add: Description # if you want to add any algorithm/code
update: Description # if an update is required for a algorithm/code
suggestion: Description # if you want to suggest a better way to implement a algorithm/code
The commit messages should follow the following pattern:
algo/code: Description # if a new algorithm/code is added
docs: Description # if documentation is added
update: Description # if documentation is updated
Make sure to document the contributions well in the pull request. Pull requests should have:
- A concise commit message.
- A description of what was changed/added.
Others will give constructive feedback. This is a time for discussion and improvements, and making the necessary changes will be required before we can merge the contribution.
You can contribute by:
- Reporting Bugs
- Suggesting Enhancements
- Code Contribution
- Pull Requests
Fork this repo (button on top).
Clone on your local machine.
git clone
Navigate to the project directory.
cd Python-Data-Structures
Create a new branch
git checkout -b <branch-name>
Adding New Data Strcture
- Create a folder named by the Data Structure
- Create
file for a particular algorithm or code
If data structure folder already exists in the repo, kindly add your code in the respective folder.
Add all the changes that you have made
git add .
Commit your changes
git commit -m "{Message}"
Then push
git push -u origin <branch-name>
Submit a pull request 😎