diff --git a/osm_rawdata/pgasync.py b/osm_rawdata/pgasync.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..210e93b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/osm_rawdata/pgasync.py
@@ -0,0 +1,609 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2024 Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+# Humanitarian OpenStreetmap Team
+# 1100 13th Street NW Suite 800 Washington, D.C. 20005
+import argparse
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+import zipfile
+from io import BytesIO
+from pathlib import Path
+from sys import argv
+from urllib.parse import urlparse
+import geojson
+import requests
+import asyncio
+import asyncpg
+from asyncpg import exceptions
+from geojson import Feature, FeatureCollection, Polygon
+from shapely import wkt
+from shapely.geometry import Polygon, shape
+# Find the other files for this project
+import osm_rawdata as rw
+from osm_rawdata.config import QueryConfig
+rootdir = rw.__path__[0]
+# Instantiate logger
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class DatabaseAccess(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ """This is a class to setup a database connection."""
+ self.pg = None
+ self.dburi = None
+ self.qc = None
+ async def connect(self,
+ dburi: str,
+ ):
+ self.dburi = dict()
+ uri = urlparse(dburi)
+ if not uri.username:
+ self.dburi['dbuser'] = os.getenv("PGUSER", default=None)
+ if not self.dburi['dbuser']:
+ log.error(f"You must specify the user name in the database URI, or set PGUSER")
+ else:
+ self.dburi['dbuser'] = uri.username
+ if not uri.password:
+ self.dburi['dbpass'] = os.getenv("PGPASSWORD", default=None)
+ if not self.dburi['dbpass']:
+ log.error(f"You must specify the user password in the database URI, or set PGPASSWORD")
+ else:
+ self.dburi['dbpass'] = uri.password
+ if not uri.hostname:
+ self.dburi['dbhost'] = os.getenv("PGHOST", default="localhost")
+ else:
+ self.dburi['dbhost'] = uri.hostname
+ slash = uri.path.find('/')
+ self.dburi['dbname'] = uri.path[slash + 1:]
+ connect = f"postgres://{self.dburi['dbuser']}:{ self.dburi['dbpass']}@{self.dburi['dbhost']}/{self.dburi['dbname']}"
+ if self.dburi["dbname"] == "underpass":
+ # Authentication data
+ # self.auth = HTTPBasicAuth(self.user, self.passwd)
+ # Use a persistant connect, better for multiple requests
+ self.session = requests.Session()
+ self.url = os.getenv("UNDERPASS_API_URL", "https://raw-data-api0.hotosm.org/v1")
+ self.headers = {"accept": "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/json"}
+ else:
+ log.debug(f"Connecting with: {connect}")
+ try:
+ self.pg = await asyncpg.connect(connect)
+ if self.pg.is_closed():
+ log.error(f"Couldn't open cursor in {self.uri['dbname']}")
+ else:
+ log.info(f"Connected to database {dburi}")
+ except Exception as e:
+ log.error(f"Couldn't connect to database: {e}")
+ async def createJson(
+ self,
+ config: QueryConfig,
+ boundary: Polygon,
+ allgeom: bool = False,
+ ):
+ """This class generates a JSON file, which is used for remote access
+ to an OSM raw database using the Underpass schema.
+ Args:
+ config (QueryConfig): The config data from the query config file
+ boundary (Polygon): The boundary polygon
+ allgeom (bool): Whether to return centroids or all the full geometry
+ Returns:
+ (FeatureCollection): the json data
+ """
+ feature = dict()
+ feature["geometry"] = boundary
+ filters = dict()
+ filters["tags"] = dict()
+ # filters["tags"]["all_geometry"] = dict()
+ # This only effects the output file
+ geometrytype = list()
+ # for table in config.config['tables']:
+ if len(config.config["select"]["nodes"]) > 0 or len(config.config["where"]["nodes"]) > 0:
+ geometrytype.append("point")
+ if len(config.config["select"]["ways_line"]) > 0 or len(config.config["where"]["ways_line"]) > 0:
+ geometrytype.append("line")
+ if len(config.config["select"]["ways_poly"]) > 0 or len(config.config["where"]["ways_poly"]) > 0:
+ geometrytype.append("polygon")
+ feature["geometryType"] = geometrytype
+ tables = {"nodes": "point", "ways_poly": "polygon", "ways_line": "line"}
+ # The database tables to query
+ # if tags exists, then only query those fields
+ join_or = {
+ "point": [],
+ "polygon": [],
+ "line": [],
+ }
+ join_and = {
+ "point": [],
+ "polygon": [],
+ "line": [],
+ }
+ filters["tags"] = {
+ "point": {"join_or": {}, "join_and": {}},
+ "polygon": {"join_or": {}, "join_and": {}},
+ "line": {"join_or": {}, "join_and": {}},
+ }
+ for table in config.config["where"].keys():
+ for item in config.config["where"][table]:
+ key = list(item.keys())[0]
+ if item["op"] == "or":
+ join_or[tables[table]].append(key)
+ if item["op"] == "and":
+ join_and[tables[table]].append(key)
+ if "not null" in item.get(key, []):
+ filters["tags"][tables[table]]["join_or"][key] = []
+ filters["tags"][tables[table]]["join_and"][key] = []
+ else:
+ filters["tags"][tables[table]]["join_or"][key] = item[key]
+ filters["tags"][tables[table]]["join_and"][key] = item[key]
+ feature.update({"filters": filters})
+ attributes = list()
+ for table, data in config.config["select"].items():
+ for value in data:
+ [[k, v]] = value.items()
+ if k not in attributes:
+ attributes.append(k)
+ # Whether to dump centroids or polygons
+ if "centroid" in config.config:
+ feature["centroid"] = true
+ return json.dumps(feature)
+ async def createSQL(
+ self,
+ config: QueryConfig,
+ allgeom: bool = True,
+ ):
+ """This class generates the SQL to query a local postgres database.
+ Args:
+ config (QueryConfig): The config data from the query config file
+ allgeom (bool): Whether to return centroids or all the full geometry
+ Returns:
+ (FeatureCollection): the json
+ """
+ sql = list()
+ query = ""
+ for table in config.config["tables"]:
+ select = "SELECT "
+ if allgeom:
+ select += "ST_AsText(geom)"
+ else:
+ select += "ST_AsText(ST_Centroid(geom))"
+ select += ", osm_id, version, "
+ for entry in config.config["select"][table]:
+ for k1, v1 in entry.items():
+ select += f"tags->>'{k1}', "
+ select = select[:-2]
+ join_or = list()
+ join_and = list()
+ for entry in config.config["where"][table]:
+ # print(entry)
+ if "op" not in entry:
+ pass
+ op = entry["op"]
+ for k, v in entry.items():
+ if k == "op":
+ continue
+ if op == "or":
+ # print(f"1: {k}=\'{v}\' OR ")
+ join_or.append(entry)
+ elif op == "and":
+ # print(f"2: {k}=\'{v}\' AND ")
+ join_and.append(entry)
+ # jor = '('
+ jor = ""
+ for entry in join_or:
+ for k, v in entry.items():
+ if type(v[0]) == list:
+ # It's an array of values
+ value = str(v[0])
+ any = f"ANY(ARRAY{value})"
+ jor += f"tags->>'{k}'={any} OR "
+ continue
+ if k == "op":
+ continue
+ if len(v) == 1:
+ if v[0] == "not null":
+ v1 = "IS NOT NULL"
+ else:
+ v1 = f"='{v[0]}'"
+ elif len(v) > 0:
+ v1 = f" IN {str(tuple(v))}"
+ else:
+ v1 = "IS NOT NULL"
+ jor += f"tags->>'{k}' {v1} OR "
+ # print(f"JOR: {jor}")
+ jand = ""
+ for entry in join_and:
+ for k, v in entry.items():
+ if k == "op":
+ continue
+ if len(v) == 1:
+ if v[0] == "not null":
+ v1 = "IS NOT NULL"
+ else:
+ v1 = f"='{v[0]}'"
+ elif len(v) > 0:
+ v1 = f" IN {str(tuple(v))}"
+ else:
+ v1 = "IS NOT NULL AND"
+ jand += f"tags->>'{k}' {v1} AND "
+ # print(f"JAND: {jand}")
+ query = f"{select} FROM {table} WHERE {jor} {jand}".rstrip()
+ # if query[len(query)-5:] == ' OR ':
+ # print(query[:query.rfind(' ')])
+ sql.append(query[: query.rfind(" ")])
+ return sql
+ async def createTable(
+ self,
+ sql: str,
+ ):
+ """Create a table in the database
+ Args:
+ sqlfile (str): The SQL
+ Returns:
+ (bool): The table creation status
+ """
+ log.info("Creating table schema")
+ result = await self.execute(sql)
+ path = Path(sqlfile)
+ sql = f"INSERT INTO schemas(schema, version) VALUES('{sqlfile.stem}', 1.0)"
+ result = self.pg.execute(sql)
+ return True
+ async def execute(self,
+ sql: str,
+ ):
+ """
+ Execute a raw SQL query and return the results.
+ Args:
+ sql (str): The SQL to execute
+ Returns:
+ (list): The results of the query
+ """
+ # print(sql)
+ try:
+ result = await self.pg.fetch(sql)
+ return result
+ except:
+ log.error(f"Couldn't execute query! {sql}")
+ return list()
+ async def queryLocal(
+ self,
+ query: str,
+ allgeom: bool = True,
+ boundary: Polygon = None,
+ ):
+ """This query a local postgres database.
+ Args:
+ query (str): The SQL query to execute
+ allgeom (bool): Whether to return centroids or all the full geometry
+ boundary (Polygon): The boundary polygon
+ Returns:
+ query (FeatureCollection): the results of the query
+ """
+ features = list()
+ # if no boundary, it's already been setup
+ if boundary:
+ sql = f"DROP VIEW IF EXISTS ways_view;CREATE VIEW ways_view AS SELECT * FROM ways_poly WHERE ST_CONTAINS(ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;{boundary.wkt}'), geom)"
+ await self.execute(sql)
+ sql = f"DROP VIEW IF EXISTS nodes_view;CREATE VIEW nodes_view AS SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE ST_CONTAINS(ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;{boundary.wkt}'), geom)"
+ await self.execute(sql)
+ sql = f"DROP VIEW IF EXISTS lines_view;CREATE VIEW lines_view AS SELECT * FROM ways_line WHERE ST_CONTAINS(ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;{boundary.wkt}'), geom)"
+ await self.execute(sql)
+ sql = f"DROP VIEW IF EXISTS relations_view;CREATE TEMP VIEW relations_view AS SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE ST_CONTAINS(ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;{boundary.wkt}'), geom)"
+ await self.execute(sql)
+ if query.find(" ways_poly ") > 0:
+ query = query.replace("ways_poly", "ways_view")
+ elif query.find(" ways_line ") > 0:
+ query = query.replace("ways_line", "lines_view")
+ elif query.find(" nodes ") > 0:
+ query = query.replace("nodes", "nodes_view")
+ elif query.find(" relations ") > 0:
+ query = query.replace("relations", "relations_view")
+ # log.debug(query)
+ result = await self.execute(query)
+ # log.debug("SQL Query returned %d records" % len(result))
+ # return FeatureCollection(features)
+ # If there is no config file, don't modify the results
+ if self.qc:
+ if len(self.qc.config["where"]["ways_poly"]) == 0 and len(self.qc.config["where"]["nodes"]) == 0:
+ return result
+ for item in result:
+ if len(item) <= 1 and len(result) == 1:
+ return result
+ # break
+ geom = wkt.loads(item[0])
+ tags = dict()
+ tags["id"] = item[1]
+ tags["version"] = item[2]
+ i = 3
+ # If there are no tables, we're using a custom SQL query
+ if len(self.qc.config["tables"]) > 0:
+ # map the value in the select to the values returns for them.
+ for _table, values in self.qc.config["select"].items():
+ for entry in values:
+ if i == len(item):
+ break
+ [[k, v]] = entry.items()
+ if item[i] is not None:
+ tags[k] = item[i]
+ i += 1
+ else:
+ # Figure out the tags from the custom SELECT
+ end = query.find("FROM")
+ res = query[:end].split(" ")
+ # This should be the geometry
+ geom = wkt.loads(item[0])
+ # This should be the OSM ID
+ tags[res[2][:-1]] = item[1]
+ # This should be the version
+ tags[res[3][:-1]] = item[2]
+ features.append(Feature(geometry=geom, properties=tags))
+ return FeatureCollection(features)
+ # return features
+ async def queryRemote(
+ self,
+ query: str = None,
+ ):
+ """This queries a remote postgres database using the FastAPI
+ backend to the HOT Export Tool.
+ Args:
+ query (str): The JSON query to execute
+ Returns:
+ (FeatureCollection): the results of the query
+ """
+ url = f"{self.url}/snapshot/"
+ result = self.session.post(url, data=query, headers=self.headers)
+ if result.status_code != 200:
+ log.error(f"{result.json()['detail'][0]['msg']}")
+ return None
+ task_id = result.json()["task_id"]
+ newurl = f"{self.url}/tasks/status/{task_id}"
+ while True:
+ result = self.session.get(newurl, headers=self.headers)
+ if result.json()["status"] == "PENDING":
+ log.debug("Retrying...")
+ time.sleep(1)
+ elif result.json()["status"] == "SUCCESS":
+ break
+ zip = result.json()["result"]["download_url"]
+ result = self.session.get(zip, headers=self.headers)
+ fp = BytesIO(result.content)
+ zfp = zipfile.ZipFile(fp, "r")
+ zfp.extract("Export.geojson", "/tmp/")
+ # Now take that taskid and hit /tasks/status url with get
+ data = zfp.read("Export.geojson")
+ os.remove("/tmp/Export.geojson")
+ return json.loads(data)
+ # return zfp.read("Export.geojson")
+class PostgresClient(DatabaseAccess):
+ """Class to handle SQL queries for the categories."""
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ # output: str = None
+ ):
+ """This is a client for a postgres database.
+ Returns:
+ (PostgresClient): An instance of this class
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ self.qc = None
+ async def loadConfig(self,
+ config: str,
+ ):
+ """
+ Load the JSON or YAML config file that defines the SQL query
+ Args:
+ config (str): The filespec for the query config file
+ Returns:
+ (bool): Whether the data base connection was sucessful
+ """
+ self.qc = QueryConfig()
+ if config:
+ # Load the config file for the SQL query
+ path = Path(config)
+ if path.suffix == ".json":
+ self.qc.parseJson(config)
+ elif path.suffix == ".yaml":
+ self.qc.parseYaml(config)
+ else:
+ log.error(f"{path} is an unsupported file format!")
+ quit()
+ async def createDB(self, dburi: str):
+ """Setup the postgres database connection.
+ Args:
+ dburi (str): The URI string for the database connection
+ Returns:
+ status (bool): Whether the data base connection was sucessful
+ """
+ sql = f"CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS {self.dbname}"
+ result = await self.execute(sql)
+ log.info("Query returned %d records" % len(result))
+ # result = subprocess.call("createdb", uri.dbname)
+ # Add the extensions needed
+ sql = "CREATE EXTENSION postgis; CREATE EXTENSION hstore;"
+ result = await self.execute(sql)
+ log.info("Query returned %d records" % len(result))
+ return True
+ async def execQuery(
+ self,
+ boundary: FeatureCollection,
+ customsql: str = None,
+ allgeom: bool = True,
+ ):
+ """This class generates executes the query using a local postgres
+ database, or a remote one that uses the Underpass schema.
+ Args:
+ boundary (FeatureCollection): The boundary polygon
+ customsql (str): Don't create the SQL, use the one supplied
+ allgeom (bool): Whether to return centroids or all the full geometry
+ Returns:
+ query (FeatureCollection): the json
+ """
+ log.info("Extracting features from Postgres...")
+ if "features" in boundary:
+ # FIXME: ideally this should support multipolygons
+ poly = boundary["features"][0]["geometry"]
+ else:
+ poly = boundary["geometry"]
+ wkt = shape(poly)
+ if not self.pg.is_closed():
+ if not customsql:
+ sql = await self.createSQL(self.qc, allgeom)
+ else:
+ sql = [customsql]
+ alldata = list()
+ for query in sql:
+ # print(query)
+ result = await self.queryLocal(query, allgeom, wkt)
+ if len(result) > 0:
+ alldata += result["features"]
+ collection = FeatureCollection(alldata)
+ else:
+ request = await self.createJson(self.qc, poly, allgeom)
+ collection = await self.queryRemote(request)
+ return collection
+async def main():
+ """This main function lets this class be run standalone by a bash script."""
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ prog="pgasync",
+ formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
+ description="Make data extract from OSM",
+ epilog="""
+This program extracts data from a local postgres database. A boundary polygon is used
+to define the are to be covered in the extract. Optionally a data file can be used.
+ """,
+ )
+ parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", nargs="?", const="0", help="verbose output")
+ parser.add_argument("-u", "--uri", default="underpass", help="Database URI")
+ parser.add_argument("-b", "--boundary", required=True, help="Boundary polygon to limit the data size")
+ parser.add_argument("-s", "--sql", help="Custom SQL query to execute against the database")
+ parser.add_argument("-a", "--all", help="All the geometry or just centroids")
+ parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", help="The config file for the query (json or yaml)")
+ parser.add_argument("-o", "--outfile", default="extract.geojson", help="The output file")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ # if len(argv) <= 1 or (args.sql is None and args.config is None):
+ # parser.print_help()
+ # quit()
+ # if verbose, dump to the terminal.
+ log_level = os.getenv("LOG_LEVEL", default="INFO")
+ if args.verbose is not None:
+ log_level = logging.DEBUG
+ logging.basicConfig(
+ level=log_level,
+ format=("%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d [%(levelname)s] " "%(name)s | %(funcName)s:%(lineno)d | %(message)s"),
+ datefmt="%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
+ stream=sys.stdout,
+ )
+ infile = open(args.boundary, "r")
+ poly = geojson.load(infile)
+ if args.uri is not None:
+ log.info("Using a Postgres database for the data source")
+ db = DatabaseAccess()
+ await db.connect(args.uri)
+ result = await db.execute("SELECT * FROM nodes LIMIT 10;")
+ print(result)
+ quit()
+ # await db.connect(args.uri)
+ # data = await db.pg.fetch("SELECT * FROM schemas LIMIT 10;")
+ # print(data)
+ if args.sql:
+ pg = PostgresClient()
+ await pg.connect(args.uri)
+ sql = open(args.sql, "r")
+ result = await pg.execQuery(poly, sql.read())
+ log.info(f"Custom Query returned {len(result['features'])} records")
+ else:
+ pg = PostgresClient()
+ await pg.connect(args.uri)
+ await pg.loadConfig(args.config)
+ result = await pg.execQuery(poly)
+ # log.info(f"Canned Query returned {len(result['features'])} records")
+ outfile = open(args.outfile, "w")
+ geojson.dump(result, outfile)
+ log.debug(f"Wrote {args.outfile}")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ """This is just a hook so this file can be run standalone during development."""
+ loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
+ asyncio.set_event_loop(loop)
+ loop.run_until_complete(main())