- From the files copied to your computer, double-click on the VirtualBox install file for your platform
- Follow the prompts to install VirtualBox
Launch VirtualBox
Click on New button:
- Create a name for your virtual machine, select "Linux," select "Other 64-bit," then click Continue:
- Change Memory size to 1024mb by typing in the size box or using the slider tool, then click Continue:
- Keep the selection of "Create a virtual hard disk now," then click Create:
- Keep the selection of "VDI (VirtualBox Disk Image)," then click Continue:
- Keep the selection of "Dynamically allocated," then click Continue:
- Change the virtual hard disk size from 8.00 to 20, either by typing directly or using the slider bar, then click Create:
- Once the VM has been created, select the VM to highlight it, then click the start button:
- The next step allows you to connect the Centos 7 image (provided on the flash drive) to this VM. Click on the folder icon next to the dropdown, and navigate to the location of the Centos 7 image, select it, then click the Start button:
- Click Enter to start the install of Centos 7. You can click on Settings in the VirtualBox toolbar, click on "Display", then set the scale factor to 250% to make the screen larger:
- The install process will pause on the language selection screen. Select your language and click Continue:
- On the installation summary screen, the installation destination has to be specified, so click on Installation Destination:
- On the Device Selection screen, click on the ATA VBOX HARDDISK icon:
- Installation Source will now say "Automatic partioning selected":
- Next step will be to set up the network configuration, so click on "Network & Host Name":
- Click the toggle switch to enable network connectivity, then click Done:
- Click Begin Installation:
- While the installation of Centos 7 continues, set the root password and set up a first user account:
- After the installation has been completed, you need to reboot the VM:
- This brings you to the login screen:
- To shutdown your new VM, click on Machine in the toolbar, then ACPI-Shutdown: