diff --git a/.changeset/chilly-nails-own.md b/.changeset/chilly-nails-own.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0dd5266a30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.changeset/chilly-nails-own.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+"mobx-react": patch
+Fix #3492: throw warning when use class component and suspense
diff --git a/packages/mobx-react/__tests__/strictAndConcurrentModeUsingTimers.test.tsx b/packages/mobx-react/__tests__/strictAndConcurrentModeUsingTimers.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7fc8c43ae1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/mobx-react/__tests__/strictAndConcurrentModeUsingTimers.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+import { act, cleanup, render } from "@testing-library/react"
+import * as mobx from "mobx"
+import * as React from "react"
+import { makeClassComponentObserver } from "../src/observerClass"
+import {
+ forceCleanupTimerToRunNowForTests,
+ resetCleanupScheduleForTests
+} from "../src/utils/reactionCleanupTracking"
+import {
+} from "../src/utils/reactionCleanupTrackingCommon"
+test("uncommitted components should not leak observations", async () => {
+ resetCleanupScheduleForTests()
+ // Unfortunately, Jest fake timers don't mock out Date.now, so we fake
+ // that out in parallel to Jest useFakeTimers
+ let fakeNow = Date.now()
+ jest.useFakeTimers()
+ jest.spyOn(Date, "now").mockImplementation(() => fakeNow)
+ const store = mobx.observable({ count1: 0, count2: 0 })
+ // Track whether counts are observed
+ let count1IsObserved = false
+ let count2IsObserved = false
+ mobx.onBecomeObserved(store, "count1", () => (count1IsObserved = true))
+ mobx.onBecomeUnobserved(store, "count1", () => (count1IsObserved = false))
+ mobx.onBecomeObserved(store, "count2", () => (count2IsObserved = true))
+ mobx.onBecomeUnobserved(store, "count2", () => (count2IsObserved = false))
+ class TestComponent1_ extends React.PureComponent {
+ render() {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ const TestComponent1 = makeClassComponentObserver(TestComponent1_)
+ class TestComponent2_ extends React.PureComponent {
+ render() {
+ return {store.count2}
+ }
+ }
+ const TestComponent2 = makeClassComponentObserver(TestComponent2_)
+ // Render, then remove only #2
+ const rendering = render(
+ )
+ rendering.rerender(
+ )
+ // Allow any reaction-disposal cleanup timers to run
+ fakeNow += skip
+ jest.advanceTimersByTime(skip)
+ // count1 should still be being observed by Component1,
+ // but count2 should have had its reaction cleaned up.
+ expect(count1IsObserved).toBeTruthy()
+ expect(count2IsObserved).toBeFalsy()
+test("cleanup timer should not clean up recently-pended reactions", () => {
+ // If we're not careful with timings, it's possible to get the
+ // following scenario:
+ // 1. Component instance A is being created; it renders, we put its reaction R1 into the cleanup list
+ // 2. Strict/Concurrent mode causes that render to be thrown away
+ // 3. Component instance A is being created; it renders, we put its reaction R2 into the cleanup list
+ // 4. The MobX reaction timer from 5 seconds ago kicks in and cleans up all reactions from uncommitted
+ // components, including R1 and R2
+ // 5. The commit phase runs for component A, but reaction R2 has already been disposed. Game over.
+ // This unit test attempts to replicate that scenario:
+ resetCleanupScheduleForTests()
+ // Unfortunately, Jest fake timers don't mock out Date.now, so we fake
+ // that out in parallel to Jest useFakeTimers
+ const fakeNow = Date.now()
+ jest.useFakeTimers()
+ jest.spyOn(Date, "now").mockImplementation(() => fakeNow)
+ const store = mobx.observable({ count: 0 })
+ // Track whether the count is observed
+ let countIsObserved = false
+ mobx.onBecomeObserved(store, "count", () => (countIsObserved = true))
+ mobx.onBecomeUnobserved(store, "count", () => (countIsObserved = false))
+ class TestComponent1_ extends React.PureComponent {
+ render() {
+ return {store.count}
+ }
+ }
+ const TestComponent1 = makeClassComponentObserver(TestComponent1_)
+ const rendering = render(
+ // We use StrictMode here, but it would be helpful to switch this to use real
+ // concurrent mode: we don't have a true async render right now so this test
+ // isn't as thorough as it could be.
+ )
+ // We need to trigger our cleanup timer to run. We can't do this simply
+ // by running all jest's faked timers as that would allow the scheduled
+ // `useEffect` calls to run, and we want to simulate our cleanup timer
+ // getting in between those stages.
+ // We force our cleanup loop to run even though enough time hasn't _really_
+ // elapsed. In theory, it won't do anything because not enough time has
+ // elapsed since the reactions were queued, and so they won't be disposed.
+ forceCleanupTimerToRunNowForTests()
+ // Advance time enough to allow any timer-queued effects to run
+ jest.advanceTimersByTime(500)
+ // Now allow the useEffect calls to run to completion.
+ act(() => {
+ // no-op, but triggers effect flushing
+ })
+ // count should still be observed
+ expect(countIsObserved).toBeTruthy()
+// TODO: MWE: disabled during React 18 migration, not sure how to express it icmw with testing-lib,
+// and using new React renderRoot will fail icmw JSDOM
+test.skip("component should recreate reaction if necessary", () => {
+ // There _may_ be very strange cases where the reaction gets tidied up
+ // but is actually still needed. This _really_ shouldn't happen.
+ // e.g. if we're using Suspense and the component starts to render,
+ // but then gets paused for 60 seconds, and then comes back to life.
+ // With the implementation of React at the time of writing this, React
+ // will actually fully re-render that component (discarding previous
+ // hook slots) before going ahead with a commit, but it's unwise
+ // to depend on such an implementation detail. So we must cope with
+ // the component having had its reaction tidied and still going on to
+ // be committed. In that case we recreate the reaction and force
+ // an update.
+ // This unit test attempts to replicate that scenario:
+ resetCleanupScheduleForTests()
+ // Unfortunately, Jest fake timers don't mock out Date.now, so we fake
+ // that out in parallel to Jest useFakeTimers
+ let fakeNow = Date.now()
+ jest.useFakeTimers()
+ jest.spyOn(Date, "now").mockImplementation(() => fakeNow)
+ const store = mobx.observable({ count: 0 })
+ // Track whether the count is observed
+ let countIsObserved = false
+ mobx.onBecomeObserved(store, "count", () => (countIsObserved = true))
+ mobx.onBecomeUnobserved(store, "count", () => (countIsObserved = false))
+ class TestComponent1_ extends React.PureComponent {
+ render() {
+ return {store.count}
+ }
+ }
+ const TestComponent1 = makeClassComponentObserver(TestComponent1_)
+ const rendering = render(
+ )
+ // We need to trigger our cleanup timer to run. We don't want
+ // to allow Jest's effects to run, however: we want to simulate the
+ // case where the component is rendered, then the reaction gets cleaned up,
+ // and _then_ the component commits.
+ // Force everything to be disposed.
+ fakeNow += skip
+ forceCleanupTimerToRunNowForTests()
+ // The reaction should have been cleaned up.
+ expect(countIsObserved).toBeFalsy()
+ // Whilst nobody's looking, change the observable value
+ store.count = 42
+ // Now allow the useEffect calls to run to completion,
+ // re-awakening the component.
+ jest.advanceTimersByTime(500)
+ act(() => {
+ // no-op, but triggers effect flushing
+ })
+ // count should be observed once more.
+ expect(countIsObserved).toBeTruthy()
+ // and the component should have rendered enough to
+ // show the latest value, which was set whilst it
+ // wasn't even looking.
+ expect(rendering.baseElement.textContent).toContain("42")
diff --git a/packages/mobx-react/src/observerClass.ts b/packages/mobx-react/src/observerClass.ts
index 7a2c6be1a4..d88928b729 100644
--- a/packages/mobx-react/src/observerClass.ts
+++ b/packages/mobx-react/src/observerClass.ts
@@ -10,6 +10,11 @@ import {
import { isUsingStaticRendering } from "mobx-react-lite"
import { newSymbol, shallowEqual, setHiddenProp, patch } from "./utils/utils"
+import {
+ addReactionToTrack,
+ reactionTrack,
+ recordReactionAsCommitted
+} from "./utils/reactionCleanupTracking"
const mobxAdminProperty = $mobx || "$mobx" // BC
const mobxObserverProperty = newSymbol("isMobXReactObserver")
@@ -73,9 +78,26 @@ export function makeClassComponentObserver(
patch(target, "componentDidMount", function () {
this[mobxIsUnmounted] = false
- if (!this.render[mobxAdminProperty]) {
- // Reaction is re-created automatically during render, but a component can re-mount and skip render #3395.
- // To re-create the reaction and re-subscribe to relevant observables we have to force an update.
+ recordReactionAsCommitted(this)
+ if (this[reactionTrack]) {
+ this[reactionTrack].mounted = true
+ if (!this.render[mobxAdminProperty] || this[reactionTrack].changedBeforeMount) {
+ // Reaction is re-created automatically during render, but a component can re-mount and skip render #3395.
+ // To re-create the reaction and re-subscribe to relevant observables we have to force an update.
+ Component.prototype.forceUpdate.call(this)
+ this[reactionTrack].changedBeforeMount = false
+ }
+ } else {
+ const initialName = getDisplayName(this)
+ this[reactionTrack] = {
+ reaction: new Reaction(`${initialName}.render()`, () => {
+ // We've definitely already been mounted at this point
+ Component.prototype.forceUpdate.call(this)
+ }),
+ mounted: true,
+ changedBeforeMount: false,
+ cleanAt: Infinity
+ }
@@ -143,7 +165,11 @@ function createReactiveRender(originalRender: any) {
try {
setHiddenProp(this, isForcingUpdateKey, true)
if (!this[skipRenderKey]) {
- Component.prototype.forceUpdate.call(this)
+ if (this[reactionTrack].mounted) {
+ Component.prototype.forceUpdate.call(this)
+ } else {
+ this[reactionTrack].changedBeforeMount = true
+ }
hasError = false
} finally {
@@ -165,6 +191,11 @@ function createReactiveRender(originalRender: any) {
isRenderingPending = false
// Create reaction lazily to support re-mounting #3395
const reaction = (reactiveRender[mobxAdminProperty] ??= createReaction())
+ if (!this[reactionTrack]) {
+ addReactionToTrack(this, reaction, {})
+ }
let exception: unknown = undefined
let rendering = undefined
reaction.track(() => {
diff --git a/packages/mobx-react/src/utils/FinalizationRegistryWrapper.ts b/packages/mobx-react/src/utils/FinalizationRegistryWrapper.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d110063038
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/mobx-react/src/utils/FinalizationRegistryWrapper.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+declare class FinalizationRegistryType {
+ constructor(cleanup: (cleanupToken: T) => void)
+ register(object: object, cleanupToken: T, unregisterToken?: object): void
+ unregister(unregisterToken: object): void
+declare const FinalizationRegistry: typeof FinalizationRegistryType | undefined
+const FinalizationRegistryLocal =
+ typeof FinalizationRegistry === "undefined" ? undefined : FinalizationRegistry
+export { FinalizationRegistryLocal as FinalizationRegistry }
diff --git a/packages/mobx-react/src/utils/createReactionCleanupTrackingUsingFinalizationRegister.ts b/packages/mobx-react/src/utils/createReactionCleanupTrackingUsingFinalizationRegister.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c48dbe689f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/mobx-react/src/utils/createReactionCleanupTrackingUsingFinalizationRegister.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+import { FinalizationRegistry as FinalizationRegistryMaybeUndefined } from "./FinalizationRegistryWrapper"
+import { Reaction } from "mobx"
+import {
+ ReactionCleanupTracking,
+ IReactionTracking,
+ createTrackingData,
+ Comp,
+ reactionTrack
+} from "./reactionCleanupTrackingCommon"
+ * FinalizationRegistry-based uncommitted reaction cleanup
+ */
+export function createReactionCleanupTrackingUsingFinalizationRegister(
+ FinalizationRegistry: NonNullable
+): ReactionCleanupTracking {
+ const cleanupTokenToReactionTrackingMap = new Map()
+ let globalCleanupTokensCounter = 1
+ const registry = new FinalizationRegistry(function cleanupFunction(token: number) {
+ const trackedReaction = cleanupTokenToReactionTrackingMap.get(token)
+ if (trackedReaction) {
+ trackedReaction.reaction.dispose()
+ cleanupTokenToReactionTrackingMap.delete(token)
+ }
+ })
+ return {
+ /**
+ * TS type derivation cannot recognize symbol here. Manually set the type
+ */
+ addReactionToTrack(
+ reactionTrackingRef: Comp,
+ reaction: Reaction,
+ objectRetainedByReact: object
+ ) {
+ const token = globalCleanupTokensCounter++
+ registry.register(objectRetainedByReact, token, reactionTrackingRef)
+ reactionTrackingRef[reactionTrack] = createTrackingData(reaction)
+ ;(
+ reactionTrackingRef[reactionTrack] as IReactionTracking
+ ).finalizationRegistryCleanupToken = token
+ cleanupTokenToReactionTrackingMap.set(
+ token,
+ reactionTrackingRef[reactionTrack] as IReactionTracking
+ )
+ return reactionTrackingRef[reactionTrack] as IReactionTracking
+ },
+ recordReactionAsCommitted(reactionRef: Comp) {
+ registry.unregister(reactionRef)
+ if (
+ reactionRef[reactionTrack] &&
+ (reactionRef[reactionTrack] as IReactionTracking).finalizationRegistryCleanupToken
+ ) {
+ cleanupTokenToReactionTrackingMap.delete(
+ (reactionRef[reactionTrack] as IReactionTracking)
+ .finalizationRegistryCleanupToken as number
+ )
+ }
+ },
+ forceCleanupTimerToRunNowForTests() {
+ // When FinalizationRegistry in use, this this is no-op
+ },
+ resetCleanupScheduleForTests() {
+ // When FinalizationRegistry in use, this this is no-op
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/packages/mobx-react/src/utils/createTimerBasedReactionCleanupTracking.ts b/packages/mobx-react/src/utils/createTimerBasedReactionCleanupTracking.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..50f8a683e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/mobx-react/src/utils/createTimerBasedReactionCleanupTracking.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+import { Reaction } from "mobx"
+import {
+ ReactionCleanupTracking,
+ createTrackingData,
+ Comp,
+ reactionTrack
+} from "./reactionCleanupTrackingCommon"
+ * timers, gc-style, uncommitted reaction cleanup
+ */
+export function createTimerBasedReactionCleanupTracking(): ReactionCleanupTracking {
+ /**
+ * Reactions created by components that have yet to be fully mounted.
+ */
+ const uncommittedReactionRefs: Set = new Set()
+ /**
+ * Latest 'uncommitted reactions' cleanup timer handle.
+ */
+ let reactionCleanupHandle: ReturnType | undefined
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ /**
+ * Only to be used by test functions; do not export outside of mobx-react-lite
+ */
+ function forceCleanupTimerToRunNowForTests() {
+ // This allows us to control the execution of the cleanup timer
+ // to force it to run at awkward times in unit tests.
+ if (reactionCleanupHandle) {
+ clearTimeout(reactionCleanupHandle)
+ cleanUncommittedReactions()
+ }
+ }
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ function resetCleanupScheduleForTests() {
+ if (uncommittedReactionRefs.size > 0) {
+ for (const ref of uncommittedReactionRefs) {
+ const tracking = ref[reactionTrack]
+ if (tracking) {
+ tracking.reaction.dispose()
+ ref[reactionTrack] = null
+ }
+ }
+ uncommittedReactionRefs.clear()
+ }
+ if (reactionCleanupHandle) {
+ clearTimeout(reactionCleanupHandle)
+ reactionCleanupHandle = undefined
+ }
+ }
+ function ensureCleanupTimerRunning() {
+ if (reactionCleanupHandle === undefined) {
+ reactionCleanupHandle = setTimeout(cleanUncommittedReactions, CLEANUP_TIMER_LOOP_MILLIS)
+ }
+ }
+ function scheduleCleanupOfReactionIfLeaked(ref: Comp) {
+ uncommittedReactionRefs.add(ref)
+ ensureCleanupTimerRunning()
+ }
+ function recordReactionAsCommitted(reactionRef: Comp) {
+ uncommittedReactionRefs.delete(reactionRef)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Run by the cleanup timer to dispose any outstanding reactions
+ */
+ function cleanUncommittedReactions() {
+ reactionCleanupHandle = undefined
+ // Loop through all the candidate leaked reactions; those older
+ const now = Date.now()
+ uncommittedReactionRefs.forEach(ref => {
+ const tracking = ref[reactionTrack]
+ if (tracking) {
+ if (now >= tracking.cleanAt) {
+ // It's time to tidy up this leaked reaction.
+ tracking.reaction.dispose()
+ ref[reactionTrack] = null
+ uncommittedReactionRefs.delete(ref)
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ if (uncommittedReactionRefs.size > 0) {
+ // We've just finished a round of cleanups but there are still
+ // some leak candidates outstanding.
+ ensureCleanupTimerRunning()
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ addReactionToTrack(
+ reactionTrackingRef: Comp,
+ reaction: Reaction,
+ /**
+ * On timer based implementation we don't really need this object,
+ * but we keep the same api
+ */
+ objectRetainedByReact: unknown
+ ) {
+ reactionTrackingRef.current = createTrackingData(reaction)
+ scheduleCleanupOfReactionIfLeaked(reactionTrackingRef)
+ return reactionTrackingRef.current
+ },
+ recordReactionAsCommitted,
+ forceCleanupTimerToRunNowForTests,
+ resetCleanupScheduleForTests
+ }
diff --git a/packages/mobx-react/src/utils/reactionCleanupTracking.ts b/packages/mobx-react/src/utils/reactionCleanupTracking.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..33301f65f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/mobx-react/src/utils/reactionCleanupTracking.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import { FinalizationRegistry as FinalizationRegistryMaybeUndefined } from "./FinalizationRegistryWrapper"
+import { createReactionCleanupTrackingUsingFinalizationRegister } from "./createReactionCleanupTrackingUsingFinalizationRegister"
+import { createTimerBasedReactionCleanupTracking } from "./createTimerBasedReactionCleanupTracking"
+export { IReactionTracking, reactionTrack } from "./reactionCleanupTrackingCommon"
+const {
+ addReactionToTrack,
+ recordReactionAsCommitted,
+ resetCleanupScheduleForTests,
+ forceCleanupTimerToRunNowForTests
+} = FinalizationRegistryMaybeUndefined
+ ? createReactionCleanupTrackingUsingFinalizationRegister(FinalizationRegistryMaybeUndefined)
+ : createTimerBasedReactionCleanupTracking()
+export {
+ addReactionToTrack,
+ recordReactionAsCommitted,
+ resetCleanupScheduleForTests,
+ forceCleanupTimerToRunNowForTests
diff --git a/packages/mobx-react/src/utils/reactionCleanupTrackingCommon.ts b/packages/mobx-react/src/utils/reactionCleanupTrackingCommon.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6d191f9a07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/mobx-react/src/utils/reactionCleanupTrackingCommon.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+import { Reaction } from "mobx"
+import { newSymbol } from "./utils"
+export const reactionTrack = newSymbol("reactionTrack")
+export type Comp = { [key: typeof reactionTrack]: IReactionTracking | null }
+export function createTrackingData(reaction: Reaction) {
+ const trackingData: IReactionTracking = {
+ reaction,
+ mounted: false,
+ changedBeforeMount: false,
+ }
+ return trackingData
+ * Unified api for timers/Finalization registry cleanups
+ * This abstraction make useObserver much simpler
+ */
+export interface ReactionCleanupTracking {
+ /**
+ *
+ * @param reaction The reaction to cleanup
+ * @param objectRetainedByReact This will be in actual use only when FinalizationRegister is in use
+ */
+ addReactionToTrack(
+ reactionTrackingRef: Comp,
+ reaction: Reaction,
+ objectRetainedByReact: object
+ ): IReactionTracking
+ recordReactionAsCommitted(reactionRef: Comp): void
+ forceCleanupTimerToRunNowForTests(): void
+ resetCleanupScheduleForTests(): void
+export interface IReactionTracking {
+ /** The Reaction created during first render, which may be leaked */
+ reaction: Reaction
+ /**
+ * The time (in ticks) at which point we should dispose of the reaction
+ * if this component hasn't yet been fully mounted.
+ */
+ cleanAt: number
+ /**
+ * Whether the component has yet completed mounting (for us, whether
+ * its useEffect has run)
+ */
+ mounted: boolean
+ /**
+ * Whether the observables that the component is tracking changed between
+ * the first render and the first useEffect.
+ */
+ changedBeforeMount: boolean
+ /**
+ * In case we are using finalization registry based cleanup,
+ * this will hold the cleanup token associated with this reaction
+ */
+ finalizationRegistryCleanupToken?: number
+ * The minimum time before we'll clean up a Reaction created in a render
+ * for a component that hasn't managed to run its effects. This needs to
+ * be big enough to ensure that a component won't turn up and have its
+ * effects run without being re-rendered.
+ */
+ * The frequency with which we'll check for leaked reactions.
+ */
+export const CLEANUP_TIMER_LOOP_MILLIS = 10_000