But why? But why? But why? But why? But why? But why? But why? But why? But why? But why? But why? But why? But why? But why? But why? But why? But why? But why? But why? But why? But why? But why? But why? But why? But why? But why? But why? But why? But why? But why? But why? But why? But why? `But why? 'But why? 'But why? 'But why? 'But why? 'But why? 'But why? 'But why? "But why?" "But why?" "But why?" "But why?" "But why?" "But why?" "But why?" "But why?" "But why?" "But why?" "But why?" "But why?" "But why?" "But why?" "But why?" But why so? "'But why?" But why so? But why ask? But why not? But why not? 'But why so? But why not? But why, Mr. "But why so?" But why, why? But why, sir? `But why not? "But why so?" "But why so?" "But why so?" "But why so?" "But why not?" "But why not?" "But why, WHY?" "But why, man?" But why a year? But why 'still? But why, mother? But why must he? But why, silence? But why do I ask? But why was this? But why say more? But why should I? But why not both? But why, why, why? But why, why, why? "But why, mother?" But why not after? 'But why should I? "But why not now?" But why sickening? But why, monsieur? But why didn't he? But why not say so? But why do you ask? "But why talk now?" But why should you? But why do you ask? But why do you ask? But why these tears? But why FOUR pounds? "But why should it?" "But why can't you?" But why do I wonder! But why, Count, why? But why and for whom? But why should I not? But why take offence? But why must this be? But why then publish? But why this thought? But why wasn't I wet? "But why seek you me?" But why am I rejected? "But why not join us?" But why are you going? But why in the square? But why speak of this? "But why are we here?" But why does he do it? But why talk of me?... But why talk nonsense! But why do you ask me? But why are you angry? --But why so faltering? "But why SHOULDN'T we?" "But why do it at all?" But why enforce I this? 'But why, dearest, why? But why reflect at all? "But why are you come?" 'But why shouldn't she? "But why in a village?" "But why should I die?" "But why not, my dear?" But why do you copy it? But why do I argue thus? "But why this question?" But why the terminal s ? But why must it be vast? But why do you ask that? But why with melancholy? "But why not up to now?" But why was it, when Mr. But why should we hurry? But why recall all this? But why in such a hurry? But why was he intruded? But why was it so awful? But why this necessity ? "But why done to death?" But why speak about her? But why are you scowling? But why are you standing? But why dishonor us thus? But why is it to be mine? "But why should he fear?" But why vision mischance? But why of these enquire? 'But why not, dear Grace? But why prove that to me? But why entreat the gods? But why shall I say more? "But why should he come." But why come to any road? But why go to Petersburg? "But why has he red hair?" "But why at such an hour?" "But why into five parts?" But why should you see it? But why do you tarry here? But why must I be blinded? But why did not Philip II. But why this question now? But why did he hate it so? "But why do you think so?" "But why here, Christine?" But why need I go farther? But why won't you hear me? But why shall we go there? But why drag in the stars. But why, madame, do you--? But why do I blame Fortune? "But why, dear Madam Mina?" But why should I be amused? But why could not Caroline? But why didn't you tell me? 'But why should I give way? But why make you miserable? But why is it contemptible? "But why all this secrecy?" But why sorrow for trifles? But why is this man absent? "But why, Mr. Holmes, why?" But why should I trifle so! But why did you come to me? But why are you so anxious? "But why have you not fled?" But why all this haste, Sir? But why are they such fools? But why give me such a hint? But why all this of avarice? But why do I argue with you? But why did you come hither? But why were you doing this? But why do you give them me? But why are we standing here? "But why should you see him?" But why are you standing, Mr. "But why destroy my friends?" But why did she write to you? 'But why wonder so staringly? 'But why must I promise that? But why are apologies needed? But why do you look so cross? But why didst thou slay Amasa? "But why are you apologising?" But why have you no moustache? But why ask the gods to do it? "But why keep me in the dark?" But why do you not refuse him? But why have two of each sort? But why did we teach you that? But why did she grow so angry? "But why--but why, my friend?" "But why am I not to see her?" But why am I not to tell Evan? But why did you go down there? But why do you smile, Seymour? 'But why shouldn't it succeed? `But why don't you scream now? "But why so many precautions?" "But why camest thou so late?" But why has he waited till now? But why speak against yourself? But why does she lie on a sofa? 'But why should you decide now? But why should I tell you more? But why these thoughts of self. But why is your heart bleeding? But why take it from the Vicar? But why do I say, in this case? But why not tarry yet a little? But why do you want to see her? But why should you dislike him? But why have you only two hours? But why am I going on like this? "But why do you worry about it?" But why break chairs, gentlemen? But why was the tear in her eye? But why couldn't he let me know? But why, then, should Louis XIV. But why did he not come through? But why don't you want it known? But why did you buy these rings? But why must you run after them? But why have you collected here? But why is it you do nothing now? But why are you all silent again? But why speak of his coming poor? 'But why have you done it at all? But why do I thus torment myself? But why, think I First of myself? 'But why do you like that better? But why do you not go to the inn? But why should I not receive her? "But why will he let anyone off?" "But why need I wear spectacles?" But why are we in all this haste? But why enlarge so much upon him? But why waste more words on them? But why this gun, of all weapons? But why, why, and how could it be? 'But why doesn't the duke come in? 'But why should it not be painted? But why was the ship coming there? But why didn't you tell me before? "But why have you no packing bag?" But why should he want to fire it? But why must the moon stand still? But why don't you want to take it? But why do I mention justification? But why do I mention another woman? "But why should we wish to escape?" "But why this elaborate deception?" But why is your Highness disguised? But why should I make a long story? But why do you not take your money? But why will you talk of skeletons! But why should I tell you all this? But why these workingman's clothes? "But why should MY wish be obeyed?" But why I had no notice of his ire? But why have you made me a prisoner? "But why must you leave me so soon?" "But why did it not kill my father?" But why didn't you tell us at first? "But why did you not call for help?" But why do you pay attention to her? But why all this about oak or stone? But why should you want to paint me? But why don't you write about Spain? "But why are you all so despondent?" But why did you change your purpose? But why do you not become one of us? "But why 'Douglas' and 'Birlstone'?" But why Stands Macbeth thus amazedly? But why are you so keen about virtue? "But why should he want any payment?" "But why fight at all, in that case?" But why does he not write to me, Mrs. But why should it be just like Helen? But why did she wish to see Nastasia? But why suspect me before the action? But why expose myself to this danger? But why should you dislike clergymen? "But why could he not tell you this?" But why are you making all this fuss? --But why do you fear a bit of bread? But why do you wish to bind yourself? But why on earth did you break it of? But why do I complain of the tyrants? 'But why inflict unnecessary torture? 'But why does anybody care about him? But why do you always grip your lips? But why should you have been anxious? But why should Honor out-liue Honesty? But why, my good sir, all of a minute. But why should I meddle in the matter? But why did this person make for here? But why had he turned his back on her? "But why didn't you tell me, dearest?" But why art thou come hither so early? But why was this affection distressed? But why do you think we shall be safe? But why did he not speak more clearly? "But why didn't you free your slaves?" "But why, why won't she see me again?" But why didn't you tell me this before? 'But why the mischief didn't he say so? But why did not you look for the steps? But why should not I wear pink ribbons? "But why, of all others, choose these?" But why -- what's amiss with the names? But why vnkindly didst thou leaue me so? But why unkindly didst thou leave me so? "But why on earth should it bother him?" 'But why did you think about it, bishop? But why should I weary you with details? But why should we say that he is guilty? "But why do these walls obey him alone?" But why was he then against the priests? But why shouldn't I say I saw something? "But why didn't you tell me, Dronushka?" 'But why have I not heard of him before? "But why are you so shamefaced about it?" But why should I make a long story of it? But why any proclamation on this subject? But why was it you didn't come to dinner? But why rob me of my chance to serve you? 'But why shouldn't they petition, doctor? But why don't you want me to go with them? But why does not this doctor give details? But why had his father taken up the board? But why does your aunt call you her uncle? But why didn't ye tell me ye was the cook? But why does he have this idea of a horse? "But why are these two lords such enemies?" But why are these things alone res mancipi? But why should I enlarge further upon this? "But why do you want to be revenged on us?" "But why should they be only descriptions?" But why was Miss Stacy here this afternoon? But why insult the poor, affront the great? -- But why do I follow that train of ideas? But why are you so pale, Rodion Romanovitch? "But why is my grandfather allowed to live?" But why isn't Fortunata at the table, Gaius? "`But why did you stand all this,' I asked." But why should you give me an expensive rug? `But why should Otter choose to watch there? "But why do you take such an interest in me?" But why do other people call it Barry's pond? But why was he in consultation with my enemy? But why didn't you never come home them days? But why should I keep you longer in suspense? But why do you not rise and greet your guest? "But why are you more human than the others?" But why did they not execute those maneuvers? But why did he endow such purposes with words? But why Godfrey of Bouillon and Hugh brothers! But why meekly allow ourselves to be captured? But why should the schooner be at our command? "But why--but why should any wish to kill me?" 'But why do you suppose these terrible things? But why is it his ears stick out so strangely? But why then took we arms For love of liberty? "But why should such an idea cross your mind?" -- But why talk I, when no one hath MINE ears! But why any proclamation now upon this subject? "But why do you wish to go back to the island?" But why sayest thou so little, Gizur the White? "But why is it we don't do like the merchants?" But why should the rich pay more than the poor? But why should the rich pay more than the poor? 'But why don't we wear shoes like them, father? But why any proclamation now upon this subject? "But why didn't you marry her, Ilya Stepanitch?" But why are you here - what are you doing, here? "But why did we not breakfast at the Parpaillot?" But why then this burning thirst after happiness? But why should'st thou suspect the war's success? But why," he exclaimed, "do you tell me all this? But why was that flag hoisted at the brig's peak? But why in the world shouldn't you see him, dear? But why need I tell at length tales of Aethalides? But why need you give yourselves all this trouble? But why, why had he hidden his sacrifice from her? But why should any criminal wish to ring the bell? But why did he let you hit poor little Jenny Hill? But why regard it as a crime, if they are sincere? But why in the world do these look upon the ground? But why didn't they put him under the pump, doctor? But why was this ineffable blessing denied to them? "But why did you leave me in this belief, Douglas?" "But why has Miss Avery made them set to partners?" But why do they turn up here at this time of night? But why do you think it's not good for children, Mr. "But why didn't the police see this mark yesterday?" But why are they so fond of me if I don't deserve it? But why did you go home, Raissa, why didn't you stay? "But why did this Barto Rizzo employ a woman's hand?" "But why are you sitting here wet through, Crossjay!" "But why this extraordinary treatment of me, Martha?" But why should they shave themselves like suppliants? "But why does he put us where we can't help but sin?" But why do I not find this rest for this weary heart? But why not always be my place, if it is my duty now? But why do I talk thus to a heathen and an unbeliever? But why should I learn these things, that we all know? But why did you say "poor fellow" of Dartrey Fenellan? "But why should they suppose that I despise generals?" But why is the notion attached to the legend of Cronus? But why should I speak to you as if you were undecided! But why does anyone object to his being a dirty fellow? But why do your brother and your sisters object to Mrs. But why he was made such a fool of I cannot understand. But why didn't you marry her when your wife Susan died? "But why do you expect that he will leave us anything?" "But why are you wriggling out of it, like a schoolboy?" But why should you not marry a bad Baronet of Ruddigore? "But why didn't you tell this man, Troop, who you were?" "But why should this man pretend to be his own brother?" But why should Chanaan be cursed for his father's faults? "But why not address yourself to your sister, the queen?" "But why should you wish to go into so horrible a place?" But why was it not addressed directly to me by Macdonald? But why did they not blow up the bridge, if it was mined? But why may they not have believed they were in the right? "But why should she walk shoeless through all that water?" But why pester one with all this reasoning on the subject? "But why did you choose this river out of all the rivers?" But why were you not there, Edward?--Why did you not come? But why should he come back to the house after leaving it? But why do you look like that, as though you were grieving? But why," asked Bovary, "does that gentleman persecute her? But why did she return to Tours without telling me anything? "But why are you not conducting the case from Baker Street?" 'But why do you say the only friends you are likely to have? But why do you wish to know this, who I am?-A miserable man. But why is the right of profit confined to the manufacturer? But why isn't the end of the world as good as the beginning? But why should emancipation South send the free people North? "But why on earth should you be pursued with such animosity?" But why drives on that ship so fast, Without or wave or wind? But why should emancipation South send the free people North? But why, if he is Cleonymus, has he not thrown away his crest? But why do spirits walk the earth, and why do they come to me? But why should I consort, I, a brave man, with the abominable? 'But why cannot men be temperate in their political arguments? But why should the King have the head, and the Queen the tail? But why had they not treasured up the water after it was used? But why did he swear he would come this morning, and comes not? But why are you the handsome tigress to him, of all men living! But why should I not bear it as others have borne it before me! But why did I so much hate the Greek, which I studied as a boy? "But why has monsieur le cardinal given all this money at once?" But why did Amos so emphatically decline to be called a prophet? "But why do you put me with Mr. Foote," I asked, "to marry you?" But why argue at all about the Megarian story if it be a fiction? But why not begin, at least, to make an effort in that direction? "But why should anyone take it in order to keep it in his house?" But why did hee sweare hee would come this morning, and comes not? But why does he sit, night after night, in this draughty old ruin? But why, then, those arms and the regalia of a Tharkian chieftain? But why, O men of Athens, kill others who have offended in nothing? But why did you bring her luggage if you intended to take her away? But why did that man attack Porthos rather than any other one of us? But why should the gentleman want to go to Jerusalem after the dean? But why they came in and went out, where they were, he did not know. But why were they to suffer for what fellows in the higher line did? --But why are they sent to hell if Jesus said they were all to come? But why does he not wear it outside his bosom, as thou dost, mother? "But why a rendezvous in the garden instead of a visit to the house?" But why has he such a passionate love for destruction and chaos also? But why should our poor creatures be deprived of so much nourishment? "But why do you say 'when her soul has entered the heavenly kingdom'?" "But why should you not pretend to engage him then, Colonel De Craye?" But why should you think there is anything between me and Mr. Wildeve? But why these battle lines, No foe to vanquish -- Rome on either hand? But why shall I minutely detail the unspeakable horrors of that night? But why did you sit back there, Agnes,' she added, 'and talk so little? But why find that which is not lost, or summon those who will not come? "But why should she come to see me if she felt so bitterly against me?" But why move I my pen with greater pain Than these men move their arms? But why God should allow Satan to ride His own creature nobody can tell. But why should he go through the ceremony if he is not to live with her? But why do I reflect on happy situations only to aggravate my own misery? But why had he brought in eight -- two enormous dishes with four on each? But why thus place yourself Where you obstruct his passage down the pass? But why wait until time is pressing, and man's skill of no further avail? "But why are you so sure of his being the winner of the Jockey Club prize?" But why, for what mortal reason am I here other than my faith in your love? But why should I not live in peace, if we were to be friends to each other? But why wilt thou seek for ease this way, seeing so many dangers attend it? "But why did you not dare to speak aloud, Planchet--because you are afraid?" But why doth Zarathustra speak otherwise unto his pupils--than unto himself? "But why should they be members of this club if they do not kill themselves?" "But why should you wish to persuade me that I feel more than I acknowledge?" But why don't you come near me, as you used to do when you were a little boy? But why," say they, "would you say that without our leave, it being not true? But why in the world didn't you help Bertran instead of letting him be killed? But why, then, should there not be a tariff for farmers as well as for bakers? But why, in the name of fortune, did M. Mazarin grant you this pretended favor? But why does he so intensely yearn for the prayers and devotions of our hearts? "But why did she run away to me, and then again from me to--" "From you to me?" But why should I, a Huron of the woods, tell a wise people their own traditions? But why didn't you let me know when the wedding was going to be--the first time? But why, then, does not Paul refer to the public charitable object of his visit? But why should the commander of the American frigate have entertained suspicions? But why this singular vision, if the portrait is a faithful copy of the original? But why," I asked, still somewhat bewildered, "didn't you apply for a commission? But why, lest that this lettre founden were, No mencioun ne make I now, for fere. But why, or by what, art thou persuaded that thou hast left all for God and heaven. But why should I dwell upon the incidents that followed this last overwhelming event? 'But why should you try to make my cousin angry; you that ought to have so much sense? But why Mr. Darcy came so often to the Parsonage, it was more difficult to understand. But why does his name seem so hard to me that I should wish to replace it by a surname? But why he should not make as able a Commissioner as a Shipp wright lett wise men judge. But why, in common honesty, refuse to the Koran the concessions freely made to the Torah? But why, my soul, dost thou thus constantly, thus obstinately turn towards this stranger? But why like witless children stand we here Babbling our parents' fame and our own deeds? But why, O my mother, do ye put me in the underground chamber and leave me prisoner there? But why mark this as the expression of the Mussulman sentiment under Christian domination? But why, if you are so clever, do you lie here like a sack and have nothing to show for it? But why, like infants, cold to honour's charms, Stand we to talk, when glory calls to arms? But why should they be so set against him, since they also despise the way that he forsook? But why should we dispute about names when we have realities of such importance to consider? But why did it not react on Louis XIV or on Louis XV- why should it react just on Louis XVI? But why, unhappy man, dost thou detain These troops, to view the tears thou shedd'st in vain? But why should you be right and all those fellows like St. Anselm and St. Augustine be wrong? But why, asks Cebes, if he is a possession of the gods, should he wish to die and leave them? But why does she call herself little Cecily if she is your aunt and lives at Tunbridge Wells? 'But why,' said the young man, 'why run the chance of that occurring which so nearly happened? But why did not this ideologist perceive that man is not proprietor even of his own faculties? But why"--he said to himself-- "should one on that account separate oneself from the instincts! "But why wear a coat in holes," asked the girl, "when your new one is hanging behind the door?" But why, at all events, after having taken Marchiali away from me, do you bring him back again? But why did you come, and do this wrong thing, after doing such a right thing as you have done? But why, prithee, dear Double-fee, do they call these worshipful dons of yours ignorant fellows? But why General Canby and General Hurlbut should join on the same side is to me incomprehensible. But why did she go this morning, instead of by the train with all the other artists this evening? "But why, Valentine, do you persist in anticipating the worst, -- why picture so gloomy a future?" But why did you say just now that there were very particular reasons why I should study this case? But why does Peter sit so long on the rail, why does he not tell his mother that he has come back? 'But why can't she read it in the park or the garden?--why should she go into the fields and lanes? But why should this pattern man be assumed to be better or worthier than a man of a different sort? But why should one take trouble to insist upon the advance of science and art in the medieval city? But why not, if to live justly and righteously was part of the teaching of the mysteries of Eleusis? But why tender the benefits of this provision only to a State government set up in this particular way? But why tender the benefits of this provision only to a State Government set up in this particular way? But why dost thou not bid him contrive some trick to get the girl Jessamine for my son Hahzalam Bazazah? But why is it that property is variable, and, unlike obligation, incapable of definition and settlement? But why tender the benefits of this provision only to a State government set up in this particular way ? But why has the civil law--which ought to be the written expression of justice--authorized this monopoly? But why doth "truth generate hatred," and the man of Thine, preaching the truth, become an enemy to them? But why didst thou not tell me thou wert he I sought, instead of sending me searching for black moonbeams? But why should I describe to you the paintings and the silken draperies with which the room was decorated? But why have they all agreed to speak just in the same manner always the dreariest and most useless stuff? But why this should be a law of nature if each species has been independently created, no man can explain. But why did he leave his father and mother and betake himself to travel and expose himself to these perils? But why have you come so unexpectedly to repeat the question, when you only promised to come next Saturday? But why was Miss Monflathers always vexed and irritated with the poor apprentice--how did that come to pass? But why is the experiment of an extended republic to be rejected, merely because it may comprise what is new? But why should we limit ourselves to the standpoint of the individual, in judging of the rationality of ends? But why the lord did take his son into counsel, about dividing the inheritance, and the good angels, hear now. But why, sister,' says the elder brother, 'why do you exclaim so at the men for aiming so much at the fortune? But why, then,' says I, 'can you persuade me to such a horrid step as leaving you, since you have not left me? But why the devil dost thou run about the tops of houses at seven o'clock of the morning in the month of January? But why did I go to Mason City, Where I chanced to see the book in a window, With its garish cover luring my eye? "But why not give them all an opportunity of educacation, to enable them to read the Bible and books and papers." But why, it is asked, might not the same purpose have been accomplished by the instrumentality of the State courts? But why, on the theory of creation, they should not have been created there, it would be very difficult to explain. But why should these rough drafts of letters be regarded as anything else than what they actually and obviously are? But why this is so I don't know..." As he said this he rose, went to his sister, and, stooping, kissed her forehead. But why commands the king That his chief followers lodge in towns about him, While he himself keeps in the cold field? But why, if you are so great a magician, cannot you conquer the Oz people without our help, and so save us the trouble? But why are these earnest reformers continually bowing to power and wealth,--that is, to all that is anti- reformatory? But why should my, and your, happiness..." "Do you know, I understand now what it's all come from," Kitty was beginning. But why had he happened to hear such a discussion and such ideas at the very moment when his own brain was just conceiving . But why," said Nicholl, "should not these rays be simply spurs of mountains which reflect more vividly the light of the sun? But why should it fall on them to maintain an army in this way, except because the State or Government is too poor to do so? But why castration should lead to the reappearance of an early condition of the horns cannot be explained with any certainty. But why, because the reproductive system is disturbed, this or that part should vary more or less, we are profoundly ignorant. But why did men who were interpolating bronze corslets freely introduce bronze so seldom, if at all, as the material of greaves? But why, in the greater society or confederacy of mankind, should not the case be the same as in particular clubs and companies? "But why," he thought afterwards as he came back through the streets alone, "is she so very anxious to get this power of attorney?" But why do we talk and gossip so continually, seeing that we so rarely resume our silence without some hurt done to our conscience? "But why, if you please, captain," asked Pencroft, knitting his brows, "why should our hemisphere, as you say, be so badly divided?" But why should his lady trouble herself for particulars of such people, whom it could scarcely be supposed she would meet by accident? But why would you return to face again the fierce banth, or whatever other form of destruction they have loosed within that awful trap? But why should we have recourse to any other evidence, when the proceeding against Lord Bacon is itself the best evidence on the subject? But why not a warm word, instead of turning me off to decipher a bit of Egyptian on baked brick,' he thought, incurably Celtic as he was. But why such instances to you, Who, in an instant, can renew 215 Your treasured hoards of various lore, And furnish twenty thousand more? But why this thing is laft, thou shalt wel here; And whan thou me hast yeve an audience, 545 Ther-after mayst thou telle al thy sentence. --But why to Frankfort?--is it that there is a hand unfelt, which secretly is conducting me through these meanders and unsuspected tracts? But why of that great attribute Kronion joys in most, be mute,-- The majesty that hurls the thunder, And tears the fleeting clouds asunder? But why did she say, 'We change countries,' and immediately flush, break and falter, lose command of her English, grow pale and swoon; why? But why did he wish to stamp false initials on things with which neither he nor his reign had any connection; as, for example the old Louvre? "But why should you think," said Lucy, looking ashamed of her sister, "that there are not as many genteel young men in Devonshire as Sussex?" But why d'you s'pose I feel so--so--like I'd found something I'd missed and been looking for--'s if this was the right place for me to fit in? But why should this seven times heated fiery furnace of theological zeal be so desirous to shed its genial warmth over the London School Board? But why the "allegory" should closely imitate the rough guesses of uncivilised peoples, Ahts, Diggers, Zunis, Cahrocs, it is less easy to explain. But why is the reader not warned that the eaux fortes are by Lalauze (see suprà, p. 326), 19 in number, and taken from the 21 illustrations in MM. But why would it have been unnecessary to apologize for writing the life of Agricola, if the times in which he lived had not been so unfriendly to virtue? But why did these centres of civilization, which attempted to answer to deeply-seated needs of human nature, and were so full of life, not live further on? But why he should have addressed them to the head of a detective bureau instead of to a college of Oriental research it passes the imagination to conceive. But why have not those, who in later times have established the distinction between jus in re and jus ad rem, applied it to the principle of property itself? But why intellectual activity is considered by the historians of culture to be the cause or expression of the whole historical movement is hard to understand. But why then do ye slay all their carles that are taken; whereas ye bear away the women and make thralls of them at home, that is to say, foes in every house? But why should this feeling pass beyond that which even the Christian experiences when confronted by mysteries in the natural as well as the supernatural order? But why did you remain with us, who pay you so little and who treat you so badly, when you could have done as every one else does, settle down, marry, have a family? But why should the right of increase--let us not fear to call it by its right name, the right of robbery--be governed by reason, with which it has nothing in common? But why," he said, and these were the first words that actually crossed his lips--"if the money was not his to keep, did he not hand it over to my brother John and me? But why should I, forlorn, bemoan my fate, Since I have seen Ilium, my fatherland, Faring as it has fared, and they who dwelt Therein so worsted in the court of heaven? But why attempt to describe charms which all feel, but none can appreciate?---It was innocence, youth, and beauty, unaffected by crowded drawing-rooms and stifling- balls. But why do I tell thee all this vain talk, of our home and of Minos' daughter, far-famed Ariadne, by which glorious name they called that lovely maiden of whom thou askest me? But why I went hence, and went thither, Thou knewest, O God, yet showedst it neither to me, nor to my mother, who grievously bewailed my journey, and followed me as far as the sea. But why should he take the field against men who, however rashly or ineffectually, were endeavoring to oppose tyranny, when he knew himself already proscribed and doomed by the tyrant? But why, when the path lay open before your eyes, did you not strike back on your own trail (it is not so blind as that which a squirrel would make), and bring in the tidings to Edward? But why, Agathos, do you weep -- and why, oh why do your wings droop as we hover above this fair star -- which is the greenest and yet most terrible of all we have encountered in our flight? But why will you never see that love of women, And even love of wine, Are the stimulants by which the soul, hungering for divinity, Reaches the ecstatic vision And sees the celestial outposts? But why should he whose life is spent in contemplation, and whose business is only to discover truth, be unable to rectify the fallacies of imagination, or contend successfully against prejudice and passion? But why he nolde doon so fel a dede, 50 That shal I seyn, and why him liste it spare; He hadde in herte alweyes a maner drede, Lest that Criseyde, in rumour of this fare, Sholde han ben slayn; lo, this was al his care. But why keep all the flowers, the kind words, the tender feelings and thoughts, and the sympathetic tears until the one to whom they should be given passes away, and then come and let them fall so gently upon the casket? But why need we seek for other instances, while the present subject of philosophical probabilities offers us so obvious an one, in the opposition betwixt the judgment and imagination arising from these effects of custom? But why a man should be less fit to exercise those powers because he wears a beard, because he does not eat ham, because he goes to the synagogue on Saturdays instead of going to the church on Sundays, we cannot conceive. But why did not such practical critics object to the constant presence in the poems of bronze weapons, in their age out of date, if they objected to the absence from the poems of the corslets with which they were familiar? But why should the people of God, living in his devoted island, redeemed as soon as born by the waters of baptism, be shackled by enactments which might serve as an obstacle to the action of the Holy Ghost on their free souls? But why her face should be, in a confused way, like a broken glass to me, in which I saw scraps of old remembrances, and why I should be so fluttered and troubled (for I was still) by having casually met her eyes, I could not think. But why do I describe the shameless impudence that the famine brought on men in their eating inanimate things, while I am going to relate a matter of fact, the like to which no history relates, (15) either among the Greeks or Barbarians? But why need we seek for other arguments to prove, that a present impression with a relation or transition of the fancy may inliven any idea, when this very instance of our reasonings from cause and effect will alone suffice to that purpose? But why wasn't it still left to push further and, from the point of view of personal pride, grovel lower?--why wasn't it still left to offer herself as the bearer of a message reporting to him their friend's anguish and convincing him of her need? But why should I mention a comfort to you of this kind; for though there is one thing in which I can never comply with the best of fathers, yet am I firmly resolved never to act in defiance of him, or to take any step of consequence without his consent. But why was the sun of this 23rd August, shining from its rise royally upon pacified, enrolled and liveried armies of cloud, more agreeable to earth's populations than his pinched appearance of the poor mopped red nose and melancholic rheumy eyelets on a January day! But why do we select, among so many others, the Irish nation, which is so little known, of such little influence, whose history occupies only a few lines in the general annals of the world, and whose very ownership has rested in the hands of foreigners for centuries? But why can't I be moral?--Let me try-- My heart thus pressing--fixed my face and eye-- With a sententious look, that nothing means, (Faces are blocks in sentimental scenes) Thus I begin: "All is not gold that glitters, "Pleasure seems sweet, but proves a glass of bitters. But why was it, think ye, that the Samuel Enderby, and some other English whalers I know of--not all though--were such famous, hospitable ships; that passed round the beef, and the bread, and the can, and the joke; and were not soon weary of eating, and drinking, and laughing? But why she had spoken of old Madame Vrede, whom she had to go and see, as she had to see many other people, she could not have explained; and yet, as it afterwards turned out, had she contrived the most cunning devices to meet Vronsky, she could have thought of nothing better. But why certain Fucaceae favour certain zones in the littoral region, why certain epiphytes are confined to certain hosts, why Red and Brown Algae are not better represented in fresh water Or Green Algae in salt,--these are problems to which it is difficult to find a ready answer. But why should man seek glory, who of his own Hath nothing, and to whom nothing belongs But condemnation, ignominy, and shame-- Who, for so many benefits received, Turned recreant to God, ingrate and false, And so of all true good himself despoiled; Yet, sacrilegious, to himself would take 140 That which to God alone of right belongs? But why should I attempt to depict and describe in detail, and feature by feature, the beauty of the peerless Dulcinea, the burden being one worthy of other shoulders than mine, an enterprise wherein the pencils of Parrhasius, Timantes, and Apelles, and the graver of Lysippus ought to be employed, to paint it in pictures and carve it in marble and bronze, and Ciceronian and Demosthenian eloquence to sound its praises? "But why should such precaution be used?--Though it is not to be supposed that Mrs. Ferrars can have the smallest satisfaction in knowing that her son has money enough to live upon,--for THAT must be quite out of the question; yet why, upon her late behaviour, is she supposed to feel at all?--She has done with her son, she cast him off for ever, and has made all those over whom she had any influence, cast him off likewise." But why may not a man also argue, on the contrary, that it is the effect of a precipitous and insatiate spirit not to know how to bound and restrain its coveting; that it is to abuse the favours of God to exceed the measure He has prescribed them: and that again to throw a man's self into danger after a victory obtained is again to expose himself to the mercy of fortune: that it is one of the greatest discretions in the rule of war not to drive an enemy to despair?