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Ionic 4 cordova-plugin-music-controls breaks build #145

Dzivo opened this issue Feb 7, 2019 · 14 comments · May be fixed by #154

Ionic 4 cordova-plugin-music-controls breaks build #145

Dzivo opened this issue Feb 7, 2019 · 14 comments · May be fixed by #154


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Dzivo commented Feb 7, 2019

In Ionic 4 this plugin breaks build with message:

error: package does not exist


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Same error for version 2.2.0,

remove this plugin

ionic cordova plugin rm cordova-plugin-music-controls
add this plugin

ionic cordova plugin add --save

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ghenry22 commented Feb 8, 2019

Or try adding the gradle release plugin. It works to resolve conflicting support library versions between different plugins at build time.

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DanielTizon commented Feb 23, 2019

I have the same problem. It is working with the old version of cordova-music-controls-plugin

But it doesn't work with the current cordova-music-controls-plugin, showing a lot of errors like this when I compile with this version of MusicControls:

error: package does not exist import;

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I've seen this repo everywhere, since 2017. Please explain WHY we should use it.
WHY should we switch from this up-to-date repo here to this old fork? WHY should this fix our issue?

Every time I tested this repo, I had random errors like:

        Error: Cannot find plugin.xml for plugin "ionic-audio". Please try adding it again.

Please instead of repeating what you read on a random board/issue, explain why and how this should resolve our issue. Beware of just telling everybody to use any fork: it may contain altered code and cause security issues.

There's a reason THIS repo isn't working at the moment, why couldn't we simply debug this one???

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@DanielTizon to resolve the Android v4 issues, install this plugin here cordova-plugin-android-support-v4 it fixed them for me. Also make sure your Android Studio/SDK/whatever are all up-to-date. Sometimes I noticed if my libraries were old it caused issues with my builds. Hope it helps!

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@Dzivo advice here ^^ applies to OP too

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@tbergeron I recommended the plugin in question because it was the only one that solved my problem of build in both platforms, for the updated version "homerours" I and many other users receive several errors at the time of the build without recommendations on how to solve ...

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Many thanks @tbergeron. That indeed solves the plugin addition problems.
For others: note that at the moment the npm registry does not refer to "cordova-music-controls-plugin", so you have to add the plugin via "ionic cordova plugin add"

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I had luck adding this plugin cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-android-support-v4-jar
If in the past you have tried to solve this with the non -jar version. It may not have worked. Which was exactly my issue

@danpastori danpastori linked a pull request May 22, 2019 that will close this issue
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This is still an issue. None of the above fixes worked. I've tried with a fresh empty project and still doesn't work

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I have the same problem trying to upgrade to ionic 4

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javier-gm commented Aug 20, 2019

Adding this to my file, solved the problem for me in Ionic 3

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thanks @javier-gm !! it works with Ionic3 + Cordova-Android8 (sdk28) too:

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Ekaanth commented Feb 17, 2020

I have the same problem. It is working with the old version of cordova-music-controls-plugin

But it doesn't work with the current cordova-music-controls-plugin, showing a lot of errors like this when I compile with this version of MusicControls:

error: package does not exist import;

HI, I got the same issue, so I made a fork and fixed the plugin that works for both IOS 13 and android 10 tested.
you can use my plugin

cordova plugin add

thank you.

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