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Maxie D. Schmidt edited this page May 12, 2018 · 28 revisions

BildMini RevE rebooted wiki


How to set up a development environment?

Install your favorite development environment:

e.g. Eclipse (Oxygen)

sudo apt install eclipse eclipse-cdt

Start Eclipse and go to the Eclipse Marketplace → Help → Eclipse Marketplace

Search for AVR Eclipse Plugin and install it.

Setting up your Project with the AVR Plugin

Project→Properties AVR tab on the left? - so you can change the target hardware to atxmega32a4u and rebuild the index.

If not so, you can change the target hardware within C/C++ Build → Environment.

Here change the value of AVRTARGETMCU to atxmega32a4u.

C/C++ Build → Tool Chain Editor: AVR-GCC Toolchain

Maybe you need to check out C/C++ General → Paths and Symbols too:

__ AVR_DEVICE_NAME __ = atxmega32a4u

After all changes rebuild the index.

How to compile the firmware?

OS: Linux

Debian, Ubuntu, ...


  • avr-libc
  • binutils-avr
  • gcc-avr
  • avrdude
  • libusb-dev

Install packages:

sudo apt-get install avr-libc binutils-avr gcc-avr avrdude libusb-dev

Clone the latest version to your local system:

git clone

cd ChameleonMini-rebooted

cd Firmware/Chameleon-Mini


If everything compiles you will find two new files in the current directory:

  • Chameleon-Mini.eep
  • Chameleon-Mini.hex

You need to upload these two files using either avr-dude or dfu-programmer. On some/most Linux systems there seems to be a problem when using USB3 ports. This can result in errors when trying to upload or not even finding the correct mcu type. A temporary solution might be to bring these two files over to a Windows pc and upload them using the bootloader.exe program of maybe even with the AVR Flip programmer. More on this later.

OS: Windows


  • AVR GNU Toolchain from Atmel or Atmel Studio 7
  • Cygwin
  • Add the bin path of Cygwin and AVR Toolchain to the PATH environment variable

Recommended Cygwin-packages:

  • make
  • gcc-core
  • gcc-g++
  • util-linux
  • binutils
  • rsync
  • python
  • python3
  • bash-completition
  • vim
  • vim-common
  • diffutils
  • openssh

If the setup is done --> start Cygwin and navigate to the firmware folder where the makefile is located and run make.



  • xcode
  • homebrew
  • avr-gcc

Install packages:

xcode-select --install

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

brew tap osx-cross/avr

brew install avr-gcc

not needed yet, but maybe in the future, for creating the bootloader: brew install srecord