This challenge display
RHME2 FI level 2.
Chip locked
Please write your password:
Each time you enter a password+LF it says Chip Locked
A good start was to read
We have used HydraRHME2 with Chipwhisperer with following configuration:
Target Settings => HydraRHME2
Init Command Empty
Load Key Command Empty
Load Input Command Empty
Go Command 0A
Output Format $GLITCH$
baud 19200
Scope Settings => CW Extra => CW Extra Settings => Trigger Pins
Target IO1 (Serial TXD) Only other not checked
Target HS IO-Out Glitch Module
Scope Settings => Glitch Module
Clock Source CLKGEN
Glitch Width (as % of period) 30
Glitch Width (fine adjust) 0
Glitch Offset (as % of period) 39
Glitch Offset (fine adjust) 0
Glitch Trigger Ext Trigger:Single-Shot
Single-Shot Arm After Scope Arm
Trigger Offset 15580
Repeat 10
After lot of tries(to find the right Trigger Offset) with the help of the Picoscope the Chip is Unlocked with the flag:
Chip unlocked\r\nFLAG: 680a02311032b4e9c87ddf1ece7118de