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Project Meeting 2018.12.14

Ben Stabler edited this page Dec 14, 2018 · 7 revisions


  • Working on getting the tests to pass upon merging the latest RSPM/VEState commits with the VEGUI/VEScenarioViewer commits
  • Current issue appears to be non-replicability in the VEHouseholdVehicle module revisions for RSPM that is causing the tests to produce a different answer each time
  • Plan to override VEHouseholdVehicle outputs with one set of outputs for the test system for now and create an issue for @Brian to resolve
  • Once tests pass, will merge from develop to master to release the software
  • @Matt to update tutorial as a result

GUI and Scenario Viewer

  • GUI updates completes and works for both RPAT and RSPM, see PR198
  • Multi-run analysis and Scenario viewer now working for RSPM in addition to RPAT, see PR223
  • Making a few final revisions to clean-up the workflow
  • Plan to merge after issue above fixed
  • Once merged to master, @Jeremy will build an installer for @Tara to test

User Review and Final Release

  • @Jeremy, @Tara and others will then review and provide feedback in January
  • Near of Jan, @RSG/BG will officially finish development and will merge the contributions into the master repo

Close Out

  • Contract ends May 1st
  • After completing the current scope above, @RSG/BG will provide pooled funds coordination support under a new task order, with the following tasks
    • a technical presentation/workshop with the pooled funds consultant and technical pooled funds members for knowledge transfer
    • informal support as needed up to the total hours
    • assistance with communication with the pooled funds members
  • This time period for this support task will be from Feb to May 1st and will be around 64 hours of time
  • @RSG to do a cost to complete of the existing scope to identify any remaining funds
  • @Jacobs to draft small additional scope for RSG support
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