Packages/icosa-api-client-unity/Editor/AssetBrowser/AssetBrowserWindow.cs
index 49dc87e..a1e85c4 100644
--- a/Packages/icosa-api-client-unity/Editor/AssetBrowser/AssetBrowserWindow.cs
+++ b/Packages/icosa-api-client-unity/Editor/AssetBrowser/AssetBrowserWindow.cs
@@ -1,1159 +1,1159 @@
-// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.IO;
-using UnityEditor;
-using UnityEngine;
-using PolyToolkit;
-using PolyToolkitInternal;
-using System;
-using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
-namespace PolyToolkitEditor {
-/// Window that allows the user to browse and import Poly models.
-/// Note that EditorWindow objects are created and deleted when the window is opened or closed, so this
-/// object can't be responsible for any background logic like importing assets, etc. It should only deal
-/// with UI. For all background logic and and real work, we rely on AssetBrowserManager.
-public class AssetBrowserWindow : EditorWindow {
- ///
- /// Title of the window (shown in the Unity UI).
- ///
- private const string WINDOW_TITLE = "Poly Toolkit";
- ///
- /// URL of the user's profile page.
- ///
- private const string USER_PROFILE_URL = "https://icosa.gallery/user";
- ///
- /// Width and height of each asset thumbnail image in the grid.
- ///
- private const int THUMBNAIL_WIDTH = 128;
- private const int THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT = 96;
- ///
- /// Width of each grid cell in the assets grid.
- ///
- private const int CELL_WIDTH = THUMBNAIL_WIDTH;
- ///
- /// Spacing between grid cells in the assets grid.
- ///
- private const int CELL_SPACING = 5;
- ///
- /// Height of the title bar at the top of the window.
- ///
- private const int TITLE_BAR_HEIGHT = 64;
- ///
- /// Height of the bar that contains the back button.
- ///
- private const int BACK_BUTTON_BAR_HEIGHT = 28;
- ///
- /// Height of the title image.
- ///
- private const int TITLE_IMAGE_HEIGHT = 40;
- ///
- /// Padding around title image.
- ///
- private const int TITLE_IMAGE_PADDING = 12;
- ///
- /// Margin from the top where the UI begins.
- /// This does not account for the back button bar.
- ///
- private const int TOP_MARGIN_BASE = TITLE_BAR_HEIGHT + 10;
- ///
- /// Padding around the window.
- ///
- private const int PADDING = 5;
- ///
- /// Size of the user's profile picture.
- ///
- private const int PROFILE_PICTURE_SIZE = 40;
- ///
- /// Size of the left column (labels), in pixels.
- ///
- private const int LEFT_COL_WIDTH = 140;
- ///
- /// Height of the "successfully imported" box.
- ///
- private const int IMPORT_SUCCESS_BOX_HEIGHT = 120;
- ///
- /// Texture to use for the title bar.
- ///
- private const string TITLE_TEX = "Editor/Textures/IcosaToolkitTitle.png";
- ///
- /// Texture to use for the back button (back arrow) if the skin is Unity pro.
- ///
- private const string BACK_ARROW_LIGHT_TEX = "Editor/Textures/BackArrow.png";
- ///
- /// Texture to use for the back button (back arrow) if the skin is Unity personal.
- ///
- private const string BACK_ARROW_DARK_TEX = "Editor/Textures/BackArrowDark.png";
- ///
- /// Texture to use for the back button bar background if the skin is Unity pro.
- ///
- private const string DARK_GREY_TEX = "Editor/Textures/DarkGrey.png";
- ///
- /// Texture to use for the back button bar background if the skin is Unity personal.
- ///
- private const string LIGHT_GREY_TEX = "Editor/Textures/LightGrey.png";
- ///
- /// Category key corresponding to selecting the "FEATURED" section.
- ///
- private const string KEY_FEATURED = "_featured";
- ///
- /// Category key corresponding to selecting the "Your Uploads" section.
- ///
- private const string KEY_YOUR_UPLOADS = "_your_uploads";
- ///
- /// Category key corresponding to selecting the "Your Uploads" section.
- ///
- private const string KEY_YOUR_LIKES = "_your_likes";
- ///
- /// Index of the "FEATURED" category below.
- ///
- private const int CATEGORY_FEATURED = 0;
- ///
- /// Categories that the user can choose to browse.
- ///
- private static readonly CategoryInfo[] CATEGORIES = {
- new CategoryInfo(KEY_FEATURED, "Featured", PolyCategory.UNSPECIFIED),
- new CategoryInfo(KEY_YOUR_UPLOADS, "Your Uploads", PolyCategory.UNSPECIFIED),
- new CategoryInfo(KEY_YOUR_LIKES, "Your Likes", PolyCategory.UNSPECIFIED),
- new CategoryInfo("animals", "Animals and Creatures", PolyCategory.ANIMALS),
- new CategoryInfo("architecture", "Architecture", PolyCategory.ARCHITECTURE),
- new CategoryInfo("art", "Art", PolyCategory.ART),
- new CategoryInfo("food", "Food and Drink", PolyCategory.FOOD),
- new CategoryInfo("nature", "Nature", PolyCategory.NATURE),
- new CategoryInfo("objects", "Objects", PolyCategory.OBJECTS),
- new CategoryInfo("people", "People and Characters", PolyCategory.PEOPLE),
- new CategoryInfo("places", "Places and Scenes", PolyCategory.PLACES),
- new CategoryInfo("tech", "Technology", PolyCategory.TECH),
- new CategoryInfo("transport", "Transport", PolyCategory.TRANSPORT),
- };
- ///
- /// Represent the several modes that the UI can be in.
- ///
- private enum UiMode {
- // Browsing assets by category/type (default mode).
- // Searching for assets by keyword (search box open).
- // Viewing the details of a particular asset.
- };
- ///
- /// Current UI mode.
- ///
- private UiMode mode = UiMode.BROWSE;
- ///
- /// The previous UI mode.
- ///
- private UiMode previousMode = UiMode.BROWSE;
- ///
- /// Index of the category that is currently selected (in CATEGORIES[]).
- ///
- private int selectedCategory = 0;
- ///
- /// The search terms the user has typed in the search box.
- ///
- private string searchTerms = "";
- ///
- /// The texture to use in place of a thumbnail when loading the thumbnail.
- ///
- private Texture2D loadingTex = null;
- ///
- /// The texture to use for the back button (back arrow).
- ///
- private Texture2D backArrowTex = null;
- ///
- /// Texture used for back button bar background.
- ///
- private Texture2D backBarBackgroundTex = null;
- ///
- /// Reference to the AssetBrowserManager.
- ///
- private AssetBrowserManager manager;
- ///
- /// Current scrolling position of the scroll view with the list of assets.
- ///
- private Vector2 assetListScrollPos;
- ///
- /// Current scrolling position of the details window.
- ///
- private Vector2 detailsScrollPos;
- ///
- /// If non-null, we're showing the details page for the given asset. If null,
- /// we are showing the grid screen that shows all assets.
- ///
- private PolyAsset selectedAsset = null;
- ///
- /// Indicates whether the query we're currently showing requires authentication.
- ///
- private bool queryRequiresAuth = false;
- ///
- /// The selected asset path in the "Import" section of the details page.
- ///
- private string ptAssetLocalPath = "";
- ///
- /// Current asset type filter (indicates the type of asset that the user wishes to see).
- ///
- private PolyFormatFilter? assetTypeFilter = null;
- ///
- /// Texture for the title bar.
- ///
- private Texture2D titleTex;
- ///
- /// The style we use for the asset title in the details page.
- ///
- private GUIStyle detailsTitleStyle;
- ///
- /// GUI helper that keeps track of our open layouts.
- ///
- private GUIHelper guiHelper = new GUIHelper();
- ///
- /// Currently selected import options.
- ///
- private EditTimeImportOptions importOptions;
- ///
- /// If true, the currently displayed asset was just imported successfully.
- ///
- private bool justImported;
- ///
- /// Shows the browser window.
- ///
- [MenuItem("Icosa/Browse Assets...")]
- public static void BrowsePolyAssets() {
- GetWindow(WINDOW_TITLE, /* focus */ true);
- PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.MENU_BROWSE_ASSETS);
- }
- ///
- /// Shows the browser window.
- ///
- [MenuItem("Window/Poly: Browse Assets...")]
- public static void BrowsePolyAssets2() {
- BrowsePolyAssets();
- }
- ///
- /// Notifies this window that the given asset was just imported successfully
- /// (so we can show this state in the UI).
- ///
- /// The ID of the asset that was just imported.
- public void HandleAssetImported(string assetId) {
- if (selectedAsset != null && assetId == selectedAsset.assetId) {
- justImported = true;
- }
- }
- ///
- /// Performs one-time initialization.
- ///
- private void Initialize() {
- PtDebug.Log("ABW: initializing.");
- if (manager == null) {
- manager = new AssetBrowserManager();
- manager.SetRefreshCallback(UpdateUi);
- }
- loadingTex = new Texture2D(1,1);
- titleTex = PtUtils.LoadTexture2DFromRelativePath(TITLE_TEX);
- backArrowTex = PtUtils.LoadTexture2DFromRelativePath(
- backBarBackgroundTex = PtUtils.LoadTexture2DFromRelativePath(
- EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? DARK_GREY_TEX : LIGHT_GREY_TEX);
- detailsTitleStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.wordWrappedLabel);
- detailsTitleStyle.fontSize = 15;
- detailsTitleStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
- }
- private void SetUiMode(UiMode newMode) {
- if (newMode != mode) {
- previousMode = mode;
- mode = newMode;
- }
- PtDebug.Log("ABW: changed UI mode to " + newMode);
- }
- ///
- /// Renders the window GUI (invoked by Unity).
- ///
- public void OnGUI() {
- if (Application.isPlaying) {
- DrawTitleBar(/* withSignInUi */ false);
- guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
- GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
- GUILayout.Label("(This window doesn't work in Play mode)", EditorStyles.wordWrappedLabel);
- GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
- guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
- return;
- }
- if (manager == null) {
- // Initialize, if we haven't yet. We delay this to OnGUI instead of earlier because we need
- // the Unity GUI system to be completely initialized (so we can create styles, for instance), which
- // only happens on OnGUI().
- PolyRequest request = BuildRequest();
- manager = new AssetBrowserManager(request);
- manager.SetRefreshCallback(UpdateUi);
- Initialize();
- }
- // We have to check if Poly is ready every time (it's cheap to check). This is because Poly can be
- // unloaded and wiped every time we enter or exit play mode.
- manager.EnsurePolyIsReady();
- int topMargin;
- if (!DrawHeader(out topMargin)) {
- // Abort rendering because a button was pressed (for example, the back button).
- return;
- }
- guiHelper.BeginArea(new Rect(PADDING, PADDING, position.width - 2 * PADDING, position.height - 2 * PADDING));
- GUILayout.Space(topMargin);
- switch (mode) {
- case UiMode.BROWSE:
- DrawBrowseUi();
- break;
- case UiMode.SEARCH:
- DrawSearchUi();
- break;
- case UiMode.DETAILS:
- DrawDetailsUi();
- break;
- default:
- throw new System.Exception("Invalid UI mode: " + mode);
- }
- guiHelper.EndArea();
- guiHelper.FinishAndCheck();
- }
- ///
- /// Draws the header and handles header-related events (like the back button).
- ///
- /// (Out param). The top margin at which the rest of the content
- /// should be rendered. Only valid if this method returns true.
- /// True if the header was successfully drawn and rendering should continue.
- /// False if it was aborted due to a back button press.
- private bool DrawHeader(out int topMargin) {
- DrawTitleBar(withSignInUi: true);
- bool hasBackButtonBar = HasBackButtonBar();
- topMargin = TOP_MARGIN_BASE;
- if (hasBackButtonBar) {
- bool backButtonClicked = DrawBackButtonBar();
- if (backButtonClicked) {
- HandleBackButton();
- return false;
- }
- // Increase the top margin of the content to account for the back button bar.
- }
- return true;
- }
- ///
- /// Draws the title bar at the top of the window.
- /// The title bar includes the user's profile picture and the Sign In/Out UI.
- /// If true, also include the sign in/sign out UI.
- ///
- private void DrawTitleBar(bool withSignInUi) {
- GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0, 0, position.width, TITLE_BAR_HEIGHT), Texture2D.whiteTexture);
- GUIStyle titleStyle = new GUIStyle (GUI.skin.label);
- if (GUILayout.Button(titleTex, titleStyle,
- GUILayout.Width(titleTex.width * TITLE_IMAGE_HEIGHT / titleTex.height),
- GUILayout.Height(TITLE_IMAGE_HEIGHT))) {
- // Clicked title image. Return to the featured assets page.
- SetUiMode(UiMode.BROWSE);
- selectedCategory = CATEGORY_FEATURED;
- StartRequest();
- }
- if (!withSignInUi) return;
- position.width - 2 * TITLE_IMAGE_PADDING, TITLE_BAR_HEIGHT));
- if (PolyApi.IsAuthenticated) {
- // User is authenticated, so show the profie picture.
- guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
- GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
- Texture2D userTex = PolyApi.UserIcon != null && PolyApi.UserIcon.texture != null ?
- PolyApi.UserIcon.texture : loadingTex;
- if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(userTex, /* tooltip */ PolyApi.UserName),
- // Clicked profile picture. Show the dropdown menu.
- ShowProfileDropdownMenu();
- }
- guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
- } else if (PolyApi.IsAuthenticating) {
- guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
- GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
- GUILayout.Label("Signing in... Please wait.");
- guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
- guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
- GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
- bool cancelSignInClicked = GUILayout.Button("Cancel", EditorStyles.miniButton);
- guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
- if (cancelSignInClicked) {
- PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.ACCOUNT_SIGN_IN_CANCEL);
- manager.CancelSignIn();
- }
- } else {
- // Not signed in. Show "Sign In" button.
- GUILayout.Space(30);
- guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
- GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
- if (GUILayout.Button("Sign in")) {
- PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.ACCOUNT_SIGN_IN_START);
- manager.LaunchSignInFlow();
- }
- guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
- }
- guiHelper.EndArea();
- }
- ///
- /// Draws the "browse" UI. The main UI allows the user to select a category to browse and set filters,
- /// and allows them to browse the assets grid. When they click on an asset, they go to the details UI.
- ///
- private void DrawBrowseUi() {
- guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
- GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
- bool searchClicked = GUILayout.Button("Search...");
- guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
- if (searchClicked) {
- SetUiMode(UiMode.SEARCH);
- PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.BROWSE_SEARCH_CLICKED);
- manager.ClearRequest();
- return;
- }
- guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
- // Draw the category dropdowns.
- GUILayout.Label("Show:", GUILayout.Width(LEFT_COL_WIDTH));
- if (EditorGUILayout.DropdownButton(new GUIContent(CATEGORIES[selectedCategory].title),
- FocusType.Keyboard)) {
- GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu();
- for (int i = 0; i < CATEGORIES.Length; i++) {
- if (i == 3) menu.AddSeparator("");
- menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(CATEGORIES[i].title), i == selectedCategory, DropdownMenuCallback, i);
- }
- menu.ShowAsContext();
- }
- guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
- // Draw the "Asset type" toggles.
- bool showAssetTypeFilter = (CATEGORIES[selectedCategory].key != KEY_YOUR_LIKES);
- if (showAssetTypeFilter) {
- guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
- GUILayout.Label("Asset type:", GUILayout.Width(LEFT_COL_WIDTH));
- bool blocksToggle = GUILayout.Toggle(assetTypeFilter == PolyFormatFilter.BLOCKS, "Blocks", "Button");
- bool tiltBrushToggle = GUILayout.Toggle(assetTypeFilter == PolyFormatFilter.TILT, "Open Brush", "Button");
- bool allToggle = GUILayout.Toggle(assetTypeFilter == null, "All", "Button");
- guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
- GUILayout.Space(10);
- if (blocksToggle && assetTypeFilter != PolyFormatFilter.BLOCKS) {
- assetTypeFilter = PolyFormatFilter.BLOCKS;
- PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.BROWSE_ASSET_TYPE_SELECTED, assetTypeFilter.ToString());
- StartRequest();
- return;
- } else if (tiltBrushToggle && assetTypeFilter != PolyFormatFilter.TILT) {
- assetTypeFilter = PolyFormatFilter.TILT;
- PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.BROWSE_ASSET_TYPE_SELECTED, assetTypeFilter.ToString());
- StartRequest();
- return;
- } else if (allToggle && assetTypeFilter != null) {
- assetTypeFilter = null;
- PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.BROWSE_ASSET_TYPE_SELECTED, assetTypeFilter.ToString());
- StartRequest();
- return;
- }
- }
- DrawResultsGrid();
- }
- private void HandleBackButton() {
- switch (mode) {
- case UiMode.SEARCH:
- SetUiMode(UiMode.BROWSE);
- StartRequest();
- return;
- case UiMode.DETAILS:
- selectedAsset = null;
- justImported = false;
- manager.ClearCurrentAssetResult();
- SetUiMode(previousMode);
- return;
- default:
- throw new Exception("Invalid UI mode for back button: " + mode);
- }
- }
- private void DrawSearchUi() {
- bool searchClicked = false;
- // Pressing ENTER in the search terms box is the same as clicking "Search". We have to check
- // this BEFORE we draw the text field, otherwise it will consume the event and we won't see it.
- if (Event.current != null && Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown &&
- Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return && GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl() == "searchTerms") {
- searchClicked = true;
- }
- GUILayout.Space(10);
- GUILayout.Label("Search", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
- GUILayout.Label("Enter search terms (or a Poly URL) below:", EditorStyles.wordWrappedLabel);
- GUI.SetNextControlName("searchTerms");
- searchTerms = EditorGUILayout.TextField(searchTerms, EditorStyles.textArea);
- guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
- GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
- searchClicked = GUILayout.Button("Search") || searchClicked;
- guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
- if (searchClicked && searchTerms.Trim().Length > 0) {
- // Note: for privacy reasons we don't log the search terms, just the fact that a search was made.
- PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.BROWSE_SEARCHED);
- string assetId;
- if (SearchTermIsAssetPage(searchTerms, out assetId)) {
- manager.StartRequestForSpecificAsset(assetId);
- SetUiMode(UiMode.DETAILS);
- return;
- }
- StartRequest();
- }
- DrawResultsGrid();
- }
- ///
- /// Returns true if the url was a valid asset url, false if not.
- ///
- /// The url of the asset to get.
- /// The id of the asset to get from the url, null if the url is invalid.
- private bool SearchTermIsAssetPage(string url, out string assetId) {
- Regex regex = new Regex("^(http[s]?:\\/\\/)?.*\\/view\\/([^?]+)");
- Match match = regex.Match(url);
- if (match.Success) {
- assetId = match.Groups[2].ToString();
- assetId = assetId.Trim();
- return true;
- }
- assetId = null;
- return false;
- }
- ///
- /// Draws the query results grid, using the current query results as reported by
- /// the AssetsBrowserManager.
- ///
- private void DrawResultsGrid() {
- if (manager.IsQuerying) {
- GUILayout.Space(30);
- GUILayout.Label("Fetching assets. Please wait...");
- return;
- }
- if (manager.CurrentResult == null) {
- return;
- }
- if (manager.CurrentResult != null && !manager.CurrentResult.Status.ok) {
- GUILayout.Space(30);
- GUILayout.Label("There was a problem with that request! Please try again later.",
- EditorStyles.wordWrappedLabel);
- guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
- GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
- if (GUILayout.Button("Retry")) {
- // Retry the previous request.
- manager.ClearCaches();
- StartRequest();
- }
- GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
- guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
- return;
- }
- if (manager.CurrentResult.Value.assets == null ||
- manager.CurrentResult.Value.assets.Count == 0) {
- GUILayout.Space(30);
- GUILayout.Label("No results.");
- return;
- }
- PolyListAssetsResult result = manager.CurrentResult.Value;
- if (!result.status.ok) {
- GUILayout.Space(30);
- GUILayout.Label("*** ERROR fetching results. Try again..");
- return;
- }
- guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
- string resultCountLabel;
- resultCountLabel = string.Format("{0} assets found.", result.totalSize);
- if (result.assets.Count < result.totalSize) {
- resultCountLabel += string.Format(" (showing 1-{0}).", result.assets.Count);
- }
- GUILayout.Label(resultCountLabel, EditorStyles.miniLabel);
- GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
- bool refreshClicked = GUILayout.Button("Refresh");
- guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
- GUILayout.Space(5);
- if (refreshClicked) {
- PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.BROWSE_REFRESH_CLICKED);
- manager.ClearCaches();
- StartRequest();
- return;
- }
- // Calculate how many assets we want to show on each row, based on the window width.
- // This allows the user to dynamically resize the window and have the assets grid
- // automatically reflow.
- int assetsPerRow = Mathf.Clamp(
- Mathf.FloorToInt((position.width - 40) / (CELL_WIDTH + CELL_SPACING)), 1, 8);
- int assetsThisRow = 0;
- // The assets grid is in a scroll view.
- assetListScrollPos = guiHelper.BeginScrollView(assetListScrollPos);
- GUILayout.Space(5);
- guiHelper.BeginVertical();
- guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
- PolyAsset clickedAsset = null;
- foreach (PolyAsset asset in result.assets) {
- if (assetsThisRow >= assetsPerRow) {
- // Begin new row.
- guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
- GUILayout.Space(20);
- guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
- assetsThisRow = 0;
- }
- if (assetsThisRow > 0) GUILayout.Space(CELL_SPACING);
- guiHelper.BeginVertical();
- if (GUILayout.Button(asset.thumbnailTexture ?? loadingTex,
- clickedAsset = asset;
- }
- GUILayout.Label(asset.displayName, EditorStyles.boldLabel, GUILayout.Width(CELL_WIDTH));
- GUILayout.Label(asset.authorName, GUILayout.Width(CELL_WIDTH));
- guiHelper.EndVertical();
- assetsThisRow++;
- }
- // Complete last row with dummy cells.
- if (assetsThisRow > 0) {
- while (assetsThisRow < assetsPerRow) {
- guiHelper.BeginVertical();
- GUILayout.Label("", GUILayout.Width(CELL_WIDTH), GUILayout.Height(THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT));
- GUILayout.Label("", EditorStyles.boldLabel, GUILayout.Width(CELL_WIDTH));
- GUILayout.Label("", GUILayout.Width(CELL_WIDTH));
- guiHelper.EndVertical();
- assetsThisRow++;
- }
- }
- guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
- GUILayout.Space(10);
- bool loadMoreClicked = false;
- if (manager.resultHasMorePages) {
- // If the current response has at least another page of results left, show the load more button.
- guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
- GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
- loadMoreClicked = GUILayout.Button("Load more");
- GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
- guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
- }
- GUILayout.Space(5);
- guiHelper.EndVertical();
- guiHelper.EndScrollView();
- if (loadMoreClicked) {
- manager.GetNextPageRequest();
- return;
- }
- if (clickedAsset != null) {
- PrepareDetailsUi(clickedAsset);
- PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.BROWSE_ASSET_DETAILS_CLICKED,
- GetAssetFormatDescription(selectedAsset));
- SetUiMode(UiMode.DETAILS);
- }
- }
- ///
- /// Called as a callback by AssetBrowserManager whenever something interesting changes which
- /// requires us to update our UI.
- ///
- private void UpdateUi() {
- // Tell Unity to repaint this window, which will invoke OnGUI().
- Repaint();
- }
- ///
- /// Returns whether or not the given category requires authentication.
- ///
- private bool CategoryRequiresAuth(int category) {
- string key = CATEGORIES[category].key;
- return (key == KEY_YOUR_UPLOADS || key == KEY_YOUR_LIKES);
- }
- ///
- /// Shows the profile dropdown menu (the dropdown menu that appears when the user clicks their profile
- /// picture).
- ///
- private void ShowProfileDropdownMenu() {
- GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu();
- menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("My Profile (web)"), /* on */ false, () => {
- PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.ACCOUNT_VIEW_PROFILE);
- Application.OpenURL(USER_PROFILE_URL);
- });
- menu.AddSeparator("");
- menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Sign Out"), /* on */ false, () => {
- PolyApi.SignOut();
- PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.ACCOUNT_SIGN_OUT);
- // If the user was viewing a category that requires sign in, reset back to the home page.
- if (queryRequiresAuth) {
- selectedCategory = CATEGORY_FEATURED;
- StartRequest();
- }
- });
- menu.ShowAsContext();
- }
- ///
- /// Callback invoked when the user picks a new category from the category dropdown.
- ///
- /// The index of the selected category.
- private void DropdownMenuCallback(object userData) {
- int selection = (int)userData;
- if (selection == selectedCategory) return;
- // If the user picked a category that requires authentication, and they are not authenticated,
- // tell them why they can't view it.
- if (CategoryRequiresAuth(selection) && !PolyApi.IsAuthenticated) {
- PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.BROWSE_MISSING_AUTH);
- EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Sign in required",
- "To view your uploads or likes, you must sign in first.", "OK");
- return;
- }
- selectedCategory = (int)userData;
- PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.BROWSE_CATEGORY_SELECTED, CATEGORIES[selectedCategory].key);
- StartRequest();
- }
- ///
- /// Builds and returns a PolyRequest from the current state of the AssetBrowswerWindow variables.
- ///
- private PolyRequest BuildRequest() {
- CategoryInfo info = CATEGORIES[selectedCategory];
- if (info.key == KEY_YOUR_UPLOADS) {
- PolyListUserAssetsRequest listUserAssetsRequest = PolyListUserAssetsRequest.MyNewest();
- listUserAssetsRequest.formatFilter = assetTypeFilter;
- return listUserAssetsRequest;
- }
- if (info.key == KEY_YOUR_LIKES) {
- PolyListLikedAssetsRequest listLikedAssetsRequest = PolyListLikedAssetsRequest.MyLiked();
- return listLikedAssetsRequest;
- }
- PolyListAssetsRequest listAssetsRequest;
- if (info.key == KEY_FEATURED) {
- listAssetsRequest = PolyListAssetsRequest.Featured();
- } else {
- listAssetsRequest = new PolyListAssetsRequest();
- listAssetsRequest.category = info.polyCategory;
- }
- listAssetsRequest.formatFilter = assetTypeFilter;
- // Only show curated results.
- listAssetsRequest.curated = true;
- return listAssetsRequest;
- }
- ///
- /// Sends a list assets request to the assets service according to the parameters currently selected in the UI.
- /// When the request is done, AssetBrowserManager will inform us through the callback.
- ///
- private void StartRequest() {
- if (mode == UiMode.BROWSE) {
- PolyRequest request = BuildRequest();
- queryRequiresAuth = CategoryRequiresAuth(selectedCategory);
- if (!queryRequiresAuth || PolyApi.IsAuthenticated) {
- manager.StartRequest(request);
- }
- } else if (mode == UiMode.SEARCH) {
- PolyListAssetsRequest request = new PolyListAssetsRequest();
- request.keywords = searchTerms;
- manager.StartRequest(request);
- } else {
- throw new System.Exception("Unexpected UI mode for StartQuery: " + mode);
- }
- // Reset scroll bar position.
- assetListScrollPos = Vector2.zero;
- }
- ///
- /// Set the variables of the details ui page for the newly selected asset.
- ///
- private void PrepareDetailsUi(PolyAsset newSelectedAsset) {
- selectedAsset = newSelectedAsset;
- ptAssetLocalPath = PtUtils.GetDefaultPtAssetPath(selectedAsset);
- detailsScrollPos = Vector2.zero;
- importOptions = PtSettings.Instance.defaultImportOptions;
- }
- ///
- /// Draws the asset details page. This is the page that shows the details about the selected asset
- /// and allows the user to click to import it.
- ///
- private void DrawDetailsUi() {
- if (manager.IsQuerying) {
- // Check if manager is querying for a specific asset.
- GUILayout.Space(30);
- GUILayout.Label("Fetching asset. Please wait...");
- selectedAsset = null;
- return;
- }
- // If we just got the specific asset result, set the details ui import options to the relevant
- // variables at first.
- if (manager.CurrentAssetResult != null && selectedAsset == null) {
- PrepareDetailsUi(manager.CurrentAssetResult);
- }
- // Check if the user selected something in the PtAsset picker.
- if (Event.current != null && Event.current.commandName == "ObjectSelectorUpdated") {
- UnityEngine.Object picked = EditorGUIUtility.GetObjectPickerObject();
- ptAssetLocalPath = (picked != null && picked is PtAsset) ?
- AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(picked) :
- PtUtils.GetDefaultPtAssetPath(selectedAsset);
- PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.IMPORT_LOCATION_CHANGED);
- }
- if (selectedAsset == null) {
- manager.ClearCurrentAssetResult();
- GUILayout.Space(20);
- GUILayout.Label("Asset not found.");
- return;
- }
- detailsScrollPos = guiHelper.BeginScrollView(detailsScrollPos);
- const float width = 150;
- guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
- GUILayout.Label(selectedAsset.displayName, detailsTitleStyle);
- guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
- guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
- GUILayout.Label(selectedAsset.authorName, EditorStyles.wordWrappedLabel);
- GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
- if (GUILayout.Button("View on Web", GUILayout.MaxWidth(100))) {
- PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.BROWSE_VIEW_ON_WEB);
- Application.OpenURL(selectedAsset.Url);
- }
- GUILayout.Space(5);
- guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
- GUILayout.Space(10);
- Texture2D image = selectedAsset.thumbnailTexture ?? loadingTex;
- float displayWidth = position.width - 40;
- float displayHeight = image.height * displayWidth / image.width;
- displayHeight = Mathf.Min(image.height, displayHeight);
- displayWidth = Mathf.Min(image.width, displayWidth);
- GUILayout.Label(image, GUILayout.Width(displayWidth), GUILayout.Height(displayHeight));
- if (manager.IsDownloadingAsset(selectedAsset)) {
- guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
- GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
- GUILayout.Label("Downloading asset. Please wait...");
- GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
- guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
- guiHelper.EndScrollView();
- return;
- } else if (justImported) {
- Rect lastRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();
- Rect boxRect = new Rect(PADDING, lastRect.yMax + PADDING, position.width - 2 * PADDING,
- GUI.DrawTexture(boxRect, backBarBackgroundTex);
- GUILayout.Space(20);
- guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
- GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
- guiHelper.BeginVertical();
- GUILayout.Label("Asset successfully imported.");
- GUILayout.Label("Saved to: " + PtSettings.Instance.assetObjectsPath);
- GUILayout.Space(10);
- if (GUILayout.Button("OK")) {
- // Dismiss.
- justImported = false;
- }
- guiHelper.EndVertical();
- GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
- guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
- guiHelper.EndScrollView();
- return;
- }
- GUILayout.Space(5);
- GUILayout.Label("Import Options", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
- GUILayout.Space(5);
- guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
- GUILayout.Space(12);
- GUILayout.Label("Import Location", GUILayout.Width(width));
- GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
- GUILayout.Label(ptAssetLocalPath, EditorStyles.wordWrappedLabel);
- GUILayout.Space(5);
- guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
- guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
- GUILayout.Space(width - 10);
- GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
- if (GUILayout.Button("Replace existing...")) {
- PtAsset current = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(ptAssetLocalPath);
- EditorGUIUtility.ShowObjectPicker(current, /* allowSceneObjects */ false, PtAsset.FilterString, 0);
- }
- GUILayout.Space(5);
- guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
- EditTimeImportOptions oldOptions = importOptions;
- importOptions = ImportOptionsGui.ImportOptionsField(importOptions);
- if (oldOptions.alsoInstantiate != importOptions.alsoInstantiate) {
- // Persist 'always instantiate' option if it was changed.
- PtSettings.Instance.defaultImportOptions.alsoInstantiate = importOptions.alsoInstantiate;
- }
- SendImportOptionMutationAnalytics(oldOptions, importOptions);
- GUILayout.Space(10);
- GUILayout.Box("", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true), GUILayout.Height(1));
- GUILayout.Space(10);
- guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
- GUIStyle buttonStyle = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.button);
- buttonStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
- buttonStyle.padding = new RectOffset(10, 10, 8, 8);
- bool importButtonClicked = GUILayout.Button("Import into Project", buttonStyle);
- GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
- guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
- GUILayout.Space(5);
- if (!File.Exists(PtUtils.ToAbsolutePath(ptAssetLocalPath))) {
- GUILayout.Label(PolyInternalUtils.ATTRIBUTION_NOTICE, EditorStyles.wordWrappedLabel);
- } else {
- GUILayout.Label("WARNING: The indicated asset already exists and will be OVERWRITTEN by " +
- "the new asset. Existing instances of the old asset will be automatically updated " +
- "to the new asset.",
- EditorStyles.wordWrappedLabel);
- }
- guiHelper.EndScrollView();
- if (importButtonClicked) {
- if (!ptAssetLocalPath.StartsWith("Assets/") || !ptAssetLocalPath.EndsWith(".asset")) {
- EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Invalid import path",
- "The import path must begin with Assets/ and have the .asset extension.", "OK");
- return;
- }
- string errorString;
- if (!ValidateImportOptions(importOptions.baseOptions, out errorString)) {
- EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Invalid import options", errorString, "OK");
- return;
- }
- PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.IMPORT_STARTED, GetAssetFormatDescription(selectedAsset));
- if (previousMode == UiMode.SEARCH) {
- PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.IMPORT_STARTED_FROM_SEARCH,
- GetAssetFormatDescription(selectedAsset));
- }
- manager.StartDownloadAndImport(selectedAsset, ptAssetLocalPath, importOptions);
- }
- }
- ///
- /// Returns whether the import options are valid and, if not, a relevant error message to display.
- ///
- private bool ValidateImportOptions(PolyImportOptions options, out string errorString) {
- switch (options.rescalingMode) {
- case PolyImportOptions.RescalingMode.CONVERT:
- if (options.scaleFactor == 0.0f) {
- errorString = "Scale factor must not be 0.";
- return false;
- }
- break;
- case PolyImportOptions.RescalingMode.FIT:
- if (options.desiredSize == 0.0f) {
- errorString = "Desired size must not be 0.";
- return false;
- }
- break;
- default:
- throw new System.Exception("Import options must hvae a valid rescaling mode");
- }
- errorString = null;
- return true;
- }
- ///
- /// Returns true if the current UI mode has a back button bar.
- ///
- /// True if the current UI mode has a back button bar, false otherwise.
- private bool HasBackButtonBar() {
- return mode == UiMode.DETAILS || mode == UiMode.SEARCH;
- }
- ///
- /// Draws the "Back" button bar.
- ///
- /// True if the back button was clicked, false otherwise.
- private bool DrawBackButtonBar() {
- guiHelper.BeginArea(new Rect(0, TITLE_BAR_HEIGHT, position.width, BACK_BUTTON_BAR_HEIGHT));
- GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0, 0, position.width, BACK_BUTTON_BAR_HEIGHT), backBarBackgroundTex);
- guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
- GUILayout.Space(PADDING);
- bool backButtonClicked = GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Back", backArrowTex), EditorStyles.miniLabel);
- GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
- guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
- guiHelper.EndArea();
- return backButtonClicked;
- }
- ///
- /// Returns a string with all the asset formats of the given asset.
- ///
- /// The asset.
- /// A string with all the comma-separated asset formats of the given asset.
- private string GetAssetFormatDescription(PolyAsset asset) {
- List formatTypes = new List();
- if (asset.formats != null) {
- foreach (PolyFormat format in asset.formats) {
- formatTypes.Add(format.formatType.ToString());
- }
- } else {
- // Shouldn't happen [tm].
- formatTypes.Add("NULL");
- }
- formatTypes.Sort();
- return string.Join(",", formatTypes.ToArray());
- }
- ///
- /// Sends Analytics events for mutations in the given import options.
- ///
- /// The options before the mutation.
- /// The options after the mutation.
- private void SendImportOptionMutationAnalytics(EditTimeImportOptions before, EditTimeImportOptions after) {
- if (before.alsoInstantiate != after.alsoInstantiate) {
- PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.IMPORT_INSTANTIATE_TOGGLED, after.alsoInstantiate.ToString());
- }
- if (before.baseOptions.desiredSize != after.baseOptions.desiredSize) {
- PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.IMPORT_DESIRED_SIZE_SET,
- after.baseOptions.desiredSize.ToString());
- }
- if (before.baseOptions.recenter != after.baseOptions.recenter) {
- PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.IMPORT_RECENTER_TOGGLED,
- after.baseOptions.recenter.ToString());
- }
- if (before.baseOptions.rescalingMode != after.baseOptions.rescalingMode) {
- PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.IMPORT_SCALE_MODE_CHANGED,
- after.baseOptions.rescalingMode.ToString());
- }
- if (before.baseOptions.scaleFactor != after.baseOptions.scaleFactor) {
- PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.IMPORT_SCALE_FACTOR_CHANGED,
- after.baseOptions.scaleFactor.ToString());
- }
- }
- private void OnDestroy() {
- PtDebug.Log("ABW: destroying.");
- manager.SetRefreshCallback(null);
- }
- private struct CategoryInfo {
- public string key;
- public string title;
- public PolyCategory polyCategory;
- public CategoryInfo(string key, string title, PolyCategory polyCategory = PolyCategory.UNSPECIFIED) {
- this.key = key;
- this.title = title;
- this.polyCategory = polyCategory;
- }
- }
+// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using UnityEditor;
+using UnityEngine;
+using PolyToolkit;
+using PolyToolkitInternal;
+using System;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+namespace PolyToolkitEditor {
+/// Window that allows the user to browse and import Poly models.
+/// Note that EditorWindow objects are created and deleted when the window is opened or closed, so this
+/// object can't be responsible for any background logic like importing assets, etc. It should only deal
+/// with UI. For all background logic and and real work, we rely on AssetBrowserManager.
+public class AssetBrowserWindow : EditorWindow {
+ ///
+ /// Title of the window (shown in the Unity UI).
+ ///
+ private const string WINDOW_TITLE = "Poly Toolkit";
+ ///
+ /// URL of the user's profile page.
+ ///
+ private const string USER_PROFILE_URL = "https://icosa.gallery/user";
+ ///
+ /// Width and height of each asset thumbnail image in the grid.
+ ///
+ private const int THUMBNAIL_WIDTH = 128;
+ private const int THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT = 96;
+ ///
+ /// Width of each grid cell in the assets grid.
+ ///
+ private const int CELL_WIDTH = THUMBNAIL_WIDTH;
+ ///
+ /// Spacing between grid cells in the assets grid.
+ ///
+ private const int CELL_SPACING = 5;
+ ///
+ /// Height of the title bar at the top of the window.
+ ///
+ private const int TITLE_BAR_HEIGHT = 64;
+ ///
+ /// Height of the bar that contains the back button.
+ ///
+ private const int BACK_BUTTON_BAR_HEIGHT = 28;
+ ///
+ /// Height of the title image.
+ ///
+ private const int TITLE_IMAGE_HEIGHT = 40;
+ ///
+ /// Padding around title image.
+ ///
+ private const int TITLE_IMAGE_PADDING = 12;
+ ///
+ /// Margin from the top where the UI begins.
+ /// This does not account for the back button bar.
+ ///
+ private const int TOP_MARGIN_BASE = TITLE_BAR_HEIGHT + 10;
+ ///
+ /// Padding around the window.
+ ///
+ private const int PADDING = 5;
+ ///
+ /// Size of the user's profile picture.
+ ///
+ private const int PROFILE_PICTURE_SIZE = 40;
+ ///
+ /// Size of the left column (labels), in pixels.
+ ///
+ private const int LEFT_COL_WIDTH = 140;
+ ///
+ /// Height of the "successfully imported" box.
+ ///
+ private const int IMPORT_SUCCESS_BOX_HEIGHT = 120;
+ ///
+ /// Texture to use for the title bar.
+ ///
+ private const string TITLE_TEX = "Editor/Textures/IcosaToolkitTitle.png";
+ ///
+ /// Texture to use for the back button (back arrow) if the skin is Unity pro.
+ ///
+ private const string BACK_ARROW_LIGHT_TEX = "Editor/Textures/BackArrow.png";
+ ///
+ /// Texture to use for the back button (back arrow) if the skin is Unity personal.
+ ///
+ private const string BACK_ARROW_DARK_TEX = "Editor/Textures/BackArrowDark.png";
+ ///
+ /// Texture to use for the back button bar background if the skin is Unity pro.
+ ///
+ private const string DARK_GREY_TEX = "Editor/Textures/DarkGrey.png";
+ ///
+ /// Texture to use for the back button bar background if the skin is Unity personal.
+ ///
+ private const string LIGHT_GREY_TEX = "Editor/Textures/LightGrey.png";
+ ///
+ /// Category key corresponding to selecting the "FEATURED" section.
+ ///
+ private const string KEY_FEATURED = "_featured";
+ ///
+ /// Category key corresponding to selecting the "Your Uploads" section.
+ ///
+ private const string KEY_YOUR_UPLOADS = "_your_uploads";
+ ///
+ /// Category key corresponding to selecting the "Your Uploads" section.
+ ///
+ private const string KEY_YOUR_LIKES = "_your_likes";
+ ///
+ /// Index of the "FEATURED" category below.
+ ///
+ private const int CATEGORY_FEATURED = 0;
+ ///
+ /// Categories that the user can choose to browse.
+ ///
+ private static readonly CategoryInfo[] CATEGORIES = {
+ new CategoryInfo(KEY_FEATURED, "Featured", PolyCategory.UNSPECIFIED),
+ new CategoryInfo(KEY_YOUR_UPLOADS, "Your Uploads", PolyCategory.UNSPECIFIED),
+ new CategoryInfo(KEY_YOUR_LIKES, "Your Likes", PolyCategory.UNSPECIFIED),
+ new CategoryInfo("animals", "Animals and Creatures", PolyCategory.ANIMALS),
+ new CategoryInfo("architecture", "Architecture", PolyCategory.ARCHITECTURE),
+ new CategoryInfo("art", "Art", PolyCategory.ART),
+ new CategoryInfo("food", "Food and Drink", PolyCategory.FOOD),
+ new CategoryInfo("nature", "Nature", PolyCategory.NATURE),
+ new CategoryInfo("objects", "Objects", PolyCategory.OBJECTS),
+ new CategoryInfo("people", "People and Characters", PolyCategory.PEOPLE),
+ new CategoryInfo("places", "Places and Scenes", PolyCategory.PLACES),
+ new CategoryInfo("tech", "Technology", PolyCategory.TECH),
+ new CategoryInfo("transport", "Transport", PolyCategory.TRANSPORT),
+ };
+ ///
+ /// Represent the several modes that the UI can be in.
+ ///
+ private enum UiMode {
+ // Browsing assets by category/type (default mode).
+ // Searching for assets by keyword (search box open).
+ // Viewing the details of a particular asset.
+ };
+ ///
+ /// Current UI mode.
+ ///
+ private UiMode mode = UiMode.BROWSE;
+ ///
+ /// The previous UI mode.
+ ///
+ private UiMode previousMode = UiMode.BROWSE;
+ ///
+ /// Index of the category that is currently selected (in CATEGORIES[]).
+ ///
+ private int selectedCategory = 0;
+ ///
+ /// The search terms the user has typed in the search box.
+ ///
+ private string searchTerms = "";
+ ///
+ /// The texture to use in place of a thumbnail when loading the thumbnail.
+ ///
+ private Texture2D loadingTex = null;
+ ///
+ /// The texture to use for the back button (back arrow).
+ ///
+ private Texture2D backArrowTex = null;
+ ///
+ /// Texture used for back button bar background.
+ ///
+ private Texture2D backBarBackgroundTex = null;
+ ///
+ /// Reference to the AssetBrowserManager.
+ ///
+ private AssetBrowserManager manager;
+ ///
+ /// Current scrolling position of the scroll view with the list of assets.
+ ///
+ private Vector2 assetListScrollPos;
+ ///
+ /// Current scrolling position of the details window.
+ ///
+ private Vector2 detailsScrollPos;
+ ///
+ /// If non-null, we're showing the details page for the given asset. If null,
+ /// we are showing the grid screen that shows all assets.
+ ///
+ private PolyAsset selectedAsset = null;
+ ///
+ /// Indicates whether the query we're currently showing requires authentication.
+ ///
+ private bool queryRequiresAuth = false;
+ ///
+ /// The selected asset path in the "Import" section of the details page.
+ ///
+ private string ptAssetLocalPath = "";
+ ///
+ /// Current asset type filter (indicates the type of asset that the user wishes to see).
+ ///
+ private PolyFormatFilter? assetTypeFilter = null;
+ ///
+ /// Texture for the title bar.
+ ///
+ private Texture2D titleTex;
+ ///
+ /// The style we use for the asset title in the details page.
+ ///
+ private GUIStyle detailsTitleStyle;
+ ///
+ /// GUI helper that keeps track of our open layouts.
+ ///
+ private GUIHelper guiHelper = new GUIHelper();
+ ///
+ /// Currently selected import options.
+ ///
+ private EditTimeImportOptions importOptions;
+ ///
+ /// If true, the currently displayed asset was just imported successfully.
+ ///
+ private bool justImported;
+ ///
+ /// Shows the browser window.
+ ///
+ [MenuItem("Icosa/Browse Assets...")]
+ public static void BrowsePolyAssets() {
+ GetWindow(WINDOW_TITLE, /* focus */ true);
+ PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.MENU_BROWSE_ASSETS);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Shows the browser window.
+ ///
+ [MenuItem("Window/Poly: Browse Assets...")]
+ public static void BrowsePolyAssets2() {
+ BrowsePolyAssets();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Notifies this window that the given asset was just imported successfully
+ /// (so we can show this state in the UI).
+ ///
+ /// The ID of the asset that was just imported.
+ public void HandleAssetImported(string assetId) {
+ if (selectedAsset != null && assetId == selectedAsset.assetId) {
+ justImported = true;
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Performs one-time initialization.
+ ///
+ private void Initialize() {
+ PtDebug.Log("ABW: initializing.");
+ if (manager == null) {
+ manager = new AssetBrowserManager();
+ manager.SetRefreshCallback(UpdateUi);
+ }
+ loadingTex = new Texture2D(1,1);
+ titleTex = PtUtils.LoadTexture2DFromRelativePath(TITLE_TEX);
+ backArrowTex = PtUtils.LoadTexture2DFromRelativePath(
+ backBarBackgroundTex = PtUtils.LoadTexture2DFromRelativePath(
+ EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? DARK_GREY_TEX : LIGHT_GREY_TEX);
+ detailsTitleStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.wordWrappedLabel);
+ detailsTitleStyle.fontSize = 15;
+ detailsTitleStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
+ }
+ private void SetUiMode(UiMode newMode) {
+ if (newMode != mode) {
+ previousMode = mode;
+ mode = newMode;
+ }
+ PtDebug.Log("ABW: changed UI mode to " + newMode);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Renders the window GUI (invoked by Unity).
+ ///
+ public void OnGUI() {
+ if (Application.isPlaying) {
+ DrawTitleBar(/* withSignInUi */ false);
+ guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
+ GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
+ GUILayout.Label("(This window doesn't work in Play mode)", EditorStyles.wordWrappedLabel);
+ GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
+ guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (manager == null) {
+ // Initialize, if we haven't yet. We delay this to OnGUI instead of earlier because we need
+ // the Unity GUI system to be completely initialized (so we can create styles, for instance), which
+ // only happens on OnGUI().
+ PolyRequest request = BuildRequest();
+ manager = new AssetBrowserManager(request);
+ manager.SetRefreshCallback(UpdateUi);
+ Initialize();
+ }
+ // We have to check if Poly is ready every time (it's cheap to check). This is because Poly can be
+ // unloaded and wiped every time we enter or exit play mode.
+ manager.EnsurePolyIsReady();
+ int topMargin;
+ if (!DrawHeader(out topMargin)) {
+ // Abort rendering because a button was pressed (for example, the back button).
+ return;
+ }
+ guiHelper.BeginArea(new Rect(PADDING, PADDING, position.width - 2 * PADDING, position.height - 2 * PADDING));
+ GUILayout.Space(topMargin);
+ switch (mode) {
+ case UiMode.BROWSE:
+ DrawBrowseUi();
+ break;
+ case UiMode.SEARCH:
+ DrawSearchUi();
+ break;
+ case UiMode.DETAILS:
+ DrawDetailsUi();
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new System.Exception("Invalid UI mode: " + mode);
+ }
+ guiHelper.EndArea();
+ guiHelper.FinishAndCheck();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Draws the header and handles header-related events (like the back button).
+ ///
+ /// (Out param). The top margin at which the rest of the content
+ /// should be rendered. Only valid if this method returns true.
+ /// True if the header was successfully drawn and rendering should continue.
+ /// False if it was aborted due to a back button press.
+ private bool DrawHeader(out int topMargin) {
+ DrawTitleBar(withSignInUi: false); // TODO Update signin for Icosa device code flow
+ bool hasBackButtonBar = HasBackButtonBar();
+ topMargin = TOP_MARGIN_BASE;
+ if (hasBackButtonBar) {
+ bool backButtonClicked = DrawBackButtonBar();
+ if (backButtonClicked) {
+ HandleBackButton();
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Increase the top margin of the content to account for the back button bar.
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Draws the title bar at the top of the window.
+ /// The title bar includes the user's profile picture and the Sign In/Out UI.
+ /// If true, also include the sign in/sign out UI.
+ ///
+ private void DrawTitleBar(bool withSignInUi) {
+ GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0, 0, position.width, TITLE_BAR_HEIGHT), Texture2D.whiteTexture);
+ GUIStyle titleStyle = new GUIStyle (GUI.skin.label);
+ if (GUILayout.Button(titleTex, titleStyle,
+ GUILayout.Width(titleTex.width * TITLE_IMAGE_HEIGHT / titleTex.height),
+ GUILayout.Height(TITLE_IMAGE_HEIGHT))) {
+ // Clicked title image. Return to the featured assets page.
+ SetUiMode(UiMode.BROWSE);
+ selectedCategory = CATEGORY_FEATURED;
+ StartRequest();
+ }
+ if (!withSignInUi) return;
+ position.width - 2 * TITLE_IMAGE_PADDING, TITLE_BAR_HEIGHT));
+ if (PolyApi.IsAuthenticated) {
+ // User is authenticated, so show the profie picture.
+ guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
+ GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
+ Texture2D userTex = PolyApi.UserIcon != null && PolyApi.UserIcon.texture != null ?
+ PolyApi.UserIcon.texture : loadingTex;
+ if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(userTex, /* tooltip */ PolyApi.UserName),
+ // Clicked profile picture. Show the dropdown menu.
+ ShowProfileDropdownMenu();
+ }
+ guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
+ } else if (PolyApi.IsAuthenticating) {
+ guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
+ GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
+ GUILayout.Label("Signing in... Please wait.");
+ guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
+ guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
+ GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
+ bool cancelSignInClicked = GUILayout.Button("Cancel", EditorStyles.miniButton);
+ guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
+ if (cancelSignInClicked) {
+ PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.ACCOUNT_SIGN_IN_CANCEL);
+ manager.CancelSignIn();
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Not signed in. Show "Sign In" button.
+ GUILayout.Space(30);
+ guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
+ GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
+ if (GUILayout.Button("Sign in")) {
+ PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.ACCOUNT_SIGN_IN_START);
+ manager.LaunchSignInFlow();
+ }
+ guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
+ }
+ guiHelper.EndArea();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Draws the "browse" UI. The main UI allows the user to select a category to browse and set filters,
+ /// and allows them to browse the assets grid. When they click on an asset, they go to the details UI.
+ ///
+ private void DrawBrowseUi() {
+ guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
+ GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
+ bool searchClicked = GUILayout.Button("Search...");
+ guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
+ if (searchClicked) {
+ SetUiMode(UiMode.SEARCH);
+ PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.BROWSE_SEARCH_CLICKED);
+ manager.ClearRequest();
+ return;
+ }
+ guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
+ // Draw the category dropdowns.
+ GUILayout.Label("Show:", GUILayout.Width(LEFT_COL_WIDTH));
+ if (EditorGUILayout.DropdownButton(new GUIContent(CATEGORIES[selectedCategory].title),
+ FocusType.Keyboard)) {
+ GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu();
+ for (int i = 0; i < CATEGORIES.Length; i++) {
+ if (i == 3) menu.AddSeparator("");
+ menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(CATEGORIES[i].title), i == selectedCategory, DropdownMenuCallback, i);
+ }
+ menu.ShowAsContext();
+ }
+ guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
+ // Draw the "Asset type" toggles.
+ bool showAssetTypeFilter = (CATEGORIES[selectedCategory].key != KEY_YOUR_LIKES);
+ if (showAssetTypeFilter) {
+ guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
+ GUILayout.Label("Asset type:", GUILayout.Width(LEFT_COL_WIDTH));
+ bool blocksToggle = GUILayout.Toggle(assetTypeFilter == PolyFormatFilter.BLOCKS, "Blocks", "Button");
+ bool tiltBrushToggle = GUILayout.Toggle(assetTypeFilter == PolyFormatFilter.TILT, "Open Brush", "Button");
+ bool allToggle = GUILayout.Toggle(assetTypeFilter == null, "All", "Button");
+ guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
+ GUILayout.Space(10);
+ if (blocksToggle && assetTypeFilter != PolyFormatFilter.BLOCKS) {
+ assetTypeFilter = PolyFormatFilter.BLOCKS;
+ PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.BROWSE_ASSET_TYPE_SELECTED, assetTypeFilter.ToString());
+ StartRequest();
+ return;
+ } else if (tiltBrushToggle && assetTypeFilter != PolyFormatFilter.TILT) {
+ assetTypeFilter = PolyFormatFilter.TILT;
+ PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.BROWSE_ASSET_TYPE_SELECTED, assetTypeFilter.ToString());
+ StartRequest();
+ return;
+ } else if (allToggle && assetTypeFilter != null) {
+ assetTypeFilter = null;
+ PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.BROWSE_ASSET_TYPE_SELECTED, assetTypeFilter.ToString());
+ StartRequest();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ DrawResultsGrid();
+ }
+ private void HandleBackButton() {
+ switch (mode) {
+ case UiMode.SEARCH:
+ SetUiMode(UiMode.BROWSE);
+ StartRequest();
+ return;
+ case UiMode.DETAILS:
+ selectedAsset = null;
+ justImported = false;
+ manager.ClearCurrentAssetResult();
+ SetUiMode(previousMode);
+ return;
+ default:
+ throw new Exception("Invalid UI mode for back button: " + mode);
+ }
+ }
+ private void DrawSearchUi() {
+ bool searchClicked = false;
+ // Pressing ENTER in the search terms box is the same as clicking "Search". We have to check
+ // this BEFORE we draw the text field, otherwise it will consume the event and we won't see it.
+ if (Event.current != null && Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown &&
+ Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return && GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl() == "searchTerms") {
+ searchClicked = true;
+ }
+ GUILayout.Space(10);
+ GUILayout.Label("Search", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
+ GUILayout.Label("Enter search terms (or a Poly URL) below:", EditorStyles.wordWrappedLabel);
+ GUI.SetNextControlName("searchTerms");
+ searchTerms = EditorGUILayout.TextField(searchTerms, EditorStyles.textArea);
+ guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
+ GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
+ searchClicked = GUILayout.Button("Search") || searchClicked;
+ guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
+ if (searchClicked && searchTerms.Trim().Length > 0) {
+ // Note: for privacy reasons we don't log the search terms, just the fact that a search was made.
+ PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.BROWSE_SEARCHED);
+ string assetId;
+ if (SearchTermIsAssetPage(searchTerms, out assetId)) {
+ manager.StartRequestForSpecificAsset(assetId);
+ SetUiMode(UiMode.DETAILS);
+ return;
+ }
+ StartRequest();
+ }
+ DrawResultsGrid();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Returns true if the url was a valid asset url, false if not.
+ ///
+ /// The url of the asset to get.
+ /// The id of the asset to get from the url, null if the url is invalid.
+ private bool SearchTermIsAssetPage(string url, out string assetId) {
+ Regex regex = new Regex("^(http[s]?:\\/\\/)?.*\\/view\\/([^?]+)");
+ Match match = regex.Match(url);
+ if (match.Success) {
+ assetId = match.Groups[2].ToString();
+ assetId = assetId.Trim();
+ return true;
+ }
+ assetId = null;
+ return false;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Draws the query results grid, using the current query results as reported by
+ /// the AssetsBrowserManager.
+ ///
+ private void DrawResultsGrid() {
+ if (manager.IsQuerying) {
+ GUILayout.Space(30);
+ GUILayout.Label("Fetching assets. Please wait...");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (manager.CurrentResult == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (manager.CurrentResult != null && !manager.CurrentResult.Status.ok) {
+ GUILayout.Space(30);
+ GUILayout.Label("There was a problem with that request! Please try again later.",
+ EditorStyles.wordWrappedLabel);
+ guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
+ GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
+ if (GUILayout.Button("Retry")) {
+ // Retry the previous request.
+ manager.ClearCaches();
+ StartRequest();
+ }
+ GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
+ guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (manager.CurrentResult.Value.assets == null ||
+ manager.CurrentResult.Value.assets.Count == 0) {
+ GUILayout.Space(30);
+ GUILayout.Label("No results.");
+ return;
+ }
+ PolyListAssetsResult result = manager.CurrentResult.Value;
+ if (!result.status.ok) {
+ GUILayout.Space(30);
+ GUILayout.Label("*** ERROR fetching results. Try again..");
+ return;
+ }
+ guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
+ string resultCountLabel;
+ resultCountLabel = string.Format("{0} assets found.", result.totalSize);
+ if (result.assets.Count < result.totalSize) {
+ resultCountLabel += string.Format(" (showing 1-{0}).", result.assets.Count);
+ }
+ GUILayout.Label(resultCountLabel, EditorStyles.miniLabel);
+ GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
+ bool refreshClicked = GUILayout.Button("Refresh");
+ guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
+ GUILayout.Space(5);
+ if (refreshClicked) {
+ PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.BROWSE_REFRESH_CLICKED);
+ manager.ClearCaches();
+ StartRequest();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Calculate how many assets we want to show on each row, based on the window width.
+ // This allows the user to dynamically resize the window and have the assets grid
+ // automatically reflow.
+ int assetsPerRow = Mathf.Clamp(
+ Mathf.FloorToInt((position.width - 40) / (CELL_WIDTH + CELL_SPACING)), 1, 8);
+ int assetsThisRow = 0;
+ // The assets grid is in a scroll view.
+ assetListScrollPos = guiHelper.BeginScrollView(assetListScrollPos);
+ GUILayout.Space(5);
+ guiHelper.BeginVertical();
+ guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
+ PolyAsset clickedAsset = null;
+ foreach (PolyAsset asset in result.assets) {
+ if (assetsThisRow >= assetsPerRow) {
+ // Begin new row.
+ guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
+ GUILayout.Space(20);
+ guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
+ assetsThisRow = 0;
+ }
+ if (assetsThisRow > 0) GUILayout.Space(CELL_SPACING);
+ guiHelper.BeginVertical();
+ if (GUILayout.Button(asset.thumbnailTexture ?? loadingTex,
+ clickedAsset = asset;
+ }
+ GUILayout.Label(asset.displayName, EditorStyles.boldLabel, GUILayout.Width(CELL_WIDTH));
+ GUILayout.Label(asset.authorName, GUILayout.Width(CELL_WIDTH));
+ guiHelper.EndVertical();
+ assetsThisRow++;
+ }
+ // Complete last row with dummy cells.
+ if (assetsThisRow > 0) {
+ while (assetsThisRow < assetsPerRow) {
+ guiHelper.BeginVertical();
+ GUILayout.Label("", GUILayout.Width(CELL_WIDTH), GUILayout.Height(THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT));
+ GUILayout.Label("", EditorStyles.boldLabel, GUILayout.Width(CELL_WIDTH));
+ GUILayout.Label("", GUILayout.Width(CELL_WIDTH));
+ guiHelper.EndVertical();
+ assetsThisRow++;
+ }
+ }
+ guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
+ GUILayout.Space(10);
+ bool loadMoreClicked = false;
+ if (manager.resultHasMorePages) {
+ // If the current response has at least another page of results left, show the load more button.
+ guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
+ GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
+ loadMoreClicked = GUILayout.Button("Load more");
+ GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
+ guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
+ }
+ GUILayout.Space(5);
+ guiHelper.EndVertical();
+ guiHelper.EndScrollView();
+ if (loadMoreClicked) {
+ manager.GetNextPageRequest();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (clickedAsset != null) {
+ PrepareDetailsUi(clickedAsset);
+ PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.BROWSE_ASSET_DETAILS_CLICKED,
+ GetAssetFormatDescription(selectedAsset));
+ SetUiMode(UiMode.DETAILS);
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Called as a callback by AssetBrowserManager whenever something interesting changes which
+ /// requires us to update our UI.
+ ///
+ private void UpdateUi() {
+ // Tell Unity to repaint this window, which will invoke OnGUI().
+ Repaint();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Returns whether or not the given category requires authentication.
+ ///
+ private bool CategoryRequiresAuth(int category) {
+ string key = CATEGORIES[category].key;
+ return (key == KEY_YOUR_UPLOADS || key == KEY_YOUR_LIKES);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Shows the profile dropdown menu (the dropdown menu that appears when the user clicks their profile
+ /// picture).
+ ///
+ private void ShowProfileDropdownMenu() {
+ GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu();
+ menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("My Profile (web)"), /* on */ false, () => {
+ PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.ACCOUNT_VIEW_PROFILE);
+ Application.OpenURL(USER_PROFILE_URL);
+ });
+ menu.AddSeparator("");
+ menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Sign Out"), /* on */ false, () => {
+ PolyApi.SignOut();
+ PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.ACCOUNT_SIGN_OUT);
+ // If the user was viewing a category that requires sign in, reset back to the home page.
+ if (queryRequiresAuth) {
+ selectedCategory = CATEGORY_FEATURED;
+ StartRequest();
+ }
+ });
+ menu.ShowAsContext();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Callback invoked when the user picks a new category from the category dropdown.
+ ///
+ /// The index of the selected category.
+ private void DropdownMenuCallback(object userData) {
+ int selection = (int)userData;
+ if (selection == selectedCategory) return;
+ // If the user picked a category that requires authentication, and they are not authenticated,
+ // tell them why they can't view it.
+ if (CategoryRequiresAuth(selection) && !PolyApi.IsAuthenticated) {
+ PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.BROWSE_MISSING_AUTH);
+ EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Sign in required",
+ "To view your uploads or likes, you must sign in first.", "OK");
+ return;
+ }
+ selectedCategory = (int)userData;
+ PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.BROWSE_CATEGORY_SELECTED, CATEGORIES[selectedCategory].key);
+ StartRequest();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Builds and returns a PolyRequest from the current state of the AssetBrowswerWindow variables.
+ ///
+ private PolyRequest BuildRequest() {
+ CategoryInfo info = CATEGORIES[selectedCategory];
+ if (info.key == KEY_YOUR_UPLOADS) {
+ PolyListUserAssetsRequest listUserAssetsRequest = PolyListUserAssetsRequest.MyNewest();
+ listUserAssetsRequest.formatFilter = assetTypeFilter;
+ return listUserAssetsRequest;
+ }
+ if (info.key == KEY_YOUR_LIKES) {
+ PolyListLikedAssetsRequest listLikedAssetsRequest = PolyListLikedAssetsRequest.MyLiked();
+ return listLikedAssetsRequest;
+ }
+ PolyListAssetsRequest listAssetsRequest;
+ if (info.key == KEY_FEATURED) {
+ listAssetsRequest = PolyListAssetsRequest.Featured();
+ } else {
+ listAssetsRequest = new PolyListAssetsRequest();
+ listAssetsRequest.category = info.polyCategory;
+ }
+ listAssetsRequest.formatFilter = assetTypeFilter;
+ // Only show curated results.
+ listAssetsRequest.curated = true;
+ return listAssetsRequest;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Sends a list assets request to the assets service according to the parameters currently selected in the UI.
+ /// When the request is done, AssetBrowserManager will inform us through the callback.
+ ///
+ private void StartRequest() {
+ if (mode == UiMode.BROWSE) {
+ PolyRequest request = BuildRequest();
+ queryRequiresAuth = CategoryRequiresAuth(selectedCategory);
+ if (!queryRequiresAuth || PolyApi.IsAuthenticated) {
+ manager.StartRequest(request);
+ }
+ } else if (mode == UiMode.SEARCH) {
+ PolyListAssetsRequest request = new PolyListAssetsRequest();
+ request.keywords = searchTerms;
+ manager.StartRequest(request);
+ } else {
+ throw new System.Exception("Unexpected UI mode for StartQuery: " + mode);
+ }
+ // Reset scroll bar position.
+ assetListScrollPos = Vector2.zero;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Set the variables of the details ui page for the newly selected asset.
+ ///
+ private void PrepareDetailsUi(PolyAsset newSelectedAsset) {
+ selectedAsset = newSelectedAsset;
+ ptAssetLocalPath = PtUtils.GetDefaultPtAssetPath(selectedAsset);
+ detailsScrollPos = Vector2.zero;
+ importOptions = PtSettings.Instance.defaultImportOptions;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Draws the asset details page. This is the page that shows the details about the selected asset
+ /// and allows the user to click to import it.
+ ///
+ private void DrawDetailsUi() {
+ if (manager.IsQuerying) {
+ // Check if manager is querying for a specific asset.
+ GUILayout.Space(30);
+ GUILayout.Label("Fetching asset. Please wait...");
+ selectedAsset = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ // If we just got the specific asset result, set the details ui import options to the relevant
+ // variables at first.
+ if (manager.CurrentAssetResult != null && selectedAsset == null) {
+ PrepareDetailsUi(manager.CurrentAssetResult);
+ }
+ // Check if the user selected something in the PtAsset picker.
+ if (Event.current != null && Event.current.commandName == "ObjectSelectorUpdated") {
+ UnityEngine.Object picked = EditorGUIUtility.GetObjectPickerObject();
+ ptAssetLocalPath = (picked != null && picked is PtAsset) ?
+ AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(picked) :
+ PtUtils.GetDefaultPtAssetPath(selectedAsset);
+ PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.IMPORT_LOCATION_CHANGED);
+ }
+ if (selectedAsset == null) {
+ manager.ClearCurrentAssetResult();
+ GUILayout.Space(20);
+ GUILayout.Label("Asset not found.");
+ return;
+ }
+ detailsScrollPos = guiHelper.BeginScrollView(detailsScrollPos);
+ const float width = 150;
+ guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
+ GUILayout.Label(selectedAsset.displayName, detailsTitleStyle);
+ guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
+ guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
+ GUILayout.Label(selectedAsset.authorName, EditorStyles.wordWrappedLabel);
+ GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
+ if (GUILayout.Button("View on Web", GUILayout.MaxWidth(100))) {
+ PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.BROWSE_VIEW_ON_WEB);
+ Application.OpenURL(selectedAsset.Url);
+ }
+ GUILayout.Space(5);
+ guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
+ GUILayout.Space(10);
+ Texture2D image = selectedAsset.thumbnailTexture ?? loadingTex;
+ float displayWidth = position.width - 40;
+ float displayHeight = image.height * displayWidth / image.width;
+ displayHeight = Mathf.Min(image.height, displayHeight);
+ displayWidth = Mathf.Min(image.width, displayWidth);
+ GUILayout.Label(image, GUILayout.Width(displayWidth), GUILayout.Height(displayHeight));
+ if (manager.IsDownloadingAsset(selectedAsset)) {
+ guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
+ GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
+ GUILayout.Label("Downloading asset. Please wait...");
+ GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
+ guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
+ guiHelper.EndScrollView();
+ return;
+ } else if (justImported) {
+ Rect lastRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();
+ Rect boxRect = new Rect(PADDING, lastRect.yMax + PADDING, position.width - 2 * PADDING,
+ GUI.DrawTexture(boxRect, backBarBackgroundTex);
+ GUILayout.Space(20);
+ guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
+ GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
+ guiHelper.BeginVertical();
+ GUILayout.Label("Asset successfully imported.");
+ GUILayout.Label("Saved to: " + PtSettings.Instance.assetObjectsPath);
+ GUILayout.Space(10);
+ if (GUILayout.Button("OK")) {
+ // Dismiss.
+ justImported = false;
+ }
+ guiHelper.EndVertical();
+ GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
+ guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
+ guiHelper.EndScrollView();
+ return;
+ }
+ GUILayout.Space(5);
+ GUILayout.Label("Import Options", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
+ GUILayout.Space(5);
+ guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
+ GUILayout.Space(12);
+ GUILayout.Label("Import Location", GUILayout.Width(width));
+ GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
+ GUILayout.Label(ptAssetLocalPath, EditorStyles.wordWrappedLabel);
+ GUILayout.Space(5);
+ guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
+ guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
+ GUILayout.Space(width - 10);
+ GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
+ if (GUILayout.Button("Replace existing...")) {
+ PtAsset current = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(ptAssetLocalPath);
+ EditorGUIUtility.ShowObjectPicker(current, /* allowSceneObjects */ false, PtAsset.FilterString, 0);
+ }
+ GUILayout.Space(5);
+ guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
+ EditTimeImportOptions oldOptions = importOptions;
+ importOptions = ImportOptionsGui.ImportOptionsField(importOptions);
+ if (oldOptions.alsoInstantiate != importOptions.alsoInstantiate) {
+ // Persist 'always instantiate' option if it was changed.
+ PtSettings.Instance.defaultImportOptions.alsoInstantiate = importOptions.alsoInstantiate;
+ }
+ SendImportOptionMutationAnalytics(oldOptions, importOptions);
+ GUILayout.Space(10);
+ GUILayout.Box("", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true), GUILayout.Height(1));
+ GUILayout.Space(10);
+ guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
+ GUIStyle buttonStyle = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.button);
+ buttonStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
+ buttonStyle.padding = new RectOffset(10, 10, 8, 8);
+ bool importButtonClicked = GUILayout.Button("Import into Project", buttonStyle);
+ GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
+ guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
+ GUILayout.Space(5);
+ if (!File.Exists(PtUtils.ToAbsolutePath(ptAssetLocalPath))) {
+ GUILayout.Label(PolyInternalUtils.ATTRIBUTION_NOTICE, EditorStyles.wordWrappedLabel);
+ } else {
+ GUILayout.Label("WARNING: The indicated asset already exists and will be OVERWRITTEN by " +
+ "the new asset. Existing instances of the old asset will be automatically updated " +
+ "to the new asset.",
+ EditorStyles.wordWrappedLabel);
+ }
+ guiHelper.EndScrollView();
+ if (importButtonClicked) {
+ if (!ptAssetLocalPath.StartsWith("Assets/") || !ptAssetLocalPath.EndsWith(".asset")) {
+ EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Invalid import path",
+ "The import path must begin with Assets/ and have the .asset extension.", "OK");
+ return;
+ }
+ string errorString;
+ if (!ValidateImportOptions(importOptions.baseOptions, out errorString)) {
+ EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Invalid import options", errorString, "OK");
+ return;
+ }
+ PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.IMPORT_STARTED, GetAssetFormatDescription(selectedAsset));
+ if (previousMode == UiMode.SEARCH) {
+ PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.IMPORT_STARTED_FROM_SEARCH,
+ GetAssetFormatDescription(selectedAsset));
+ }
+ manager.StartDownloadAndImport(selectedAsset, ptAssetLocalPath, importOptions);
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Returns whether the import options are valid and, if not, a relevant error message to display.
+ ///
+ private bool ValidateImportOptions(PolyImportOptions options, out string errorString) {
+ switch (options.rescalingMode) {
+ case PolyImportOptions.RescalingMode.CONVERT:
+ if (options.scaleFactor == 0.0f) {
+ errorString = "Scale factor must not be 0.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case PolyImportOptions.RescalingMode.FIT:
+ if (options.desiredSize == 0.0f) {
+ errorString = "Desired size must not be 0.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new System.Exception("Import options must hvae a valid rescaling mode");
+ }
+ errorString = null;
+ return true;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Returns true if the current UI mode has a back button bar.
+ ///
+ /// True if the current UI mode has a back button bar, false otherwise.
+ private bool HasBackButtonBar() {
+ return mode == UiMode.DETAILS || mode == UiMode.SEARCH;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Draws the "Back" button bar.
+ ///
+ /// True if the back button was clicked, false otherwise.
+ private bool DrawBackButtonBar() {
+ guiHelper.BeginArea(new Rect(0, TITLE_BAR_HEIGHT, position.width, BACK_BUTTON_BAR_HEIGHT));
+ GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0, 0, position.width, BACK_BUTTON_BAR_HEIGHT), backBarBackgroundTex);
+ guiHelper.BeginHorizontal();
+ GUILayout.Space(PADDING);
+ bool backButtonClicked = GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Back", backArrowTex), EditorStyles.miniLabel);
+ GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
+ guiHelper.EndHorizontal();
+ guiHelper.EndArea();
+ return backButtonClicked;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Returns a string with all the asset formats of the given asset.
+ ///
+ /// The asset.
+ /// A string with all the comma-separated asset formats of the given asset.
+ private string GetAssetFormatDescription(PolyAsset asset) {
+ List formatTypes = new List();
+ if (asset.formats != null) {
+ foreach (PolyFormat format in asset.formats) {
+ formatTypes.Add(format.formatType.ToString());
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Shouldn't happen [tm].
+ formatTypes.Add("NULL");
+ }
+ formatTypes.Sort();
+ return string.Join(",", formatTypes.ToArray());
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Sends Analytics events for mutations in the given import options.
+ ///
+ /// The options before the mutation.
+ /// The options after the mutation.
+ private void SendImportOptionMutationAnalytics(EditTimeImportOptions before, EditTimeImportOptions after) {
+ if (before.alsoInstantiate != after.alsoInstantiate) {
+ PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.IMPORT_INSTANTIATE_TOGGLED, after.alsoInstantiate.ToString());
+ }
+ if (before.baseOptions.desiredSize != after.baseOptions.desiredSize) {
+ PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.IMPORT_DESIRED_SIZE_SET,
+ after.baseOptions.desiredSize.ToString());
+ }
+ if (before.baseOptions.recenter != after.baseOptions.recenter) {
+ PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.IMPORT_RECENTER_TOGGLED,
+ after.baseOptions.recenter.ToString());
+ }
+ if (before.baseOptions.rescalingMode != after.baseOptions.rescalingMode) {
+ PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.IMPORT_SCALE_MODE_CHANGED,
+ after.baseOptions.rescalingMode.ToString());
+ }
+ if (before.baseOptions.scaleFactor != after.baseOptions.scaleFactor) {
+ PtAnalytics.SendEvent(PtAnalytics.Action.IMPORT_SCALE_FACTOR_CHANGED,
+ after.baseOptions.scaleFactor.ToString());
+ }
+ }
+ private void OnDestroy() {
+ PtDebug.Log("ABW: destroying.");
+ manager.SetRefreshCallback(null);
+ }
+ private struct CategoryInfo {
+ public string key;
+ public string title;
+ public PolyCategory polyCategory;
+ public CategoryInfo(string key, string title, PolyCategory polyCategory = PolyCategory.UNSPECIFIED) {
+ this.key = key;
+ this.title = title;
+ this.polyCategory = polyCategory;
+ }
+ }