The authorization code protocol is part of OAuth 2.0 (defined in OAuth 2.0 RFC 7636). It involves the exchange of an authorization code for a token. This is the recommend authorization code flow in the OAuth 2.1 draft.
title: Authorization Code Grant with Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)
actor User
User->>App: Click sign-in link (1)
activate App
Note right of App: Generate code_verifier and<br/>code_challenge
App->>Identity Provider: Authorization code request & code_challenge (2)
deactivate App
Identity Provider-->>User: Redirect to login/authorization prompt (3)
User-->>Identity Provider: Authenticate (3)
Identity Provider->>App: Authorization code (3)
activate App
App->>Identity Provider: Authorization code & code verifier (4)
Note right of Identity Provider: Validate authorization code &<br/>code_verifier
Identity Provider->>App: Access token and ID token (4)
deactivate App
App->>Your API: Request protected data with access token (5)
- The user clicks sign-in within the application.
must be used to start the flow.- The identity provider authenticates the user and stores the code_challenge and redirects the user back to the application with an authorization code.
handles this callback by sending this authorization code and code_verifier to the identity provider and receiving in return the access token and ID token.- The access token is now accessible via
and inserted into the requests to your protected API.