If Docker installed
- docker-compose up -d
- open host_ip:42065 for opening jupyter notebook
- open host_ip:45175 for opening tensorboard
- run centralized notebook for simulating the centralized fl
If Conda enviroment
- conda env create --name env_name --file=cenv.yml
- it will also add this conda env in your base jupyter notebook, look for reference
- conda activate env_name
- open host_ip:port for opening jupyter notebook
- jupyter notebook --no-browser --ip="*" --port=xxxx --NotebookApp.token='xx' --NotebookApp.iopub_data_rate_limit=1.0e1000
- tensorboard --logdir runs/ --port 45175 --bind_all
- open host_ip:45175 for opening tensorboard
- conda env create --name env_name --file=cenv.yml
If running with kafka