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The FetchAllTermSelectControl component allows for choosing one of a reasonably small number of terms in a given taxonomy. It is intended to be used with taxonomies that only have a few (e.g., around 20) terms to pick from. The component does not allow for searching, but instead wraps a simple SelectControl component.

FetchAllTermSelectControl component.
FetchAllTermSelectControl component displaying found terms to select from.
FetchAllTermSelectControl component indicating that no terms were found.
FetchAllTermSelectControl component displaying an inline error notice.


For a minimum working setup, all you need to do is pass a taxonomy slug and a term ID as value to FetchAllTermSelectControl, as well as an onChange callback that accepts a term ID.

import { FetchAllTermSelectControl } from '@humanmade/block-editor-components';
import { PanelBody } from '@wordpress/components';
import { useDispatch, useSelect } from '@wordpress/data';
import { PluginSidebar } from '@wordpress/edit-post';

function Plugin() {
	const { editPost } = useDispatch( 'core/editor' );

	const term = useSelect(
		( select ) => select( 'core/editor' ).getEditedPostAttribute( 'category' )?.[0],

	return (
		<PluginSidebar name={ sidebarName } title={ sidebarTitle }>
					value={ term }
					onChange={ ( term ) => editPost( { category: term } ) }

Additionally, you can pass a defaultOption or a fallbackOption, or both. The former will be displayed as first, selected option, if there are any terms to choose from; the default is an empty string with no value for the <option>. The latter will be displayed if no terms were found, and is, by default, disabled; the default is "No terms found!", again, with no value. If you pass undefined to defaultOption, the first actual term option will be selected by default. If you pass undefined to fallbackOption, the nested <SelectControl> will not render at all in case there are no terms.

import { FetchAllTermSelectControl } from '@humanmade/block-editor-components';
import { PanelBody } from '@wordpress/components';
import { useDispatch, useSelect } from '@wordpress/data';
import { PluginSidebar } from '@wordpress/edit-post';

function Plugin() {
	const { editPost } = useDispatch( 'core/editor' );

	const term = useSelect(
		( select ) => select( 'core/editor' ).getEditedPostAttribute( 'category' )?.[0],

	return (
		<PluginSidebar name={ sidebarName } title={ sidebarTitle }>
					defaultOption={ {
						label: '—Select Category—',
						value: '',
					} }
					fallbackOption={ {
						disabled: true,
						label: 'Nothing to select. :(',
						value: '',
					} }
					value={ term }
					onChange={ ( term ) => editPost( { category: term } ) }

Besides using the FetchAllTermSelectControl component in a block or custom plugin panel, it also allows for replacing a default taxonomy panel. This is useful if you want to realize a single-term taxonomy UI.

import { FetchAllTermSelectControl } from '@humanmade/block-editor-components';
import { addFilter } from '@wordpress/hooks';

	( OriginalComponent ) => ( originalProps ) => {
		const { slug } = originalProps;

		const { editPost } = useDispatch( 'core/editor' );

		const term = useSelect(
			( select ) => select( 'core/editor' ).getEditedPostAttribute( 'category' )?.[0],

		if ( slug !== 'category' ) {
			return <OriginalComponent {...originalProps} />;

		return (
				value={ term }
				onChange={ ( term ) => editPost( { category: term } ) }


The FetchAllTermSelectControl component does not have any custom props other than defaultOption, fallbackOption and taxonomy, but you can pass anything that is supported by the nested SelectControl component.


An optional option to display as the first, selected one, if there are terms to pick from. As this value is being used as one of the option items passed as options to SelectControl, it is expected to have both a string label and string value property, and it can also have a Boolean disabled property. Passing undefined as defaultOption will automatically select the first actual term option.

Type Required Default
?object no
    label: '',
    value: '',


An optional option to display if there are no terms to pick from (but no error). As this value is being used as one of the option items passed as options to SelectControl, it is expected to have both a string label and string value property, and it can also have a Boolean disabled property. Passing undefined as fallbackOption will not display the SelectControl component if there are no terms to choose from.

Type Required Default
?object no
    disabled: true,
    label: 'No items found!',
    value: '',


The taxonomy slug.

Type Required Default
string yes undefined


The FetchAllTermSelectControl component requires the following dependencies, which are expected to be available:

  • @wordpress/api-fetch
  • @wordpress/components
  • @wordpress/data
  • @wordpress/i18n
  • @wordpress/url