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EDM Model memory leaks in OData Client due to static caches

This experiment demonstrates memory leaks of EDM model instances and/or associated schema comments that can occur in OData Client (v7.9.4) due to static caches. The underlying issue is explained in more detail here.

The profiler reports used for this demonstration are stored in this repo:

You can open those files in Visual Studio to follow along, or create your own reports using the steps below.

PS: The reports were created in Visual Studio 2019.

Running the experiment

The experiment program should be launched with the Memory Usage profiler in Visual Studio: Open the solution in Visual Studio -> Click the Debug menu -> Performance Profiler -> Select Memory Usage -> Click Start to launch the program.

PS: Configure your app to run in Release for more accurate results.

When you run the experiment, it first asks to choose between EdmModel and CsdlSemanticsModel. If you pick EdmModel, the models will be created programmatically using the OData ModelBuilder. If you select CsdlSemanticsModel, the models will be parsed from an XML CSDL file using CsdlReader. For this demonstration, the experiment was executed twice, once with CsdlSemanticsModel and once with EdmModel.

Then the app will perform the following steps:

  • Execute 3 OData requests against the service to fetch people and display their names.
  • Run a garbage collection
  • Execute the same 3 requests again.

For each request, it will create a new temporary DataServiceContext and a new IEdmModel passed to it.

The app will pause at a few checkpoints to prompt you to take a memory snapshot:

  • Before making the first batch of requests so that you can take a baseline snapshot
  • After the first 3 requests but before GC
  • After the GC so we can get an idea of which objects are cleaned by GC and which remain
  • After the second batch of 3 requests so that we can observe memory usage for model elements continue to grow despite of GC

We have an explicit call to GC.Collect() to ensure that garbage-collection runs. However, it's possible that one or more garbage collections will have already executed by then. This could make the results of the first snapshot less reproducible (e.g. the DataServiceContext instances may already be removed from memory by the time the second memory snapshot is taken)

Once completed the profiler will show a report like: Memory usage snapshots

Analyzing the reports

CsdlSemanticsModel version

Let's start with the CsdlSemanticsModel-based report. Let's open the 2nd snapshot's detailed view (click the link that shows the total number of objects on the heap). To make the search more accurate, let's remove the default filter's if they're applied:

  • Click the drop-down that has a table icon on the top-right of the heap view
  • De-select both the Just My Code and Collapse small objects filter options

Disable default filters

Now, let's search for DataServiceContext in the filter box. The results here may vary depending on whether or not garbage collections occurred after making the requests and before taking the snapshot. In my case, that was the case. Garbage collection is indicated by the red markers on top of the timeline of the overall report.

In my case there are no instances of Microsoft.OData.Client.DataServiceContext remaining, but if garbage collection did not occur, you should see 3 instances. DataServiceContext search results

Now let's search for CsdlSemanticsModel: CsdlSemanticsModel search results

We have 10 instances of CsdlSemanticsModel. We only created 3 instances, where did the remaining 7 come from?

There 7 built-in models that are created once and stored in static propertes in the VocabularyModelProvider internal static class. These correspond the built-in vocabulary models that are referenced by all other models that you create. If you click the object type in the upper table view, you can see the Paths too Root. These 7 models are easily identified with the Static variable label inside the square brackets. The entry should ideally display the class where the property is defined, e.g. Microsoft.OData.Edm.Vocabularies.V1.VocabularyModelProvider.CoreModel, instead it redundantly displays the type of the property Microsoft.OData.Edm.Csdl.CsdlSemanics.CsdlSemanticsModel.CoreModel. This is a bug in VS 2019 profiler and might already be fixed in VS 2022 or later versions.

The ...CdslSemanticsModel.Instance model corresponds to the ValidationModel. It's also referenced by the ValidationVocabularyModel.Instance static property. It appears that when the same instance is referenced by multiple static properties, the profiler displays the most recent property to access the object as the root.

The remaining 3 instances are the ones we parsed from the service's CSDL. Finding the GC roots of these instances is trickier. If we expand the nodes we will notice that most of the paths are cyclic. We have to sift through a lot of "useless" paths to find the ones that actually lead to a root. This is a known issue and currently there seems to be no alternatives to manually expanding all the paths. If there's a DataServiceContext still in memory, then one of the roots will be DataServiceClientFormat.serviceModel. Whether or not there was a garbage collection, there will be 2 other roots:

  • DataServiceContext.ClientEdmModelCache.modelCache static variable
  • EdmTypeSemantics.baseTypeCache static variable

Now let's open the 3rd snapshot. This occurs after garbage collection. There should be no DataServiceContext instances left. There will still be 10 instances of CsdlSemanticsModel. The 3 instances we created are still kept alive by the 2 static roots highlighted above.

Now let's open the 4th snapshot. If garbage collection occured before this snapshot (it's likely that it did), then there will be no instances of DataServiceContext. However, there are now 13 instances of CsdlSemanticsModel, 3 more instances have been added from the 3 requests. CsdlSemanticsModel search results after experiments

The model has a direct or indirect reference to all the schema elements in that model. So for as long as the model is alive, all its entity types, complex types, entity sets, etc. will also occupy memory. For example, let's see how many entity types there in memory. In second snapshot, search for CsdlSemanticsEntityTypeDefinition (this is IEdmEntityType implementation used by CsdlSemanticsModel). We see that we have 30 instances. The Trippin Service sample CSDL used here defines 10 entity types. Since we have 3 models in memory (excluding the 7 built-in ones), 10 entity types per model, that's how we get to 30:

CsdlSemanticsEntityTypeDefinition search results in second snapshot

Now let's try the same thing in the 4th snapshot. We have 6 models in total at this point. Therefore, as expected, we have 60 instances of CsdlSemanticsEntityTypeDefinition:

CsdlSemanticsEntityTypeDefinition search results in fourth snapshot

Other types that could be interesting to look at are the EDM types created and cached by the ClientEdmModel. This creates and caches an instance of EdmEntityTypeWithDelayLoadedProperties provide a matching EDM type for a target CLR type when materializing a response. These also remain in memory throughout the application's lifetime since the ClientEdmModel instance itself is cached in the ClientEdmModelCache.modelCache. It's not clear why the ClientEdmModel creates these EDM types if it already have access to the corresponding EDM types from the service model. In fact the EDM types from the service model are cached in the ClientEdmModel.EdmStructuredSchemaElements.

For example, there are 2 instances of EdmEntityTypeWithLoadedProperties and 4 of EdmComplexTypeWithLoadedProperties. Edm types created by ClientEdmModel. These 2 instances correspond to the Person and Trip entity types: All these requests fetch a collection of Person entities and the Person entity has Trip the type of the collection navigation property Person.Trips.

It appears to me that the current implementation of the client might not be as suitable when in scenarios where the client is interacting with multiple OData services or in scenarios where models are short-lived (the latter is admittedly not a rare use-case).

EdmModel version

Now let's explore the EdmModel-based report. We start by checking whether we have any EdmModels lingering behind in memory. Let's search for EdmModel in Snapshot 2:

EdmModel search results

Nothing. No instances left in memory.

Now let's search for EdmEntityType in Snapshot 2:

EdmEntity search resuls in snapshot 2

We have 10 instances (not 30 like CsdlSemanticsEntityTypeDefinition).

How many remain after the experiments? Let's do the same search in Snapshot 4:

EdmEntity search results in snapshot 4

We still have 10 instances.

Why do we have instances of EdmEntitType left in memory but not EdmModel?

The 10 instances we see here are the 10 instances from the model that are cached in ClientEdmModel.EdmStructuredElements when the service model is loaded (see related GitHub issue for more context). These 10 instances will remain in-memory throughout the lifetime of the application. Unlike schema elements in CsdlSemanticsModel-based model (e.g. CsdlSemanticsEntityTypeDefinition), EdmEntityType and other schema elements don't hold a reference back to the parent EdmModel. Since these schema elements do not keep the model in memory, the EdmModel got garbage-collected even though EdmEntityType instances remained alive.

Why do we have only 10 instances of EdmEntityType throughout while we have a growing number of CsdlSemanticsEntitTypeDefinition even though the same number of models are created in both cases?

As previously mentioned, the 10 instances of EdmEntityType are cached in ClientEdmModel.EdmStructuredElements, this cache uses the un-qualified type name as key. This means that when subsequent models are loaded, if they have entity types with the same names as the previous model, these entit types will not be added to that cache.

Note: In this case since the models copies of the same CSDL, this isn't a problem, but if there were different models with different entit types that have similar names, this could lead to unexpected results.

The same applies for CsdlSemanticsEntityTypeDefinition. 10 of them will be stored in the ClientEdmModel.EdmStructuredElements cache and remain there throughout the application.

But why does the number of instances keep rising for CsdlSemanticsEntityTypeDefinition, how do we get to 30, then 60?

In addition to the ClientEdmModel.EdmStructuredElements, CsdlSemanticsEntityTypeDefinition are also cached in EdmTypeSemantics.baseTypeCache (see related GitHub issue for more context). This cache uses the instance itself as key. So if we have 2 separate instances that are essentially the same entity type from 2 separate copies of the model, then those will result in 2 separate cache entries.