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Releases: helgoboss/helgobox


06 Apr 21:48
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v2.8.0-rc.1 Pre-release
  • #283 Added support for keeping control/feedback working even when switching to other project tab (with exception of automation writing, "Project: Set playrate" target and the smooth region seeking part of "Marker/region: Go to" target)
  • #282 Added possibility to enforce "Rotate" already in a virtual controller mapping
  • #296 Improved user interface by displaying helpful text and button if compartment, group or filtered list empty
  • #291 Improved user interface by moving "Reload all" to the header right-click context menu as "Reload all presets from disk"
  • #291 Improved user interface by displaying mapping compartments as radio buttons
  • #290 Improved user interface by hiding "Let through" options when input is not <FX input> (change in behavior: now it will always let through FX input events in that case)
  • #286 Improved user interface by marking "Toggle buttons" mode as invalid for virtual controller mappings
  • #269 Improved versatility by making "Character" dropdown available even for 14-bit sources (both (N)RPN and CC)


01 Apr 15:21
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v2.8.0-pre9 Pre-release
  • #278 Added possibility to easily react to button press-down only and ignore button release (without affecting feedback)
  • #129 Added possibility to easily react to encoder increments or decrements only
  • #279 Added possibility to let the target track depend on the current position of this ReaLearn track by making variable this_track_index available in the <Dynamic> track expression
  • #277 Improved "Global: Set automation override" target by adding "None" option
  • #277 Improved "Project: Invoke transport action" target by making "Play/stop" and "Play/pause" retriggerable
  • #276 Fixed <Dynamic> expression evaluation by doing rounding (was sometimes leading to unexpected results because decimal digits were just being cut off)


31 Mar 22:33
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v2.8.0-pre8 Pre-release
  • #270 Added new fire modes "Single press" and "Double press" (can now distinguish between single press, double press and long press)
  • #220 Added possibility to use preset name in addition to plug-in name when creating preset links for the "Auto-load preset" feature (allows you to load a different ReaLearn main preset when the preset of the focused FX changes)
  • #109 Added ability to correctly switch feedback when enabling/disabling ReaLearn instances that talk to the same control elements (uses source-takeover mechanism)
  • #271 Improved usability by renaming and reordering targets, also introduced additional target hint label
  • #227 Improved "Move to upper floor" feature by detecting more reliably when instance not active anymore and unloading presets more reliably when FX window closed


30 Mar 22:05
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v2.8.0-pre7 Pre-release
  • #264 Added new targets "FX open" (for opening/closing a specific FX via button) and "FX navigate" (for navigating with prev/next buttons or encoders within FX chain)
  • #261 Added new targets "Track automation mode" and "Automation mode override"
  • #190 Added new target "Track show/hide"
  • #262 Added new transport actions "Pause" and "Stop" to "Transport target" (for more fine-grained feedback)
  • #260 Added checkboxes "Scroll TCP" and "Scroll mixer" to targets "Selected track" and "Track selection"
  • #215 Added checkboxes "Set loop points" and "Set time selection" to target "Go to region"
  • #259 Added "Paste mappings (replace all in group)" to header context menu
  • #226 Added "FX-to-preset links" to header context menu for better management and for making it possible to map multiple plug-ins to the same preset
  • #226 Added possibility to use plug-in file name wildcards (* and ?) when linking an FX to a preset (another way to map multiple plug-ins to the same preset)
  • #269 Added new source character "Toggle button" as a workaround for hardware buttons that can't be configured to act as momentary buttons (should usually be avoided; behavior is that it always sends 1 even when 0 is received)
  • #267 Improved understandability by renaming "Program" to "Bank" in conditional activation
  • #263 Fixed feedback issues due to numerical inaccuracies (especially useful for radio-button-like feedback from discrete target values)
  • #265 Fixed "FX chain chunk not found" error when on monitoring FX and "Auto-load preset" on
  • #249 Fixed sometimes missing feedback on target activation changes (e.g. when "Track must be selected" is used)


25 Mar 22:21
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v2.8.0-pre6 Pre-release
  • #227 Added ability for "Auto-load preset: Depending on focused FX" instances to cancel other instances that share the same device (with this, you can easily let your controller control the currently focused FX but fall back to your usual controls when it's closed)
  • #249 Added ability that multiple instances work hand in hand when it comes to feedback (As long as 2 instances don't actively feedback to more than one control element at once, everything will be fine and should work just as with conditional activation within 1 instance.)
  • Improved UI in minor ways
  • #255 Improved usability by respecting activation state of controller mappings with virtual targets when learning a main mapping source
  • #231 Improved usability by showing only short parameter name in conditional activation parameter dropdowns
  • #231 Fixed annoying bug that made group changes have an effect only ever in one of the compartments


23 Mar 22:08
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v2.8.0-pre5 Pre-release
  • #231 Added mapping group feature to controller compartment (was previously available in main compartment only)
  • #231 Added conditional activation to controller compartment (was previously available in main compartment only)
  • #231 Added 100 more freely assignable VST parameters to ReaLearn (now we have 200 parameters in total divided into the already existing 100 main compartment parameters and 100 new controller compartment parameters)
  • #209 Added possibility to customize parameter names via header panel context menu
  • #231 Improved compartment presets by making them save/restore the customized compartment parameter names as well
  • #235 Improved companion app value projection feedback by updating the feedback in more cases if "Feedback output" is "None"
  • Improved feedback for controller mappings with virtual targets (enabling it again will restore feedback, that was previously not the case)
  • Fixed UI for controller mappings with virtual targets (previously showed advanced fire modes although not supported for virtual targets)


22 Mar 12:14
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v2.8.0-pre4 Pre-release
  • #186 Added FX selector <This> for targeting the own ReaLearn instance (good for using conditional activation and <Dynamic> in reusable presets)
  • #121 Added copy/paste of mappings or even just sources/modes/targets (also across compartments and instances)
  • #157 Added copy/paste of the complete filtered mapping list (e.g. to copy/paste whole compartments, groups or search results)
  • #244 Added possibility to use names for virtual control elements instead of numbers
  • #246 Added quick start section at the top of the user guide
  • #236 Added FAQ section to the user guide
  • #247 Fixed possible "unwrap" error with certain mapping tuning settings, e.g. jump and step size
  • Fixed possible "borrow" error when using FX parameter target with own ReaLearn instance


18 Mar 21:15
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v2.8.0-pre3 Pre-release
  • #235 Added support for showing current target values in projection view (= "Projection feedback", needs a prerelease version of the ReaLearn Companion app to work)
  • #12 Added takeover modes "Parallel" and "Catch up" (renamed existing takeover modes to "Pick up" and "Long time no see")
  • #237 Fixed idle CPU usage when having OSC feedback enabled for at least one OSC device (was quite high)
  • #234 Fixed channel "Full" error when invoking lots of actions in a small amount of time
  • Fixed bug that was causing ReaLearn to forget the FX in FX targets (introduced in 2.8.0-pre1)


13 Mar 01:08
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v2.8.0-pre2 Pre-release
  • #166 Added "Fire after timeout" mode for button presses
  • #32 Added "Fire after timeout, keep firing" mode for button presses (turbo mode!)
  • #223 Added "Seek" target (including feedback on beat changes or in high resolution!)
  • #225 Fixed bug in "Go to marger/region" target that caused markers/regions to be triggered even on button release


11 Mar 23:30
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v2.8.0-pre1 Pre-release
  • #212 Added new FX instance selector "Dynamic"
  • #213 Added new FX parameter selectors "Dynamic" and "By name"
  • #214 Added new send/receive/output selectors "Dynamic", "By ID" (source/destination track ID) and "By name"
  • #72 Added option to use track receives (change of perspective) and hardware output sends instead of track sends only
  • #217 Added possibility to use wildcards (* and ?) in all name selectors to match only parts of names
  • #218 Fixed error when controlling "Last touched" target after the last touched target is gone (e.g. after track deleted)
  • #208 Fixed too early rotation when using "Incremental buttons" in combination with "Rotate"