Curl - tool for communication with servers.
Fish - friendly and intelligent shell.
HTOP - interactive process viewer.
Vim - text editor for CLI (similar to NANO).
Net Tools - network tool package (includes IfConfig).
Java - currently using version 17 (LTS).
Git - version control system.
GitFlow - commands for better use of Git.
Gnome Tweak - tool for customizing Ubuntu.
Docker - virtual containers for applications.
Docker Compose - tool for using and managing multiple Docker containers.
Chrome - internet browser.
Remmina - client for accessing servers (SSH).
Hyper - customizable terminal.
VS Code - code editor.
Spotify - music streaming.
Atom - text editor.
Postman - tool for API testing.
Discord - communication application.
MongoDB Compass - client for administering Mongo databases.
Meld - tool to aid in Git branch merges.
VLC - media player.
SSH Key - create an SSH key to connect to Git.
Swapiness - change the Swap usage configuration (60 → 20).
Customize Hyper - change the appearance and theme.
IntelliJ Ultimate - download the ultimate version of IntelliJ.