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File metadata and controls

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Step-by-step demo

1. Connect to GUI VM

In your ATD interface, click on Programmability IDE and use the password listed on your lab topology.

Note: Unique password is auto-generated for each lab instance.

ATD Interface

In addition, open CloudVision Portal (CVP) by clicking the CVP link. Then, log in with the username arista and the auto-generated password on the lab topology screen.

2. Configure your credential

Because the password is auto-generated, you must update the ansible_password variable. We will read a configuration file to set our credential file as an environment variable.

Run the following commands from the Programmability IDE terminal:

export LABPASSPHRASE=`cat /home/coder/.config/code-server/config.yaml| grep "password:" | awk '{print $2}'`

3. Install all the requirements

The code block below performs the following actions:

  • Moves to the labfiles directory

  • Installs version 4.4.0 of the arista.avd collection

  • Exports an environment variable based on the location of the arista.avd collection

  • Leverages the new environment variable to install the Python requirements for arista.avd

  • Clones this repository

  • Moves to the cloned repository folder

    cd /home/coder/project/labfiles
    ansible-galaxy collection install arista.avd:==4.4.0
    export ARISTA_AVD_DIR=$(ansible-galaxy collection list arista.avd --format yaml | head -1 | cut -d: -f1)
    pip3 install -r ${ARISTA_AVD_DIR}/arista/avd/requirements.txt
    git clone
    cd atd-avd

4. Prepare ATD

To emulate a ZTP environment, we will move all devices from their current containers to a dedicated one named STAGING to mimic an undefined container.

ansible-playbook playbooks/atd-prepare-lab.yml
  • This playbook executes the following tasks:

    • Recreates the container topology in staging format
    • Moves nodes to the appropriate container
    • Executes pending tasks for the user on CVP
  • Provisioning topology view should be similar to below

    Provisioning topo

4. Apply AVD configuration

While the playbook supports build/provision/execute in one sequence, we will proceed step-by-step.

Build device configurations and documentation files

ansible-playbook playbooks/atd-fabric-build.yml

You can review the generated output in your VScode instance:

Provision CVP

ansible-playbook playbooks/atd-fabric-provision.yml

This playbook creates the following:

  • A new containers topology to support AVD devices based on inventory file
  • Move devices to their respective container
  • Create configlet per device and bind to devices

Change control remains on the user's side as it's a safer approach for production. We have the option to execute tasks automatically on CloudVision as well.

Create the change control and execute all pending tasks.

CloudVision Topology for AVD

5. Update underlay routing protocol

By default, AVD leverages EBGP for the underlay and overlay. However, these settings can be easily modified to fit your environment. For example, if you would like to deploy OSPF as the underlay, update the ATD_FABRIC.yml file by uncommenting the underlay_routing_protocol: OSPF variable.

underlay_routing_protocol: OSPF

# bgp peer groups passwords

You can rerun the build and provision playbooks to build and provision simultaneously. Remember to create a change control to finalize the deployment on the EOS nodes.

ansible-playbook playbooks/atd-fabric-build.yml
ansible-playbook playbooks/atd-fabric-provision.yml

6. Add a new tenant to the fabric

Edit the ATD_TENANTS_NETWORKS.yml file and uncomment Tenant_B before running the playbook.

# edit atd-inventory/group_vars/ATD_TENANTS_NETWORKS.yml
  # Tenant A Specific Information - VRFs / VLANs
  - name: Tenant_A:

  - name: Tenant_B
    mac_vrf_vni_base: 20000
      - name: Tenant_B_OP_Zone
        vrf_vni: 20
          - id: 210
            name: Tenant_B_OP_Zone_1
            tags: ['opzone']
            profile: WITH_NO_MTU
          - id: 211
            name: Tenant_B_OP_Zone_2
            tags: ['opzone']
            profile: GENERIC_FULL
  • Run the build and provision playbooks once again.

    ansible-playbook playbooks/atd-fabric-build.yml
    ansible-playbook playbooks/atd-fabric-provision.yml

    Once more, create a change control in CVP and execute all tasks.

7. Filter VLANs deployed on the fabric

All VLANs configured under the ATD_TENANTS_NETWORKS.yml file have been deployed to our fabric, whether we have client-facing interfaces configured for those VLANs or not. For example, below is the current output from leaf1.

leaf1#show vlan
VLAN  Name                             Status    Ports
----- -------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------
1     default                          active    Et6, PEt6
110   Tenant_A_OP_Zone_1               active    Cpu, Po1, Po4, Vx1
160   Tenant_A_VMOTION                 active    Po1, Vx1
210   Tenant_B_OP_Zone_1               active    Cpu, Po1, Vx1
211   Tenant_B_OP_Zone_2               active    Po1, Vx1
1198* VLAN1198                         active    Cpu, Po1, Vx1
1199* VLAN1199                         active    Cpu, Po1, Vx1
3009  MLAG_iBGP_Tenant_A_OP_Zone       active    Cpu, Po1
3019  MLAG_iBGP_Tenant_B_OP_Zone       active    Cpu, Po1
4093  LEAF_PEER_L3                     active    Cpu, Po1
4094  MLAG_PEER                        active    Cpu, Po1

* indicates a Dynamic VLAN

Focusing on TENANT-specific VLANs, only VLAN 110 is assigned to any host-facing interfaces. We can enable the filtering option and check back on leaf1.

To enable the filtering feature, uncomment the only_vlans_in_use variable within the l3leaf key in the ATD_FABRIC.yml file.

    spanning_tree_mode: mstp
    spanning_tree_priority: 16384
      only_vlans_in_use: true
    - group: pod1
      bgp_as: 65101
  • Run the build and provision playbooks once again.

    ansible-playbook playbooks/atd-fabric-build.yml
    ansible-playbook playbooks/atd-fabric-provision.yml

    Once more, in CVP, create a change control and execute all tasks. Below is the new output from leaf1 with VLANs filtered.

    leaf1#show vlan
    VLAN  Name                             Status    Ports
    ----- -------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------
    1     default                          active    Et6, PEt6
    110   Tenant_A_OP_Zone_1               active    Cpu, Po1, Po4, Vx1
    1199* VLAN1199                         active    Cpu, Po1, Vx1
    3009  MLAG_iBGP_Tenant_A_OP_Zone       active    Cpu, Po1
    4093  LEAF_PEER_L3                     active    Cpu, Po1
    4094  MLAG_PEER                        active    Cpu, Po1
    * indicates a Dynamic VLAN

8. Connected endpoints or network ports

Currently, we have a host-specific configuration for host1 and host2 in ATD_SERVERS.yml. Example below:

  - name: host2
    rack: pod2
      - endpoint_ports: [Eth1, Eth2]
        switch_ports: [Ethernet4, Ethernet4]
        switches: [s1-leaf3, s1-leaf4]
        profile: TENANT_A
          description: PortChannel
          mode: active

AVD can now use a more generic definition of host-facing ports. The network_ports feature is useful when a series of interfaces share the same configuration. For example, if we wanted interface four on leaf3 and leaf4 configured similarly, we could do something like the following:

  - profile: TENANT_A
    mode: access
    vlans: "110"
  - switches:
      - s1-leaf[34] # Simple regex to match on leaf3 and leaf4
    switch_ports: # Ex Ethernet1-48 or Ethernet2-3/1-48
      - Ethernet4
    description: Connection to host2
    profile: TENANT_A

Please note, if using this example, the connected endpoints example for host2 must be commented out or removed.

  • Run the build and provision playbooks once again.

    ansible-playbook playbooks/atd-fabric-build.yml
    ansible-playbook playbooks/atd-fabric-provision.yml

    We can see the generated configuration from the leaf3 configuration file.

    interface Ethernet4
       description Connection to host2
       no shutdown
       switchport access vlan 110
       switchport mode access

9. Validate the fabric state

Once deployed, it's possible to validate the fabric state using a set of generated tests using the AVD eos_validate_state role. The reports are stored in the atd-inventory/reports folder.

  • Run the atd-validate-states.yml playbook

    ansible-playbook playbooks/atd-validate-states.yml

More information on the role can be found at

10. Take snapshots of show commands output on the fabric

It's also possible to collect snapshots of the running configuration and additional show commands using the AVD eos_snapshot role. The outputs are stored in the atd-inventory/snapshots folder.

  • Run the playbook atd-snapshot.yml playbook

    ansible-playbook playbooks/atd-snapshot.yml

More information on the role can be found at