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sbt-avro is a sbt 1.x plugin for generating Scala classes from Apache Avro schemas hosted on a remote Confluent Schema Registry.


Example of build.sbt file:

    schemaRegistryEndpoint in Avro := "",
    schemas in Avro ++= Seq(
        Schema("cc_payments-value", Version(1)),
        Schema("telecom_italia_data-value", Version(3)),
        Schema("nyc_yellow_taxi_trip_data-value", Version(1))


Add the plugin to your build, eg in ./project/plugins.sbt add this line:

addSbtPlugin("com.iadvize" % "sbt-avro" % "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT")

Download Avro schema files from Schema Registry

By default sbt-avro will download all Avro schema files from local schema registry to your default resources_managed directory (ie: target/scala-2.12/resources_managed/main/avro/). Please check settings section for more information about available settings.


sbt avro:download

Upload Avro schema files to Schema Registry

sbt-avro can upload all Avro Schema files from your resources directory (ie: src/main/resources/avro) to a local schema registry. Please check settings section for more information about available settings.


sbt avro:upload

Test compatibility of schemas with their latest versions in Schema Registry

sbt-avro can test schemas for compatibility against the latest version of a subject's schema. This makes use of the Schema Registry compatibility resource.

The plugin will look for *.avsc files in :

  • Resources folder (ie: src/main/resources/avro/)
  • Resources Managed folder (ie: target/scala-2.12/resources_managed/main/avro/)


sbt avro:compatibility

Generate scala classes from Avro schema files

The plugin sbt-avro will look for *.avsc files in :

  • Resources folder (ie: src/main/resources/avro/)
  • Resources Managed folder (ie: target/scala-2.12/resources_managed/main/avro/)

Important : If a duplicate avro schema (same name ) is detected in your resources folder and in your resources_managed folder, the compiler will compile only the schema in resources folder. So, for example, in dev if you want to try some local changes, you can duplicate your schema from your resources managed folder into your resources folder and compile your changes.

So put your schema files there and run:

sbt avro:generate

The case classes will get generated in your default src_managed directory (ie:target/scala-2.12/src_managed/main/avro/).



Name Default Description
schemaRegistryEndpoint localhost:8081 Schema Registry endpoint
schemas All Avro schemas (with last version) A list of (subject, version)
resourceManagedDirectory $resourceManaged/main/avro Path containing *.avsc files from schema registry.
sourceManagedDirectory $sourceManaged/main/avro Path for the generated *.scala files
resourceDirectory $resource/main/avro Path containing your *.avs files.
templateDirectory internal Path containing the templates.


Task Description
download Download Avro schemas from a Schema Registry
generate Generate case classes from avro files
upload Upload Avro schemas to a Schema Registry
compatibility Test compatibility of Avro schemas against their latest versions in a Schema Registry

Important: sbt:compile task will only call avro:generate and not call download task.

Custom Templates

You can use your custom templates to generate scala source from Avro schema. If you want to use custom templates, please add your custom templates into $templateDirectory folder. Template example:

#if ($schema.getNamespace())
package $schema.getNamespace()

#if ($schema.getDoc())
/** $schema.getDoc() */
object ${this.mangle($schema.getName())} extends Enumeration {

  val Schema = "${this.javaEscape($schema.toString())}"

  val #foreach ($symbol in ${schema.getEnumSymbols()})${this.mangle($symbol)}#if ($velocityHasNext), #end#end = Value



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