diff --git a/src/data/markdown/docs/02 javascript api/10 Error Codes.md b/src/data/markdown/docs/02 javascript api/10 Error Codes.md index 93ea06dda8..4727576c27 100644 --- a/src/data/markdown/docs/02 javascript api/10 Error Codes.md +++ b/src/data/markdown/docs/02 javascript api/10 Error Codes.md @@ -24,12 +24,14 @@ The following specific error codes are currently defined: - 1100: A generic DNS error that isn't any of the ones listed below. - 1101: No IP for the provided host was found. - 1110: Blacklisted IP was resolved or a connection to such was tried to be established. +- 1111: Blacklisted hostname using The [Block Hostnames](/using-k6/options#block-hostnames) option. - 1200: A generic TCP error that isn't any of the ones listed below. - 1201: A "broken pipe" on write - the other side has likely closed the connection. - 1202: An unknown TCP error - We got an error that we don't recognize but it is from the operating system and has `errno` set on it. The message in `error` includes the operation(write,read) and the errno, the OS, and the original message of the error. - 1210: General TCP dial error. - 1211: Dial timeout error - the timeout for the dial was reached. - 1212: Dial connection refused - the connection was refused by the other party on dial. +- 1213: Dial unknown error. - 1220: Reset by peer - the connection was reset by the other party, most likely a server. - 1300: General TLS error - 1310: Unknown authority - the certificate issuer is unknown. @@ -43,3 +45,4 @@ The following specific error codes are currently defined: - 1631 to 1649: HTTP/2 stream errors with the value of the specific [HTTP/2 error code](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7540#section-7) added to 1631. - 1650: A general HTTP/2 connection error. - 1651 to 1669: HTTP/2 connection errors with the value of the specific [HTTP/2 error code](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7540#section-7) added to 1651. +- 1701: Decompression error.