Python-based Hardware Design Processing Toolkit for Verilog HDL
Copyright (C) 2013, Shinya Takamaeda-Yamazaki
Apache License 2.0 (
This software package includes PLY-3.4 in "vparser/ply". The license of PLY is BSD.
If you use Pyverilog in your research, please cite my paper.
- Shinya Takamaeda-Yamazaki: Pyverilog: A Python-based Hardware Design Processing Toolkit for Verilog HDL, 11th International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (ARC 2015) (Poster), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.9040/2015, pp.451-460, April 2015. Paper
@inproceedings{Takamaeda:2015:ARC:Pyverilog, title={Pyverilog: A Python-Based Hardware Design Processing Toolkit for Verilog HDL}, author={Takamaeda-Yamazaki, Shinya}, booktitle={Applied Reconfigurable Computing}, month={Apr}, year={2015}, pages={451-460}, volume={9040}, series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, publisher={Springer International Publishing}, doi={10.1007/978-3-319-16214-0_42}, url={}, }
Pyverilog is an open-source hardware design processing toolkit for Verilog HDL. All source codes are written in Python.
Pyverilog includes (1) code parser, (2) dataflow analyzer, (3) control-flow analyzer and (4) code generator. You can create your own design analyzer, code translator and code generator of Verilog HDL based on this toolkit.
- Python (2.7, 3.3 or later)
- Icarus Verilog (0.9.6 or later)
- uses 'iverilog -E' command as the preprocessor.
- 'apt-get install iverilog'
- Graphviz and Pygraphviz (Python3 does not support Pygraphviz)
- pyverilog.dataflow.graphgen and pyverilog.controlflow.controlflow (without --nograph option) use Pygraphviz (on Python 2.7).
- If you do not use graphgen and controlflow (without --nograph) option, Python 3.x is fine.
- Jinja2 (2.7 or later)
- ast_code_generator requires jinja2 module.
- 'pip3 install jinja2' (for Python 3.x) or 'pip install jinja2' (for Python 2.7)
If you want to use Pyverilog as a general library, you can install on your environment by using If Python 2.7 is used,
python install
If Python 3.x is used,
python3 install
This software includes various tools for Verilog HDL design.
- vparser: Code parser to generate AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) from source codes of Verilog HDL.
- dataflow: Dataflow analyzer with an optimizer to remove redundant expressions and some dataflow handling tools.
- controlflow: Control-flow analyzer with condition analyzer that identify when a signal is activated.
- ast_code_generator: Verilog HDL code generator from AST.
First, please prepare a Verilog HDL source file as below. The file name is 'test.v'. This sample design adds the input value internally whtn the enable signal is asserted. Then is outputs its partial value to the LED.
module top
input CLK,
input RST,
input enable,
input [31:0] value,
output [7:0] led
reg [31:0] count;
reg [7:0] state;
assign led = count[23:16];
always @(posedge CLK) begin
if(RST) begin
count <= 0;
state <= 0;
end else begin
if(state == 0) begin
if(enable) state <= 1;
end else if(state == 1) begin
state <= 2;
end else if(state == 2) begin
count <= count + value;
state <= 0;
Let's try syntax analysis. Please type the command as below.
python3 pyverilog/vparser/ test.v
Then you got the result as below. The result of syntax analysis is displayed.
Source: Description: ModuleDef: top Paramlist: Portlist: Ioport: Input: CLK, False Width: IntConst: 0 IntConst: 0 Ioport: Input: RST, False Width: IntConst: 0 IntConst: 0 Ioport: Input: enable, False Width: IntConst: 0 IntConst: 0 Ioport: Input: value, False Width: IntConst: 31 IntConst: 0 Ioport: Output: led, False Width: IntConst: 7 IntConst: 0 Decl: Reg: count, False Width: IntConst: 31 IntConst: 0 Decl: Reg: state, False Width: IntConst: 7 IntConst: 0 Assign: Lvalue: Identifier: led Rvalue: Partselect: Identifier: count IntConst: 23 IntConst: 16 Always: SensList: Sens: posedge Identifier: CLK Block: None IfStatement: Identifier: RST Block: None NonblockingSubstitution: Lvalue: Identifier: count Rvalue: IntConst: 0 NonblockingSubstitution: Lvalue: Identifier: state Rvalue: IntConst: 0 Block: None IfStatement: Eq: Identifier: state IntConst: 0 Block: None IfStatement: Identifier: enable NonblockingSubstitution: Lvalue: Identifier: state Rvalue: IntConst: 1 IfStatement: Eq: Identifier: state IntConst: 1 Block: None NonblockingSubstitution: Lvalue: Identifier: state Rvalue: IntConst: 2 IfStatement: Eq: Identifier: state IntConst: 2 Block: None NonblockingSubstitution: Lvalue: Identifier: count Rvalue: Plus: Identifier: count Identifier: value NonblockingSubstitution: Lvalue: Identifier: state Rvalue: IntConst: 0
Let's try dataflow analysis. Please type the command as below.
python3 pyverilog/dataflow/ -t top test.v
Then you got the result as below. The result of each signal definition and each signal assignment are displayed.
Directive: Instance: (top, 'top') Term: (Term name:top.led type:{'Output'} msb:(IntConst 7) lsb:(IntConst 0)) (Term name:top.enable type:{'Input'} msb:(IntConst 0) lsb:(IntConst 0)) (Term name:top.CLK type:{'Input'} msb:(IntConst 0) lsb:(IntConst 0)) (Term name:top.count type:{'Reg'} msb:(IntConst 31) lsb:(IntConst 0)) (Term name:top.state type:{'Reg'} msb:(IntConst 7) lsb:(IntConst 0)) (Term name:top.RST type:{'Input'} msb:(IntConst 0) lsb:(IntConst 0)) (Term name:top.value type:{'Input'} msb:(IntConst 31) lsb:(IntConst 0)) Bind: (Bind dest:top.count tree:(Branch Cond:(Terminal top.RST) True:(IntConst 0) False:(Branch Cond:(Operator Eq Next:(Terminal top.state),(IntConst 0)) False:(Branch Cond:(Operator Eq Next:(Terminal top.state),(IntConst 1)) False:(Branch Cond:(Operator Eq Next:(Terminal top.state),(IntConst 2)) True:(Operator Plus Next:(Terminal top.count),(Terminal top.value))))))) (Bind dest:top.state tree:(Branch Cond:(Terminal top.RST) True:(IntConst 0) False:(Branch Cond:(Operator Eq Next:(Terminal top.state),(IntConst 0)) True:(Branch Cond:(Terminal top.enable) True:(IntConst 1)) False:(Branch Cond:(Operator Eq Next:(Terminal top.state),(IntConst 1)) True:(IntConst 2) False:(Branch Cond:(Operator Eq Next:(Terminal top.state),(IntConst 2)) True:(IntConst 0)))))) (Bind dest:top.led tree:(Partselect Var:(Terminal top.count) MSB:(IntConst 23) LSB:(IntConst 16)))
Let's view the result of dataflow analysis as a picture file. Now we select 'led' as the target. Please type the command as below.
python3 pyverilog/dataflow/ -t top -s top.led test.v
Then you got a png file (out.png). The picture shows that the definition of 'led' is a part-selection of 'count' from 23-bit to 16-bit.
Let's try control-flow analysis. Please type the command as below.
python2.7 pyverilog/controlflow/ -t top test.v
Then you got the result as below. The result shows that the state machine structure and transition conditions to the next state in the state machine.
FSM signal: top.count, Condition list length: 4 FSM signal: top.state, Condition list length: 5 Condition: (Ulnot, Eq), Inferring transition condition Condition: (Eq, top.enable), Inferring transition condition Condition: (Ulnot, Ulnot, Eq), Inferring transition condition # SIGNAL NAME: top.state # DELAY CNT: 0 0 --(top_enable>'d0)--> 1 1 --None--> 2 2 --None--> 0 Loop (0, 1, 2)
You got also a png file (top_state.png). The picture shows that the graphical structure of the state machine.
Finally, let's try code generation. Please prepare a Python script as below. The file name is ''. A Verilog HDL code is represented by using the AST classes defined in 'vparser.ast'.
import pyverilog.vparser.ast as vast
from pyverilog.ast_code_generator.codegen import ASTCodeGenerator
params = vast.Paramlist(())
clk = vast.Ioport( vast.Input('CLK') )
rst = vast.Ioport( vast.Input('RST') )
width = vast.Width( vast.IntConst('7'), vast.IntConst('0') )
led = vast.Ioport( vast.Output('led', width=width) )
ports = vast.Portlist( (clk, rst, led) )
items = ( vast.Assign( vast.Identifier('led'), vast.IntConst('8') ) ,)
ast = vast.ModuleDef("top", params, ports, items)
codegen = ASTCodeGenerator()
rslt = codegen.visit(ast)
Please type the command as below at the same directory with Pyverilog.
Then Verilog HDL code generated from the AST instances is displayed.
module top
input CLK,
input RST,
output [7:0] led
assign led = 8;
Veriloggen - A library for constructing a Verilog HDL source code in Python
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Pyverilog_toolbox - Pyverilog_toolbox is Pyverilog-based verification/design tool, which is developed by Fukatani-san and uses Pyverilog as a fundamental library. Thanks for your contribution! - Blog entry for introduction and examples of Pyverilog (in Japansese)