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240 lines (175 loc) · 9.77 KB

How to contribute

Writing an issue

By writing an issue, you're already contributing a lot. Though, if you want to really help us, try to be clear when you write this issue : state your machine, the version of the app you are using (git sha and branch, pip version if available), give us the specific error and means to replicate it (attach any corpus sample that might be of interest. You do not need to give us the full data!), and ensure to give a proper pip freeze result, just in case.

Try to write your issue (if this is a bug you describing) by adding separation such as

## Context of the issue
Description of steps to take to replicate the issue

## Expected output
Output that would normally happen

## Effective output
Output that you have

## Error code (if applicable)

## Environment
Pip freeze, ubuntu version, anything useful

Think about running your app in debug mode if you can ! That will help us with a nice debug info !

Running tests

To run tests, you will need chrome-webdriver

Install webdriver on Linux

Note: this script is also available as in the root directory of this repository

wget -N -P ~/
unzip ~/ -d ~/
rm ~/
sudo mv -f ~/chromedriver /usr/local/share/
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/share/chromedriver
sudo ln -s /usr/local/share/chromedriver /usr/local/bin/chromedriver

Run the tests

To run the tests, you simply need run nose2 at the root of the pandora-postcorrect-app folder.

Writing a test

For writing and running test, we recommend you install chromium-webdriver (apt-get install chromium-chromedriver). Make sure to have the full requirements.txt installed (this includes packages needed to run the tests)

Integration tests

If you want to write a test that would follow human behaviour, you will need to write a test using selenium. This kind of tests are in the module tests.test_selenium.

New class of test

Class for integration tests should inherit from tests.test_selenium.base.TestBase. This class comes with a self.driver property to use Selenium It also comes with a self.writeMultiline(element, text) method that will allow to write multiline and tab-including strings to element in the browser.

  • A class must have a name starting with Test and should be camelCase after that.
  • A class must have a doc string explaing what it does
  • A class must have at least one method starting with test_


class TestCorpusRegistration(TestBase):
    """ Test creation of Corpus """
    def test_registration(self):
        Test that a user can create a corpus and that this corpus has its data well recorded

New method of test

A new test method should be added to the correct class regarding scope of each class.

  • A test method must have a name starting with test_ and should be snake case (Test Edition of Token -> test_edition_of_token).
  • A class must have a doc string explaining what it does
  • A class must have at least one self.assertEqual, self.assertCount, etc.
  • If you need to create fixtures (fake data), add it to tests.fixtures
  • A test should prefer to test new or updated database values using direct models queries instead of DOM parsing


    def test_registration(self):
        Test that a user can create a corpus and that this corpus has its data well recorded

        # Click register menu link
        # Just make sure we wait long enough if needed

        # Fill in registration form
        # Click on #corpusName, write the value in Variable CORPUS_NAME

        # Because we have tabs and new lines, here we find #tokens but we fill it with
        #   the TestBase method writeMultiline that takes an element and a string
        self.writeMultiline(self.driver.find_element_by_id("tokens"), CORPUS_DATA)

        # We click on submit

        # We make sure things are posted by waiting

        # We check the current URI
            url_for('main.corpus_new'), self.driver.current_url,
            "Result page is the corpus new page"

        # And now we check the result of such a POST
            db.session.query(Corpus).filter( == CORPUS_NAME).count(), 1,
            "There should be one well named corpus"
        corpus = db.session.query(Corpus).filter( == CORPUS_NAME).first()
        tokens = db.session.query(WordToken).filter(WordToken.corpus ==
        self.assertEqual(tokens.count(), 25, "There should be 25 tokens")

        saint = db.session.query(WordToken).filter(db.and_(WordToken.corpus == 1, WordToken.lemma == "saint"))
        self.assertEqual(saint.count(), 1, "There should be the saint lemma")
        saint = saint.first()
        self.assertEqual(saint.form, "seint", "It should be correctly saved")
        self.assertEqual(saint.label_uniform, "saint", "It should be correctly saved and unidecoded")
        self.assertEqual(saint.POS, "ADJqua", "It should be correctly saved with POS")
        self.assertEqual(saint.morph, None, "It should be correctly saved with morph")

        oir = db.session.query(WordToken).filter(db.and_(WordToken.corpus == 1, WordToken.lemma == "öir"))
        self.assertEqual(oir.count(), 1, "There should be the oir lemma")
        oir = oir.first()
        self.assertEqual(oir.form, "oïr", "It should be correctly saved")
        self.assertEqual(oir.label_uniform, "oir", "It should be correctly saved and unidecoded")
        self.assertEqual(oir.POS, "VERinf", "It should be correctly saved with POS")
        self.assertEqual(oir.morph, None, "It should be correctly saved with morph")

Tests about models

Test about models should be written as submodules or packages of test.test_models

New class of test

Class for integration tests should inherit from tests.test_models.base.TestBase. This class comes with a self.db property to use the database and a self.client to connect to the flask test client. See Flask Documentation for more information

  • A class must have a name starting with Test and should be camelCase after that.
  • A class must have a doc string explaing what it does
  • A class must have at least one method starting with test_


class TestCorpusRegistration(TestBase):
    """ Test creation of Corpus """
    def test_registration(self):
        Test that a user can create a corpus and that this corpus has its data well recorded

New method of test

A new test method should be added to the correct class regarding scope of each class.

  • A test method must have a name starting with test_ and should be snake case (Test Edition of Token -> test_edition_of_token).
  • A class must have a doc string explaing what it does
  • A class must have at least one self.assertEqual, self.assertCount, etc.
  • If you need to create fixtures (fake data), add it to tests.fixtures
  • A test should prefer to test new or updated database values using direct models queries instead of DOM parsing

Tests of routes or web API

Test about API should be written as submodules or packages of test.test_requesting

New class of test

Class for integration tests should inherit from tests.test_requesting.base.TestBase. This class comes with a self.db property to use the database and a self.client to connect to the flask test client. See Flask Documentation for more information

  • A class must have a name starting with Test and should be camelCase after that.
  • A class must have a doc string explaing what it does
  • A class must have at least one method starting with test_


class TestNavigation(TestBase):
    """ Test creation of Corpus """
    def test_read_home_page(self):

New method of test

A new test method should be added to the correct class regarding scope of each class.

  • A test method must have a name starting with test_ and should be snake case (Test Edition of Token -> test_edition_of_token).
  • A class must have a doc string explaing what it does
  • A class must have at least one self.assertEqual, self.assertCount, etc.
  • If you need to create fixtures (fake data), add it to tests.fixtures
  • A test should prefer to test new or updated database values using direct models queries instead of DOM parsing
  • Prefer the usage of flask.url_for instead of hardcoded URIs in any self.client request


class TestNavigation(TestBase):
    """ Test creation of Corpus """
    def test_read_home_page(self):
        """ Test that the home page is accessible """
        response = self.client.get(url_for("main.index"))
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Display of index should work")

Fixtures and getting fixtures

Fixtures are mock-up data that can be drawn from real life corpora. To generate a corpora's fixture you can simply got to /corpus/<id>/fixtures and you will be able to get python code printed to your page.

To browse the application with data sample, you can run python db-fixtures after having created or recreated the database.

You can contribute fixtures by adding a corpus in db_fixtures and fixtures following the example of the Floovant or Wauchier corpus.