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Releases: huderlem/porymap


17 Jul 21:58
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  • Add keyboard shortcut Ctrl + D for duplicating map events.
  • Add keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Z for "redo" in the tileset editor.
  • Add scripting api to reorder metatile layers and draw them with opacity.


  • The tileset editor now syncs its metatile selection with the map's metatile selector.
  • The number of object events per map is now limited to OBJECT_EVENT_TEMPLATES_COUNT
  • The tileset editor can now flip selections that were taken from an existing metatile.


  • Fix bug where editing a metatile layer would have no effect.
  • Fix a crash that occured when creating a new tileset using triple layer mode.
  • Fix crash when reducing number of metatiles past current selection.
  • Fix various methods of selecting invalid metatiles.
  • Fix sprite transparency not updating when changing object event graphics.
  • Fix dropdown menu item selection when using the arrow keys.


27 Jun 22:32
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  • Add triple-layer metatiles support.


  • The "Open Scripts" button will fall back to if scripts.pory doesn't exist.


  • Fix bug where exported tileset images could be horizontally or vertically flipped.
  • Fix bug where the map list wasn't filtered properly after switching filter types.
  • Don't zoom in map when mouse middle button is pressed.


06 Jun 16:59
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  • Add more project-specific configs to better support porting features from different projects.
  • Add metatile label names to the status bar when hovering over metatiles in the map editor tab.
  • Add mouse coordinates to the status bar when hovering in the events tab.


  • metatile_labels.h is now watched for changes.


  • Reduce time it takes to load maps and save in the tileset editor.
  • Fix crash that could occur when parsing unknown symbols when evaluating define expressions.


18 May 23:08
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  • Add scripting capabilities, which allows the user to add custom behavior to Porymap using JavaScript scripts.
  • Add ability to import FRLG tileset .bvd files from Advance Map 1.92.


  • Edit modes are no longer shared between the Map and Events tabs. Pencil is default for Map tab, and Pointer is default for Events tab.


  • Disallow drawing new heal locations in the events tab.
  • Fix issue where the metatile selection window was not resizable.
  • Show warning when closing project with unsaved wild Pokémon changes.
  • Fix bug where negative object event coordinates were saved as "0".
  • Fix maximum map dimension limits.
  • Fix crash when using the Pencil tool to create an event on a map with no existing events.


29 Apr 01:15
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Breaking Changes

  • If you are using pokeemerald or pokeruby, there were changes made in pokeemerald/#1010 and pokeruby/#776 that you will need to integrate in order to use this version of porymap.


  • Support for pokefirered. Kanto fans rejoice! At long last porymap supports the FRLG decompilation project.
  • Add ability to export map stitches with File -> Export Map Stitch Image....
  • Add new project config option use_custom_border_size.
  • Add ability to toggle project settings in Options menu.
  • Add file monitoring, so Porymap will prompt the user to reload the project if certain project files are modified outside of Porymap.
  • Add ability to reload project.
  • Add Pencil, Move, and Map Shift tools to the Events tab.


  • Porymap now saves map and encounter json data in an order consistent with the upstream repos. This will provide more comprehensible diffs when files are saved.
  • Update Porymap icon.
  • The "Map" and "Events" tabs now render using the same view, so jumping between them is smooth.
  • Extend connection min and max offsets to player's view boundary, rather than the map's boundary.


  • Fix bug where pressing TAB key did not navigate through widgets in the wild encounter tables.
  • Fix bug that allowed selecting an invalid metatile in the metatile selector.
  • Don't allow . or - characters in new tileset names.
  • Fix regression that prevented selecting empty region map squares


04 Mar 17:59
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  • Fix bug on Mac where tileset images were corrupted when saving.


13 Feb 00:38
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Breaking Changes

  • pokeemerald and pokeruby both underwent a naming consistency update with respect to "object events". As such, these naming changes break old versions of Porymap.


  • Add optional support for Poryscript script files via the use_poryscript config option.
  • Selecting a group of metatiles from the map area now also copies the collision properties, too.
  • Add keyboard shortcut Ctrl + G for toggling the map grid.


  • Draw map connections with the current map's tilesets to more accurately mimic their appearance in-game.


  • Fix index-out-of-bounds crash when deleting the last event in an event type group.
  • Fix bug where exporting tileset images could add an extra row of junk at the end.
  • Fix crashes when encountering an error opening a project or map.
  • Fix bug where comboboxes and wild pokemon data could grow large when opening projects multiple times during the same porymap session.
  • Fix bug where dragging the metatile selector would visually extend beyond map boundary.


17 Oct 01:46
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Breaking Changes



  • Exporting map images is now more configurable. Events, connections, collision, etc. can be toggled on and off before exporting the image.
  • The entire Tileset Editor selection is now conveniently flipped when selecting x-flip or y-flip.
  • Autocomplete for porymap's comboboxes no longer require typing the full string prefix.


  • Fix bug where map group names were hardcoded when creating a new map.
  • Fix bug in Tileset Editor where multi-tile selections weren't properly painted when clicking on the bottom row of the metatile layers.
  • Fix bug where line breaks in C headers were not parsed properly.
  • Fix bug when exporting tileset images using palettes with duplicate colors.
  • Fix bug where creating new maps from existing layouts created an empty layout folder.
  • Fix bug where exported tile images did not contain the last row of tiles.


16 May 22:22
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Add new features such as region map editor, tileset creation. Lots of quality-of-life improvements. See CHANGELOG for specifics:


16 Feb 23:14
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This is mainly a bug-fix release, which addresses some map JSON fields. It also brings the ability to zoom in the metatile window, which should help on high-res displays.