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Upgrading to v7.x

richardsimongreen edited this page Nov 8, 2022 · 1 revision

⚠️ This document relates to deprecated or obsolete SDK versions. For details regarding upgrading to the latest SDK version, consult the main Upgrade Guide.

Upgrading to v7.5

There are new options added as listed below. You do not need to add these as their default states will leave you unaffected.

  • options.ui.closeButtonImageResource = -1 // default indicates: do not override standard default back arrow
  • options.ui.closeButtonImageDrawable = null // default indicates: do not override closeButtonImageResource or the standard default back arrow
  • options.ui.closeButtonTintColor = Color.WHITE // default color for the button's image

Upgrading to v7.4

There are new options added as listed below. You do not need to add these as their default states will leave you unaffected.

  • options.ui.floatingPromptRoundedCorners = true // Determines whether the floating prompt box has rounded corners or not
  • options.ui.genuinePresenceAssurance.notReadyOverlayStrokeColor = null
  • options.ui.genuinePresenceAssurance.readyOverlayStrokeColor = null
  • options.ui.genuinePresenceAssurance.notReadyFloatingPromptBackgroundColor = null
  • options.ui.genuinePresenceAssurance.readyFloatingPromptBackgroundColor = null
  • options.ui.livenessAssurance.overlayStrokeColor = null
  • options.ui.livenessAssurance.floatingPromptBackgroundColor = null

Upgrading to v7.3

Reverts SDK 7.2.0 update of Kotlin 1.6.10 back to 1.5.30; also compileSdkVersion can be 29+ again.

Upgrading to v7.2

As of 7.2.0, in the IProov.Options, ui.promptTextColor replaces ui.footerTextColor, which is now deprecated.

Uses Kotlin 1.6.10.

Requires your module compileSdkVersion to be Android API 31+.

If you require your compileSdkVersion to be 29+ you can add the following to your module's file in the defaultConfig section:

configurations.all { resolutionStrategy { force 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.3.1' } }

Upgrading to v7.1

Changes to certificate pinning has changed type from Array<String> to Array<Object>. It is now possible to pass a mixed array containing elements of either:

  • String values (existing behaviour) - these will be treated as paths to the certificate (included in the raw folder).
  • byte[] values (new behaviour) - these will be treated as the certificates themselves.

Upgrading to v7.0

Support dropped for API Level 19

​ Minimum SDK version has been increased to Android API 21 (Lollipop), this removes use of insecure TLS Versions

Changes to UI customization options

​ The paths of various UI customization options has been updated to separate the Genuine Presence and Liveness Assurance UI options: ​

Old name New name
Options.ui.autoStartDisabled Options.ui.genuinePresenceAssurance.autoStartDisabled
Options.ui.notReadyTintColor Options.ui.genuinePresenceAssurance.notReadyTintColor
Options.ui.readyTintColor Options.ui.genuinePresenceAssurance.readyTintColor
Options.ui.progressBarColor Options.ui.genuinePresenceAssurance.progressBarColor
Options.ui.livenessTintColor Options.ui.livenessAssurance.primaryTintColor
Options.ui.livenessScanningTintColor Options.ui.livenessAssurance.secondaryTintColor

​ The following options have been removed: ​

Removed options*

* Pinning can be disabled by passing an empty array into


  • IProov.keyPair.sign method now throws an IProovException instead of KeyStoreManagerException
  • KeyStoreManagerException, LightingModelException and EncoderException have been removed and are represented by UnexpectedErrorException

Localisation changes

​ The following keys have been added, renamed or removed: ​

Old key New key
New value iproov__error_unexpected_error
iproov__error_no_listener_exception iproov__error_listener_not_registered
iproov__error_invalid_options_error iproov__error_invalid_options
iproov__error_encoder Removed
iproov__error_lighting_model Removed
iproov__error_keystore_manager_exception Removed
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