This folder contains the analysis code to generate the plots.
- 📂 DistributionOfStance
- 📊 Distribution of Stance (Figure 5 (a))
- 📊 Distribution of Stance per Domain (Figure 5 (b))
- 📊 Distribution of Negative Stance per Year and Domain (Figure 7)
- 📊 Distribution of Negative Stance per Year and Venue (Figure 9)
- 📂 AverageStance
- 📊 Average Stance per Year and Domain (Figure 6)
- 📊 Average Positive and Negative Stance per Year and Domain (Figure 8)
- 📂 CitationsPerStance
- 📊 Normalized Number of Citations per Stance (Figure 10)
- 📊 Normalized Number of Citations per Stance and Domain (Figure 11)
- 📂 AcceptanceRatePerStance
- 📊 Acceptance Rate per Stance (Figure 13)
- 📊 Normalized Acceptance Rate per Stance and Year (Figure 14)
We tested the code using Python 3.10.6. The required libraries are listed in the requirements.txt