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Use Keras models in C++ with ease

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Would you like to build/train a model using Keras/Python? And would you like run the prediction (forward pass) on your model in C++ without linking your application against TensorFlow? Then frugally-deep is exactly for you.


  • is a small header-only library written in modern and pure C++.
  • is very easy to integrate and use.
  • depends only on FunctionalPlus, Eigen and json - also header-only libraries.
  • supports inference (model.predict) not only for sequential models but also for computational graphs with a more complex topology, created with the functional API.
  • re-implements a (small) subset of TensorFlow, i.e. the operations needed to support prediction.
  • results in a much smaller binary size than linking against TensorFlow.
  • works out of-the-box also when compiled into a 32-bit executable. (Of course 64 bit is fine too.)
  • utterly ignores even the most powerful GPU in your system and uses only one CPU core. ;-)
  • but is quite fast on one CPU core compared to TensorFlow.

Supported layer types

Layer types typically used in image recognition/generation are supported, making many popular model architectures possible (see Performance section).

  • Add, Concatenate, Subtract, Multiply, Average, Maximum
  • AveragePooling1D/2D, GlobalAveragePooling1D/2D
  • Bidirectional, TimeDistributed, GRU, LSTM, CuDNNGRU, CuDNNLSTM
  • Conv1D/2D, SeparableConv2D, DepthwiseConv2D
  • Cropping1D/2D, ZeroPadding1D/2D
  • BatchNormalization, Dense, Flatten
  • Dropout, AlphaDropout, GaussianDropout
  • SpatialDropout1D, SpatialDropout2D, SpatialDropout3D
  • MaxPooling1D/2D, GlobalMaxPooling1D/2D
  • ELU, LeakyReLU, ReLU, SeLU, PReLU
  • Sigmoid, Softmax, Softplus, Tanh
  • UpSampling1D/2D
  • Reshape, Permute
  • Embedding

Also supported

  • multiple inputs and outputs
  • nested models
  • residual connections
  • shared layers
  • variable input shapes
  • arbitrary complex model architectures / computational graphs
  • custom layers (by passing custom factory functions to load_model)

Currently not supported are the following:

ActivityRegularization, AveragePooling3D, Conv2DTranspose, Conv3D, ConvLSTM2D, Cropping3D, Dot, GaussianNoise, GRUCell, LocallyConnected1D, LocallyConnected2D, LSTMCell, Masking, MaxPooling3D, RepeatVector, RNN, SimpleRNN, SimpleRNNCell, StackedRNNCells, ThresholdedReLU, Upsampling3D, temporal models


  1. Use Keras/Python to build (model.compile(...)), train ( and test (model.evaluate(...)) your model as usual. Then save it to a single HDF5 file using'....h5', include_optimizer=False). The image_data_format in your model must be channels_last, which is the default when using the TensorFlow backend. Models created with a different image_data_format and other backends are not supported.

  2. Now convert it to the frugally-deep file format with keras_export/

  3. Finally load it in C++ (fdeep::load_model(...)) and use model.predict(...) to invoke a forward pass with your data.

The following minimal example shows the full workflow:

import numpy as np
from keras.layers import Input, Dense
from keras.models import Model

inputs = Input(shape=(4,))
x = Dense(5, activation='relu')(inputs)
predictions = Dense(3, activation='softmax')(x)
model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=predictions)
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='nadam')
    np.asarray([[1,2,3,4], [2,3,4,5]]),
    np.asarray([[1,0,0], [0,0,1]]), epochs=10)'keras_model.h5', include_optimizer=False)
python3 keras_export/ keras_model.h5 fdeep_model.json
// main.cpp
#include <fdeep/fdeep.hpp>
int main()
    const auto model = fdeep::load_model("fdeep_model.json");
    const auto result = model.predict(
        {fdeep::tensor5(fdeep::shape5(1, 1, 1, 1, 4), {1, 2, 3, 4})});
    std::cout << fdeep::show_tensor5s(result) << std::endl;

When using a test case (input and corresponding output values) is generated automatically and saved along with your model. fdeep::load_model runs this test to make sure the results of a forward pass in frugally-deep are the same as in Keras.

For more integration examples please have a look at the FAQ.


Below you can find the average durations of multiple consecutive forward passes for some popular models ran on a single core of an Intel Core i5-6600 CPU @ 3.30GHz. frugally-deep was compiled (GCC ver. 5.4.0) with g++ -O3 -mavx (same as TensorFlow binaries). The processes were started with CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='' taskset --cpu-list 1 ... to disable the GPU and to only allow usage of one CPU.

Model Keras + TF frugally-deep
DenseNet121 0.33 s 0.30 s
DenseNet169 0.39 s 0.33 s
DenseNet201 0.48 s 0.43 s
InceptionV3 0.35 s 0.37 s
MobileNet 0.11 s 0.15 s
MobileNetV2 0.13 s 0.16 s
NASNetLarge 2.03 s 4.64 s
NASNetMobile 0.18 s 0.38 s
ResNet50 0.32 s 0.25 s
VGG16 0.64 s 0.80 s
VGG19 0.78 s 0.96 s
Xception 0.65 s 1.20 s

Keras version: 2.2.4

TensorFlow version: 1.13.1

Requirements and Installation

A C++14-compatible compiler is needed. Compilers from these versions on are fine: GCC 4.9, Clang 3.7 (libc++ 3.7) and Visual C++ 2015.

Guides for different ways to install frugally-deep can be found in




The API of this library still might change in the future. If you have any suggestions, find errors or want to give general feedback/criticism, I'd love to hear from you. Of course, contributions are also very welcome.


Distributed under the MIT License. (See accompanying file LICENSE or at