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File metadata and controls

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Quick Start

1. Setup

Basically, ODENOS runs with redis-server and Java. If you want to use Python or Ruby environment, please see "Appendix A".

1-1. redis-server

  1. Install redis-server(version >= 2.8.4)

    $ sudo apt-get install redis-server
  2. Edit the following parameters in /etc/redis/redis.conf

    • bind
    • timeout 0
    • client-output-buffer-limit pubsub 256mb 256mb 60
  3. Restart redis-server

    $ sudo service redis-server restart

1-2. Java Environment

  1. Install java-1.8 and maven

    $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
    $ sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-set-default
    $ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle
    $ sudo apt-get install maven curl

2. Build, Run, Test

  1. git clone

    $ sudo apt-get install git 
    $ git clone
    $ cd odenos
  2. Build

    $ mvn package
  3. Start odenos

    $ ./odenos start
  4. Stop odenos

    $ ./odenos stop

5. run unit tests (if you want)

$ ./

6. run examples (if you want)

$ cd apps/example $ ./ all

## 3. Let's try ODENOS examples with Mininet
* [Single Node](../apps/mininet_examples/single_node_control/
* [Single Network](../apps/mininet_examples/single_network_control/
* [Multiple Networks](../apps/mininet_examples/multi_network_control/

## Appendix A: Setup Additional Environments

### A-1. Python Environment

1. Install python packages

$ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-dev $ sudo -E easy_install msgpack-python==0.4.6 redis==2.10.3 futures==2.2.0 mock==1.0.1 coverage==4.0a5 kazoo==2.2.1

2. Add the following line to *./etc/odenos.conf*

PROCESS romgr2,python,apps/python/sample_components

3. Start ODENOS

### A-2. Ruby Environment & OpenFlowDriver

1. Install rvm, ruby2.0.0 and gem package

$ cd ./odenos $ sudo apt-get --purge remove ruby rubygems $ curl -L | bash -s stable --ruby $ source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm $ rvm install ruby-2.0.0-p643 $ rvm use --default ruby-2.0.0-p643 $ gem install bundler $ bundle install $ bundle update

2. Install openvswitch and trema-edge

$ sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libpcap-dev libssl-dev openvswitch-common openvswitch-switch $ git clone $ mv trema-edge ~/ $ cd ~/trema-edge $ git checkout 148acb9cd7f654020098a5e769bfedad273a687b $ gem install bundler $ bundle install $ bundle update $ rake $ cd -

3. Start OpenFlowDriver

$ ./odenos start $ ~/trema-edge/trema run -d "./src/main/ruby/org/o3project/odenos/core/odenos.rb --cmpmgr=romgr3"

4. Stop OpenFlowDriver

$ ~/trema-edge/trema killall

### A-3. Syslog Setting

If you want to output syslog, please configure syslog.

1. Install rsyslog package

$ sudo apt-get install rsyslog

2. Add the file *odenos/etc/80-odenos.conf* into */etc/rsyslog.d/*,
and customize this file.

3. To suppress ODENOS log output to default file, change the file
*/etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf*.  For example as following:

.;auth,authpriv.none,local1.none -/var/log/syslog

4. Enable *ModLoad* parameter in */etc/rsyslog.conf* for java logging.

$ModLoad imudp $UDPServerRun 514

5. And then, restart rsyslog service

$ sudo service rsyslog restart

6. Enable syslog configuration in the following files of ODENOS.

- *odenos/etc/log4j2_java.yaml*
- *odenos/etc/log_python.conf*
- *odenos/etc/log_ruby.conf*

## FAQ

### Q. What kind of options are there for OpenFlowDriver?

You can specify the following options:

'--cmpmgr=id' : "Trema ComponentManager's object ID" '--rip=redis_server_id' : "Redis Server's ip address (default" '--rport=redis_server_port' : "Redis Server's port (default: 6379)" '--vendor='VENDOR1' : "set VendorID (default 'OpenFlow')"

### Q. I saw "While executing gem" error. What should I do?

Try the following instruction:

1. Change source site (https --> http)

$ gem source -a $ gem source -r

2. Check source site

$ gem source -l *** URRENT SOURCES ***

3. Retry gem install

$ gem install bundler

### Q. Where could I find other technical documents (API, etc.)?

Please start looking from here [doc/api](/doc/api/