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Releases: harvard-lts/fits

Release 1.2.1

10 Apr 19:03
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This release includes an update of the embedded Jhove tool to version 1.20.1, which provides addition metadata output. There was also a bug fix in the XSLT for Jhove where image height was not being converted from Jhove output to FITS metadata. There have also been a couple of format normalizations for WAVE and XML file types.

Change Summary

  • Fix XSLT error on processing multi-page TIFF files. Only first value (from first page of a multi-page) of X- and Y-sampling frequency is used to calculate sampling frequency in FITS metadata.
  • Add ability to point to external fits.xml config file from command line using parameter -f
  • Embedded 'file utility' tool, which accesses OS level 'file' application now provides additional data on OSX 10.12.6. This data needs to be normalized via XSLT to avoid conflicts in section of FITS metadata output.
  • Fix Jhove XSLT not propertly pulling image height.
  • Greatly reduced console output from unit test suite.
  • Upgrade to Jhoave 1.20.0 -- results in additional metadata output.
  • Add additional format output normalization to Jhove for WAVE files.
  • Add additional format output normalization to File Utility for XML files.

Release 1.2.0

16 Aug 19:51
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This release will process and gather metadata for ZIP files and will transform to ContainerMD standard output. The embedded DROID tool has been updated to v.6.3 along with an update to its latest signature file to better identify file type.

Deprecated methods have been removed from There have also been other tweaks and bug fixes.

Change Summary

  • Addition of new ContainerMD schema to FITS output. This format handle ZIP files. All metadata output is generated by the embedded DROID tool.
  • DROID updated to version 6.3.
  • DROID signature file update to version 90 (from version 82).
  • Remove the deprecated static member from the Java class FitsOutput.
  • Add additional normalization for Word Perfect formats in format_map.txt.
  • Update to latest OTS JAR file.
  • Update hierarchy for JPEG EXIF file format in fits_format_tree.xml.
  • Add m4a file extension to DROID tool exclusion list in fits.xml since DROID misidentifies as a video file.

Release 1.1.1

15 Jun 21:06
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This release has improved DROID performance. For very large files where approprate metadata can be extracted from the beginning of a file (certain types of video, for example), it is now possible to limit the number of bytes that the DROID tool examines. This is a new value in the fits.xml configuration file. More details here. By default, there is no change to file processing by DROID unless this value is either uncommented or added to an existing fits.xml file.

The class has a new method, getFitsVersion(), which provides the version of FITS that created the instance of this class.

Change Summary

  • In the class, the instance method getFitsVersion() reflects the version of FITS that generated the FitsOutput instance, which could be a version different than the version of FITS currently being used. (The version of FITS in use is reflected by the value Fits.VERSION.
  • A new configuration value has been added to fits.xml. The DROID tool within FITS has been modified so that it can process large files such as .mov and .mxf files much faster while providing the same metadata since metadata in those files can be retrieved at the beginning of the file. The new attribute <droid_read_limit include-exts="mov,mxf" read-limit-kb="64" /> allows for configuring which file types to limit processing by DROID and by what amount.

Release 1.1.0

01 May 19:14
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Due to changes in the public API in and, and how new tools must be implemented to be included in FITS, the minor version number has been incremented.

  • Some static members of have been changed to be instance variables with getters.
  • In the public static VERSION member is now accessed via a getter. The deprecated static VERSION will be removed in a future release. VERSION and the new method, getFitsVersion() currently give the version of the FITS version currently being run. In the next release the method getFitsVersion() will reflect the version of FITS that generated the FitsOutput instance, which could be a version different than the version of FITS being used.
  • All new classes that implement the interface can now also have a 1-argument constructor that takes Fits as an argument in order to access Fits members that were previously static. See the method createToolClassInstance() in to see how this is implemented with Reflection. For backward comptibility, the standard no-arg constructor still works.
  • Refactor JUnit tests to bring common functionality into new base class for XMLUnit tests.

Release 1.0.7

22 Mar 21:51
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  • LIBDRS-5676 FITS fails when attempting to convert a non-numeric String to an Integer or Double during conversion of FITS metadata to MIX format (and possibly to other standard output formats).
  • and now take a Throwable rather than Exception as constructor arguments.
  • Update JHOVE to version 1.16.5 (from 1.11).
  • Add 'zip' file extension to the JHOVE exclusion list in fits.xml.

Release 1.0.6

02 Mar 15:46
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  • LIBDRS-5575 - Fix XSLT of tool output for JPEG EXIF files to provide better MIX metadata output.
  • Update to most recent version of the OTS JAR file.

Release 1.0.5

01 Feb 19:06
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The only change is an upgrade of an internal JAR file, ots_1.0.41.jar (from ots_1.0.39.jar) for improved performance.

Note: It may be necessary to increase Java heap memory when processing large audio or video file. To do this, modify the command line startup script by adding the following right after "java":
-Xmx where is in megabytes or gigabytes. For example: java -Xmx512m or java -Xmx5g

Change Summary

  • Update to most recent version of the OTS JAR file.

Release 1.0.4

06 Dec 20:11
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A change was made in the XSLT transformation of ExifTool’s output to identify the TIFF EXIF format resulting in MIX output whereas previously, for certain TIFF files, there was no MIX metadata output.

  • LIBDRS-5209 - FITS fails to generate MIX output for certain TIFFs

Release 1.0.3

18 Oct 18:08
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  • LIBDRS-5053 - Add additional format and mimetype normalizations for MS Word documents.
  • Remove source code from distribution release on as it should only be available on GitHub.
  • LIBDRS-5076 - change logging message to WARN (from ERROR) when unable to convert FITS output to standard schema.

Release 1.0.2

13 Sep 18:37
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FITS contains better handling of XML and HTML files. Also resolved are cases where TIFF files did not properly have MIX metadata extracted for certain camera formats (Hasselblad, Sinar, and possibly others). The Linux shell scripts now resolve symlinks before loading relative paths.

FITS Service now externalizes configuration values for maximum file upload size and other values, better logging of errors, and other minor fixes.

Change Summary

  • FITS startup scripts resolve symlinks before loading relative paths. Pull Request 90.
  • Bug fix for File Utility detecting HTML files. Pull request 102.
  • Bug fix for File Utility handling XML files. Pull request 104.
  • LIBDRS-4878 - MIX metadata not extracted from some TIFF files.