For what concerns the “Working with Python: functions and modules” course, there was agreement that this should be converted to a two days course, to include some of the topics that have come up several time in trainees’ feedback or that trainers have been wanting to introduce such as pandas and more plotting.
Concerning the Python refresher at the beginning of the course, this should be made available as a separate notebook, that you can point to but not necessarily cover in its entirety. Also, we should try to find more biological examples to replace the current less biological ones and build up a story to tell for plotting.
Here is a proposal for a new two days course:
Title: Data science in python Dates: October 30-31 and December 12-13
Existing sources of materials:
- Data Carpentry lesson available on pandas and plotting which could be reused
- pandas matplotlib/ scipy
Proposed content: Day 1:
- session 1: recap + exercise
- session 2: function
- session 3: python build-in module and library - teaching methodology of solving problems
- string
- sys and argparse? - not sure, good example? could be advance exercise
- os.path - test if file exists
- csv - easier than reading from
- numpy and scipy arrays/vectors
- then pandas
- session 4: numpy and scipy and pandas
Day 2:
- session 1: static plot matplotlib/ggplot
- session 2: dashboard with
- session 3: introduction to OO and biopython
- session 4: combine biopython data reading and plotting with
During this course you will learn about:
After this course you should be able to: (There should only be 4-6 objectives)