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EHR Data Elements for ME&C Office

Myung Choi edited this page May 2, 2018 · 2 revisions

Version 0.1

The FHIR elements shown in the table below is what we believe that we can retrieve from current version of FHIR deployed at the EHR (Argonaut compliant, DSTU2). As FHIR evolves, more data elements would be available for retrieval.

The most FHIR elements retrieval will be best-effort basis, meaning that even if some of data elements are missing, we will accept that and work with what we have received. Therefore, the data elements listed in the table should not be understood as required fields. It's always better to receive something than nothing. This is due to the fact that not every EHR can populate all the data elements. Our assumption is that EHR can provide the data elements based on the Argonaut constraints.

Required Data Elements

The follow data elements are required.

  • All non-Patient resources must reference to the existing Patient (or Subject) available at the site for retrieval.
  • Deceased patients must exist.
  • Identification information must exist either through name or identifier of FHIR Patient Resource.

Supporting Functionalities (or Features)

The following feature would be needed or useful. If not available, work-around needs to be discussed.

  • Patient Matching: We can either use FHIR MPI or any existing patient matching system. We need to be available to get the list of (deceased) patients with the FHIR patient ID.
  • If chain search or _include/_revinclude is available, that would be very helpful.
  • Authentication/Authorization: SMART on FHIR would be good if available.
FHIR Resource FHIR Element Argonaut Supported Note
Patient Y Required
Address N
birthDate Y
gender Y
deceased[x] N Required if deceased patients are needed.
name Y Required
identifier Y Recommended
argo-race Y Argonaut FHIR extension
argo-ethnicity Y Argonaut FHIR extension
Encounter N Recommended
period N
class N
subject N Required
serviceProvider N
Observation Y Recommended
subject Y Required
effectiveDateTime or effectivePeriod Y
context/Encounter N
code Y LOINC
value[x] Y If required for such as measurement
Condition Y Recommended
subject Y Required. patient in DSTU2
text/notes N
onset N
abatement N
code Y
Practitioner N Optional
name N
address N
telecom N
CarePlan Y Optional
subject Y
text Y
Procedure Y Recommended
subject Y
code Y
performedDateTime or performedPeriod Y
MedicationStatement Y Recommended
subject Y Required. patient in DSTU2.
medicationCodeableConcept Y Required
status Y Required, not Required for MedicationRequest
effectiveDateTime or dateAsserted Y Required