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File metadata and controls

121 lines (84 loc) · 3.72 KB


BudouX Swift implementation.

BudouX is the machine learning powered line break organizer tool.

How it works

The original BudouX uses HTML markup to ensure that clauses are broken properly. BudouX.swift inserts a U+2060(word joiner) and a U+200B(zero width space) between each character and clause to ensure that Cocoa's UI component to do the line breaking properly.

Here is a sample project in this repository "Example.swiftpm".

CLI tool budoux-swift contains in this repository as well.


You can get a list of phrases by feeding a sentence to the parser.

import BudouX
// Load Default Japanese Parser
let parser = Parser()
// Parse
// ["あなたに", "寄り添う", "最先端の", "テクノロジー。"]

You can also translate an Swift's String with word joiners and zero width spaces for semantic line breaks.

import BudouX
// Load Default Japanese Parser
let parser = Parser()
let sample = "あなたに寄り添う最先端のテクノロジー。"
print(parser.translate(sentence: sample))
// あ⁠な⁠た⁠に​寄⁠り⁠添⁠う​最⁠先⁠端⁠の​テ⁠ク⁠ノ⁠ロ⁠ジ⁠ー⁠。

Here's a convenience String extension method as well.

import BudouX

let sample = "あなたに寄り添う最先端のテクノロジー。"
// あ⁠な⁠た⁠に​寄⁠り⁠添⁠う​最⁠先⁠端⁠の​テ⁠ク⁠ノ⁠ロ⁠ジ⁠ー⁠。

You can use an external model as follows.

import BudouX

// This case, directory download latest Japanese model from BudouX.
let url = URL(string: "")!
let (data, _) = try await url)

// Initialize `CustomModel` class from data you download.
let model = try CustomModel(modelJSON: data, supportedNaturalLanguages: ["ja"])

// Use the `CustomModel`
let parser = BudouX.Parser(model: model)
print(parser.parse(sentence: "あなたに寄り添う最先端のテクノロジー。"))

If you need a function which translate an HTML string by wrapping phrases with non-breaking markup. Here's a support package for it. Deprecated.


For SwiftUI.Text

You can also use methods for SwiftUI's Text in iOS 13.0+, macOS 10.15+, Mac Catalyst 13.0+, tvOS 13.0+, and watchOS 6.0+.

import SwiftUI
import BudouX

struct ContentView: View {
    static let content = "あのイーハトーヴォのすきとおった風、夏でも底に冷たさをもつ青いそら、うつくしい森で飾られたモリーオ市、郊外のぎらぎらひかる草の波。"

    let swiftuiText: SwiftUI.Text = Text(content)
    let budouxText: SwiftUI.Text = BudouXText(content)
    var body: some View {
        VStack {


Support Swift Package Manager only. There are no plans to support other package management tools at this time.

    .package(url: "", from: "0.10.0")

    .target(name: "Foo", dependencies: [
        .productItem(name: "BudouX", package: "BudouX.swift")

Update Data from BudouX

For this package maintainer, run following command to update built-in models from original BudouX.

make generate_data