diff --git a/Japanese Conjugation Helper/Japanese Conjugation Helper.vbproj b/Japanese Conjugation Helper/Japanese Conjugation Helper.vbproj
index 337ac45..d5a9225 100644
--- a/Japanese Conjugation Helper/Japanese Conjugation Helper.vbproj
+++ b/Japanese Conjugation Helper/Japanese Conjugation Helper.vbproj
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
@@ -70,6 +72,9 @@
+ ..\packages\CSAudioConverter.1.1.3\lib\net461\CSAudioConverter.dll
@@ -152,4 +157,11 @@
+ This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer. Use NuGet Package Restore to download them. For more information, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=322105. The missing file is {0}.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Japanese Conjugation Helper/Module1.vb b/Japanese Conjugation Helper/Module1.vb
index fef24d7..37d3746 100644
--- a/Japanese Conjugation Helper/Module1.vb
+++ b/Japanese Conjugation Helper/Module1.vb
@@ -30,10 +30,14 @@ Module Module1
End If
- If Word = "@" Then
+ If Word = "/ranki" Or Word = "/revanki" Or Word = "/reverseanki" Or Word = "/reversea" Then
End If
+ If Word = "/kt" Or Word = "/kanji" Or Word = "/kanjitest" Or Word = "/k" Then
+ KanjiTest()
+ End If
Dim Translated As String = ""
If Left(Word, 1) = "!" Then
Word = Mid(Word, 2)
@@ -1131,7 +1135,7 @@ Module Module1
'Kanji, meanings and reading extract. First open the "/word" page and then extracts instead of extracting from "/search":
Dim WordWordURL As String = ("https://jisho.org/word/" & ActualSearchWord)
+ WordHTML = Client.DownloadString(New Uri(WordWordURL))
@@ -3339,6 +3343,359 @@ Module Module1
End Sub
+ Sub KanjiTest()
+ '小週票用発表田島多摩伊
+ Const QUOTE = """"
+ Dim ActualSearchWord As String
+ Dim WordWordURL As String
+ Dim WordHTML As String = ""
+ Dim Client As New WebClient
+ Dim Correct As Boolean = False
+ Dim Answer As String = ""
+ Dim CutCorrect As String = ""
+ Dim NeedWork() As String = {""}
+ Dim Wrong As Integer = 0
+ Dim Multiple As Boolean = False
+ Dim PrevAns As String = ""
+ Console.Clear()
+ Console.WriteLine("Paste any string of Japanese text (must contain kanji)")
+ Dim KanjisString As String = Console.ReadLine
+ Client.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8
+ For Kanji = 1 To KanjisString.Length
+ ActualSearchWord = Mid(KanjisString, Kanji, 1)
+ Try
+ 'Kanji, meanings and reading extract. First open the "/word" page and then extracts instead of extracting from "/search":
+ WordWordURL = ("https://jisho.org/word/" & ActualSearchWord)
+ WordHTML = Client.DownloadString(New Uri(WordWordURL))
+ Catch
+ Continue For
+ End Try
+ Dim KanjiInfo As String = ""
+ Try
+ KanjiInfo = RetrieveClassRange(WordHTML, "", "KanjiInfo")
+ Catch
+ Continue For
+ End Try
+ If KanjiInfo = "" Then
+ Continue For
+ End If
+ Dim KanjiGroupEnd As Integer 'This is going to detect "Details" (the end of a group of kanji info for one kanji)
+ Dim KanjiGroup(0) As String 'This will store each Kanji group in an array
+ Dim I As Integer = -1 'This will store the index of which kanji group the loop is on, indexing starts at 0, thus " = 0"
+ Dim LastDetailsIndex As Integer = KanjiInfo.LastIndexOf("Details")
+ Try
+ KanjiInfo = Left(KanjiInfo, LastDetailsIndex)
+ Dim Finished As Boolean = False
+ Do Until Finished = True 'Do until no more end splitters can be found. The sentences that are pasted won't end in "|" because of how the AHK sentence grabber works
+ I += 1
+ Array.Resize(KanjiGroup, KanjiGroup.Length + 1)
+ KanjiGroupEnd = KanjiInfo.IndexOf("Details") + 10
+ If KanjiGroupEnd = 9 Then '(-1 but at add because of the above line. This means if "Details" isn't found
+ KanjiGroup(I) = KanjiInfo
+ Finished = True
+ Continue Do
+ End If
+ KanjiGroup(I) = Mid(KanjiInfo, 6, KanjiGroupEnd - 5)
+ KanjiInfo = Mid(KanjiInfo, KanjiGroupEnd)
+ Loop
+ Array.Resize(KanjiGroup, KanjiGroup.Length - 1)
+ Catch
+ End Try
+ Dim ActualInfo(KanjiGroup.Length - 1, 3) 'X = Kanji (group), Y = Info type.
+ Try
+ 'Y indexs:
+ '0 = Kanji
+ '1 = English meaning(s) (I will concatinate multiple meanings)
+ '2 = kun readings (concatentated if needed, usually so)
+ '3 = on readings (concatentated if needed, usually so)
+ Dim FirstFinder As Integer
+ Dim SecondFinder As Integer
+ Dim AllEng, AllKun, AllOn As Boolean
+ AllEng = False
+ AllKun = False
+ AllOn = False
+ Dim LastReadingFound As Boolean = False 'This is used to find the last reading of a kanji, it knows that it is a last because it ends in "、" and not ""
+ Dim JustEng As String
+ Dim KunReading, OnReading, ReadingSnip As String
+ KanjiGroup(KanjiGroup.Length - 1) = Mid(KanjiGroup(KanjiGroup.Length - 1), 5) 'This lets the last group work
+ For Looper = 0 To KanjiGroup.Length - 1
+ Try 'This is for if there are no kanji
+ FirstFinder = KanjiGroup(Looper).IndexOf("")
+ Catch
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ Main()
+ End Try
+ 'KanjiGroup(Looper) = Mid(KanjiGroup(Looper), FirstFinder + 10)
+ ActualInfo(Looper, 0) = Mid(KanjiGroup(Looper), FirstFinder, 1)
+ FirstFinder = KanjiGroup(Looper).IndexOf("sense")
+ KanjiGroup(Looper) = Mid(KanjiGroup(Looper), FirstFinder + 10)
+ FirstFinder = KanjiGroup(Looper).IndexOf("")
+ JustEng = Left(KanjiGroup(Looper), FirstFinder)
+ JustEng = Mid(JustEng, 18)
+ JustEng = Left(JustEng, JustEng.Length - 14)
+ KanjiGroup(Looper) = KanjiGroup(Looper).Replace(JustEng, "")
+ JustEng = JustEng.Replace(" ", "")
+ FirstFinder = JustEng.IndexOf("")
+ SecondFinder = JustEng.IndexOf("")
+ Try
+ JustEng = JustEng.Replace(Mid(JustEng, FirstFinder, SecondFinder + 7 - FirstFinder), "")
+ Catch
+ End Try
+ JustEng = JustEng.Replace(",", ", ")
+ 'JustEng = Left(JustEng, 1).ToUpper & Mid(JustEng, 2)
+ ActualInfo(Looper, 1) = JustEng
+ 'Splitting the rest of the HTML (KanjiGroup) into Kun and On readings:
+ FirstFinder = KanjiGroup(Looper).IndexOf("on readings") - 12
+ KunReading = Left(KanjiGroup(Looper), FirstFinder)
+ OnReading = Mid(KanjiGroup(Looper), FirstFinder)
+ LastReadingFound = False
+ Do Until LastReadingFound = True
+ If KunReading.IndexOf("、") <> -1 Then 'If the reading that is about to be snipped isn't the last
+ SecondFinder = KunReading.IndexOf("、")
+ FirstFinder = Left(KunReading, SecondFinder).LastIndexOf(">")
+ ReadingSnip = Mid(KunReading, FirstFinder + 2, SecondFinder - 1 - FirstFinder)
+ ActualInfo(Looper, 2) &= ReadingSnip.ToLower & ", " 'Adding the reading to the Actual info array
+ KunReading = Mid(KunReading, SecondFinder + 10)
+ ElseIf KunReading.IndexOf("<") <> -1 Then 'If it is the last, "<" is just the beginning of ""
+ SecondFinder = KunReading.IndexOf("")
+ FirstFinder = Left(KunReading, SecondFinder).LastIndexOf(">")
+ ReadingSnip = Mid(KunReading, FirstFinder + 2, SecondFinder - 1 - FirstFinder)
+ ActualInfo(Looper, 2) &= ReadingSnip.ToLower 'Adding the reading to the Actual info array
+ LastReadingFound = True
+ Else
+ LastReadingFound = True
+ End If
+ Loop
+ LastReadingFound = False
+ Do Until LastReadingFound = True
+ If OnReading.IndexOf("、") <> -1 Then 'If the reading that is about to be snipped isn't the last
+ SecondFinder = OnReading.IndexOf("、")
+ FirstFinder = Left(OnReading, SecondFinder).LastIndexOf(">")
+ ReadingSnip = Mid(OnReading, FirstFinder + 2, SecondFinder - 1 - FirstFinder)
+ ActualInfo(Looper, 3) &= ReadingSnip.ToLower & ", " 'Adding the reading to the Actual info array
+ OnReading = Mid(OnReading, SecondFinder + 10)
+ ElseIf OnReading.IndexOf("<") <> -1 Then 'If it is the last, "<" is just the beginning of ""
+ SecondFinder = OnReading.IndexOf("")
+ FirstFinder = Left(OnReading, SecondFinder).LastIndexOf(">")
+ ReadingSnip = Mid(OnReading, FirstFinder + 2, SecondFinder - 1 - FirstFinder)
+ ActualInfo(Looper, 3) &= ReadingSnip.ToLower 'Adding the reading to the Actual info array
+ LastReadingFound = True
+ Else
+ LastReadingFound = True
+ End If
+ Loop
+ 'Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray
+ 'Console.WriteLine(ActualInfo(Looper, 0) & " - " & ActualInfo(Looper, 1))
+ 'Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black
+ 'Console.WriteLine(ActualInfo(Looper, 2))
+ 'Console.WriteLine(ActualInfo(Looper, 3))
+ 'Console.WriteLine("Found in: " & JustResultsScraper(ActualInfo(Looper, 0), 1, ActualSearchWord))
+ ActualInfo(Looper, 1) = ActualInfo(Looper, 1) & ","
+ ActualInfo(Looper, 2) = ActualInfo(Looper, 2) & ","
+ Wrong = 0
+ Correct = False
+ Multiple = False
+ For Attempt = 1 To 2
+ Console.Clear()
+ Console.WriteLine("Kanji: " & ActualInfo(Looper, 0))
+ Console.Write("Meaning: ")
+ Answer = Console.ReadLine
+ Dim CorrectAnswers() As String = ActualInfo(Looper, 1).split(",")
+ If CorrectAnswers.Length > 3 Then
+ Multiple = True
+ End If
+ For Check = 0 To CorrectAnswers.Length - 1
+ If Answer = CorrectAnswers(Check).Trim And CorrectAnswers(Check).Trim <> "" Then
+ Attempt = 2
+ Check = CorrectAnswers.Length - 1
+ Correct = True
+ Continue For
+ End If
+ Next
+ If Correct = False Then
+ Wrong += 1
+ End If
+ Next
+ Multiple = False
+ Correct = False
+ If ActualInfo(Looper, 2) <> "," Then
+ For Attempt = 1 To 2
+ Console.Clear()
+ Console.WriteLine("Kanji: " & ActualInfo(Looper, 0))
+ Console.WriteLine("Meaning: " & ActualInfo(Looper, 1))
+ Console.Write("Kun Readings: ")
+ Answer = Console.ReadLine
+ Answer = Answer.Replace("-", "")
+ Dim CorrectAnswers() As String = ActualInfo(Looper, 2).split(",")
+ For Check = 0 To CorrectAnswers.Length - 1
+ If CorrectAnswers(Check).IndexOf(".") <> -1 Then
+ CorrectAnswers(Check) = Left(CorrectAnswers(Check), CorrectAnswers(Check).IndexOf("."))
+ End If
+ CorrectAnswers(Check) = CorrectAnswers(Check).Replace("-", "")
+ If Answer = CorrectAnswers(Check).Trim And CorrectAnswers(Check).Trim <> "" Then
+ Attempt = 2
+ Check = CorrectAnswers.Length - 1
+ Correct = True
+ Continue For
+ End If
+ Next
+ If Correct = False Then
+ Wrong += 1
+ End If
+ Next
+ Else
+ ActualInfo(Looper, 2) = ""
+ End If
+ Correct = False
+ If ActualInfo(Looper, 3) <> "," Then
+ For Attempt = 1 To 2
+ Console.Clear()
+ Console.WriteLine("Kanji: " & ActualInfo(Looper, 0))
+ Console.WriteLine("Meaning: " & ActualInfo(Looper, 1))
+ Console.WriteLine("Kun Readings: " & ActualInfo(Looper, 2))
+ Console.Write("On Readings: ")
+ Answer = Console.ReadLine
+ Answer = Answer.Replace("-", "")
+ Dim CorrectAnswers() As String = ActualInfo(Looper, 3).split(",")
+ For Check = 0 To CorrectAnswers.Length - 1
+ If CorrectAnswers(Check).IndexOf(".") <> -1 Then
+ CorrectAnswers(Check) = Left(CorrectAnswers(Check), CorrectAnswers(Check).IndexOf("."))
+ End If
+ CorrectAnswers(Check) = CorrectAnswers(Check).Replace("-", "")
+ If Answer = CorrectAnswers(Check).Trim And CorrectAnswers(Check).Trim <> "" Then
+ Attempt = 2
+ Check = CorrectAnswers.Length - 1
+ Correct = True
+ Continue For
+ End If
+ Next
+ If Correct = False Then
+ Wrong += 1
+ End If
+ Next
+ Else
+ ActualInfo(Looper, 3) = ""
+ End If
+ Array.Resize(NeedWork, NeedWork.Length + 1)
+ NeedWork(NeedWork.Length - 2) = ActualInfo(Looper, 0) & Wrong
+ Console.Clear()
+ Console.WriteLine("Kanji: " & ActualInfo(Looper, 0))
+ Console.WriteLine("Meaning: " & ActualInfo(Looper, 1))
+ Console.WriteLine("Kun Readings: " & ActualInfo(Looper, 2))
+ Console.WriteLine("On Readings: " & ActualInfo(Looper, 3))
+ Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray
+ Console.WriteLine(Wrong & " incorrect answers")
+ Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ Next
+ Catch
+ Console.WriteLine("...")
+ End Try
+ Next
+ Array.Resize(NeedWork, NeedWork.Length - 1)
+ Console.Clear()
+ If NeedWork.Length > 0 Then
+ 'Challenging
+ Console.WriteLine("Kanji you don't know:")
+ For Printer = 0 To NeedWork.Length - 1
+ Wrong = Right(NeedWork(Printer), 1)
+ If Wrong > 3 Then
+ Console.WriteLine(Left(NeedWork(Printer), 1))
+ End If
+ Next
+ Console.WriteLine()
+ Console.WriteLine("Kanji that still needs work:")
+ For Printer = 0 To NeedWork.Length - 1
+ Wrong = Right(NeedWork(Printer), 1)
+ If Wrong = 2 Or Wrong = 3 Then
+ Console.WriteLine(Left(NeedWork(Printer), 1))
+ End If
+ Next
+ For Printer = 0 To NeedWork.Length - 1
+ Wrong = Right(NeedWork(Printer), 1)
+ If Wrong = 1 Then
+ If Printer = 0 Then
+ Console.WriteLine()
+ Console.WriteLine("Almost Easy Kanji:")
+ End If
+ Console.WriteLine(Left(NeedWork(Printer), 1))
+ End If
+ Next
+ Console.WriteLine()
+ Console.WriteLine("Easy Kanji")
+ For Printer = 0 To NeedWork.Length - 1
+ Wrong = Right(NeedWork(Printer), 1)
+ If Wrong = 0 Then
+ Console.WriteLine(Left(NeedWork(Printer), 1))
+ End If
+ Next
+ End If
+ Console.WriteLine()
+ Console.WriteLine()
+ Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray
+ Console.WriteLine("KanjiTest will be upgraded to be much better soon!")
+ Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ Main()
+ End Sub
Function RetrieveClassRange(ByVal HTML, ByRef Start, ByRef SnipEnd, ByVal ErrorMessage)
'Loading the website's HTML code and storing it in a HTML as a string:
@@ -3856,7 +4213,6 @@ Module Module1
Return (ActualSearchWord & " (" & Snip & ")")
End Function
Function GTranslate(ByVal inputtext As String, ByVal fromlangid As String, ByVal tolangid As String) As String
inputtext = HttpUtility.HtmlAttributeEncode(inputtext)
Dim step1 As New WebClient
@@ -4234,7 +4590,7 @@ Module Module1
Array.Resize(ReversedCards, ReversedCards.Length - 1)
End If
- Dim TempSwitcher As String
+ Dim TempSwitcher As String = ""
Dim TempCut1, TempCut2 As String
Dim Texter As System.IO.StreamWriter
If LastTime = 0 Then
diff --git a/Japanese Conjugation Helper/packages.config b/Japanese Conjugation Helper/packages.config
index 06ed7f0..7802fa9 100644
--- a/Japanese Conjugation Helper/packages.config
+++ b/Japanese Conjugation Helper/packages.config
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file