A confirmation dialog is created with FSuppressableWarningDialog
The Suppressable
part means that the dialog will have a checkbox that when checked will suppress that dialog in the future.
The suppression is saved in one of the .ini
files, GEditorPerProjectIni
by default.
The following example shows how the ask the user if The Thing should be done.
bool ShouldTheThingBeDone(const FText& Title, const FText& Message, const FString& InitSetting)
FSuppressableWarningDialog::FSetupInfo Info(Message, Title, IniSetting);
Info.ConfirmText = LOCTEXT("DoTheThingYes", "Do The Thing!");
Info.CancelText = LOCTEXT("DoTheThingNo", "Don't do the thing");
Info.CheckBoxText = FText::GetEmpty(); // By setting this to Empty we prevent suppressing.
FSuppressableWarningDialog ReparentBlueprintDlg(Info);
return ReparentBlueprintDlg.ShowModal() != FSuppressableWarningDialog::Cancel;
// ShowModal return either Suppressed, Cancel, eller Confirm.
// It's unclear to me how Suppressed is supposed to be handled.
// This example takes Suppressed to mean Confirm, following a comment in the Engine source:
// > User previously suppressed dialog, in most cases this should be treated as confirm.
Example usage:
const FText Title = LOCTEXT(
"Do the thing?");
const FText Message = LOCTEXT(
"Should the thing be done?");
const FString InitSetting = TEXT(
if (ShouldTheThingBeDone(Title, Message, IniSetting))
This is editor-only.