Mechanical design, circuit diagram and firmware of Google Japanese Input puchi-puchi version.
- Arduino Leonardo
- Adafruit motor driver shield
- Microswitch * 5
- LED * 5
- 330[ohm] Resistors * 5
- Arduino Micro
- Microswitch * 5
- ----> this file
- LICENSE ----> license file
- circuit/
- circuit.jpg ----> circuit diagram of both desktop/handheld devices
- desktop/
- 3Dprinter ----> data to print for 3D printer
- desktop.igs
- desktop.stl
- desktop.stp
- Arduino/ ----> Arduino sketch file to drive board (Leonardo)
- desktop/desktop.ino
- 3Dprinter ----> data to print for 3D printer
- handheld/
- 3Dprinter/ ----> data to print for 3D printer
- handheld.igs
- handheld.stl
- handheld.stp
- Arduino/ ----> Arduino sketch file to drive board (Arduino Micro)
- handheld/handheld.ino
- 3Dprinter/ ----> data to print for 3D printer