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233 lines (195 loc) · 11.8 KB

File metadata and controls

233 lines (195 loc) · 11.8 KB



September 5, 2014

  • Properly deprecated -[RMMapView orderMarkersByYPosition] and -[RMMapView orderClusterMarkersAboveOthers].


September 4, 2014

  • Temporarily removed support for Mapbox v4 API and access tokens in tile and metadata requests.
  • Added a new -[RMMapViewDelegate annotationSortingComparatorForMapView:] callback allowing customization of annotation layer stacking order. This deprecates -[RMMapView orderMarkersByYPosition] and -[RMMapView orderClusterMarkersAboveOthers].
  • Fixed a bug with tile source initialization in -viewDidLoad and/or from storyboards.
  • Better enforce proper RMGreatCircleAnnotation initialization.
  • Fixed a memory leak in RMShape.
  • Fixed a bug with drawing of RMPolygonAnnotation interior polygons.
  • Documentation fixes.


August 14, 2014

  • Added support for Mapbox v4 API and access tokens in tile and metadata requests.
  • Now ensures that all Mapbox API requests are over HTTPS.
  • Updated FMDB SQLite library under the hood for caching and MBTiles support.
  • Updated some support for the forthcoming iOS 8.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when the map view delegate changed showsUserLocation.
  • Fixes a minor bug with map view subview constraints during use of tab bar controllers.
  • Fixed a minor memory leak with Grand Central Dispatch queues.
  • Fixed a small deployment problem for iOS 5.
  • Quieted some debug logging.


June 23, 2014

  • Added an RMGreatCircleAnnotation class for geodesic polylines.
  • Allow for additional touch gesture padding around thin RMShape layers.
  • Added an RMTileCache method for retrieving anticipated raster tile background download counts for a given coverage area.
  • Added some documentation to the now-supported RMCompositeSource for client-side raster tile compositing.
  • Upgraded SMCalloutView with updated iOS 7+ support.
  • No longer allow callouts on non-marker annotation layers.
  • Minor fix to center coordinate/zoom level animation method.
  • Use magnetic heading if true heading isn't accurate.
  • Added a debug log when using the default watermarked map style.
  • Updated some syntax to the newer boxed literals.
  • Removed some compiler flags that would over-optimize and make debugging difficult.
  • Made some improvements to the map view long-press gesture.
  • Fixed an issue with certain tile sources having wrong tile image request methods called.
  • Fixed some issues with the SQLite-backed tile cache not reclaiming freed disk space.
  • Fixed some retain cycle memory use bugs.
  • Fixed a bug when toggling the logo bug and attribution button.
  • Fixed a crash when trying to add invalid annotations.
  • Fixed a bug with RMStaticMapView always using the default map style.


January 2, 2014

  • Updated for iOS 7, including visual appearance, tint color behavior, modal presentation paradigms, deprecations, and addition of a compass button when in tracking mode.
  • 64-bit compliance.
  • Requires Xcode 5.0+.
  • Revamped annotation drag & drop system to work more like MapKit's.
  • Improved autolayout support, including iOS 7 UIViewController layout guides.
  • Support for auto-retina mode for Mapbox OpenStreetMap-based maps.
  • Added -[RMMapView setAlpha:forTileSource:] and -[RMMapView setAlpha:forTileSourceAtIndex:].
  • Added RMCircleAnnotation.
  • Added -[RMMBTilesSource initWithTileSetResource:] convenience method.
  • Added -[RMPointAnnotation image].
  • Changed default RMMarker image from a pin with a star to a blank pin.
  • Updated RMCircle default alpha from 1.0 to 0.25 and line width from 10.0 to 2.0.
  • Enhanced customizability for point, polyline, and polygon annotations.
  • Improvements to RMUserTrackingBarButtonItem state animations.
  • More accurate tile background loading grid for iOS 6+.
  • Renamed instances of MapBox to Mapbox to better reflect branding.
  • Fixed several crashes related to XIB unarchiving, invalid frame passing, and offline use.
  • More efficient RMPointAnnotation redraws.
  • Raise an exception when bad parameters are passed to background caching instead of failing silently.
  • Background cache delegate methods are now truly optional as specified in the RMTileCacheBackgroundDelegate protocol.
  • Updated GRMustache from v5.4.3 to v6.8.3.
  • Updated usage of instancetype and typedef enum.
  • Clarified documentation.
  • Improved and updated CocoaPods specification.
  • Fixed some build warnings.
  • Minor bug fixes.


June 28, 2013

  • Added support for the new SSL tile API.
  • Improved disk caching API.
  • Updated some API URLs to the latest preferred versions.
  • Made some documentation improvements.
  • Fixed a bug with MapBox markers that used custom colors.
  • Fixed several small potental crash bugs.


March 29, 2013

  • Added locally-bundled metadata for basic RMMapBoxSource use so that apps can better work offline from first launch, including when using XIBs and storyboards.
  • Added a fillPatternImage property to RMShape and RMCircle.
  • Fixed a bug related to updating annotation clusters after removal of single annotations.
  • Fixed a bug related to comparisons of projected points on the map.


March 5, 2013

  • Fixed a bug with RMMapViewDelegate callbacks for post-move and zoom events.


March 4, 2013

  • Support for Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) for easier memory management.
  • Added delegate callbacks for annotation selection & deselection notification.
  • Improved documentation, especially for offline tile caching.
  • Added a new code examples gallery.
  • Added a long press gesture recognizer for annotation layers.
  • Added an API for setting an SDK-wide custom user-agent string for network requests.
  • Added a convenience method for MBTiles tile sources to more easily find them in your app's bundle.
  • Allow selection of a nil annotation in order to deselect the current annotation.
  • Added an API for clearing MapBox marker local caching.
  • Map views now default to a watermarked MapBox Streets map instead of OpenStreetMap.
  • User location accuracy circle now bounces when first homing in on coordinate.
  • Compass heading path now adjusts width based on heading accuracy reading.
  • Annotation clustering API is now much simpler and easier to use.
  • Privatized some header files to reduce clutter during Xcode autocompletion.
  • Latest upstream improvements, including constraints, annotation z-ordering, and bounding box fixes.
  • Code cleanups, consistency tweaks, and bug fixes.


January 3, 2013

  • Added support for programmatic selection of annotations and display of callouts.
  • Added support for annotation calloutOffset like MapKit.
  • Fixed some bugs with callouts on circles and other shapes.
  • Better shape hit detection based on current fillRule.
  • Fixed a bug with shape clipping when map views were inset from the top of their superview.
  • Fixed a few memory reuse problems.
  • Allow silent re-add of already-added annotations.


December 12, 2012

  • Added support for annotation callout subtitles.
  • Fixed a bug related to touch events in UIControl objects on the map view.
  • Fixed a bug with Bézier shape drawing on iOS 5.
  • Fixed a crash when passing a nil static map completion handler.
  • Added a CocoaPods Podspec directly to the repository for development use.
  • Corrected annotation layer delegate request behavior when using simplestyle.


November 29, 2012

  • Added a background tile downloader for pre-caching maps.
  • Added some annotation convenience classes for simple use cases.
  • Added annotation callouts that behave like MapKit.
  • Support for MapBox map ID alongside TileJSON for easier map tile source use.
  • Support for the MapBox image quality API to save bandwidth.
  • Improved Interface Builder support for RMMapView and RMUserTrackingBarButtonItem.
  • New RMStaticMapView class for creating UIImageView-like one-shot map images.
  • New RMTileMillSource tile source for developing directly off of a TileMill instance.
  • Methods for animated map zooming without changing map center as well as zoom/center changes in one step.
  • Support for individual annotation touch enabling/disabling with the enabled property.
  • Support for Bézier curves in shape layers.
  • Improved tile cache API to allow greater flexibility with selective cache clearing.
  • Easier attribution of map tile source data in the map view.
  • MapKit-like support for a custom user location annotation layer.
  • New RMCompositeSource tile source to enabling caching of client-side composited map tile end products.
  • Unified MapBox.h header with commonly-used classes for all install methods.
  • Updated GRMustache library for more up-to-date Mustache template functionality in UTFGrid interactivity.
  • SDK resources such as images now install in a single MapBox.bundle file instead of individually.
  • Removed the dependent build of the Proj4 projection library to greatly speed up compilation time.
  • Improvements to asynchronous map tile render speed and reliability.
  • Improved z-index sorting of cluster, point, and shape annotation layers.
  • Cleaned and reorganized Xcode project groups for simplicity.


September 17, 2012

  • Fixed a bug related to hiding & showing of the user location halo.


September 5, 2012

  • Fixed a bug related to over-aggressive tile rendering for local tile sources.


August 27, 2012

  • Fixed a bug related to app location services permission changes.


August 23, 2012

  • First release in CocoaPods.
  • First release of Xcode documentation.
  • Improved the performance of network tile fetching and drawing.
  • Added retina support for MapBox markers.
  • Added the ability to reload individual composited tile sources.
  • The map view background now behaves more like MapKit when loading tiles.
  • Added a single, unified header file for easier project inclusion.
  • The map view is no longer recreated on tile source reordering or hiding.
  • Improvements to map rotation when tracking user compass heading and when rotating the application orientation.
  • Annotations are now ordered in the third dimension according to relative screen position, including during map rotation.
  • Improved the map view delegate protocol to indicate direct user actions that change the map.
  • Reduced the amount of code necessary at map view initialization in order to behave more like MapKit.
  • Added an option to disable compass heading calibration display.
  • Map view delegate can now be set graphically in a XIB.
  • Added the ability to interact with the user location annotation.
  • Stability improvements when applications lose and regain location services permissions.
  • Improved ability to debug UTFGrid interactivity in Xcode.


July 5, 2012

  • First release of the prepackaged binary.
  • Added support for MapBox markers.
  • Improved the performance of vector paths and shapes when panning and zooming.
  • Enhanced the performance and redrawing of multiple stacked tile layers.
  • Other refactorings and improvements.


June 8, 2012

  • Added user location services.
  • Added configurable cache expiration handling.
  • Enhancements for interactivity & composite sources.
  • Xcode 4.3 compatibility.
  • Minor bug fixes.
  • Various upstream enhancements.


April 16, 2012

  • Initial public release.