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File metadata and controls

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Building Images

Two things are necessary to build an image using EIB:

  1. A definition file that describes the image to build
  2. A directory that contains the base SLE Micro image to modify, along with any other custom files that will be included in the built image

Image Definition File

The Image Definition File is a YAML document describing a single image to build. The file is specified using the -config-file argument. Only a single image may be built at a time, however the same image configuration directory may be used to build multiple images by creating multiple definition files.

The following can be used as the minimum configuration required to create an image:

apiVersion: 1.0
  imageType: iso
  arch: x86_64
  baseImage: SLE-Micro.x86_64-5.5.0-Default-SelfInstall-GM.install.iso
  outputImageName: eib-image.iso
  • apiVersion - Indicates the version of the definition file schema for EIB to expect
  • imageType - Must be either iso or raw.
  • arch - Must be either x86_64 or aarch64.
  • baseImage - Indicates the name of the image file used as the base for the built image. This file must be located under the images directory of the image configuration directory (see below for more information). This image will not directly be modified by EIB; a new image will be created each time EIB is run.
  • outputImageName - Indicates the name of the image that EIB will build. This may only be a filename; the image will be written to the root of the image configuration directory.

Operating System

The operating system configuration section is entirely optional.

The following describes the possible options for the operating system section:

    installDevice: /path/to/disk
    unattended: false
    timezone: Europe/London
    - localhost
  - arg1
  - arg2
  - username: user1
    encryptedPassword: 123
    sshKey: user1Key
  - username: user2
    encryptedPassword: 456
  - username: user3
    sshKey: user3Key
      - service0
      - service1
      - serviceX
  keymap: us
  • isoInstallation - Optional; configuration in this section only applies to ISO images.
    • installDevice - Optional; specifies the disk that should be used as the install device. This needs to be block special, and will default to automatically wipe any data found on the disk. If left omitted, the user will still have to select the disk to install to (if >1 found) and confirm wipe.
    • unattended - Optional; forces GRUB override to automatically install the operating system rather than prompting user to begin the installation. In combination with installDevice can create a fully unattended and automated install. Beware of creating boot loops and data loss with these options. If left omitted (or set to false) the user will still have to choose to install via the GRUB menu.
  • time - Optional; section where the user can provide timezone information and Chronyd configuration.
    • timezone - Optional; the timezone in the format of "Region/Locality", e.g. "Europe/London". Full list via timedatectl list-timezones.
    • ntp - Optional; contains attributes related to configuring NTP
      • pools - Optional; a list of pools that Chrony can use as data sources.
      • servers - Optional; a list of servers that Chrony can use as data sources.
  • proxy - Optional; section where the user can provide system-wide proxy information
    • httpProxy - Optional; set the system-wide http proxy settings
    • httpsProxy - Optional; set the system-wide https proxy settings
    • noProxy - Optional; override the default NO_PROXY list. By default, this is "localhost," if this parameter is omitted. If this option is set, these may need to be manually added if they are still in use.
  • kernelArgs - Optional; Provides a list of flags that should be passed to the kernel on boot.
  • users - Optional; Defines a list of operating system users to be created. Each entry is made up of the following fields:
    • username - Required; Username of the user to create. To set the password or SSH key for the root user, use the value root for this field.
    • encryptedPassword - Optional; Encrypted password to set for the use (for example, using openssl passwd -6 $PASSWORD to generate the value for this field).
    • sshKey - Optional; Full public SSH key to configure for the user.
  • systemd - Optional; Defines lists of services to enable/disable. Either or both of enable and disable may be included; if neither are provided, this section is ignored.
    • enable - Optional; List of systemd services to enable.
    • disable - Optional; List of systemd services to disable.
  • keymap - Optional; sets the virtual console (VC) keymap, full list via localectl list-keymaps. If unset, we default to us.

SUSE Manager (SUMA)

Automatic SUSE Manager registration can be configured for the image, which will happen at system-boot time. Therefore, your system will need to come up with networking, either via DHCP or configured statically, e.g. via nmc or via custom scripts. If you're creating an air-gapped image, do not use the SUSE Manager registration unless your server is available from within the air-gapped network.

The following items must be defined in the configuration file under the suma section:

  • host - This is the FQDN of the SUSE Manager host that the host needs to register against (do not use http/s prefix)
  • activationKey - This is the activation key that the node uses to register with.

The default SSL certificate for the SUSE Manager server can usually be found at https://<suma-host>/pub/RHN-ORG-TRUSTED-SSL-CERT.

Additionally, the appropriate venv-salt-minion RPM package must be supplied in the RPM's directory so it can be installed at boot time prior to SUSE Manager registration taking place. This RPM can usually be found on the SUSE Manager host itself at https://<suma-host>/pub/repositories/slemicro/5/5/bootstrap/x86_64/ as an example.

Image Configuration Directory

The Image Configuration Directory contains all the files necessary for EIB to build an image. As the project matures, the structure of this directory will be better fleshed out. For now, the required structure is described below:

├── eib-config-iso.yaml
├── eib-config-raw.yaml
└── base-images
    └── SLE-Micro.x86_64-5.5.0-Default-SelfInstall-GM.install.iso
    └── SLE-Micro.x86_64-5.5.0-Default-GM.raw
  • eib-config-iso.yaml, eib-config-raw.yaml - All image definition files should be in the root of the image configuration directory. Multiple definition files may be included in a single configuration directory, with the specific definition file specified as a CLI argument as described above.
  • base-images - This directory must exist and contains the base images from which EIB will build customized images. There are no restrictions on the naming. The image definition file will specify which image in this directory to use for a particular build.

There are a number of optional directories that may be included in the image configuration directory:

  • certificates - If present, all files with the extension ".pem" or ".crt" will be installed as CA certificates in the built image.
  • custom - May be included to inject files into the built image. Files are organized by subdirectory as follows:
    • scripts - If present, all the files in this directory will be included in the built image and automatically executed during the combustion phase.
    • files - If present, all the files in this directory will be included in the built image.
  • network - If present, network configurations will be generated from all desired states in this directory and will be included in the built image. The configurations relevant for the particular host will be identified and applied during the combustion phase. Check nm-configurator for more information.

The following sections further describe optional directories that may be included.


Custom RPMs may be included in the configuration directory. These RPMs will be bundled into the built image and installed when the image is booted. The following describes the directory structure needed to configure this:

  • rpms - All RPMs in this directory will be included in the built image and installed during the combustion phase. These RPMs are installed directly (instead of using zypper), which means that there will be no automatic dependency resolution.


Automatic Elemental registration may be configured for the image. The Elemental registration configuration file, which can be downloaded using the Elemental extension in Rancher, must be placed in the configuration directory as follows:

  • elemental - This must contain a file named elemental_config.yaml. This file will be bundled in the built image and used to register with Elemental on boot.

Additionally, the following RPMs must be included in the RPMs directory as described above:

  • elemental-register
  • elemental-system-agent