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Configuration Reference

eventDrops function takes a configuration object as only parameter. Here are the details of all available configuration keys.

See the config.js source for additional information.


Default: global.d3

Instance of D3 to use within EventDrops. It provides a purer way to use EventDrops from a bundled module:

import * as d3 from 'd3/build/d3'; // no global here
import eventDrops from 'event-drops';

const chart = eventDrops({ d3 });

If you use EventDrops without any module bundler, just include D3 script before EventDrops, and everything should work out of the box.


Default: English locale

D3 locale to use for dates (months and days for instance). This parameter expects a locale from d3-time-format module.

import frLocale from 'd3-time-format/locale/fr-FR.json';

const chart = eventDrops({
    locale: frLocale,

A list of all available locales can be found in d3-time-format/src.


Default: metaballs configuration object (see below)

EventDrops adds an organic-looking effect between two close events, called "metaballs". This effect can be disabled passing false to the metaballs property.


Default: 10

This parameter influences the size of metaballs. The higher the value, the larger the metaballs will be. A too low value prevents the drops from melting. On the contrary, too high a value may dilute the metaballs too much, making them invisible.


Default: '1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 31 -12'

This parameter with forgotten origins (possibly StackOverflow) is transmitted from EventDrops developer to EventDrops developer. Change it at your own risk!

We're not sure if this setting should be configurable, but for backward compatibility reasons we left it.


Default: bound configuration object

Bounds are minimum and maximum visible dates, displayed at the bottom of the chart. They are optional and can be disabled passing this property the false value.


Default: d3.timeFormat('%d %B %Y')

Display format of bounds. By default, it would be displayed such as "10 January 2018".

A list of all available shortcuts can be found on D3.js README.


Line parameter contains all line related parameters (thanks Captain Obvious!).


Default: (_, index) => d3.schemeCategory10[index]

This parameter defines color of all drops on a given line (each of these colors can be overwritten at the drop level). It can be either an hard-written value, or a function, taking current data, index, and whole data as arguments.

const chart = eventDrops({
    line: {
        color: 'lemonChiffon', // yes, this color really exists!

const anotherChart = eventDrops({
    line: {
        (line, index) => index % 2 ? 'lavenderBlush' : 'papayaWhip',


Default: 40

Line height in pixels.


Default: row =>

Where are located drops in your row object?


Default: drop configuration object

All event drop related configuration is here. Definitely, we made a real effort of naming in this configuration.


Default: null

This parameter defines color of a specific drop. A null value means the drop would be of line.color. It can be either an hard-written value, or a function, taking current data, index, and whole line data as arguments.

const chart = eventDrops({
    drop: {
        color: 'firebrick',

const anotherChart = eventDrops({
    drop: {
        (d, index) => d.value > 10 ? 'green' : 'red',


*Default: 5

Radius of each drop. It can be either an hard-written value, or a function, taking current data, index, and whole line data as arguments.

const chart = eventDrops({
    drop: {
        radius: Math.PI,

const anotherChart = eventDrops({
    drop: {
        radius: (d, index) => d.size * 10,


Default: d => new Date(d)

This is the transformer turning your event data into a date object. It should be a function returning a JavaScript Date object. This function takes three arguments: current data, current data index, and the whole line data.

const chart = eventDrops({
    drop: {
        date: d => new Date(d),


Default: () => {}

Function to be executed when user clicks on a drop. By default, it does nothing. Clicked drop related data is passed as the first argument:

const chart = eventDrops({
    drop: {
        onClick: data => {
            console.log(`Data ${} has been clicked!`);


Default: () => {}

Function to be executed when user moves the mouse on a drop. By default, it does nothing. Hovered drop related data is passed as the first argument:

const chart = eventDrops({
    drop: {
        onMouseOver: data => {

This is the function you are looking for if you want to display a tooltip describing some event details.


Default: () => {}

Function to be executed when user moves the mouse out of a drop. By default, it does nothing. Blurred drop related data is passed as the first argument:

const chart = eventDrops({
    drop: {
        onMouseOut: data => {

This is the function you are looking for if you want to hide a tooltip you previously displayed with onMouseOver.



Default: 20

Space between labels and drop lines margin in pixels. Should be a number.


Default: row => ${} (${})

Text to display for each line. It can either be hard-written, or be a function. In the latter case, it takes as usual three arguments: current line, current line index, and list of all chart lines.

const chart = eventDrops({
    label: {
        text: row => row.title,


Default: 200

Width of label columns in pixels. It can't be dynamic for now and should be hard-written. However, feel free to submit a pull request!


Default: { top: 20, right: 10, bottom: 20, left: 10 }

Margins around the chart, following the D3.js margin conventions.


Default: { start: [one year ago], end: [now] }

Range allows to restrict visible data during a given time frame. By default, it takes all data between one year ago and current date.

To change this behavior, pass it an object with a start and end key, both of them being a JavaScript Date object.



Default: see below example

Format of top axis ticks. It handles automatically the multi-scale behavior of time axis format, allowing a simpler configuration.

A list of all available shortcuts can be found on D3.js README.

const chart = eventDrops({
    axis: {
        formats: {
            // this is the default value
            milliseconds: '%L',
            seconds: ':%S',
            minutes: '%I:%M',
            hours: '%I %p',
            days: '%a %d',
            weeks: '%b %d',
            months: '%B',
            year: '%Y',


This section is related to zoom (and pan) behavior. If you want to disable interactivity on your chart, just set this parameter to false.


Default: () => {}

Event listener executed after zooming (or panning) begins, for instance on mousedown or mousewheel events.

Current datum is passed as first argument. For more details about this function, see the zoom.on documentation.


Default: () => {}

Event listener executed while zooming (or panning), for instance on mousemove or mousewheel events.

Current datum is passed as first argument. For more details about this function, see the zoom.on documentation.


Default: () => {}

Event listener executed when zooming (or panning) ends, for instance on mouseout or when you stop rolling your mouse wheel.

Current datum is passed as first argument. For more details about this function, see the zoom.on documentation.


Default: 0

This parameter configures the minimum zoom level available. Set it to a not-null value to prevent your users from zooming out.


Default: Infinity

This parameter configures the maximum zoom level available. Set it to a lower value to prevent your users from zooming in too deeply.