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Here's how you can run in development mode:
cd reminder/
# way 1
go run ./cmd/reminder
# way 2
cd cmd/reminder
go run .
# way 3
make -s run
You can make use of go_test
to run test suite:
cd reminder/
# run tests while supressing printing to console
. ./scripts/go_test
# run tests without supressing printing to console
CONSOLE_PRINT=true . ./scripts/go_test
# or, using make (versbose)
CONSOLE_PRINT=true make test
# or, using make (don't echo commands, and print statements)
make -s test
You can make use of go_fmt
to auto-format all .go
cd reminder/
. ./scripts/go_fmt
# or using make
make -s fmt
make -s lint
Make use of
to build and push (requires admin rights) Docker image:
# cd into repo
cd reminder/
# example, setting version
# building images and pushing them
. ./scripts/ ${VERSION}