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Releases: iampawan/VelocityX

v1.3.1 & v2.3.1 nullsafety

31 Dec 10:08
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[1.3.1] - Decemeber 29, 2020

  • Introducing VxShapes with ext: VxCircle -> .circle(), VxEllipse -> .ellipse(), VxCapsule -> .capsule(), VxContinuousRectangle -> .continuousRectangle(), VxBevel -> .bevel(), VxTriangle -> .triangle() and VxTicket -> .ticket()
  • VxPlatform added to create a common widget for different platforms.
  • VxAnimator added exposing the animator package.
  • Added widget support to badge and new positions.
  • Added isIntrinsic prop for some widgets like DataTable which doesn't support layout builder.
  • Vx.getColorFromHex() added to convert hex to color.
  • Label Style and TextStyle added to the VxTextField.
  • Fixed shadow issues and introduced more shadows for box/container or similar widgets.
  • More Extensions - context : screenDensity, string: isNumber(),isLetter(), isSymbol(), isCreditCardValid(), bool: toggle(), Iterable: sumBy, sumByDouble, averageBy, filter and more.
  • Widget Extensions - stroke(), fractionalBox(), px(val), py(val), rotate60(), rotateN60(), clipHalf(), aspectRatio(), and positioned().
  • withAnimation returns AnimationController to control and dispose it manually.
  • Many Bug Fixes.

v1.0.1 November 21, 2020

21 Nov 07:52
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[1.0.1] - November 21, 2020

  • Added isFastScrollingEnabled to fast scroll the VxSwiper or swiper ext.
  • Added .fontWeight method for texts to set custom font weight.
  • Fixed an issue with compilation with some of the flutter versions.
  • Fixed an issue with VxScrollVertical and VxScrollHorizontal where the child was not working.
  • Minor bug fixes.

v1.0.0 November 03, 2020

03 Nov 18:18
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  • Added VxTimeline widget.
  • Added VxSkeleton widget with skeleton extension.
  • Added VxMarquee widget with marquee extension.
  • Added VxBadge widget with badge extension.
  • Added VxToast widget with showToast & showLoading context extension.
  • Extensions for ScrollController added.
  • withAnimation & withRepeatAnimation added.
  • onTap, onInkTap series added for more ease.
  • VxTextField added.
  • VxAnimatedHeight added.
  • Offset, preferredSize, sliverBoxAdapter extensions added.
  • vxPreviewRoute added along with materialRoute & cupertinoRoute extensions.
  • expand,backgroundColor,cornerRadius,keepAlive,onFeedBackTap extensions added.
  • Mouse Region extension methods added.
  • Material extension added.

v0.5.0 Oct 11, 2020

11 Oct 16:14
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  • Compatible with latest flutter versions.
  • numCurrency and numCurrencyWithLocale() added.
  • circularAssetImage, circularNetworImage, circularAssetShadowImage added to string extension methods.
  • orientation prop added to context extensions.
  • randomColor, randomOpaqueColor and randomPrimaryColor added to Vx.
  • VxPopupMenu widget and popupMenu ext Added.
  • Added timeAgo ext for DateTime.
  • New extension methods added for Context - mediaquery, theme, navigator, form, scaffold and overlay etc.
  • New extension methods added for Icon.
  • New props for VxBox - withContraints(), foregroundDecoration.
  • New props for VxText family - softWrap(), minFontSize(), maxFontSize(),stepGranularity(),overflowReplacement(),overflow, strutStyle(), wrapWords(), wordSpacing() and textBaseLine(),
  • Documentations Improved.
  • [BREAKING] Overflow has been removed and clip has been added with default as Clipbehavior.None. It can affect all the widgets which uses Stack or ZStack.
  • [BREAKING] ScrollVertical and ScrollHorizontal has been renamed to VxScrollVertical and VxScrollHorizontal to maintain consistency.

v0.4.1 July 15, 2020

15 Jul 09:55
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  • Card color issue fixed.
  • HStack and VStack now has cross alignment as center by default.
  • Flags added to check debug, release, profile and web mode using Vx class.

v0.4.0 May 18, 2020

18 May 10:18
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  • Uses latest material design text specs.
  • Shadow color method added to card.
  • New transform extensions - flipX, flipY, flipHorizontal, flipVertical, customScale
  • New theme extensions - lightTheme, darkTheme, customTheme
  • New navigator extensions - nextPage, nextReplacementPage, nextAndRemoveUntilPage, pop.
  • Bug fixes.
  • Readme updated.

v0.3.4 May 04, 2020

03 May 18:48
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Fixed transform extension issues.
Added clip prop to the card and box.
Added guard similar to Swift.
Many more extensions added for context, iterable and num like duration, sum, theme data, etc.
Bug Fixes

v0.3.2 April 13, 2020

13 Apr 15:40
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Added VxTextDropDown Widget with textDropDown() ext.
Added VxRandomBox Widget with randomBox() ext.
Added Vx.log(), Vx.inspect() utilities.
Added Vx.isReleaseMode, Vx.isProfileMode, Vx.isDebugMode, Vx.isWeb utilities..
Example App updated.
Bug Fixes

[0.3.1] - April 10, 2020

10 Apr 14:32
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Added VxSwiper Widget with swiper() ext.
Added VxAppBar Widget with search functionality.
Added VxShimmar Widget with shimmer() ext.
Added size(), square(), withDecoration() methods to boxes.
isMobile prop added for context.
Example App updated.
Bug Fixes

Breaking Change [0.3.0] - April 07, 2020

07 Apr 15:02
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  • VxCard Introduced
  • withShadow method for box added.
  • withGradient method for box added.
  • scaleFactor for text improved.
  • withRounded method added for Vx.

This classes are renamed (Breaking change).

  1. VelocityX -> Vx

  2. VelocityAnimatedBox -> VxAnimatedBox

  3. VelocityConditional -> VxConditional

  4. VelocityConditionalSwitch -> VxConditionalSwitch

  5. VelocityEnsureVisibleWhenFocused -> VxEnsureVisibleWhenFocused

  6. VelocityDevice -> VxDevice

  7. VelocityResponsive -> VxResponsive

  8. VelocityTwo -> VxTwo

  9. VelocityTwoColumn -> VxTwoColumn

  10. VelocityTwoRow -> VxTwoRow

  11. VelocityZeroCard -> VxZeroCard

  12. VelocityZeroList -> VxZeroList

  13. VelocityBox -> VxBox

  14. VelocityXBlock -> VxBlock

  15. VelocityXInlineBlock -> VxInlineBlock

  16. VelocityDiscList -> VxDiscList

  17. VelocityDecimalList -> VxDecimalList