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PyTorch DINO Self-Supervised Learning example using ViT

Implementation of DINO model in PyTorch for the IPU. This example is based on the models provided by the DINO. The DINO model is based on the original paper Emerging Properties in Self-Supervised Vision Transformers.

Environment Setup

First, Install the Poplar SDK following the instructions in the Getting Started guide for your IPU system. Make sure to source the scripts for poplar and popART.

Then, create a virtual environment, install the required packages and build the custom ops.

virtualenv venv -p python3.6
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Custom operation



Download the datasets:

The ImageNet LSVRC 2012 dataset, which contains about 1.28 million images in 1000 classes, can be downloaded from the ImageNet website. It is approximately 150GB for the training and validation sets. Please note you need to register and request permission to download this dataset on the Imagenet website. You cannot download the dataset until ImageNet confirms your registration and sends you a confirmation email. If you do not get the confirmation email within a couple of days, contact ImageNet support to see why your registration has not been confirmed. Once your registration is confirmed, go to the download site. The dataset is available for non-commercial use only. Full terms and conditions and more information are available on the ImageNet download

Please place or symlink the ImageNet data in ./data/imagenet1k. The imagenet1k dataset folder contains train and validation folders, in which there are the 1000 folders of different classes of images.

|-- train [1000 entries exceeds filelimit, not opening dir]
`-- validation [1000 entries exceeds filelimit, not opening dir]

Running and benchmarking

To run a tested and optimised configuration and to reproduce the performance shown on our performance results page, please follow the setup instructions in this README to setup the environment, and then use the examples_utils module (installed automatically as part of the environment setup) to run one or more benchmarks. For example:

python3 -m examples_utils benchmark --spec <path to benchmarks.yml file>

Or to run a specific benchmark in the benchmarks.yml file provided:

python3 -m examples_utils benchmark --spec <path to benchmarks.yml file> --benchmark <name of benchmark>

For more information on using the examples-utils benchmarking module, please refer to the README.

Run the application

Setup your environment as explained above. You can run DINO on ImageNet1k datasets and choosing between fp32 and fp16.

There are two model sizes available: vit_small_pod16 and vit_base_pod16. The vit_small_pod16 configuration can be run in a few minutes:

bash training_scripts/

The vit_base_pod16 configuration reaches the state-of-the-art results and takes longer to train:

bash training_scripts/

Run the application with pod16

bash training_scripts/

Run the application with pod64

bash training_scripts/


Once the training finishes, you can validate with knn accuracy, is available in script. Trained with configuration vit_base_pod16, the knn accuracy is 71.7%(top1). Trained with fp32, the knn accuracy is 72.4%(top1) .

You also can validate with linear accuracy, is available in script. Trained with configuration vit_small_pod16, the linear accuracy is 76.86%(top1).

Run the test

pytest tests/


This application is licensed under Apache License 2.0. Please see the LICENSE file in this directory for full details of the license conditions.

The following files are created by Graphcore and are licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0 (* means additional license information stated following this list):

  • configs.yml
  • core/
  • core/
  • core/
  • ema/
  • ema/exp_avg_custom_op.cpp
  • ema/Makefile
  • requirements.txt
  • tests/
  • tests/
  • tests/
  • script/
  • script/
  • script/
  • script/
  • script/
  • script/
  • script/
  • training_scripts/
  • training_scripts/
  • training_scripts/
  • training_scripts/
  • training_scripts/

The following files include code derived from this repo which uses MIT license:

  • core/
  • core/
  • core/

External packages:

  • transformers is licenced under Apache License, Version 2.0
  • pytest is licensed under MIT License
  • torchvision is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License